• Reference
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    War Diary for November 1917 1 Nov 1917 - Tunnels at Tor Top and Stirling Castle Battalion moved from Ridge Wood. A & C Coys with H.Q. going into tunnel at TOR TOP, B & D Coys going into tunnel at Stirling Castle taking over from 1st Devonshire Regt. Bn. left Ridge Wood at 5 p.m. relief complete 7.45 p.m. See O.O. 115 One Officer was appointed to take charge of precautions against gas & gas sentries were provided by Bn. 2 Nov 1917 During the morning all quarters were cleaned, gas blankets were renewed & others fixed. Parties were provided for carrying water & rum to Battns in the line. 3 Nov 1917 Parties found to carrying rations, picks, sand bags etc. from limbers to Battns in the line - 300 ft. 2" x 3" timber taken to TOR TOP for fixing gas blankets. 2nd Lieut Williams wounded. 4 Nov 1917 Parties found to carry 100 boxes SAA to forward position of M.G.C. during day. After dusk 130 trench boards taken up to centre Bn. H.Qrs. Wire & stakes carried up to dump behind centre Bn. Hqrs. 5 Nov 1917 - Ridge Wood Battn. was relieved by 3 Coys 12th Gloucesters, 2 Coys & H.Qrs. at TOR TOP & 1 Coy at Stirling Castle. Relief complete by 3 p.m. Enemy shelled track but only 1 man was wounded. Party of one Officer & 30 O.R. remained behind to carry T.M. ammn to front line. See O.O. 116. Casualties while Battn was in line 1 Off. 4 O.R. wounded. 6 Nov 1917 Battn remained at Ridge Wood. Parties were found for R.E. construction parties. 7 Nov 1917 Battn. remained in Ridge Wood camp. 8 Nov 1917 Battn. remained at Ridge Wood 9 Nov 1917 Battn. remained at Ridge Wood 10 Nov 1917 Battn. remained at Ridge Wood 11 Nov 1917 - Clapham Junction and Railway Dugouts, Zillebeke Battn. relieved 10th Yorkshire Regiment., Bn H.Qrs, "C" & "D" Coys at Clapham Junction, "A" & "B" Coys at Railway dugouts Zillebeke. Casualties during relief 1 man wounded. 12 Nov 1917 - Polygon Racecourse Battn. relieved the 12/13 Northumberland Fusiliers in front line near Polygon Racecourse. Relief was shelled 6 O.R's being killed. 13 Nov 1917 Situation was quiet except for some area bombardment by enemy. Trenches were improved - drained & a continuous line was commenced. One prisoner 26th Prussian regt was taken. 14 Nov 1917 Improvement of line continued with. 15 Nov 1917 - Ontario Camp An enemy patrol of two men approached our trenches - one was killed & the other taken prisoner - Battn. was relieved by 2 1/2 Coys. 4th Bn. N.Z.R.B. & 1 Coy 1st. N.Z.R.B. Battn. was taken by busses to Ontario Camp. 16 Nov 1917 - Coulomby Battn. entrained at Ouderdom and proceeded to Lumbres, from there marching to Colomby [sic]. 17 Nov 1917 Battn. spent day in cleaning up, clothing inspections etc. Preparations were made to commence training on following day. 2/Lt.W.M. Stanton & 2/Lt.W.H. Wilkins joined Battn. from 17th I.B.D. 18 Nov 1917 A 30yds range was repaired and made fit for use. Bombing & B.F. grounds were made & a 200 yds range prepared. Hours of training 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Football & Boxing matches were arranged. 19 Nov 1917 Training as above. 20 Nov 1917 Training as above. 21 Nov 1917 Training as above. 22 Nov 1917 Battn. marched to Val-de-Lumbres range and fired following practises. Grouping (100 yds). Application (200 yds) 15 rounds rapid (200 yds) 23 Nov 1917 Training from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Battn. then watched Football match between two teams previously chosen. 24 Nov 1917 - Merck-St-Livin In accordance with orders received overnight Battn. marched to MERCK St. LIEVIN & Billeted 25 Nov 1917 - Fontaine-les-Boulans March continued to FONTAINE LES BOULANS where Battn. billeted again. 26 Nov 1917 Battn. rested & commenced refitting. 