- ReferenceX550/2/5/1708
- TitleWar Diary for August 1917 1 Aug 1917 - Front Line south of Arleux In Front line trenches south of ARLEUX Following officers joined the Bn. 2/ts W.Hughes, P.S.C.Daniels & H.C.Loe 2 Aug 1917 In trenches as above 3 Aug 1917 - Red Line In trenches as above. In afternoon Bn. was relieved by 1/Cheshire Regt & withdrew to RED LINE see O.O.99 4-8 Aug 1917 200 men per night were sent on Bde working parties - carrying trench stores digging Bn Cook house also built 9 Aug 1917 - Kitchener Camp, Red Line and Sugar Post Relieved by 1/D.C.L.I. & 2 Coys & H.Q. withdrew to KITCHENER CAMP. Two coys remained in RED LINE & SUGAR POST & worked under 491st Fld Coy R.E. wiring & widening trenches. Task - work see O.O. 100. 10-11 Aug 1917 Work as above two coys in KITCHENER Camp worked on Roads in back areas. 12 Aug 1917 Inter company relief see O.O.101 13-14 Aug 1917 Work as on 10 & 11 Instants. 15 Aug 1917 - Ecurie Wood Huts Bn relieved by 1/Norfolk Regt & withdrew to ECURIE Wood huts see O.O.102. 16-20 Aug 1917 - Ecurie Wood Huts and Bray Range Bn Training special attention being paid to Musketry on19 Inst. Bn marched to BRAY Range & spent two nights there. See training programme attached Bn moved back to ECURIE Wood Camp. 21 Aug 1917 - Front Line south of Arleux Relieved 1/D.C.L.I. in Front Line see ).).103 22-26 Aug 1917 In trenches Front line was heavily shelled with 5.9s & 8 inch on 24 inst casualties 3 O.R. Killed 4 O.R. wounded. Special attention was paid to wiring 27 Aug 1917 - Vimy-Lievin Line Bn was relieved by 1/Cheshire Regt (see O.O.104) & withdrew to VIMY - LIEVIN line working parties were supplied for Front line system. Railways & tracks 28 Aug 1917 As above 29-31 Aug 1917 3 coys employed each night on wiring Front line system, one coy working on tracks Railways etc. 2LTS E.F.K.GRAHAM, V.E.FARR, L.J.HOBSON & H.G.BAKER joined Bn 30th inst. OPERATION ORDER No.99 FANTAN Map Reference, SUGAR FACTORY August 2nd. 1917. 1. MOVE The Battalion will be relieved by FANFARE to-morrow evening Aug. 3rd. On completion of relief, Battalion will withdraw into RED Line at present occupied by FANFARE and will be in Brigade support. 2. RELIEF. "C" Coy. FANFARE will relieve "C" Coy. FANTAN, Right Front. "A" Coy. FANFARE will relieve "A" Coy. FANTAN, Right Support. "D" Coy. FANFARE will relieve "B" Coy. FANTAN, Left Front "B" Coy. FANFARE wil relieve "D" Coy. FANTAN Left Support. N.B. FANFARE are organised with 2 platoons per Company. 3. GUIDES. One per platoon, and one for Battalion Headquarters, (i.e. 9 in all) will meet FANFARE at 5 p.m. at junction of TOMMY and OLD KENT Road. ROUTE OLD KENT Road and W. Trench Companies of FANFARE will arrive at Junction of TOMMY and OLD KENT Road at 5 minutes interval between platoons, in the following order 1. "C" Coy. Right Front 2. "D" Coy. Left Front 3. "A" Coy. Right Support 4. "B" Coy. Left Support 5. Battalion Headquarters. 4. On Completion of relief, Companies will withdraw to RED Line and take over from their opposite letter Companies. Approximate positions will be: - Battalion Headquarters and "D" Coy. in OUSE SIDING. "C" Coy. from Battalion Headquarters to TOMMY. "A" and "B" Coy's. N.of TOMMY towards SUGAR FACTORY. "A" and "C" Company will share a Company Headquarters. ROUTE "A" and "C" Coy's. will withdraw via KINGS STREET, Z Trench and TOMMY "B" and "D" Companies via SEVERN ALLEY, ARLEUX LOOP, W Trench and TOMMY. 5. RELIEF COMPLETE will be reported by Fullerphone using code message, "A" Coy. "Whale oil required." "B" Coy. "No. 30069 Pte. BARNES." "C" Coy. "Water received." "D" Coy. "No. 60078 Pte. JONES." Companies will report arrival in the RED Line by Runner, stating their exact dispositions. 6. ALL S.A.A. etc., and Trench stores will be handed over, and receipts obtained. Lists of stores to be handed over will reach Battalion H.Q. by 12 noon Aug.3rd. 7. RATIONS will come up to Battalion Headquarters each night. Each Company will detail their own ration party. ALL Camp kettles must be at this point by 9-30 p.m. to fill up from Water Carts. 