- 1Reference: Z1067/23
Title: Death Certificate for Bevan Newbury Wood died 31March 1989 at the Royal Free Hospital in the London ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1989
Production date: From: 1929 To: 1997 - 2Reference: GK/Newland&Nash
Title: HISTORY OF NEWLAND & NASH BREWERY A) Nash of St. Mary's & Lurke Street, Bedford Peregrine Nash, ...
Level of description: item
Production date: From: 1671 To: 1936 - 3Reference: P10/1
Title: Parish Registers
Level of description: sub-fonds
Date Free Text: 1562 onwards
Production date: From: 1562 - 4Reference: Z1095/1
Title: Abstract of Title of A.M.Wadsworth to freehold land in Potton, drawn up by R.Hobourn & Co. of Woburn...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1950
Production date: From: 1818 To: 1950 - 5Reference: P46/1
Level of description: sub-fonds - 6Reference: B303-304
Title: Release
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Date Free Text: 18-19 Mar 1802
Production date: From: 1802 To: 1802 - 7Reference: B305-306
Title: Conveyance
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Date Free Text: 24-25 Mar 1802
Production date: From: 1802 To: 1802 - 8Reference: B431
Title: Admission
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Date Free Text: 25 Oct 1757
Production date: From: 1756 To: 1757 - 9Reference: B438
Title: Assignment
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1786
Production date: From: 1760 To: 1786 - 10Reference: B487
Title: File of receipts to John Buckmaster of legacies under will of Wm. Buckmaster.
Level of description: item
Production date: From: 1761 To: 1775