2nd Lt E.C.Herberg joined Battn. from 176th M.G.Coy. 27 Nov 1917 Refitting contd. & Training commenced. 2nd Lt. H.W.J.Powell, 2nd Lt.A.T.Franklin & 2nd Lt.B.Williams joined Battn. from 17th I.B.D. 28 Nov 1917 C.O's parade in morning B.G.C's lecture to Officers & N.C.O's in the evening. 29 Nov 1917 Training contd. under Coy. arrangements 30 Nov 1917 Baths at LISBOURG allotted to Battn. OPERATION ORDER NO. 116 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Nov. 5th 1917 1. The Battalion will be relieved (5th. inst.) by 12th. Devonshire [sic] Regiment, (less one Coy.) and will withdraw to RIDGE WOOD. Time to be notified later. 2. All men will be dressed and ready to move out on an order from Battalion Headquarters. "B" and "D" will be warned by wire. 3. Platoons will move independently, preserving 100 yards interval. 4. If no advance party is sent up by relieving Unit, One Officer for TOR TOP, and one for STIRLING CASTLE and one N.C.O. per platoon, will be left to hand over. 5. Limbers will be at OBSERVATORY Dump at 2 p.m. All Mess and Officers Kits Camp Kettles, etc., will be at this point ready for loading, Loading parties to join Coy's. 6. Evacuation and arrival of new Unit to be reported to Battalion Headquarters at TOR TOP by Runner and wire. Message - "Rum received". 7. Horses will be at junction of road to Zillebeke Church and PLUMERS DRIVE. 8. All petrol tins must be carried out. 9. Lewis Guns and Signalling Kit will be placed on Limbers as units pass Observation Dump. 10. "B" and "D" Coy's. will use duck-board track via Zillebeke Church. 11. All S.A.A. in bandoliers and grenades to be handed over. They will be collected at Coy. Headquarters, receipts to be obtained. 12. Hot meal on arrival. Free issue of cigarettes. Rifles to be well oiled. Feet inspected. Casualty returns to be rendered. OPERATION ORDER No. 117 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Reference Maps - GHELUVELT 1/10,000. ZILLEBEKE 1/10,000. BECELAERE Nov. 10th. 1917. 1. On the 11th. inst. the Battalion will relieve the 10th. Yorkshire Regiment as follows: - Battalion Headquarters and "C" and "D" Coy's. at CLAPHAM JUNCTION. To leave RIDGE WOOD at 2-30 p.m. and arrive at CLAPHAM JUNCTION at 5 p.m. Order of march - Headquarters, "C" and "D" Coy's. "A" and "B" Coy's. - RAILWAY DUG-OUTS, ZILLEBEKE, to leave RIDGE WOOD at 1 p.m. and arrive at ZILLEBEKE DUG-OUTS at 2-30 p.m. Order of march - "A" and "B" Coy's. Intervals of 200 yards to be observed between platoons. Lewis Guns of "C" and "D" and Signallers Kit to be taken on pack animals with Battalion Headquarters and Companies to CLAPHAM JUNCTION. Lewis Guns of "A" and "B" to go on Limber to Railway Dug-outs. 2. On the 12th. inst. Battalion will relieve the 12/13 Northumberland Fusiliers in centre sub-sector of Brigade sector as follows: - Right Front. "C" Coy. of N.F. to be relieved by "C" Coy. 1st Bedford. Regt. Left Front. "B" Coy. of N.F. to be relieved by "D" Coy. 1st Bedford. Regt. Support. "D" Coy. of N.F. to be relieved by "A" Coy. 1st Bedford. Regt. Reserve. "A" Coy. of N.F. to be relieved by "B" Coy. 1st Bedford. Regt. 3. DISPOSITIONS. RIGHT COMPANY, "C". Coy. Headquarters, J.11.c.1.4. Boundaries - J.11.c.05.40. to J.11.c.50.35. Continuous trench held by six posts including 4 Lewis Guns. Touch is to be maintained with Battalion on right, 16th. R.Warwickshire Regiment. J.16.b.65.95. by system of constant patrols. LEFT COMPANY, "D". Coy. Headquarters, J.11.c.7.8. Line of detached posts from J.11.c.50.35. to J.11.d.15.35. with one post in course of construction at J.11.d.30.50. Garrison - 64 men and 4 Lewis Guns. Touch must be maintained on left with right post of 1st. Cheshire Regt, at J.11.d.40.55. now under construction. Posts are garrisoned as follows: - No. 1. (J.11.c.65.30.) One