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    War Diary for May 1917 1 May 1917 - Cambligneul CAMBLIGNEUL. In Billets. Training of Specialists carried on. Night Operations (Battn. in attack over open, special attention paid to Scouts) 2 May 1917 As on May 1st. No night operations 3 May 1917 In Billets as above. Training carried on. Received Warning Order from Bde to move to ROCLINCOURT Area. Tactical Exercise for Officers & N.C.Os. LT Col. F.N.BUTLER proceeded to join 11th Battn ESSEX RGT. 4 May 1917 - near Roclincourt Battn moved to vicinity of ROCLINCOURT and bivouacked in open N. of village (see O.O. 74d/ May 3rd) Specialist training carried on. 5 May 1917 In bivouacs as above. C.O. Adjt & Coy Cmdrs reconnoitred route to 95th & 13th Bde H.Qs who were holding the line E. of ARLEUX & W. of OPPY. Battn received orders to be ready to move at 2hrs notice. Met 4th Battn. Bedfordshire Regt. who were in bivouacs S.W. of ROCLINCOURT. 6 May 1917 In bivouacs as above. Specialist training. Battn worked on Infantry Tracks & removed all barbed wire in vicinity of Camp. Played 4th Battn. football 7 May 1917 In bivouacs as above. C.O. Adjutant Coy Cmdrs & I.O. reconnoitred routes to Battalions of 13th Bde holding front line W. of OPPY. During night enemy shelled camp. No damage done 8 May 1917 - near Fresnoy At 9.30 a.m. Battn received orders to be ready to move at moments notice. At 10.30 a.m. received orders to move forward at once and be in close reserve to 13th & 95th Inf. Bdes. who had been attacked during night in FRESNOY VILLAGE. Battn. stayed in position, B.19.c.3/4, old German Trench, during night. Rifle Grenades, Extra S.A.A., tools etc. were issued. Officers reconnoitred CORP LINE East of WILLERVAL. 9 May 1917 - Corps Line East of Willerval and Farbus Station In position as above. 8.15 p.m. Battn moved forward and relieved 1st D.C.L.I. (95th Bde) in support and took over CORPS LINE E. of WILLERVAL with 2 coys and Line of Trenches E. of FARBUS STATION with other 2 coys. Owing to strength of Battn approx 400 Trench Strength, Coys were organized into 2 Platoons each Platoon having Extra L.G.Section attached. Battn. H.Q. 100yds W. of FARBUS WOOD (see O.O. No.74a d/9th). During night 2 Coys E. of FARBUS STATION were heavily shelled with gas & tear shells. A few men were slightly gassed 10 May 1917 In Support line as above. 5 men wounded by shell fire. Our artillery opened a heavy bombardment on enemy's front line at dusk. At 8.30 p.m. 2 Coys E. of FARBUS STATION were moved forward to CORPS LINE E. of WILLERVAL 11-12 May 1917 Working parties were put on roads and arty tracks running E from FARBUS RY Embankment to ARLEUX LOOP. Received orders to relieve 1st CHESHIRE Rgt in LEFT SUB-SECTOR of ARLEUX Sector on night of 13-14th. C.O. Adgt & Coy Officers reconnoitred line held by 1st CHESHIRE RGT. 13 May 1917 - Front Line, Left Sub Sector Arleux Sector In position as above. 10 p.m. Battn moved forward and relieved 1st CHESHIRE RGT in front line (see O.O. 75 d/12th). Relief complete by 2.30 am 14th. Line taken over was approx 700 yds in length and consisted of a series of pits which were not connected There were also saps of about 150 yds between ourselves and units on our Right & left where trenches had to be dug and posts established in order to get in touch. Front line was held by A & D Coys under command of Capt.M.W.HALFORD 14-15 May 1917 Nothing of importance to report. The whole Battn was employed on making a continuous Front line digging communication trench, Wiring front line and assisting RE who were making dug outs for Frnt line Coy H.Q. & Battn H.Q. 16 May 1917 "B" & "C" Coys under 2/Lt.HOPE relieved "A" & "D" Coys in front line A & D Coys withdrew into support in ARLEUX LOOP. Relief passed off quietly. Weather very bad. (see O.O. 76d/16th) 17 May 1917 Holding line; nothing to report 18 May 1917 - trenches S.W. of Farbus Wood near Commandant's House Battn was relieved on night 18th-19th by 1st CHESHIRE RGT (see O.O. No.77 d/18th) and withdrew into Bde Reserve in trenches S.W. of FARBUS WOOD near COMMANDANT'S HOUSE. Relief passed off quietly. Casualties during tour 2 O.R. killed 23 O.R. wounded. Attached as a report on work done and shewing dispositions in Front Line, while Battn was in Front Line [not attached]. While Battn was in Line, 8 O.R. per Coy were left behind at Transport Lines for training in LEWIS GUN under 2/Lt J.P.KINGDON. 