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    War Diary for April 1918 1 Apr 1918 - Creola Battn. billeted at CREOLA. Training carried on. Lt.Col.E.I.de S.Thorpe D.S.O. returned from 15th Inf. Bde. & resumed command of Battn. 2 Apr 1918 - Longare Battn. marched to LONGARE and billeted O.O. No.133. 3 Apr 1918 As above. Battn preparing for entraining for France. 4 Apr 1918 - Tavernelle en route for France Battn. marched to Tavernelle. 1st Train consisting of A & C Coys & 1/2 Transport left at 10.10 p.m. Personnel of 2nd train bivouaced for night O.O.132 5 Apr 1918 - en route for France Second train left Tavernelle at 6.15 a.m. 6-7 Apr 1918 In trains en route for France. Route Modane, Fontainebleau, Doulons [sic], Frevent 8 Apr 1918 - Neuvillette Both trains arrived at FREVENT & detrained. Each 'train' marched independently to NEUVELLETTE [sic] & billeted. 9 Apr 1918 As above. 10 Apr 1918 - Sombrin Marched to Sombrin & billeted O.O. 135. battn. in readiness to move at 1/2 hrs notice. 11 Apr 1918 - Lambres Marched to SAULTY & entrained. Detrained at AIRE & marched to LAMBRES. Battn. billeted with an outpost line round N. part of village. 12 Apr 1918 - la Croix-Mairesse Battn. less dumped personnel moved up to CROIX MARRAIS [sic] - Brigade being Brigade in support to the Division. Battn. bivouaced with outposts out & dug defensive position. 13 Apr 1918 Battn. commenced digging Support line (Divisional line) Dumped personnel moved to Tannay. 14 Apr 1918 - Divisional Line Battn. relieved the R.W.Kents in Divisional line. Work on line carried on, wiring & improving breastworks. Casualties 1 man killed, 5 wounded. 15 Apr 1918 As above. Artillery fairly quiet. Casualties 1 killed, 4 wounded. 16 Apr 1918 - Front Line 15th. Inf. Bde. relieved 95th Bde. in left sub-sector of Div. front. Battn. relieved 12th Gloucesters in support. O.O. 137. Lt.Col.E.I.de S.Thorpe D.S.O. to command 152 Inf. Bde. as Temp. Brigadier. Maj. M.W.Halford M.C. Gloster regt. assumed command of battn. 17 Apr 1918 As above. casualties 1 killed 3 wounded. 18 Apr 1918 As above. Casualties 4 wounded. 19 Apr 1918 As above. Casualties 1 wounded. 20 Apr 1918 As above. Casualties 2 wounded. Draft of 31 O.R's joined. Work done while in support, All Coys built breastworks for protection in the wood. At night 2 Coys. wired whole of Brigade reserve line - double apron - 2 Coys. dug slit assembly trenches E. of wood to accommodate whole Battn. in case of alarm, or gas. 21 Apr 1918 Battn. relieved 1st. NORFOLK REGT. in right sub-sector of Bde. Sector. O.O. 138. Several casualties were caused later by our Arty. firing short. Casualties 1 O.R. killed & 4 O.R. wounded. 22 Apr 1918 Heavy gas shelling during night 21/22. Enemy fired T.M's on front line. Casualties 2 O.R. killed 9 wounded. 23 Apr 1918 As above. Large party of enemy in front of centre Coy. dispersed by L.G. & rifle fire & Arty. slow barrage. Active patrolling carried on. Work on line & wiring on whole front. 2/LT.JOHNSON to F.A. 2/Lt.H.Hutchinson rejoined. 24 Apr 1918 Rt. Coy (A Coy) preparing for minor operation (see App.6) Casualties 3 O.R's wounded Officers patrol reconnoitred ground for minor operation. 25 Apr 1918 "A" Coy, supported by two platoons of "B" Coy took all objectives as detailed in O.O. 139 Zero hour 9.30 p.m. All objectives reported taken 10.35 p.m. See App.8. Capt.F.Hague wounded 1 O.R. killed 20 O.R. wounded. Lt.A.H.O.Riddell & E.J.F.Trailer, 2nd Lt F.L.Ray joined Battn. 26 Apr 1918 Situation quiet. 3 O.R's wounded. 27 Apr 1918 - camp in Nieppe Forest Enemy attacked Right Coy at about 4.30 a.m. see app. 9 A/Capt W.W.White wounded. 2/Lt.A.E.Peel Killed, 7 O.R's killed 11 wounded. Battn. was relieved by 3 Coys K.O.S.B.'s and 1 Coy D.C.L.I. & withdrew to camp in wood O.O. 140. 28 Apr 1918 As above. 