Officer and 25 O.R's. with two Lewis Guns. No. 2. (J.11.c.85.30.) One Officer and 12 O.R's. with one Lewis Gun. No. 3. (J.11.c.05.30.) One Sergt. and 12 O.R's. with one Lewis Gun. No. 4. (J.11.c.15.35.) One Sergt. and 12 O.R's. with two Lewis Guns. No. 5. (to be established at J.11.c.15.35.) to be garrisoned by One Sergt. and 12 O.R's. and one Lewis Gun to be taken from No.4 Post. O.C. "B" Coy. will detail two Lewis Guns and teams to report to O.C. "D" Coy. to-day. (To be rationed by "D" Coy.) O.C. "A" Coy. will detail one Lewis Gun and team to report to O.C. ["C"]Coy. to-day. (to be rationed by "C" Coy.) There will be no Lewis Guns at Battalion Headquarters. SUPPORT COMPANY "A". Coy. Headquarters. J.11.c.30.55. Two platoons at J.11.c.30.55. One platoon at J.11.c.80.60. COUNTER ATTACK COMPANY "B". in MEBUA. at J.10.c.8.7. MEDICAL AID POST. J.9.d.95.95. Company Commanders can mark in their maps at Orderly Room. The line is to be taken over exactly as at present held. Great care must be taken that good communications exist between posts and neighbouring Units, both from flank to flank, and front to rear. Front Companies must connect up trenches to Battalions on their right and Left. This is the first work to be taken in hand. 4. ADVANCE PARTIES consisting of One Officer per Company and one N.C.O. and one guide per platoon, and one N.C.O. and one guide for Battalion Headquarters will report to Brigade Headquarters HOOGE CRATER at 2 p.m. on the 11th. inst. This party will obtain guides from 62nd. Brigade, at HOOGE CRATER. and proceed to the line, remain there night of 11th/12th, and thoroughly reconnoitre the line. They will also take over all Tools, Stores, etc. 5. GUIDES. For the 12th. inst. on following scale will meet Companies as under: - One Officer 1st. Bedfords per Coy. and one guide of 1st. Bedfords and one guide of Northumberland Fusiliers per platoon, and two for Battalion Headquarters, will meet Battalion Headquarters and "C" and "D" Companies at CLAPHAM JUNCTION at 4-30 p.m. Guides on same scale will meet "A" and "B" Companies at HOOGE CRATER at 5 p.m. 6. RATIONS. Rations for the 12th. to be carried on the man. Rations for the 13th. and 14th. will be issued on morning of the 12th. inst. before the Battalion moves from RAILWAT DUG-OUTS and CLAPHAM JUNCTION. CARRYING. The following party will be detailed from Companies and be accommodated in Railway Dug-outs, at ZILLEBEKE, and will be used for carrying water, rum, socks, etc., to Battalion in the line. 2/Lieut. W.A.Jackson. Sgt. from "A" Coy. 1 N.C.O. 10 O.R's. from each Company. 2/Lieut. W.A.Jackson will report to Capt. Prior, at SHRAPNEL CORNER at 10 a.m. on the 12th. inst. and arrange accommodation. he will be under direct orders of Q.M. Above details will not be taken from dumped personnel. 7. Relief complete on 12th./13th. will be reported to Battalion Headquarters by Runner. These runners will remain at Battalion Headquarters and act as guides for Headquarter Officers etc. OPERATION ORDER No. 118 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Reference - Map. GHELUVELT, 1/10,000. Nov. 14th. 1917. 1. On the 15th/16th. the Brigade will be relieved by 1st. and 4th. Battn's. of the N.Z., R.B. FANTAN will be relieved by one Company 1st Battn. and 2 1/2 coy's. of 4th. Battn. N.Z., R.B. in accordance with attached relief table. [not attached]. 2. GUIDES will be supplied by FANTAN according to table attached (a) Each guide is to have written slip shewing from which platoon and Company he comes from and also the Coy. and Battn. he is guiding in. (b) The 2 guides per platoon who reconnoitred the tracks to-day will be those detailed. (c) Guides must arrive punctually at Rendezvous. 