19-20 May 1917 Battalion in Bde Reserve as above. Enemy shelled position fairly heavily at intervals causing some casualties. Companies dug slip trenches near original trenches for better protection. 21 May 1917 Battalion in Bde Reserve as above. Occasional shelling. Battn relieved 1/CHESHIRE R in Left front line. A & B Coys in Firing Line, C & D Coys in Support. (see O.O. No.78 d/21st). Relief passed off quietly. Complete 1.50 a.m. Casualties during Tour in Reserve 1 Officer Wounded 1 O.R Killed 17 Wounded. 22 May 1917 - Left Front Line Battalion in Front Line. Enemy quiet; his artillery confined to Counter battery work and rear communication. Whole battn worked all night on consolidating Line. Lt.MILLAIS assumed temporary command of "B" Coy and became O.C. Front Line, 2/Lt J.K.HOPE took over command of "C" Coy. Patrols out all night. No enemy Patrols seen. Fighting patrol under 2/Lt Whitfield found no opportunity for procuring identification and reported German wire very thick. 23 May 1917 Battalion as above. Very occasional shells on Front Line and Communication Trench, otherwise quiet. Lt Col P.R.WORRALL M.C. returned from leave. C.O. & Adjt of 17 R.F. came up to reconnoitre position prior to taking over Front Line. Also 1 Officer & 1 N.C.O. per Coy of 17 RF came up and were attached to corresponding Coys. Sent guides under 2/Lt NAILER to reconnoitre route for guiding relieving Battn in and the Coys out the next night. Fighting Patrol under 2/Lt DALTON found DEVON TRENCH unoccupied but came on dead German, shoulder strap 73 and having a Fife in case on equipment. Inter Coy relief B & D Coys relieved A & B Coys in Front Line (see O.O. No.79 d/23rd) 24 May 1917 Battn as above. Enemy quiet. During whole tour in Front Line Enemy aircraft were active, aeroplanes occasionally flying very low over Front Line. These were engaged with Lewis Guns, but without success. During night the Battn was relieved by 17th Royal Fusiliers 5th Bde II Divn. Relief passed off quietly. Complete 1.50 am of 25th (See O.O. No.80 d/24th) 25 May 1917 - Camp south of Roclincourt Battalion withdrew to Camp S of ROCLINCOURT about G.10.b. Battalion in Camp by 5.30 a.m. Day devoted to Rest. Cleaning up, and clothing inspection. 26 May 1917 Battn in Camp as above. Commanding Officer inspected Battn. Officers & NCOs from each company reconnoitre routes etc. to Concentration Camp (A.24.d.) Corps Line (GREEN) on Ridge. Lt MILLAIS sent in advance. Commanding Officer & A/Adj reconnoitre Green Line. Inter Platoon Football matches after tea. 27 May 1917 Battn in Camp as above. Battn found Working Party of 150 men for Road making on ARRAS - BAILLEUL Road. Remainder attended Church Parade and BATHS. 1 Officer 1 NCO & 1 Orderly from each Coy reconnoitred Battalion Concentration position West of Concentration Camp and N of air Line. Lt Millais and A/Adj reconnoitred route from Concentration position to Green Line - Draft of 8 O.R. arrived from Base. 28 May 1917 Battn in camp as above. Working party as above. Remainder of Bttn paraded from 8.30 AM till 12.30 P.M. Inter platoon football match final after tea; won by 13 Platoon "D" Coy. Lt BLANCHARD admitted to 15th Field Ambulance sick. 2nd Lt SHARPIN took over duties as Transport Officer. Lt MILLAIS took over A/Adjutant from 2nd Lt KINGDON, who proceeded with 5 O.R. to XIII Corps Draft Training School. Commanding Officer 2nd in Command & Coy. officers attended lecture at ECOIVRES on "Patroling & Self Defence" by Capt COUSINS-HARDY. 29 May 1917 Bttn in camp as above. Parades & Working parties as above. 4.0 P.M. Commanding Officer's lecture to Officers & N.C.O.s on "The Duties of Officers & N.C.O.s." After tea football match "D" Coy v Rest of Battn. 7.30 P.M. Open air concert by Capt SULLIVAN & Co. 30 May 1917 Battn in camp as above. Parades & Working parties as above. 2 P.M. Bayonet Fighting for Officers & N.C.O.s. Lt HANSEN & 1 Sgt per Coy reconnoitred RED LINE East of WILLERVAL. 2nd Lt EVERETT M.C. & 2 O.R proceeded to WAILLY to see a display by TANKS. Bttn played football match against 1 D.C.L.I. Result we won by 2-1. 31 May 1917 Battn in camp as above. Parades & Working parties as above. In the afternoon enemy aeroplane attacked 2 of our observation balloons the occupants landed safely in parachutes. At 6 PM Bttn played football match against 11th East Lancs. Result, opponents won 2-0.
  • Date free text
    1-31 May 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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