29-30 Apr 1918 As above. battn. supplied working party of 400 men to work on Divisional line, wiring and improving breastworks. OPERATION ORDER No. 132 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment April 1st 1918. 1. Battalion will Entrain at TAVERNELLE Station Date. April 4th 1918. Time - 10.11. p.m. 2. TRAINS. - Bn. will Entrain in 2. trains: Each train will consist of. - 1. First or Second Class coach 2. Third Class coaches 22. Covered Trucks 13. Flats 2. Brake Cans. - Bn will be dietributed as under. Train I. No 9. Serial No 534. H.Q. Lt Col.E.I. deS.Thorpe D.S.O. A/Adjt. Transport Officer. Quartermaster. Lt.J.P.Kingdom [sic], Cpl. Law. H.Q.Servants & Mess Staff, Cpl.Belben & 3 Pioneers. DRUMS A. & C. Coys complete: 1 M.O.Orderly, 2 Orderly Room. Half Transport. 2. L.G.Limbers 1/2 Limber SAA 1/2 LImber Bombs 1/2 Limber Tools 1/2 Limber Signalling 1 Water Cart; 1 Cooker, 1 Cooks wagon, 1 Baggage, 1 Supply wagon, Mess Cart 4 Pack animals. Chargers of Officers travelling on train Train 2. - O.C.Train - Major M.W.Halford M.C. Medical Officer, A/Adjt, Lt.G.McM.Betty, Lt.Stanton, R.Q.M.S., Transport Sgt. & 1 M.O.Orderly - Remainder of Transport. Maltese Cart, 3 Pack Animals, B & D Coys Complete - L/Cpl Dadley & 3 Pioneers. 1 Bugler. 1 Orderly Room N.B. All Headquarters Employ not Enumerated above will travel with their Coys. Q.M. Employ will travel with Transport. 3. Entraining Officer Capt. C.A.Warner, M.C. 15th T.M.B. Detraining Officer Capt. J.E.Pearman 16th R.W.R. 4. Entraining All animals & vehicles will arrive at the Entraining Station 3 hours before train is timed to start. Personnel will arrive 1 hour before. 5. Loading Parties A party of 2 Officers & 100 O.R. from 1st Norfolk Regt. will be detailed for loading at VICENZA. 6. Equipment & Rations. Each man will entrain carrying full equipment: 120 Rounds S.A.A. rations for day of Entrainment, Iron rations, full water bottle, steel helmet, box respirator & 2 blankets. All clipped animals will be rugged, other animals will have 1 rug each carried on Transport. 7. Forage. Forage for day of Entrainment will be carried in the horse trucks. Men in charge of horses will travel in the horse trucks Supply wagons will be loaded Full. 8. Animals: Animals will be entrained unharnessed. Harness will be loaded under its vehicle. Canvas buckets will be carried in each horse truck. Cinders or Gravel will be strewn on floors of horse trucks. Breast Ropes must be provided for all horses. No oats will be fed for the 1st 12 hours after Entrainment. Ventilation of Trucks is important & should be regulated as to wether [sic] train is in motion or halted. The door on the side of running way is to be kept closed. Rins for carrying water up to 24 Gall. per truck will be supplied at Entraining Station. Horses will be Entrained by their own drivers. 9. Rations. 8 days rations, in addition to those mentioned in paras 6 & 7 will be carried in bulk, for all men & animals on each train. A covered truck will be set aside for issue of rations en route. Forage & non perishable supplies can be loaded under vehicles. If possible bread will be issued en route at "St Germain au Mont d'or". Forage for day of entrainment will be carried in horse trucks. E.F.C. will arrange for a canteen lorry to be at each entraining station. 10. Discipline The strictest discipline will be maintained throughout the journey. The senior Combatant Officer will Command each train & he will appoint Orderly Officers, who will take tours of duty & will also detail a guard at each end of the train of 1 N.C.O. & 3 men. The duties of Orderly Officers & guards are: - (a) To see that no one leaves the train when it halts unless authorised to do so, at a recognised halting place by the O.C. (b) To ensure that no men ride on the steps, or tops of carriages, or climb along the train from truck to truck. There is very little clearance between the trucks & Tunnel. c. To guard all Stores on train throughout. d. To watch both sides of train when halting. e. Each