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    War Diary for July 1918 30 Jun - 1 Jul 1918 - Front Line, le Sart Sector Battalion relieves The 1st Bn. Cheshire Rgt. Relief complete & satisfactory. Major Barnett, D.S.O. was wounded. 1 Jul 1918 Situation normal. Slightly increased activity of of [sic] artillery at night. Patrols bring in correspondence as requested by Brigade. All Coys sent Salvage down. Leave party for England 1 Officer & 11 O.R's. 2 Jul 1918 Battalion strengthens wire & improves trench. Enemys T.M.s very active on "B" Coy. front. 1 Killed, 4 wounded. 3 Jul 1918 The G.O.C. (General Stevens [sic]) & B.G.C. visit Bn.H.Q. Enemy shelling our post with T.M.s. 1 O.R. Killed 4 O.R.s wounded. 4 Jul 1918 Coys. improve trenches. Our artillery active on back areas. 3 O.R.s Killed. 6 wounded 5-6 Jul 1918 The Battalion shortens the frontage & are assisted & relieved by mainly the D.C.L.I.s + 1 Coy. Warwicks with 1 Coy of R.W.Kents in support (to the latter). No Casualties. 6 Jul 1918 - Arcade Camp The Battalion withdrew to ARCADE CAMP, refits, baths & rests. See OO 157. 7 Jul 1918 Church Parade at 11.0. a.m. 8 Jul 1918 The Battalion goes on an 8 mile route march & rests during the afternoon. Major Chirnside arrives from England. 9 Jul 1918 During the morning training under Coy. arrangements. Swimming sports in the afternoon. We win all the races. 50yds - 100 & 250. 10 Jul 1918 Training under Coy. arrangements. Boxing in afternoon is interrupted by very heavy rain. 11 Jul 1918 Wiring demonstration in the morning, & concert. Battalion preparing for move to support lines left sector. 12 Jul 1918 - Support Line Battalion moved up in support lines in relief of the 2/K.O.S.B.'s Relief went off well - 1 O.R. wounded. See O.O.152. 13 Jul 1918 In support as above. Working party of 1 Officer & 30 OR found for R.E.'s. 1 officer & 30 O.R. digging communication trench. 2 Lieut.E.C.Howlett joined from 1/Norfolks. Enemy Aircraft very active. 16 OR reinforcements from Reception Camp. 14 Jul 1918 Still in support. Found working parties for the R.E's and digging C.T. to front line. Our heavies active in the afternoon. Special attention being paid to MERVILLE. 15 Jul 1918 Still in support. Our Artillery very active again today. But no reply from the enemy. Also found working parties. 16 Jul 1918 Still in support. Artillery on our side still active, practically continuous day & night. Working parties found. Casualties 1 OR. wounded. 17 Jul 1918 - Front Line, Arrewage Sector As above. Our artillery again very active no retaliation from the enemy. Gen.Birdwood and staff visited Battn H.Q. Relieved 1/Norfolks in front line in the ARREWAGE sector - OO 153. 18 Jul 1918 In front line as above. Morning early one of our single seaters brought down by A.A. fire. 19 Jul 1918 In front line. This morning two E.A. brought down, in aerial combat, one came down in flames while the other crashed. Slight activity by the enemy artillery. 20 Jul 1918 At midnight "A" Company carried out a raid & attack. The raid was unsuccessful in that it did not yield any prisoners. But the attack was more successful. The enemy were driven back over the PLATEBECQUE, which ran between us & the enemy. Casualties 2Lt H.W.Cornelius Killed 2Lt H.M.G.Blakeney wounded, 3 O.R. Killed 2 OR Missing believed Killed & 10 OR. wounded. Heavy enemy shelling during the raid, a heavy barrage of T.Ms were put up. One enemy balloon brought down by one of our planes. See OO 155. 21 Jul 1918 Still as above. Both artilleries fairly active 22 Jul 1918 Ditto: the whole front remarkably quiet. 23 Jul 1918 - la Lacque Camp Relieved by the 1/Devons & withdrew to LA LACQUE Camp. See O.O.156. 24 Jul 1918 In camp as above. Whole Battn cleaning up. 25 Jul 1918 As above half the Battalion went bathing & the other half carried o nwith training under company arrangements. In the evening the whole Battn went to a performance by the 'BEDFORD BOYS' in the Theatre of the camp. 26 Jul 1918 As above. Concert at night by the 1 East Surrey Regtl. troup (The Thirsty First) 27 Jul 1918 As above. Concert at night by the 16.R.W. Regt troupe. 