- 1Reference: HSA1675/S/10
Title: Recognisance: Phillip Deere, Baldock, Herts. £40.--- Prosecute and give evidence v. Nic. Thurgood f...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1675
Production date: From: 1675 To: 1675 - 2Reference: HSA1675/S/62
Title: Deposition: William Barber, Broome, Southill, husbandman. 10 July 1675. Found his black gelding, sto...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1675
Production date: From: 1675 To: 1675 - 3Reference: HSA1675/S/65
Title: Deposition: Philip Deere, Baldock, grocer. Nic. Thurgeod sold him bay gelding for £4. Later Willia...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1675
Production date: From: 1675 To: 1675