O.C.Train will obtain from the entraining Officer before starting a copy of G.H.Q. instructions for O.C. trains. These instructions are secret & should be destroyed before detraining. Cooking & Fires of any description are forbidden in any horse trucks. At halts the following signals by bugle will be given. For everyone to leave the train - Regimental Call. & G. Warning that train will move in about 5 minutes - Regimental Call & Fall In. Warning that train will move immediately - Regimental Call & Advance (11). Entraining States. the O.C. of each train will send on in advance an Entraining State in duplicate. This state will shew strength of Officers, O.Rs, horses by types, vehicles, by types, the number of days rations entrained. These states will be handed over to Entraining Officer. A certificate will be added to the effect that the unit is complete with equipment & rations. 12. Gas Drill. During the journey box respirators will be worn for at least 1 hour daily by all ranks 13. Billeting A billeting party consisting of. Captain F.Hague & C.S.M.Hale will proceed by 1st train of Brigade Groups. They will take bicycles & report to Entraining Officer, at VICENZA at 6 a.m. 4th inst. Capt.Hague will be responsible for billeting the Battn in France. They will travel on No.6 train from VICENZA reporting to Lt Col.Deakin. 14. Surplus Kit. All surplus kit will be conveyed in 2nd train. It will be kept separate; & orders will be issued at detraining station as to wether [sic] it is to be dumped there, or wether there will be transport available to take it to billeting area. OPERATION ORDER No. 133 1st Battalion The Bedfordshire Regt. April 1st 1918 1. On the 2nd inst. the Battalion will march to LONGARE Battalion starting point: - Church at CREOLA Order of March: - H.Q. to pass starting point at 10 A.M. "B" Coy. to pass starting point at 10.2 A.M. "A" Coy. to pass starting point at 10.4 A.M. "D" Coy. to pass starting point at 10.6 A.M. "C" Coy. to pass starting point at 10.8 A.M. Transport to pass starting point at 10.10 A.M. Drums will march with "D" Coy. 2. BLANKETS - Blankets will be rolled in bundles of 10. "A" & "B" Coys & H.Q. will take Blankets to Q.M.s Stores by 8 A.M. "C" & "D" Coys will have blankets ready for collection by 7 A.M. Officers' kits, Mess kits & Cooks kits will be ready for collection at 8 A.M. 3. PROTECTION AGAINST HOSTILE AIRCRAFT As on march from BADDERE, "A" & "B" Coys. will find reserve L.G.s & 1&2's to accompany them to report to T.O. by 9 A.M. 4. MARCH DISCIPLINE - Dress, intervals etc. as on previous marches Operation Order No. 134 1st Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment 3.4.18. Map Ref. PADOVA: 1/100,000 1. On the 4th inst Bn will march to TAVERNELLE station to Entrain. Bn starting point Road Junction 500 yds N of R in LONGARE Order of March A Coy will pass starting point at 2 p.m. C Coy will pass starting point at 2.2 p.m. B Coy will pass starting point at 2.4 p.m. D Coy will pass starting point at 2.6 p.m. Transport will pass starting point at 2.8 p.m. Drums to March with Coys in turn. 2. BILLETS. Following party will meet 2Lt.E.Johnson at cross roads by B Coy billet at 12 noon & proceed to TAVERNELLE to take over tents for Coys. 1 N.C.O. per Coy. 1 N.C.O. per Transport. 3. BLANKETS Blankets will be rolled in bundles of 10 & be at Coy H.Q. ready for collection at 8 A.M. Officers Kits to be ready at Coy HQrs by 11 A.M. Mess Kits by 12.15 p.m. 4. Headquarters will join their Coys before marching off & other details will join Coys ready for Entraining. Transport will be divided for the two trains before moving off. Field punishment prisoners will join their Coys. 5. Protection from Hostile Aircraft As usual B & D Coys will find reserve L.Gs 1 & 2s of team to march with transport. 6. Officers will take steel helmets, box respirators & full equipment & personal equipment. 