28 Jul 1918 Church parade in the theatre. Genl.Ponsonby divl commander attended. the Divnl band played. 29 Jul 1918 Training carried on with. In the afternoon Battn. sports. concert by the BEDFORD BOYS. at night. 30 Jul 1918 Battalion preparing to move up in Brigade reserve at VILLOBA CAMP. Move off 1 p.m. 31 Jul 1918 - Villorba Camp Battalion started training in new camp under company arrangements. Also coys. had to build buttresses against huts to stop splinters from penetrating. B.Coy & 'C' Coy found working parties. OPERATION ORDER 151. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Reference Map - France 36.A. N.E. 1/20,000. July 4th. 1918. 1. The Battalion will be relieved by the 1st. Battalion D.C.L.I. on the night 5th./6th. July 1918. On relief, Companies will march by platoons to Acade [sic] Camp, (J.8.c.) 2. ROUTE. "B" and "C" Coy's. via the Halt, "D" and "A" Coy's. via Infantry Track from K.20.a.55.65. to K.13.b.25.75. All Companies then proceed along VIA ROMA and edge of Wood to l'Epinette and thence along main ST.VENANT - HAZEBROUCK Road to Arcade Camp Guides will meet the Battalion in Main Road near Spresiano Camp. 3. GUIDES at the rate of one per platoon and one for Coy. H.Q. will be at Battalion H.Q. by 9.30 p.m. to-morrow night the 5th. inst to guide the 1st. D.C.L.I. to the line. These men must be certain of the exact route for their various platoons. 4. All Cooks utensils, Signallers kit, and Officers Mess Boxes, etc., will be dumped at the end of the light railway, K.13.b.7.9. by 9 p.m. 5. "B" and "C" Coy's. will meet their Lewis Gun Limber at The Halt. "D" and "A" Coy's. will meet their Lewis Gun Limber at the end of Infantry Track at K.13.b.35.75. 6. All trench stores, defence schemes, aeroplane photographs, and work in progress will be handed over and receipts obtained by Coy's. 7. Lists of stores to be handed over will reach Orderly Room with Intelligence reports to-morrow morning. 8. Q.M. will arrange for a hot meal to be given to the troops on arrival at Arcade Camp 9. Q.M. will arrange to take over Arcade Camp to-morrow morning, and have guides to meet the Battalion outside Spresiano Camp at midnight. 10. Completion of relief will be reported by the words "LEATHER GUN" both by wire and runner. On arrival at Billets Coy's. will report present to Battalion Headquarters. OPERATION ORDER No.152. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regt. July 11th. 1918. 1. The 1st. Battalion Bedfordshire Regt. will relieve the 2/K.O.S.B's. in support in the left section of the Divisional front on the night of the 11th./12th. July 1918. 2. DISTRIBUTION. Companies will be distributed as follows: - "B" Coy. on the right, "C", "A" and "D" Coy. on the left. Companies will take over as follows: - "A" Bedfords from "A" Coy. K.O.S.B's. "B" Bedfords from "B" Coy. K.O.S.B's. "C" Bedfords from "C" Coy. K.O.S.B's. "D" Bedfords from "D" Coy. K.O.S.B's. 3. One Officer per Coy. and one N.C.O. per platoon will report to Orderly Room at 2 p.m. to proceed to the line to take over stores etc., and arrange distribution of platoons. 4. GUIDES. Guides at the rate of one per platoon and one for Coy. H.Q. will meet the Battalion at the end of No. 7 Infantry Track. 5. ROUTE. Via No. 7 Infantry track. Head of "B" Coy. to pass Headquarters Guard at 8.30 p.m. 100 yards between platoons and 200 yards between Companies. Order of march: - "B", "C", "A" and "D". 6. Officers valises, mens packs and surplus kit not wanted in the line will be dumped by Orderly Room by 4 p.m. Mess Boxes, Officers trench kit, Signalling kit and Cooks utensils for the line will be dumped by Orderly Room by 8 p.m. 7. RATIONS. Rations will be issued to the men before marching off, and will be carried to the line on the man. 8. Quartermaster will arrange to have 12 tins of water per Company sent up to-night and the tea cans sent to Battalion Headquarters. 9. Lists of stores taken over must reach Orderly Room by 8 a.m. to-morrow the 12th. inst. 10. Completion of relief will be reported by wire by the name of C.S.M's. OPERATION ORDER No. 153 1st. Battalion the Bedfordshire Regiment. Reference - Map, France, 36.A. N.E. Scale 1/20,000. July 16th. 1918. 