8. ADVANCE PARTY. One Officer per Company and Lieut G. de C.Millais for Headquarters, one N.C.O.per platoon and two for Battalion Headquarters, will go down to RED Line to-morrow morning and take over all stores, work, etc., They will return to their Companies and act as guides when the Battalion withdraws after relief. OPERATION ORDER No.100 1st Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment Map Reference: 51.B. N.W. 1/10,000 August 8th. 1917. 1. RELIEF. The Battalion will be relieved by the 1st. D.C.L.I. Regt. in the afternoon of the 9th. inst. commencing at 3-30 p.m. according to table as under: - "D" Coy. 1st Bedfordshire Regt. will be relieved by "B" Coy. D.C.L.I. "C" Coy. 1st Bedfordshire Regt. will be relieved by "C" Coy. D.C.L.I. "A" Coy. 1st Bedfordshire Regt. will be relieved by "A" Coy. D.C.L.I. "B" Coy. 1st Bedfordshire Regt. will be relieved by "D" Coy. D.C.L.I. 2. GUIDES. 1 guide per platoon and one for Battalion H.Q. will meet Coy's. and Battalion H.Q. at junction of TOMMY and RED Line at 3-30 p.m. 3. WITHDRAWAL. On completion of relief, (i) "A" Coy. will withdraw to WILLERVAL SOUTH, and take over lines occupied by 1st. East Surrey's. "C" Coy. will take over lines held by Coy. of 1st. East Surrey's in SUGAR POST. All other details will be arranged by O.C. Coy's. concerned. (ii) "B" and "D" Coy's. and Battalion H.Q. will withdraw to KITCHENER Camp (old Camp on road.) 4. WORK. (i) "A" and "C" Coy's. will carry on the wiring under 59 Coy. R.E. as arranged with 1st. East Surrey's. "B" and "D" Coy's. will hand over all their wire cutters, (Hand) to "A" and "C", and obtain receipts for same. Quartermaster will send up any wiring gloves that he has on hand. Staff Captain has been asked to supply 20 extra pairs. (ii) "D" Coy. will supply one Officer (2/Lieut.H.C.Loe) and 40 O.R's. to work on shelters in RED Line, under 59th. Field Coy. R.E. RENDEZVOUS - B.19.b.15/60, at 9 a.m. on the 10th. inst. Party will be accommodated by 59 Coy. R.E. 2/Lieut.H.C.Loe will make necessary arrangements with Quartermsater for rations, etc., also accommodation. a. (iii) "B" Coy. will supply one Officer and 20 O.R's. by day and night, for work on roads under Staff Captain. Further orders will be issued when received. b. "B" Coy. will supply 20 O.R's. for work on Officers Club ECURIE, daily at 9 a.m. commencing 10th inst. 5. TRANSPORT. (i) Rations for "A" and "C" Coy's. will be sent up each night by light railway to point where SUGAR Post trench meets railway line at about E.10.d.2/2. Water will be sent up by water Cart at same place. R.S.M. will arrange for all petrol cans over Regimental establishment to be handed over to "A" and "C" Coy's. (ii) LEWIS GUNS and magazines of "B" and "D" will be brought to Battalion H.Q. at 3 p.m. on the 9th inst. and one L.G. from each Coy. will remain with them until the Transport arrives to take them back. (iii) Regimental Petrol cans belonging to "B" and "D" Coy's. will also be taken to Battalion H.Q. at 3 p.m. on the 9th. inst. also H.Q., "B" and "D" Coy's. Mess boxes, and Orderly Room boxes. R.S.M. will arrange for a Guard to be put over same until Transport limbers arrive to take them back. "A" and "C" will keep their Regtl. petrol cans and be responsible for same. (iv) All Cooks materials except those required for "A" and "C" Coy's. will be collected and taken at same time. (v) Sgt. Cook will arrange for a sufficient number of Cooks to proceed to Transport lines to-night 8th. inst. to have teas ready for H.Q., and "B" and "D" Coy's. on arrival in KITCHENER Camp. (vi) Officers chargers for Battalion H.Q. and "B" and "D" Coy's. to be at top of TOMMY by 5-30 p.m. (vii) Packs of "A" and "C" Coy's. will be brought up on Transport to-night. These two Coy's. will have a Guard each at Battalion H.Q. at 9-30 p.m. to-night to look after these until they can be sorted out. (viii) Maltese Cart will come up for Medical Officers material. N.B. Coy's are reminded to bring back all Canvas Buckets. OPERATION ORDER No.101 1st Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment August 11th. 1917 1. An inter-Company relief will take place to-morrow the 12th inst. 2. "A" and "C" Companies will withdraw to KITCHENER Camp and will leave their present positions at 8-30 a.m. in order to arrive in Camp by 12 noon. "A" Coy. moving via TIRED ALLEY and "C" Coy. via TOMMY. 