7. Men of "B" Coy travelling on 1st Train will be attached to "A" for rations & those of "D" Coy to "C" Coy & vice versa for 2nd train C.Q.M.Sgts will obtain numbers before entraining. 8. Officers train Kits 1 Mess box for train & officers surplus kits which must be clearly marked with (name, Coy & Regt of owners) to be ready for collection at 11 A.M. Operation Order No.135 1st Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment April 9th 1918 1. The Battalion will move to SOMBRIN to-morrow to [sic] 10th inst. Bn. starting point Quartermasters Stores. Order of march. - H.Q. to pass starting point at 6.50 a.m. D Coy. to pass starting point at 6.52 a.m. B Coy. to pass starting point at 6.54 a.m. C Coy. to pass starting point at 6.56 a.m. A Coy. to pass starting point at 6.58 a.m. Transport to pass starting point at 7.0 a.m. Brigade Starting Point - Cross roads formed by the FREVENT - DOULLENS road & the NEUVILLETTE - BOUQUEMAISON road, 150 yards west of BOUQUEMAISON Church. Following intervals will be observed after passing Bde starying point. 100 yards between Coys. 300 yards between Battalions. 100 yards between groups of three transport vehicles. 2. BILLETING. The following party will parade at Bn.H.Qrs. at 6 a.m. Sgt Sale will arrange bicycles for party, to be at Bn.H.Qrs - Capt.F.Hague, Coy.Q.M.Sgts & L/Cpl Bear for H.Q. & Transport. Capt Hague will report to Town Major SOMBRIN at 8 a.m. 3. BLANKETS Blankets will be rolled in bundles of 10 & be taken to Q.M.Stores by 5.30 a.m. Officers Kits, Mess Kits, & Cooks kits will be at Coy.H.Qrs, ready for collection at 5.30 a.m. 4. PROTECTION against HOSTILE AIRCRAFT. As usual A & C.Coys will find reserve L.Gs. & Nos 1 & 2s for protection of transport. They will report to T.O. by 6.20 a.m. OPERATION ORDER No. 137 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. April 16th. 1918 1. 15th. Brigade is relieving 95th. Brigade to-night. 2. 1st. Bedfordshire Regiment will relieve 3 Coy's. of Gloucesters in Reserve in K.7.a and b. "B", "C" and "D" Coy's. will relieve opposite numbers. "A" Coy. will dig in, in K.7.a. as indicated. 3. ROUTE for all Companies: - Up Main drive through wood to J.23.b.3.9. - FORESTERS HOUSE - LA RUE des MORTS. 4. Companies will leave their present lines at 5 p.m. in following order: - "D" Coy. "B" Coy. "C" Coy. "A" Coy. 50 yards interval between platoons. 5. Lewis Gun limbers will convey blankets at once - on return, they will be loaded up with Lewis Guns, etc., and march up with their Companies. Also S.A.A. limbers and Pack animals. All S.A.A. will be dumped at new Battalion Headquarters. Transport will return to TANNAY, refill with S.A.A. at once, and await orders from Staff Captain. 6. RECONNAISANCE. On completion of relief, O.C. Coy's will send up one Officer per Coy. 1 N.C.O. per platoon and three runners per Coy. to reconnoitre all routes to Front line Companies of Battalions in the line. Battalions will be disposed as under: - Norfolks on Right Front. Cheshires on Left Front. Warwicks in Support. This reconnaissance must be carried out as soon as it is dark enough. OPERATION ORDER No. 138 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. April 20th. 1918. 1. The Battalion will relieve the Norfolk Regiment in Right Sub-sector of Brigade Sector on night 21st./22nd. April as under: - "A" Coy. will relieve "A" Coy. Norfolks, Right Front "C" Coy. will relieve "C" Coy. Norfolks, Centre Front "D" Coy. will relieve "D" Coy. Norfolks, Left Front "B" Coy. will relieve "B" Coy. Norfolks, Immediate Support. 2. Battalion Boundaries: - Right. Road K.15.c.7.1. inclusive. Left Road K.15.b.2.9. inclusive. 3. GUIDES. Guides of Norfolk Regiment on 21st/22nd. will meet Companies at Headquarters Norfolk Regiment, One per Coy. H.Q. One per platoon. Companies will proceed in following order: - "D" Coy. via Main Road. "A" Coy. via Main Road. "C" Coy. via ride through K.7.d. central. "B" Coy. via ride through K.7.d. central. 