- ReferenceX550/2/5/1607
- TitleWar Diary for July 1916 1 Jul 1916 - Arras and Wailly As above. 500 men found for fatigues. B & D Coys at WAILLY, H.Q. & 2 Coys at ARRAS. C.O. & parties of officers reconnoitred neighbourhood of WAILLY & CRINCHON VALLEY. 2 Jul 1916 - Givenchy-le-Noble Ordered suddenly to proceed to GIVENCHY-le-NOBLE 15 m. due W. of ARRAS. Moved out in daylight by sections. Transport followed by night. Good billets. 2 coys in Village. 2 coys & H.Q. in Chateau GIVENCHY-Le-NOBLE 'B' & 'D' Coys heavily shelled in WAILLY before leaving. 4 casualties (wounded) 3 Jul 1916 At GIVENCHY-le-NOBLE in G.H.Q. reserve. Training carried out near Billets where good facilities for Bayonet Fighting practice exist 4-11 Jul 1916 As above 12-13 Jul 1916 - Hem-Hardinval As above. Demonstrations took place in communication between aeroplanes & Infantry during an attack which all officers attended. Marched to HEM (S.W. of DOULLENS) 16 m via GRAND RULLECOURT. LUCHEUX. GROUCHES. None fell out. Close Billeting. 14 Jul 1916 - Puchevillers Marched to PUCHEVILLERS via CANDAS 15 m. Very close billeting 15 Jul 1916 - Lahoussoye Marched to LAHOUSSOYE via MONTIGNY 10 m. 3 coys. Close Billeted. H.Q. & 1 Coy Bivouacked 16 Jul 1916 Remained at LAHOUSSOYE. Lt.Col.W.ALLASON D.S.O. took over command of Battn. 17 Jul 1916 - Ville-sur-Ancre Marched to VILLE-SUR-ANCRE 8 m. 1 coy & H.Q. Billeted. 3 coys under canvas. Preparations made for joining in Battle of SOMME. Inspection of Tools, Wire-Cutters etc. During four marches on 13th, 14th, 15th & 17th inst. no men of Battalion fell out. 18 Jul 1916 Remained at VILLE-SUR-ANCRE. 9 officers joined for duty. Further preparations for coming action. C.O. reconnoitred ground in neighbourhood of HIGH WOOD. 19 Jul 1916 - near Mametz Battalion ordered to rake up position E. of MAMETZ in conjunction with remainder of Brigade. Arrived in position about 9 p.m. & bivouacked 20-22 Jul 1916 Remained in position as above, 15th Infantry Bde acting as reserve of 5th Division. 13th & 95th Infantry Bdes being in Action 23 Jul 1916 - between High Wood and Delville Wood Ordered up to support 13th Bde. 6 A.M. but returned to bivouacs after starting as Battn was not required. 9.15 P.M. marched up & took over line between HIGH WOOD & DELVILLE WOOD. C & D Coys in line. B in support. A Coy in reserve (in old German 2nd Line). 1/NORFOLK Rgt on left. 95th Infantry Bde on right. Ordered to dig line in advance of present line. Work commenced by pushing out small fortified posts, well wired & held by LEWIS Guns (with a view to linking up the posts tomorrow) Seven posts completed. Enemy artillery active. 2/Lt. SHERRY wounded while in charge of part of this work 24 Jul 1916 Enemy artillery active all day. 2/Lt. MILTON wounded & about 30 O.R. Casualties 11 P.M. Sudden information that Battalion would be relieved 25 Jul 1916 - Pommiers Redoubt near Mametz 4 A.M. battn relieved by 4/SEAFORTHS & returned to Bivouacking area E. of MAMETZ (POMMIERS REDOUBT) & remained all day. 26 Jul 1916 C.O. Coy Commanders & Adjt inspected ground in neighbourhood of LONGUEVAL 27 Jul 1916 Operations 28 Jul 1916 Remained on POMMIERS redoubt all day, reorganizing Battn 29 Jul 1916 As above 30 Jul 1916 As above. Quiet day 6 p.m. Operations OPERATION ORDER NO.6 1/BEDFORDSHIRE Rgt. REF. Sheet LONGUEVAL 27th July. 1916 1. The 15th Infantry Bde. will attack the village of LONGUEVAL on 27th inst. 2. The attack will be preceded by a bombardment of 2 hours commencing at 2 hours before zero, i.e. at 5.10 A.M. 3. (a) At ZERO i.e. 7.10 A.M. 2 Coys 1/NORFOLK RGT. will advance from their line of assembly to the first objective. (b) The Guns will then lift onto the 2nd line of barrage. (c) A & B Coys will occupy the trenches vacated by two coys 1/NORFOLKS at this time. 4. (a) At 8.10 a.m. 2 coys 1/NORFOLKS will advance to 2nd objective (b) remaining 2 coys 1/NORFOLKS will move up into trenches vacated by 2 assaulting coys of 1/NORFOLKS (c) A.