Farm diary relating to Manor Farm Studham. Believed to have been written mainly by Mary Gladman [nee McClelland]
Date free text
Production date
From: 1969 To: 1969
Scope and Content
Daily entries include observations on the weather and jobs undertaken at Manor Farm:
- Usual jobs on the farm such as ploughing, harrowing, drilling, weeding, fertilising, planting mangolds and potatoes, fencing, cutting hay, harvesting, baling, etc.
- Cattle: calving, milking, feeding, when out in fields, vet visits for T.T. tests and emergencies, taking cows to market (ususally at St. Albans on a Wednesday). Some days note the milk yield for the day.
- Agricultural machinery; purchase and repairs, using Olivers Agricultural Machinery.
- Family and social events such as visits from family and friends, illnesses of family, employees and friends, marriages and funerals.
- Visits to local towns for shopping, banking, and other events.
Also includes:
10 Jan: Jean Clow's wedding [married Roger Fox].
12 Jan: Sunday school play.
17 Jan: Went to 'Sound of Music.'
22 Jan: Vet castrated calves.
25 Jan: Burns Night.
1 Feb: Claude took Peter [Baker] to football.
7 Feb: Heavey snow shower. Only a small percentage of people at NFU D/D [dinner dance?].
20 Feb: Lot of snow - no school
28 Feb: Alice and family arrived [assumed to be sister, Alice Sargison].
2 Mar: Ken, Alice and family went home.
5 Mar: Carole had interview and got job.
22 Mar: Claude, Peter and Andy at football.
22 Mar: Carole went to work for first time [Saturday job?].
29 Mar: Peter at hospital with arm. Carole at Dunstable shop.
8 Apr: Mr Senior [vet] here for T.T. test.
27 Apr: Cows out at night.
7 May: Had all bottom teeth out.
8 May: vet for S.19 injections and castrations.
10 May: May fair - Carole gave pony rides.
13 May: Blacksmith.
16 May: Thunder storm and power cut in evening.
22 May: Andy went for interview.
28 May: Went on holiday [handwriring changes to that of Anne Mc Clelland].
31 may: Andy moved to Kensworth.
6 Jun: Return from holiday.
7 June: Andy left.
8 Jun: Chapel anniversary.
27 Jun: Aunt Emma's 90th Birthday [Emma Gladman]
28 Jun: Steven Jeremy came for interview as student. Aunt Emma's party - 28 guests.
3 Jul: Gerry Chew funeral.
6 Jul: Stephen arrived.
12 Jul: Scout fete.
15 Jul: School prize giving.
18 Jul: Mother and I at Ellison's sale.
20 Jul: Man came to look at job as cowman.
5 Aug; New cow man arrived.
11 Aug: George Smith started work.
13 Aug: Blacksmith.
15 Aug: 'I brought new teeth.'
Note below 6 sep: Stephen finished on Friday.
16 Sep: Peter went to doctor about arm.
20 Sep: All baling finished.
22 Sep: Carole started work full time.
25 Sep: Mother [Anne McClelland] and Mary McG. went to Scotland.
28 Sep: Chapel harvest festival.
4 Oct: Claude took Alasdair and M Thorne to football.
5 Oct: Church harvest festival.
10 Oct: S Bailey funeral [Sidney Arthur Bailey]
12 Oct: Gary Andrew christening.
13 Oct: new washing machine.
26 Oct: Chapel sale of work.
2 Nov: Cows in at night.
20 Nov: Harold Bateman died.
23 Nov: Carole's birthday.
24 Nov: Harold Bateman's funeral.
25 Nov: NFU Ladies Night.
29 Nov: Heavy snow fall.
2 Dec: Ministry here to punch bef animals.
11 Dec: Claude and Peter went to Smithfield.
Note below 13 Dec: 'George not at work all week as wife gone off.' [returned 21 Dec].
23 Dec: Alasdair not well - has 'flu.
25 Dec: Laurie, Alan and Marie here with baby. Mother here.
27 Dec: Went to golden wedding. Alasdair has flu and didn't go.
Level of description