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    Deposition: William Barber, Broome, Southill, husbandman. 10 July 1675. Found his black gelding, stolen whon his stable was broken open, in posession of Thomas Seare. T.S. said Nic. Thurgood gave it him in exchange for another. William Hinton, Broome, husbandman. Stable broken open and yellow bay gelding stolen. Found it in posession of Phillip Deare of Baldock, Herts., who said he bought it from Nic. Thurgood. The Information of Willm Barber of Broome in the parish of Southill and county of Bedford husbandman taken upon oath this 10th day of July Ano Dom 1675 before John Kelynge of Southill aforesd Esqr and one of his Majtys Justices of the peace for the sd county This Informant sayth that he had his stable broken open upon Fryday the second of Aprill last past and one black guelding of the price seaven pounds taken thence, and upon inquiry found the sd guelding in the possession of one Thomas Seare of Guilded Morton in the county of Cambridge blacksmyth the sd Thomas Seare being examined by the sd Willm Barber how he came by the sd guelding informed him that he had him in exchange of another horse of one Nichollas Thurgood late of Broome aforesd, and further this Informant sayth not The mark of William Barber John Kelynge The Information of Willm Hinton of Broome in the parish of Southill and county of Bedford husbandman taken upon oath this 10th day of July Ano Dom 1675 before John Kelynge of Southill aforesd Esqr and one of his Majtys Justices of the peace for the sd county This Informant sayeth that on or neare the 12th day of March last past he had one yellow bay guelding of the price fower pounds taken out of his stable, and after some enquiry made for the said guelding found him in the possession of one Phillip Deare of Baldock in the county of Hartford grocer, the sd Deare being examined how he came by the sdguelding said that he bought him of one Nichollas Thurgood late of Broome aforesd and that he gave three pounds to the sd Nichollas Thurgood for the sd guelding and promised to paye him twenty shillings more within a short while after, and further this Informant sayeth not The mark of William Hinton
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    From: 1675 To: 1675
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    No. of pieces: 1
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