• Reference
  • Title
    Farm diary relating to Manor Farm Studham. Believed to have been written mainly by Anne McClelland, but some entries in other handwriting when writer on holiday. [Note: writer refers to husband as 'father']
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1964 To: 1964
  • Scope and Content
    Daily entries include observations on the weather and jobs undertaken at Manor Farm and at Munden (muck spreading, taking out dung, ploughing, thrashing, grinding oats, barley & wheat, planting mangel wurzels and potatoes, hedging, fencing, harrowing, drilling, rolling, fencing, cutting hay, harvesting, agricultural machinery repairs, vet visits, cattle, taking cows to market, etc.). Mentions social events, visits and visitors, illnesses of family, employees and friends. Trips to London, Luton, St. Albans, Bedford, Hemel Hempstead and other places for shopping, banking, and other events. Also includes: 1 Jan: Very mild and some sun - not a bit like winter. 12 Jan: Slight snow all day. 19 Jan: Worst fog for years. 21 Jan: T.T. tests. 166 animals. Note above 2 Feb: Doctor came to see Father on Tuesday - has bronchitis. 9 Feb: Timmie got killed by passing car. Carole [Gladman] upset. 12 Feb: Father out for first time in months. Note above 16 Feb: Carole and Alastair have mumps. 16 Feb: Fall of snow quite a surprise. 24 Feb: Father out in sheds. 26 Feb: Father at St. Albans first time this year. 1 Mar: Power cut for some hours. Note after 14 Mar: terrible rai on Saturday dashed hopes of early sowing. 15 Mar: Snowed steadily all day. Blizzard in some parts of the country. 24 Mar: Distempering the kitchen. 27 Mar: Distempering back hall. 29 Mar: Coldest Easter for 81 years. 3 Apr: Claude took his father and relations to funeral at Southampton. 4 Apr: Back to wintery weather; cover of snow and sleet falling heavily. 7 Apr: Started to drill but had t stop as too sticky. Luton to settle PAYE for the year. Note above 12 Apr: All drilling finished Monday. 15 Apr: Animal dead in moat. Note above 19 Apr: Ben started Monday morning. 22 Apr: Heard cuckoo. 23 Apr: Men putting water trough in Spiney Field. Note above 26 Apr: cows out during day on Tuesday. 29 Apr: Father & Claude bought Ayrshire bull. Note above 3 May: Mr Clow very ill. [3-5 May - different handwriting] 9 May: Mr Clow died. All very upset. [Rankin Rorrison Clow of Hill Farm, Studham] Note above 10 May: Cows lay out Sunday night. Last of grass seed on. 11 May: Cleaned up road etc. for Mr Clow's funeral on Wednesday. 13 May: Very sad day. Mr Clow's funeral. Largest funeral ever seen here. Went to crematorium. 18 May: Record milk yield 200 gallons. 21 May: Hertfordshire show; good day but great trouble getting out of car park. 28 May: Got first of kale sowed. 30 May: Took children to church fete. Note under 30 May: Had to cancel holiday to Aberdeen because of typhoid. 3 June: Boy started work. Went to Scotland [Return 22 Jun. Different handwriting 2 Jun - 23 Jun] 5 Jun: Writer [assumed to be Mary Gladman] took children to circus. 7 Jun: Chapel anniversary. 16 Jun: cutting hay, though not really hay weather. 18 Jun: Andy as Ascot - no racing due to weather. 27 Jun: Fete at Tarsey's. 28 Jun: Man here to shoot. Note above 12 Jul: Hay finished up on Monday evening. 18 Jul: Bedford Show. 25 Jul: Postal strike. 30 Jul: Digging for burst water pipe; found leak but could not get plumber. 31 Jul: Water board men mend burst pipe. 21 Aug: Started to combine oats; combine giving trouble and oats lying badly. 23 Aug: Finished combining oats and started barley. 1 Sep: Finished all combining. Andrew Ferguson gave notice. Mr [Mark] Curran died in evening. Note below 5 Sep: All harvest finished. A Ferguson leaving to go to Todds. 7 Sep: All at Mr Curran's funeral. 19 Sep: A. Ferguson left. 27 Sep: Harvest festival service in chapel. 29 Sep: Paul Nunn started work. 4 Oct: Church harvest festival. 9 Oct: Men at potatoes - not a good crop. 14 Oct: Paul stopped work and left. Note above 18 Oct: Mrs [Elsie] Curran died Sunday morning. 23 Oct: Mrs Curran's funeral. Very sad occasion. 29 Oct: Crawfrod Clow's wedding [married Judith A Reeve]. 21 Nov: Michael off all day for motor cycle show. 30 Nov: Cows lying in. Mrs [Nellie] Rance died. 3 Dec: Mrs Rance's funeral. 16 Dec: Claude at St. Albans fat stock show. 18 Dec: Mr [Henry T] Gladman taken to hospital. 22 Dec: Children's party.
  • Level of description