Farm diary relating to Manor Farm Studham. Believed to have been written mainly by Anne McClelland, but some entries in other handwriting when writer on holiday.
[Note: writer refers to husband as 'father']
Date free text
Production date
From: 1960 To: 1960
Scope and Content
Daily entries include observations on the weather and jobs undertaken at Manor Farm and at Munden (muck spreading, taking out dung, ploughing, thrashing, grinding oats, barley & wheat, planting mangel wurzels and potatoes, hedging, fencing, harrowing, drilling, rolling, fencing, cutting hay, harvesting, agricultural machinery repairs, vet visits, cattle etc.). Mentions social events, visits and visitors, illnesses of family, employees and friends. Trips to London, Luton, St. Albans, Bedford, Hemel Hempstead and other places for shopping, banking, and other events.
Also includes:
1 Jan: Usual party at night; family, Stewarts and Clows.
5 Jan: Rodney started work.
6 Jan: 4 cattle got out and couldn't be found; a whole day spoilt.
7 Jan: Went to Bletchley with calf as markets closed with foot & mouth.
8 Jan: Father and Bobby went to Beccles to engage man.
13 Jan: Snow.
14 Jan: More snow; some pipes frozen.
21 Jan: New man arrived.
22 Jan: Young vet doing T.T. tests.
20 Feb: Andy at cup tie at Luton. Peter and Rodney away - lovely having house to ourselves.
29 Feb: Cumbers gave notice
5 Mar: Cumbers finished up; good riddance.
Note above 13 March: Peter gave notice; won't be much missed.
19 Mar: Rodney left; good riddance - worst boy we have had in 30 years.
26 Mar: Contractors drilling oats in Zoo Field. Peter left - not sorry.
Note above 7 Apr: Boy started work [Keith?]
Note after 9 Apr: No one here to do fencing so as to let cows out during day.
Note above 14 Apr: New car came in afternoon.
17 Apr: Man came for interview.
20 Apr: Father and Andy put up electric fence to get cows out.
21 Apr: Cows out during day for first time.
22 Apr: Alex left.
24 Apr: New man started work [Sid?].
5 May: Ann Clow's 21st party; home 2.00 am.
21 May: Went to church sale of work.
25 May: Left for holiday [handwriting changes].
12 Jun: Returned from holiday.
18 Jun: Maisie's wedding.
20 Jun: Started to cut hay.
21 Jun: Severe thunder and heavy rain, Electricity cut.
24 Jun: At Hemel [Hemel Hempstead] as Emily worse.
3 Jul: Andy cut hay for 7 hours.
4 Jul: Finished cutting hay.
22 Jul: Thunder, lightning and hail all day.
Note above 24 Jul: Peter Atkinson started.
1 Aug: Alice had goitre operation.
5 Aug: Went to Wales for weekend.
16 Aug: Started to combine oats.
Note above 1 Sep: First cow calved heifer.
Note below 3 Sep: No harvest except a very little on Tuesday afternoon. Weather couldn't be worse.
16 Sep: Took wheat to Clows to dry.
21 Sep: Finished combining wheat, but still mixed corn to do.
24 Sep: Went to Jim McClelland's wedding [James McCelland married Evelyn B Jones]
28 Sep: Finished combining.
Note above 2 Oct: Mr Hillier died on Monday evening.
2 Sep: Harvest festival.
8 Oct: Sheila Tarsey had very wet wedding [married John H F Ryall]
Note below 15 Oct: Peter Atkinson left as not up to much, but could plough, Always late.
17 Oct: Lifted first lot of potatoes. Cow had milk fever.
19 Oct: Mr Hillier memorial service.
8 Nov: Father had bad asthma attack
Note above 13 Nov: Finished potatoes 15 Nov.
18 Nov: Cattle in Skelton's garden.
19 Nov: Cattle strayed on Dagnall Hill.
22 Nov: Herbert arrived. [New farm worker]
27 Nov: Herbert and Claude fenced all day to try to keep cattle in.
5 Dec: Father in bed and doctor here.
8 Dec: Doctor here; father not to get up.
24 Dec: Father very bad with heart attack.
26 Dec: Doctor here; Father a little better.
Level of description