3. Dinners will be at 12 noon. 4. "B" and "D" Coy's. will move up to the trenches at present occupied by "A" and "C" as soon as dinners are over. "B" Coy. to take up "A" Coy's. present position. "D" Coy. to take up "C" Coy's. present position. 5. An advanced party consisting of 1 Officer per Coy. and 1 N.C.O. per platoon, each from "B" and "D" Coy's. will parade under the Senior Officer at 5 p.m. this evening, and proceed to take over work and trenches from "A" and "C" Coy's. They will also take over petrol cans and be responsible for same. "A" and "C" Coy's. will send a similar party to take over work at KITCHENER Camp on receipt of this order. 6. The Quartermaster will arrange to send "A" and "C" Coy's. Breakfast Ration only up to the trenches to-night, the remainder will be taken over by the Sergt. Cook at Battalion Headquarters, who will make arrangements to have dinners for "A" and "C" Coy's. on arrival. 7. The water Cart will proceed as usual to-night. 8. "A" and "C" Coy's. Officers chargers will be at the top of TIRED and TOMMY ALLEY respectively by 10 a.m. 9. "B" and "D" Coy's. will hand in all dirty shirts and pants before moving off. Packs will not be carried, but must be sent to Transport before moving off. 10. Baths are allotted to "A" and "C" Coy's. as follows: - For to-morrow the 12th inst. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. "A" Coy. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. "C" Coy. OPERATION ORDER No. 102 1st Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment Reference Map - France 51.B. N.W. 1/20,000 August 14th. 1917 1. On the morning of the 15th. August 1917, the Battalion will exchange Camps with 1st. Norfolk Regiment. Battalion will be clear of present Camp by 11 a.m. 2. Headquarters, "A" and "C" Companies will march off as under: - 10 a.m. Headquarters 10-5 a.m. No.1 Platoon 10-10 a.m. No.2 Platoon "A" Coy. 10-15 a.m. No. 3 Platoon 10-20 a.m. No. 4 Platoon 10-25 a.m. No.9 Platoon 10-30 a.m. No.10 Platoon "C" Coy. 10-35 a.m. No.11 Platoon 10-40 a.m. No.12 Platoon 3. "B" and "D" Companies will leave their present lines at 8 a.m. 15th. inst. with 5 minutes interval between platoons. "D" Coy. via TOMMY. "B" Coy. via TIRED. Lewis Gun Limbers will meet Companies at end of TOMMY 8-45 a.m. "B" Coy. Lewis Guns will be at this point and meet them. One Officer and 4 N.C.O's. per Company of "B" and "D" will remain in trenches until arrival of "C" and "D" Coy's. 1st. Norfolk Regiment and will hand over accommodation, etc., O.C. 1st. Norfolks has arranged that "C" Coy. 1st. Norfolks will take over WILLERVAL S. "D" Coy. 1st. Norfolks will take over SUGAR POST. One guide of "B" Coy. 1st. Bedfordshire Regiment will meet "C" Coy. 1st Norfolks where TOMMY ALLEY cuts Railway. (TUNNEL DUMP). at 10 am. These guides will be found from handing over party. B & D will withdraw to Ecurie Wood 4. ADMINISTRATIVE. 1. 2/Lieut. E.I.F.Nailer and one N.C.O. per Company ("B" and "D" included) and one N.C.O. for Headquarters, will meet the Quartermaster at ECURIE WOOD Huts at 9-30 a.m. to-morrow, to take over new Camp. 2. TRANSPORT Officer will arrange to have all Transport etc., clear of Kitchener Camp by 10 a.m. Officers valises will be ready for loading at 9-30 a.m. also Mess Kit. 3. DINNERS at 12-30 p.m. in ECURIE WOOD Huts for whole Battalion. 4. ALL DIXIES and Cooks material, Mess Boxes, Petrol Cans, etc., of "B" and "D" Coy's. will be loaded on Ration Limbers to-night by 12 midnight. Tea and Sugar will be issued to the men. One limber will have to remain at Ration Dump for this purpose. 