4. RECONNAISANCE Party of One Officer per Coy. and One N.C.O. per platoon will report to Headquarters Norfolk Regiment at 9 p.m. to-night. They will then proceed to their respective Coy. Fronts where they will remain until their Companies arrive the following night. They will take over all despositions [sic], forward posts, etc., also Work, Tools, V.P.A., S.O.S., and S.A.A. 5. WATER can be obtained in any houses in the vicinity. Solidified alcohol will be issued by Quartermaster. Coy. arrangements for cooking should be made if possible. 6. All Tools in present lines will be handed over to forward party of 1st. Cheshire Regiment. Blankets will be rolled in bundles of ten by 2 p.m. to-morrow. T.O. will arrange to convey same back to Transport lines, where they will be cleaned and ironed by Quartermaster. 7. REPORTS. (a) Situation reports will reach Barralion [sic] Headquarters at following times: - 4 a.m., 10 a.m., and 4 p.m. (b) Intelligence - at 7.30 a.m. (c) Casualties - 12 noon. 8. Actual times of relief will be notified later. 9. relief complete will be reported by Runner. Reference proposed minor operation. 1. INFORMATION, regarding relative positions. Our Front line runs from Railway at K.20.b.7.5. to K.20.b.9.9. to K.c.2.0. to K.15.c.3.1. to MERVILLE - LEMOTTE Road at K.15.c.6.1. This at present is held by a line of detached posts. Enemy line opposite this portion of our front as far as can be judged by Aeroplane photos runs from Railway K.21.c.15.95. to Road K.21.a.55.25. thence to Main Road K.21.a.90.80. There is also a switch trench at K.21.a.00.20. to house at K.21.a.35.50. There is also an advanced trench shewn very faintly from enclosure at K.21.a.50.80. to Road at K.21.a.60.100. The result of patrols up to the present have been to shew that the enemy only occupies the forward part of his line with very small numbers. The trench from K.21.a.50.80 was very shallow and unoccupied. It has not yet been established how, and in what strength the enemy is holding his line rear of the South Eastern Edge of the enclosure. It is hoped that more detailed information will be available shortly, and the appreciation is based that he has only a small forward post in the enclosure at K.21.a. 2. OBJECT To advance our line and clear group of house and enclosure in K.21.a. of the enemy. 3. NATURAL FEATURES. The dominating natural feature is the wooded enclosure at K.21.a. the Road running through K.21.a. and thick line of hedges that surround LES LAURIERS, K.14.d.100.10. 4. METHODS OF ATTACK. These would seem to be: - (i) An attack with assistance of Artillery and M.G. barrages, or - (ii) A surprise advance at night. 5. POSSIBLE ENEMY ACTION. In the event of the first method, he would see the extent of the operation and be able to concentrate his fire on the troops, either whilst advancing or consolidating. His S.O.S. would most probably be sent up, and the battle front being always of rather a sensitive nature, it might happen that casualties would be incurred unnecessarily amongst other troops and our own supports. (i) If the enemy under a cover of a big barrage chose to counter attack, the possibility of him penetrating into our former front line, which is only about 70 yards from nearest edge of the enclosure, might have to be brought into consideration. (ii) In event of second methos [sic] being employed, it might be some time before the enemy [knowing] that anything more than a large patrol action was taking place, and it is unlikely that the enemy Artillery would be able to be directed on to the place where troops are consolidating for some time. 6. ACTION PROPOSED. Assuming that only one Coy. is required to take part in the advance, and that from the Railway onwards would be the duty of other troops, the following methos [sic] is proposed: - There would be one Officer and 6 Other Ranks who by the result of previous