1. The Battalion will relieve the 1st. Battalion Norfolk Regt. in the right section of the ARREWAGE sector on the night of the 17th/18th. July 1918. 2. Dispositions. Coy's. will take over as follows: - "A" Coy. Left Front Line. "C" Coy. Right Front Line. "D" Coy. Left Support. "B" Coy. Right Support. 3. Company Commanders will arrange with their corresponding Company Commanders for guides. Companies to move off from their present positions as soon as it is dark. Battalion H.Q. will be at the Halt. 4. One Officer per Coy. will remain at present Coy. H.Q. to hand over to the 1st. Cheshire Regt. who are coming into our present position. 5. Guides at the rate of one per platoon and one for Coy. H.Q. will be sent to report to 1st. Cheshire H.Q. at Bristol Park (K.3.d.50.25) at 10 p.m. to guide the Cheshires to their positions. 6. List of stores taken over and rough sketch maps of new dispositions must reach Orderly Room with Intelligence reports on morning of 18th. July. 7. Rations will be brought up to Coy. H.Q. after relief. 8. Relief complete will be reported by the word "Potatoes" by wire. OPERATION ORDER No. 154 1st. Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. Reference - Map, France 36.A. N.E. Scale 1/20,000. July 19th. 1918. 1. The enemy will be cleared from all the ground formed by triangle between our front line, the PLATE BECQUE, and R.BOURRE. As many prisoners as possible will be captured and brought back alive. 2. "A" Coy. will carry out this operation to-night 19th/20th. with the support of Artillery, 6" Newtons, Stokes Mortars and Machine Guns. 3. The raid will be carried out by two platoons in two waves. First wave consisting of 4 rifle sections, and second wave two Lewis Gun sections. One Officer will be put in command of each wave. Boundary between the two platoons will be the road running up to the footbridge inclusive to right platoon. One platoon will follow up in support but will not be used unless opposition is encountered. One platoon will remain in reserve in our front line. 4. The two assaulting platoons will assemble with first wave 40 yards outside our wire, and second wave 20 yards behind the first. The supporting platoon will keep in the front line until zero hour. Assembly will be complete by 11.40 p.m. 5. The objective will be a line 50 yards East and parallel to the German trench running from K.16.c.50.50. to K.16.a.80.60. but any enemy still remaining this side of the PLATE BECQUE will be rounded up. 6. Dress will be fighting order. Each rifleman will carry two Mills. Wire cutters will be carried by every man in the front wave. 7. ARTILLERY PROGRAMME. Artillery barrage will be put down at Zero hour on enemy positions between K.16.b.25.30. round the junction of PLATE BECQUE and R.BOURRE to bend of R.BOURRE at K.16.c.30.20. and along enemy position from this Point to Gurnard Cross K.21.b.50.60. One Thermite round in every five will be fired on the following points to give direction of the two flanks and centre of the raid. Right on line of R.BOURRE running through K.22.b. centre on Les Pures Becque left at K.16.d.60.90. rate of fire for the first 20 minutes will be intense, will slacken down for the next ten minutes, and finally die down after a further ten minutes. Total - 40 minutes fire. 8. Stokes Mortars will shoot on enemy positions from K.21.b.50.60. to K.21.b.99.99. 9. 6" Newtons will fire on the line between RENNET FARM and PURES BECQUE. 10. Machine Guns will enfilade the enemy position between K.16.b.25.30. and K.16.d.30.80. 11. Watches will be synchronised at 8 p.m. 12. Zero hour will be 12 midnight, but the raid will not start before the Artillery barrage is put down. 13. All clear will be signalled by 3 GREEN Very lights. 14. General. the raid will be carried out with the utmost rapidity and vigour. It will be impressed on all ranks that as many prisoners as possible are to be brought in and that no uncaptured enemy are to remain on our side of PLATE BECQUE. The places where the enemy will probably be found are in post at K.16.c.50.50. probable post at road K.16.c.70.80. and probable working party about K.16.central. No papers or letters will be carried nor numerals worn. OPERATION ORDER No. 155. 