Farm diary relating to Manor Farm Studham. Handwriting changes, but believed to have been written mainly by Anne McClelland, possibly with other entries by Thomas, Robert and Mary McCelland.
[Note: writer refers to husband as 'father']
Date free text
Production date
From: 1951 To: 1951
Scope and Content
Daily entries include observations on the weather, jobs undertaken on the farm (muck spreading, taking out dung, ploughing, thrashing, grinding oats, barley & wheat, spreading phosphates, planting mangel wurzels and potatoes, hedging, harrowing, drilling, rolling, fencing, cutting hay, harvesting). Gallons of milk and eggs laid. Social events, visitors, illnesses of family, employees and friends. Young Farmers Club events.
Also includes:
2 Jan: Roads blocked with snow - no bus.
12 Jan: Women's Institute party.
30 Jan: Got 15 rabbits [from traps]
4 Feb: Very wild morning - a lot of roads flooded.
7 Feb: Materials for new byre arrived.
12 Feb: Martin gave notice. Work on new byre.
19 Feb: Put washing out but line broke and sheets dirty.
23 Feb: 2 cows ito new byre.
Memo: No progress with work as everywhere wet and dirty - the situation is geting serious.
4 Mar: Went to chapel in evening.
9 Mar: New fireplace in cottage.
22 Mar: Car broke down.
28 Mar: Bobby ploughing till 8.00pm.
10 Apr: Went to sale at Nettledon House [?]
18 Apr: Mary got little pig.
22 Apr: Tractor tyre burst.
30 Apr: Fall of snow and rain most of day.
2 May: Mary harrowing in 50 acres - a bit sticky.
11 May: Police phoned about Fred.
17 May: Sanitary inspector here to see Fred's house.
25 May - 10 Jun: Holiday - no entries.
18 Jun: Started to cut hay.
22 Jun: Fred took away furniture and gave up key.
3 Jul: Bobby at Royal Show.
11 Jul: David Stewart's wedding.
15 Jul: Claas baler broken and no hope of getting it repaired.
19 Jul: Finished baling 2335 bales.
23 Jul: Alice had operation for appendicitis.
Memo after 5 Aug: The weather has been good but workers not up yo much - in fact hopeless.
28 Aug: Bobby cut leg - went to hospital.
14 Sep: 30 Gallons [milk] returned.
15 Sep: Poor little Scotty died.
2 Oct: Martin at court; fined £2.
5 Oct: Bobby at Gladys Dickinson's 21st party.
24 Oct: Bobby at Motor Show.
26 Oct: Power cut 8.00am till 3.30pm.
6 Nov: sowing mangolds; two women from village helping.
9 Nov: Dug some potatoes with forks - 12 women there.
Memo after 2 Dec: Father went to court on Thursday 29th; not a very satisfactory verdict.
11 Dec: Hard frost. No water to cool milk; got it thawed.
15 Dec: At Stewart's silver wedding at night - good show.
25 Dec: Aunt Annie died.
26 Dec: Father went to Scotland for funeral.
Level of description