5. Men of "B" and "D" will find their waterbottles so that petrol cans can be returned TRAINING PROGRAMME. Wednesday August 15th. Move to ECURIE WOOD CAMP. Thursday August 16th. Early Breakfasts. March to vicinity of BRUNEHAUT FARM. Practice attack from 8-30 a.m. 9-15 p.m. Timed march in gas masks. Friday August 17th. 8-30 a.m. to 9-30 a.m. Battalion Drill. 9-30 a.m. t o10-30 a.m. "Smoke Tactics" 10-30 a.m. to 12-30 p.m. Companies at disposal of Company Officers for both Administration and Training. Saturday August 18th. Baths allotted. Companies at disposal of Company Officers for Specialist training. 6-0 p.m. March to BRAY RANGE. Sunday August 19th. Musketry on BRAY RANGE. One hour of Battalion Drill. Monday August 20th. Musketry on BRAY RANGE. Return to ECURIE WOOD. Tuesday August 21st. Return to Line. It will be noted that there will be only 2 clear days at ECURIE WOOD. As regards Recreational Programme during these days, there will be Musketry (Voluntary Competitions, Pool Bull, etc.) from 2-0 p.m. to 7-0 p.m. and football and cricket by platoons, and at least one concert. The Battalion Patrols will carry out an independent programme as attached. Battalion Signallers are also having a special course. Half an hours Musketry will be done each day. Musketry programme attached. 14/8/17 MUSKETRY PROGRAMME at ECURIE WOOD Camp Range, (30 yards). August 15-16-17th. 1917 August 15th. (Wednesday) Pool Bull from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Entrance Fee - Officers, - 1 Franc O.R's. - 1 Penny. Revolver Competition, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Officers and No's. 1 and 2 Lewis Gun Teams. Entrance Fee - Officers - 1 Franc. To be divided in prizes for the best shots of Nos. 1 and 2 Lewis Gun Teams. 6 shots each hand, deliberate. August 16th. (Thursday) Section in the Defence. Comprising One Section Commander and 8 Other Ranks. Conditions. Section to be formed up in trench, rifles loaded, bayonets fixed, section to be under cover, with the exception of one observer. 1. Targets suddenly appear, Section Commander opens fire. After exposure, Section Commander becomes a casualty, next senior takes charge. 2. As in 1. 3. As in 1. Three exposures each of 30 seconds, supposed to represent an enemy advancing gabout 30 yards. Points awarded as follows: - Method of giving fire orders. Kind of fire ordered. Fire discipline. Number of hits obtained. Section Commander may be either Sergt. or Cpl. Other Ranks - Cpl. or under. August 17th. (Friday) Rapid fire Competition. Time allowed - one minute. Number of rounds - 15. Points as in Practice 22, Table B. Musketry Reg. Part 2. 1 point allowed for every round not fired, providing it is either in the rifle, or the pouch. (not on the ground.) This would impress on the men the importance of loading carefully and cleanly MUSKETRY PROGRAMME at BRAY RANGE August 19th. and 20th. 1917 Sunday August 19th. The Range will be allotted to Companies as under: - "A" and "B" Companies7 to 10 a.m. "C" and "D" Companies10 to 1 p.m. PRACTICES. (1) Grouping Practice. 5 rounds. 100 yards. (2) Application Practice. 10 rounds. 100 yards. 2 to 4 p.m. Lewis Gun Practice. Pool Bull, and if possible, SNAP SHOOTING. Entrance Fee - Officers One Franc. O.R's. One penny. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Monday August 20th. The Range will be allotted to Companies as under: - "C" and "D" Companies7 to 10 a.m. "A" and "B" Companies10 to 1 p.m. PRACTICES. (1) Application practice. 10 rounds. 200 yards. (2) Rapid practice. 15 rounds. 200 yards. 2 to 4 p.m. Pool Bull. Entrance Fee - Officers One Franc O.R's. One penny. Points as in Practice 22, Table B. Musketry Reg. Part II. 1915. 17/8/17. OPERATION ORDER No. 103 1st. Battalion the Bedfordshire Regiment. August 20th. 1917 1. To-morrow the 21st. inst. the Battalion will relieve the 1st D.C.L.I. in left sub-sector of Brigade front. 