& B. Coys will move into the Trenches vacated by last 2 coys 1/NORFOLKS (d) C. & D. Coys will occupt original line of assembly. (e) At 8.40 A.M. Guns will lift onto final objective. 5. (a) At 8.40 A.M. A. & B. Coys. will attack the final objective. (b) The Guns will lift onto a line [blank] to [blank] & will stay on this line 6. A.Coy. will be responsible for that part of the objective lying to the right of the road running N.-S. through LONGUEVAL.. B.Coy. to the left of this road. (b) A.Coy. is responsible for the ORCHARD & for the strong post at [blank]. Special attention should also be paid to the right flank. (c) B.Coy. is responsible for the strong point at [blank] 7. When the final objective is captured, it will be consolidated AT ONCE & held at all costs. 8. Green flares will be lit at 9 a.m. & 2 p.m. & on reaching the final objective. 9. Bn. H.Q. is in old German 2nd line at S.17.d.5/9. 10. Aid Post is in dug out in old German 2nd Line. formerly occupied by H.Q. 1/NORFOLK Rgt. 11. All other instructions have been issued verbally. REPORT ON OPERATIONS 26/28 JULY 1/BEDFORDSHIRE Rgt 26.7.'16 11.15.P.M. The Battalion left its Bivouac POMMIERS REDOUBT and marched to Brigade Advanced H.Q. Here owing to very heavy Barrage & poison Gas shells in the Valley the Battalion halted for two hours. The Barrage was still intense but a fresh wind made advance possible & only two cases of gas poisoning have been reported. Shell fire was moderately severe in the valley and increased as the old German Second line Trenches were approached. 27.7.'16 [Capt. PARKER wounded] 3.50 A.M. Battn arrived in position of assembly in German 2nd Line Trenches and improved cover 5.30 A.M. Operation Orders received & communicated to Company Commanders. 7.0 A.M. A & B Coys in accordance with orders, left to take up their position in Reserve rrenches at LONGUEVAL. 7.40 A.M. Report received from O.C. 1/NORFOLKS that owing to heavy shell fire, he required assistance 8.20 A.M. OC 1/BEDFORDSHIRE Rgt arrived at H.Q. 1/NORFOLK Rgt in LONGUEVAL having arranged for A & B Coys to assault the second line in conjunction with NORFOLKS & for C & D Coys to pass through & take third line. O.C. 16/ROYAL WARWICKSHIRE Rgt was requested to occupy front line trenches when these were vacated by C & D Coys. A & B Coys had at 7.30 A.M. occupied first line at 'E' & reserve trenches at 'B'. 9.00 A.M. C Coy arrived at E D Coy arrived at B and A Coy pushed across towards German Redoubt at F where the two leading NORFOLK Coys were being held up [100 prisoners surrendered here] Lt. FYSON with his platoon attacked house at G and took 32 prisoners. 9.5 A.M. C Coy advanced across PRINCES Street but were held up by Machine Gun fire from House at Cross Roads (I). This house was taken by a party of NORFOLK bombers. At the same time, two platoons of A Coy reached position marked H & K near FLERS Road where they were in touch in [sic] the ROYAL FUSILIERS on their right. A German counterattack was met with LEWIS Gun & Rifle fire, the estimated Enemy Casualties being 50. Several small posts were observed on the Ridge, apparently protected by wire. 9.30 A.M. C Coy crossed PRINCES STREET and took up a position parallel with NORTH Street joining up the two leading NORFOLK coys. They were unable to progress further owing to heavy Machine Gun fire from DUKE Street. They consolidated their position. 