3. STORES. All Tools, S.A.A. Bombs, S.O.S., V.P.A., (less 59 rounds per man) will be collected in POST Dumps and handed over to relieving Unit. Disposition Maps, Defence Schemes, work in hand, Intelligence, etc., will be carefully handed over. Lists of all Stores, Maps, etc. to be handed over will be made out in triplicate - one copy to reach Battalion Headquarters by 12 noon the 15th. inst. 4. RELIEF COMPLETE will be reported by wire as under: - "D" Coy. NO WHISKY. "C" Coy. RUM. "A" Coy. WATER. "B" Coy. WHALE OIL. In addition, each Company Commander will report by runner to 2/Lieut. S.H.Draper on their way out at Battalion Signalling Station. 2/Lieut. S.H.Draper will post an N.C.O. and 2 men on duck board tracks to collect these reports. He will also report relief complete for whole Battalion to Battalion Headquarters (BOTTE) by wire, "O.K", (or by lamp) and also to O.C., 4th. Battn. N.Z., R.B. who will be at JERK HOUSE. 5. WITHDRAWAL. Companies and platoons must keep closed up when withdrawing. ALL MEN are to be informed of the route to SHRAPNEL CORNER and that they are boarding 'Busses there and proceeding to WESTOUTRE. Companies and platoons will report present or otherwise to 2/Lieut. W.A.Jackson at SHRAPNEL CORNER so that he can allot accommodation for stragglers. NOTE. - Lewis Gun Magazines and dirty socks must be brought out. OPERATION ORDER No. 119 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. November 27th. 1917. 1. Battalion will entrain at ANVIN Station. date and time to be notified later. 2. TRAINS. There are two trains at disposal of 1st. Bedfords. each train will consist of: - 1 First or Second Class Coach, (probably 4 Compartments) 2 Third Class Coaches (each 5 Compartments) 22 Covered Trucks. 13 Flats. 2 Brake Vans. The Battalion will be distributed as under: - (A) Train No. 20. (serial Number of Unit 523.) to convey: - Headquarters - i.e. Commanding Officer, Adjutant, Captain J.C.A.Birch, Quartermaster, 2/Lieut.H.J.Snashall, Transport Officer, Medical Officer, R.S.M., Headquarter Servants & Mess Staff, Sgt. Wheeler and 4 Pioneers & Drums "B" and "D" Companies complete, one M.O. Orderly. Half Transport i.e. 2 L.G.Limbers, 1 S.A.A. Limber. 1/2 Limber Bombs 1/2 Linber Tools. 1/2 Limber Signalling. 1 Watercart 1 Cooker. 1 Cooks Wagon. 1 Baggage Wagon. 1 Supply Wagon Chargers - Officers travelling on train. (B) Train No. 25 (serial Number of Unit 523.a.) to convey: - Major W.S.Chirnside, M.C. (O.C. Train) Captain S.H.Draper. A/Adjt. R.Q.M.S., Transport Sergt, one M.O. Orderly, "A" and "C" Companies complete. Remainder of Transport, Cpl.Belben and 4 Pioneers N.B. ALL Headquarter employ not enumerated above, will travel with their Companies. Q.M. employ will travel with Transport. Q.M. and T.O. will forward returns having exact numbers of personnel under their Command, Horses, vehicles, travelling on each train as soon as possible. 3. R.T.O. Captain Warner, M.C. 15th. T.M.Battery is appointed A/R.T.O. ANVIN. Captain Henderson, 1st. Norfolk Regiment is appointed A/R.T.O. detraining station. 4. ENTRAINING. All animals and vehicles will arrive at the entraining Station three hours before the train is timed to start. Personnel will arrive at the entraining station one hour before the train is timed to start. 5. LOADING PARTIES. A party of 2 Officers and 100 Other Ranks from 1st. Cheshire Regiment will be detailed for loading at ANVIN. A similar party from 16th. R.Warwickshire Regiment for unloading at detraining station. 6. EQUIPMENT & RATIONS. Each man will entrain carrying full equipment, 120 Rounds S.A.A., rations for day of entrainment, iron ration, full water bottle, steel helmet, box respirator, gas helmet, and 2 blankets. All animals must have one rug. 7. FORAGE. Forage for day of entrainment will be carried in the horse trucks. Men in charge of horses will travel in the horse trucks. Supply wagons will be loaded full. 8. ANIMALS. Animals will be entrained unharnessed and rugged. Harness may be loaded under its vehicle. Canvas buckets will be carried in each horse truck. Cinders or gravel should be strewn on the floors of horse trucks, otherwise they become very slippery. 