2. Relief will be carried out in accordance with table: - Coy. Leave Camp at. Section of line. "B" 12-30 noon Left Front "C" 12-50 p.m. Right Front "D" 1-10 p.m. Left Support "A" 1-30 p.m. Right Support H.Q. 1-50 p.m. 5 minutes interval must be maintained between platoons. 3. Relief messages will be reported by wire using code message: - "B" Coy. - "No stores received." "C" Coy. - "No.6347 Pte. Smith." "D" Coy. - No.41009 Cpl. Boys." "A" Coy. - "No money required." 4. Prepared S.O.S. messages will be carried by all Officers, to L.F. 13. - S.O.S., C.2. 5. Advance parties of one Officer per Coy. and one N.C.O. per platoon, and Signalling Officer and one N.C.O. for Battalion Headquarters will proceed in to trenches in the morning, and take over all stores, maps, work in progress, etc. 6. TRANSPORT. 1. Lewis Gun limbers will go as far as top of TOMMY, and with their Coy's. Signalling Kit, and sufficient camp kettles will be taken on these limbers to give the men teas on arrival in trenches. 2. Water Carts will come up full, and be emptied into the tanks in MG TRENCH and petrol cans. Dixies will be filled from this point. Transport Officer will make all other arrangements. OPERATION ORDER No.104. 1st. Battalion "Cackle" August 26th. 1917. 1. The Battalion will be relieved by "CHEESE" to-morrow, the 27th. inst. commencing about 2 p.m. 2. O.C., "CHEESE" has arranged for: - "C" Coy. "CHEESE" to relieve "A" Coy. in Right Front. "A" Coy. "CHEESE" to relieve "C" Coy. in Right Support. "D" Coy. "CHEESE" to relieve "D" Coy. in Left Front. "B" Coy. "CHEESE" to relieve "B" Coy. in Left Support. 3. PRINCES Street will not be used at all on day of relief, either by in-going or out-going troops. 4. On completion of relief, Companies will withdraw to the VIMY-LIEVEN Line and Tunnel. Right Companies via BABY - KINGS - Z Trench and TOMMY. Left Companies via SEVERN - W Trench and TOMMY. 5. O.C. "A" and "D" Companies will each leave one Officer with "CHEESE" until dark, to shew them exactly where to carry on with the wiring. 6. O.C. Companies will render a list of all stores, explosives, Maps, etc., to be handed over to Orderly Room by 9 a.m. to-morrow. 7.One N.C.O. per platoon, and one for Battalion Headquarters, will meet Asst. Adjt. at Battalion Headquarters at 10 a.m. to-morrow. They will proceed to TUNNEL, and take over accommodation etc., from their opposite letter Companies. 8. Transport Officer will arrange to send up Mens packs and cooking materials to TUNNEL Dump to-morrow night with Rations. The Cook Sergt. will report to Asst. Adjt. at TUNNEL at 11 a.m. to-morrow to arrange cookhouses. 9. Completion of relief will be reported by wire, using code message: - "A" Coy. "No N.C.O. available". "B" Coy. No.6784 Pte. Page." "C" Coy. "5 Boxes Mills." "D" Coy. "Allotment for Rest Camp not required".
- Date free text1-31 Aug 1917
- Production dateFrom: 1917 To: 1917
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
- Keywords1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, 1st Battalion Cheshire Regiment, 15th Infantry Brigade, 491st Field Company Royal Engineers, 1st Battalion Norfolk Regiment, 1st Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, land weaponry, railways, telephone, water provision, 1st Battalion East Surrey Regiment, 59th Field Company Royal Engineers, cook, clothing, tea, sugar, baths, cricket, football, concerts, shooting, maps, Arleux-en-Gohelle, Red Line [Willerval], Kitchener Camp [Willerval], Sugar Post [Willerval], Ecurie Wood Huts, Vimy-Lievin Line, Tommy Trench [Arleux-en-Gohelle], Old Kent Road [Arleux-en-Gohelle], Ouse Siding [Willerval], Sugar Factory [Willerval], Z Trench [Willerval], W Trench [Willerval], Arleux Loop, Kings Street [Arleux-en-Gohelle], Severn Alley [Willerval], Sugar Post [Willerval], Ecurie, Tired Alley [Ecurie], Tunnel Dump [Oppy], Ecurie Wood Huts, Brunehaut Farm [Ecurie], MG Trench [Ecurie], Princes Street [Ecurie]
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