patrolling would have good knowledge of nature of ground in the enclosure. One Platoon under this Officer would be sent forward in three parties to clear the enclosure and the house, and eventually consolidate on the far side (S.E.) of the enclosure, with forward posts pushed out as near as possible to main German line. The two flank platoons would similarly after allowing the first platoon three minutes, advance on either side of the enclosure, with a forward party well forward as in the centre platoon, and the whole would consolidate on a line about K.21.a.05.10. - South Eastern edge, and along bottom edge of enclosure, thence to our old front line posts K.21.a.60.100. It would be necessary for a certain amount of harassing Artillery fire on known M.G. emplacements to take place at same time as operation. Also the enemy trench system and any tracks leading from his support to his front line might receive a certain amount of attention at the same time. Previous to the operation, it would be necessary to deal with houses on the Road running through K.21.a. from K.21.a.6.0. to K.21.a.4.5. The support Coy. would find the garrison for our original jumping off position. Rough Sketch attached [not attached] OPERATION ORDER No.139 1st. Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. Map Ref. 36.a.N.E. 1/10,000. April 25th. 1918. 1. "A" Coy. and one platoon of "B" Coy. will advance its line from LES LAURIERS to a line running from K.21.a.05.15. to K.21.a.50.95. Road, taking in farm about K.21.a.4.6. (BEDFORD FARM) The Gloucester Regt. will conform with a similar movement on our right as far as VERTBOIS. 2. ARTILLERY will form a creeping barrage from K.20.b.7.6. to K.21.a.40.95. rate of advance will be 1 minutes for first 300 yards. The Barrage will stop on line of new enemy trench from about K.20.b.1.8. to K.21.c.1.9. One Newton will fire on certain targets. Four light Trench Mortars will give a hurricane bombardment from ZERO to ZERO plus 1 minutes playing on an area around BEDFORD FARM. They will then lift and play for half an hour round building and orchard on Road around K.21.a. and c. They will then stand to for S.O.S. 3. MACHINE GUNS (a) two guns will fire from Zero onwards while the Artillery barrage lasts from K.15.d.4.5. on a line through K.21.a.60.05. Rate of Fire, - Intense for ten minutes, and harassing rate until Artillery barrage ceases. (b) One M.G. will fire from K.20.b.5.8. straight down the Railway from Zero to Zero plus 10. (c) Two M.G's. at about K.14.d.100.20 will be in readiness to move forward to BEDFORD FARM ant [sic] time after Zero. 4. ASSEMBLY. "A" Coy. will be assembles [sic] ready for the attack at 15 minutes before zero, between Eastern edge of Chateau grounds and MERVILLE - LA MOTTE Road at K.15.c.15.15 as marked out with O.C. "A" Coy. on "X" night. One platoon of "B" Coy, commanded by 2/Lieut. F.H.Fox will form up in rear of first wave of "A" Coy. and be in reserve. As soon as troops have moved forward, one platoon of "B" Coy. under 2/Lieut A.E.Peel, will occupy old front line from Railway K.20.b.8.5. to Road K.15.c.80.05. O.C. "C" Coy. will extend his right and occupy the line as far as the Road at K.15.c.80.05. vacated by "A" Coy. 5. ATTACK. At Zero, "A" Coy. will move forward to the attack, No.2 platoon leading, followed by No.1 and No.3 platoons in two lines, 50 yards in rear. One platoon of "B" Coy. under 2/Lieut. F.H.Fox will advance 100 yards in rear of "A" Coy. and must be ready to re-inforce the attack, at any moment or assist in mopping up. No.2 platoon of "A" Coy. will advance with patrols on flanks of enclosure. N.B. Barrage must be closely followed by these patrols. 