1st. Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. July 20th. 1918. 1. The new distribution of Companies will be carried out as soon as it is dark to-night, as arranged at Conference this afternoon. 2. "C" Coy. will relieve "A" Coy. as soon as they have been relieved by "B" Coy. "D" Coy. can move to new positions as soon as it is dark. 3. Rations will be sent up to new Company Headquarters. 4. Maps of dispositions must reach Orderly Room with Intelligence report in the morning. 5. List of stores on new Company fronts will be sent in on night of 21/7/18. 6. Redistribution complete will be sent by wire by code word "BON". OPERATION ORDER No. 156 1st. Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. July 23rd. 1918. 1. The 1st. Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. will be relieved by the 1st. Bn. The Devonshire Regt. on the night of 23rd./24th. July 1918. On relief, the Battalion will move into La Lacque Camp. 2. Each platoon on being relieved will proceed to the Halt, where they will entrain on the light railway. The police under Lt. Nailer will superintend the entrainment. 3. Q.M. will arrange guides to meet trains at La Lacque station at the rate of one per platoon to guide them to their huts. 4. Coy's. will arrange to send guides at the rate of one per platoon and one per Coy. H.Q. to report at Battalion Headquarters by 9 a.m. to guide the incoming Unit into the line. These guides must be certain of the route to their various platoons. 5. Lewis Guns will be taken on the train. 6. Battalion Cooks utensils will be ready to go down on R.E. train by 3 p.m. Q.M. will arrange to meet these at HARTSTONE Station. 7. Two Limbers, Officers Mess cart, and Medical Cart will be at the Halt by 9.30 p.m. 8. The following Transport will move to La Lacque Camp: - All Chargers, Officers Mess and Medical Carts and Lewis Gun Limbers. 9. Lists of trench stores to be handed over must reach Orderly Room by 12 noon. 10. A hot meal will be issued to the troops on arrival at La Lacque. 11. Completion of relief will be reported by the code words "Send Rum" by wire. Company Commanders will call at the Halt as they pass. OPERATION ORDER No.157. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Map Reference - Sheet 35.A. N.E. scale 1/20,000 Ed. 7. July 29th. 1918. 1. the Battalion will relieve the 15th. Battalion The R.Warwickshire Regt. in reserve in the LE SART Section on the afternoon of the 30th. July 1918. 2. The Battalion will march in the following order: - H.Q., "D", "B", "C" and "A". 100 yards between platoons and 200 yards between Companies. H.Q. to pass Officers Mess at 1 p.m. Special attention will be paid to March Discipline. 3. ROUTE. Road South of Camp, through squares I.32.b., I.27.c., I.33.b., across railway and ferry to main Tannay Road. Thence to road at I.26.b.4.5. - alongside of wood to l'Epinette and Villorba Camp. 4. 2/Lieut. H.J.Snashall and 4 C.Q.M.Sgts and Sgt. Thurlay will proceed to Villorba Camp to-morrow morning to take over from the 15th. R.Warwicks. 2/Lieut. W.Haynes and One N.C.O. per Coy. will stay to hand over La Lacque Camp to the incoming Unit. 5. C.Q.M.Sgts will meet their Companies at the entrance to Villorba Camp, to guide them into their Huts. 6. Lewis Guns will be taken on Limbers. Sgt. Faulder will be responsible for the loading. 7. Officers Valises, Officers and Sergeants Mess Boxes, Orderly Room and Canteen Boxes will be collected at 1.30 p.m. Transport Officer will arrange to have whole picked up and taken to Villorba Camp One servant per Coy. and one for Coy. H.Q. will remain with these kits. 8. Rations will be issued at Villorba Camp. 9. Companies will report at Battalion Headquarters at Villorba Camp when their Coy's are all in.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Jul 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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