9. LENGTH OF JOURNEY. The journey will take about 5 days. Halts will be arranged for watering, feeding, washing, etc. approximately 1 hour in every 10. A list of halts will be given to the O.C. Trains by the R.T.O. 10. RATIONS. Nine days rations, in addition to those mentioned in paras. 6 and 7, will be carried in bulk for all men and animals in each train. A covered truck will be set aside for issue of rations enroute. Forage and non-perishable supplies can be loaded under vehicles. One days supplies will be on ration wagons. Nine days supplies loaded in bulk. 11. DISCIPLINE. The strictest discipline will be maintained throughout the journey. The Senior Combatant Officer will command each train, and he will appoint Orderly Officers who will take tours of duty, and will also detail a guard at each end of the train. The duties of the Orderly Officers and guards are (a) To see that no one leaves the train when it halts, unless authorised to do so at a recognised halting place by the O.C. (b) To ensure that no men ride on the steps or the tops of carriages, or climb along the train from truck to truck. There is very little clearance between the tops of trucks and tunnels. (c) To guard all stores on the train throughout the journey. (d) To watch both sides of the train when halted. Each O.C. Train will obtain from the R.T.O. before starting a copy of G.H.Q. instructions for O.C. Trains. These instructions are Secret*, and should be destroyed before detraining. 11. ENTRAINING STATES. The O.C. of each train, or portion of a Unit entraining, will bring with him an entraining state, in duplicate. This State will shew strength Officers, Other Ranks, horses by tyes, vehicles by types, the number of days rations entrained. These states will be handed over to the Acting R.T.O. at each station. A certificate will be added to the effect that the Unit is complete with equipment and rations. * reference above. Each O.C. Train will detail an Orderly Officer daily. Each Company will detail 2 guards, (1 N.C.O. and 3 men) to be on duty one on each side of the train. They will see that above orders are strictly carried out. OPERATION ORDER No. 119/1 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. November 30th. /17 Following amendments and alterations are made to O.O. 119, dated Nov. 27th. 1917. 1. Battalion will entrain on Dec. 2nd. at ANVIN. 1st Train No. 442 at 8-20 a.m. via ETAPLES. 2nd. Train No. 445 at 18-57 p.m. via ARRAS. 2. (A) For train in No. 20 real train No. 442. Delete name of Capt. J.C.A.Birch in H.Q., and add two Orderly Room Clerks (Sgt. H.Hoar and L/C. R.Vallance.) Mess Cart. 4 Pack Animals. (B) For train No. 25 read Train No. 445.. Add two Orderly Room Clerks (L/C. S.Kingsman and Pte. W.Maundrell.) Maltese Cart. 4 Pack Animals. 3. Breakfasts for No. 442 train will be eaten at ANVIN Station, on Dec. 2nd. Dinners for No. 445 train will be eaten at ANVIN Station on Dec. 2nd. before entraining. 4. Two Lorries for each train will convey Blankets to the Station. Blankets for No. 442 train will be rolled in bundles of 10, marked with wooden label, and be ready for loading at Q.M.Stores at 2-30 a.m. on Dec. 2nd. Blankets for No. 445 train to be at Q.M. Stores 7 a.m. on Dec. 2nd. The blankets will be issued to the men at ANVIN before entraining, 2 per man.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Nov 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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