• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance ia) Mary Pye, Devonshire St., Queen Sq., Mddx., widow of Henry Pye late of Farringdon, Berks., esq., decd. and also dau. and devisee in last will of David James late of Woughton on the Green, Bucks, esq., decd. ib) Walter Pye, Villiers St., Strand, St. Martin in the Fields, esq. one of sons of (ia) ii) Jn. Bolding, Ampthill, gent. iii) Samuel Davis junr., Ampthill, gent. iv) John Morris, Ampthill, brewer reciting the will of David James dated 10 Dec. 1746 leaving to his youngest son David James (since decd.) all lands in Ampthill for life, then to Thos. Willis of Walton, Bucks., esq., Walden Hanmer of Simpson, Bucks., esq., on trust to use of children of son David James, in default to use of his only dau. the said Mary Pye, and reciting death of David James the father and David James the son and of both trustees, as in B 303 above, and reciting appointment by (ia) in favour of (ib) as regards these premises and B 303 and 304 above, and sale of premises by auction Conveyance (L & R) by (i) to (ii) for 230 of - piece of pasture 2a. 1r. 16p. part of Pond Close otherwise Moat Close on N or road from Ampthill to Maulden, lands of Duke of Bedford N, road to Houghton Park E, Walnut Tree cl. of Lucy Wyles spinster and the rest of Pond Close W, late in the occupation of General St. Leger and since of Thos. Stone, gent. Covenant by the purchasers of Lot I at the sale for the production of title deeds, John Morris, for the originals of B 298 and 299 above.
  • Date free text
    24-25 Mar 1802
  • Production date
    From: 1802 To: 1802
  • Level of description