1 Officer & 30 men went forward from B Coy at C to reinforce a Coy of NORFOLKS at A. This coy was held up by Machine Gun fire from direction of DUKE Street & was unable to adcance. STOKES Mortar Battery was asked to cooperate, but did not come into action. Later, heavy Artillery was asked to bombard this post. While awaiting this & the opportunity to advance, B & D Coys endeavoured to improve their cover under a hurricane bombardment. Casualties in these two B Coy 2 Officers 54 O.R. out of 5 Officers & 166 O.R. D Coy 2 Officers 106 O.R. out of 5 Officers & 176 O.R. 6.30 P.M. ROYAL FUSILIERS on right, owing to heavy shell fire, retired and out line at K & H was slightly withdrawn to cover exposed flank. 7.0 P.M. B Coy received orders to retire to German Second Line trenches, leaving one platoon to hold line at A. A similar order was sent to D Coy but did not reach there and a second order was sent at 8.0 P.M. 9.0 P.M. C Coy tried to establish itself on East side of NORTH ST. but had to withdraw. They consolidated in touch with NORFOLKS & the SOUTH STAFFORDS of 2nd Division 28.7.'16 6 A.M. 1/D.C.L.I. & 1/E.SURREYS arrived & took over the line & the Battalion withdrew to POMMIERS Redoubt. The total casualties were 9 Officers 303 O.R. out of 23 Officers 807 O.R. 15th Infy. Bde. 1st Bedfords The Brigadier-General Commanding wishes to express to all ranks of the Brigade his great admiration at the magnificent manner in which they captured the Village of LONGUEVAL yesterday. To the 1st NORFOLK Regiment and the 1st BEDFORDSHIRE Regiment and some of the 16th ROYAL WARWICKSHIRE Regiment, who were able to get into the enemy with the bayonet, he offers his heartiest congratulations. He knows it is what they have been waiting and wishing for for many months. The 1st CHESHIRE Regiment made a most gallant and determined effort to reach their objective and failed through no fault of their own. The way in which the Troops behaved under the subsequent heavy bombardment was worthy of the best traditions of the British Army The Brigade captured 4 Officers and 159 other ranks 28/7/1916 OPERATION ORDERS NO.7 1/BEDFORDSHIRE RGT. Ref. Sheet LONGUEVAL 31st July 1916 1. The Battn. will be relieved at dark by 1/NORFOLK Rgt. 2. On Relief Battn. will withdraw to area East of Church, where they will get into SLIT Trenches they dug on arrival in LONGUEVAL last night. 3. O.C. Coys. will report their arrival in this area to Battn. H.Q. 4. O.C. Coys. will send one guide each to Bn.H.Q. at once to guide NORFOLK coys up. 5. Later (about 11 p.m.) the 1/CHESHIRE RGT. will arrive in the area. 6. On arrival of 1/CHESHIRE Rgt, coys will withdraw independently to POMMIERS Redoubt, without being relieved. 7. O.C. Coys. will report the final departure of their coys to Bn.H.Q. Report on Operations 30 July - 1st August 1916. REF. Sheet LONGUEVAL 1/BEDFORDSHIRE RGT 30.7.'16 6.45 P.M. Orders received to reinforce in LONGUEVAL 2/K.O.S.B. holding Line. 1/R.W.Kents in support. Leading platoon moved off at 6.53 p.m. and reached LONGUEVAL at 7.45 p.m. relieving 1/R.W.KENTS 10.12 p.m. O.C. 2/K.O.S.B. reported that his men were retiring from Line S.11.d.9/5 to S.11.c.5/8. A & C Coys were directed to proceed with guides of K.O.S.B. to hold & consolidate this line. B & D Coys were directed to hold line S.11.d.9/5 to S.17.b.0/9. It was proposed to withdraw K.O.S.B. into reserve at dawn. 11.45 p.m. Message received by O.C. K.O.S.B. that GORDONS 51st DIVISION were in Sunken Road & that K.O.S.B. were to bomb