6. CONSOLIDATION. The main line of resistance will be along the hedge running from K.21.a.3.5. to K.21.a.5.7. Two posts will also be dug about K.21.a.2.5. and K.21.a.05.15,to join up Railway. Two posts will also be dug towards the MERVILLE Road to join up with the post at K.15.c.80.05. Forward group will be pushed forward to cover the consolidation. These will be withdrawn at dawn. The platoon of "B" Coy. will dig an immediate support approximately about 100 yards in rear of "A" Coy. in the enclosure. 7. EQUIPMENT. (i) Packs will be dumped in present positions. (ii) Fighting kit with two bandoliers of S.A.A. will be worn - haversacks containing rations on back. (iii) Every man will carry a pick or shovel - 10 shovels to one pick. (iv) One bomb and one rifle grenade per man will be carried. (v) Rations for the 26th. inst. and emergency rations will be carried. (vi) Waterbottles to be full. (vii) One round of white V.P.A. per man will be carried, and three sets of S.O.S. Signals per platoon, (GREEN 1") (viii) Every Officer will carry two rounds of RED V.P.A. 1". N.B. O.C. Coy. will send up one RED Rocket on objective being gained. 8. COMMUNICATIONS. (i) Signalling Officer will arrange for telephone and lamp to go forward with "A" Coy. 9.Forward Battalion Headquarters will be established at LES LAURIERS at 3 p.m. 25th.April, where all reports will be sent. If a barrage is heavy, on LES LAURIERS, reports can be sent via "C" Coy's. H.Q. 10. Zero hour will be about 9 p.m. 25th. inst. exact hour will be notified later. 11. watches will be synchronised by Runner about 4 p.m. and before 7 p.m. 12. MEDICAL. Dressing Station will remain at same place where walking wounded should proceed. There will be a bearer squad at LES LAURELIERS [sic] to deal with stretcher cases. 13. R.S.M. will report to Adjutant to receive instructions re stragglers post. 14. Prisoners to be sent direct to old Battalion Headquarters. Support platoon of "B" Coy. will provide escort. On no account are men of "A" Coy to be sent back with prisoners. To PILLOW Report on attack and taking of enclosure at K.21.a. Reference attached sketch map [not attached]. 1. ASSEMBLY. "A" Coy. 1st. Bedf. Regt. and one platoon of "B" Coy. assembled for the attack at 9.15 p.m. according to plan. The barrage opened to time, some guns were firing short - 18 pounder shrapnel. About 12 casualties were caused by this including O.C. "A" Coy. (Capt.F.Hague) who however went forward with his Coy. 2. THE ATTACK, was carried out according to plan. Two sections of the support platoon "B" Coy. had to be sent forward to the right platoon to replace casualties. This right platoon suffered more heavily than the remainder of the Coy. Two unwounded prisoners and one wounded prisoner were brought in, also one M.G. The RED Rocket (signal for gaining objective) was first seen at 9.38 p.m. and again at 9.58 p.m. At 10.35 p.m. message was received by Runner from O.C. "A" Coy. saying all objectives had been taken. At 11 p.m. Capt. F.Hague reported that he had been all round his line and that he was in touch with the Gloucester Regt. on his right, and "C" Coy. 1st. Bedf. R. on his left. He then came to Battalion H.Q. at LES LAURIERS, where it was discovered that he had a bad wound in the thigh. He was sent down to the Dressing Station at 11.30 p.m. Telephonic communication was obtained with Front line at 11 p.m. 3. CONSOLIDATION. "A" Coy. are holding the line of the objective as laid down in Brigade O.O. and have dug in, in accordance with attached sketch map. At 10.15 p.m. 2 Bde. M.G's were sent up, and took up positions in right and left corners of wood as indicated. The house at K.21.a.4.5. has been cleared and is being held at night. This house is about 50 yards in front of (i.e. S.E.) of bottom right hand corner of enclosure. The line is at present held as per attached sketch map. Our estimated casualties are 25 wounded including Capt. F.Hague, and killed at present unknown, though believed not heavy. - probably about 15. The front line has been visited, and the trenches are well sited. One M.G. has been captured. Time - 1.30 a.m. April 26th. 1918. OPERATION ORDER No.140 1st. Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. Map Ref.36.a. N.E. 1/20,000. April 26th. 1918 1. Battalion will be relieved on the night of the 26th/27th. as under: - Right Coy. "A". From K.21.a.15.05. to Road K.21.a.80.90. exclusive, to be relieved by a Coy. of the D.C.L.I. Centre Coy. "C". From Road K.21.a.80.90. inclusive to Canal at K.15.d.2.8. by a Coy. of the K.O.S.B. "D" Coy. Left Coy. "D" Coy. From Canal to corner of enclosure K.15.b.1.9. by a Coy. of the K.O.S.B. "B" Coy. Support Coy. "B". at K.15.c. central will be relieved by a Coy. of the K.O.S.B. ("A" Coy.) 2/Lieut. V.E.Farr will hand over all these trenches to this Coy. of K.O.S.B. They will not relieve the two platoons of "B" Coy. in Front of LES LAURIES [sic]. 2. RECONNAISANCE. One Officer per Coy. and one N.C.O. per platoon of D.C.L.I. and K.O.S.B. will report at Battalion Headquarters at 8.30 p.m. whence they will be guided to their respective Coy Fronts, and stay there the night 26/27th. 3. GUIDES. on scale of One O.R. per platoon, and one O.R. for H.Q. (Coy) will meet relieving Units at Bn. H.Q. (Faggot Stack) at 8.45 p.m. on the 27th. inst. Guides will report to the Intelligence Officer. They will each be in possession of a slip of paper shewing which platoon and Coy. of relieving Unit they are to guide. Two guides from 2/Lieut. Farr's platoon "B" Coy. will be sufficient for support Coy. 4. ALL WORK in progress and proposed, all trench stores, S.O.S. rockets, V.P.A., etc. will be handed over, also tools. The two extra bandoliers per man will be collected in platoon or section dumps and kept dry and handed over. Lists of all trench stores etc., to be handed over will be sent to Battalion Headquarters by daybreak 27/4/18 by runner. 5. The greatest care must be taken in handing over forward posts, so that no ground is lost. 6. On completion of relief Coy's. will withdraw by complete platoons to bivouacs at J.20.b. Q.M. will arrange for one guide per platoon and one for Coy. H.Q., and two for Battalion Headquarters to be at Battalion Headquarters by 10.30 p.m. to guide Coy's. back to bivouacs. 7. T.O. will arrange for limbers to collect spare Lewis Gun Magazines at Bn. H.Q. also Lewis Guns and magazines of Coy's. Sgt. Faulder will supervise loading. 8. RELIEF COMPLETE will be reported by wire using following code message: - "BARBEDWIRE". O.C. Coy's. will also report at Bn. H.Q. on their way out. [Headq]uarters, 15th. Infantry Brigade The enemy attacked our right coy. this morning at about [tear in document] a.m. behind a heavy barrage. About 200 enemy advanced to within [tear in document] ards under cover of their barrage and the mist. Our M.G., L.G. and [tear in document] fire broke up the attack. The S.O.S. was not sent up on our front. It is reported that we are still in touch with the 12th. [Glouc]ester Regt. The Coy. has had about 15 casualties, caused by shell fire. [tear in document] W.W.White, Commanding this Coy. front line has been wounded. [Ti]me - 7.48 a.m. [27]/4/18. To PILLOW. The following is a continuation of report about the enemy counter attack in the early morning of the 27th. April 1918: - The barrage was put down chiefly on our part of the line, running through enclosure and going up thence to the 12th. Gloucesters. There is no doubt that the enemy suffered considerable casualties. Opposite the centre of our line, some of the enemy were seen to throw away their arms and equipment, and turn tail. Our Lewis Gun on the right, which was at K.21.a.05.15, was enabled to enfilade the attack, and greatly assisted. Touch was maintained during the action with the 12th. Gloucesters. Our patrols which were out on the night of the 27th. to cover the relief, report finding number of enemy dead. 28/4/18.
  • Date free text
    1-30 Apr 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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