towards them. 31.7.'16 12.10 A.M. Enemy started intense bombardment 12.45 A.M. Orderly returned from A & C Coys & reported K.O.S.B. Guides could not show them the way up to front line. O.C. A & C Coys were instructed to establish themselves on the Line B.C.D.E. (S.11.d.4/8 to S.11.c.5.5) & to send out patrols to ascertain if any K.O.S.B. were holding forward line. 2.30 A.M. All Coys reported heavy casualties [2 officers Killed & several wounded]. B & D Coys reported themselves to be in position as ordered from S.11.d.5/5 to S.11.b.0/9. Two wounded prisoners were taken by 'A' Coy. Reinforcements had been asked for at 10.54 A.M. O.C. D Coy reported that he had been able to get in touch with Division on right. O.C. C Coy reported that owing to mist darkness & shell fire it was impossible to recognise the line B.C.D.E, that he was in touch with K.O.S.B. & would establish himself in the forward position at dawn. Telephone communication established between Bn. H.Q. & front line 6.25 A.M. Order received from Bde to relieve K.O.S.B. who were to move into reserve. O.C. C.Coy. reported by Telephone that his patrols were unable to get forward. Two Machine Guns enfilading NORTH STREET & heavy sniping from his front. Companies were now as follows: - D.Coy from PICCADILLY to NORTH ST. on DUKE ST. B.Coy. continuing this line into DELVILLE WOOD. A.Coy. crossroads NORTH ST./FLERS RD. to ORCHARD. C.Coy. in support of A.Coy. with refused flank about S.11.d.8/3 & two platoons North of FLERS Rd. about S.11.d.4/4. C.Coy. were still endeavouring to gain touch with 2nd Divn. The position taken up could be seen from the oposite [sic] ridge & any movement attracted heavy shell fire. There was also considerable sniping from the direction of FLERS Rd. 6.0. P.M. 1/NORFOLK RGT. arrived and relieved 2/K.O.S.B. and the forward BEDF. coys, who were moved back to reserve position E. of Church. 10.30 P.M. 1/CHESHIRE RGT. arrived & relief of 1/BEDF. R. was completed by Midnight. 1/BEDF. R. returned to POMMIERS REdoubt. 11 P.M. A patrol from C.Coy. trying to get into touch with 2nd Division approached the German line in NORTH of DELVILLE WOOD & attracted a big burst of fire. Casualties 10 Officers 188 O.R. NOTE: a sketch map was created for the operations around Longueval and a copy is attached
- Date free text1-31 Jul 1916
- Production dateFrom: 1916 To: 1916
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
- Keywords1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, 15th Infantry Brigade, 5th Division, 13th Infantry Brigade, 95th Infantry Brigade, 1st Battalion Norfolk Regiment, land weaponry, 1st/4th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders, 16th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, Prisoners of war, 2nd Division, 1st Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 1st Battalion East Surrey Regiment, 1st Battalion Cheshire Regiment, 2nd Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers, 1st Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment, 51st (Highland) Division, weather, telephone, 2nd Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, Royal Fusiliers, 1st/5th battalion Gordon Highlanders, Arras, Wailly, Crinchon Valley [Arras], Givenchy-le-Noble, Chateau de Givenchy-le-Noble, Hem-Hardinval, Grand-Rullecourt, Lucheux, Grouches-Luchuel, Puchevillers, Lahoussoye, Montigny-sur-l'Hallue, Ville-sur-Ancre, High Wood [Somme], Mametz, Delville Wood (Somme), Pommiers Redoubt (Somme), Longueval, Princes Street [Somme], North Street [Somme], Duke Street [Somme], Piccadilly [Somme]
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