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  • Title
    Abstract of Title of Manor of Wyboston and other lands in Eaton Socon
  • Date free text
    1717-1815. Abstract dated 1815
  • Production date
    From: 1717 To: 1815
  • Scope and Content
    1. LK23 12/13Apr 1717 2. Marriage Settlement i) John Whetham and wife Theodosia ii) Henry Vaughan, Martha Parsons, widow and relict of John Parsons consideration: £2, 000 that John Whetham received on marriage to Theodosia - property as in LK 6 to ii) upon trusts...... signatures: i), Martha Parsons 20/21Sept 1717 3. LK27 (P.C.C.) Will of John Whetham Gives date of codicil as 1 Feb 1736. Proved : 12 Oct. 1737 4. Conveyance to make a Tenant to the Precipe and Lead the Uses of a Recovery i) Thomas Whetham ii) John Lawson, esq. iii) John Blencowe, gent. -property as in LK14 to iii) in order to suffer common recovery to use of i) enrolled in Chancery 9/10Nov 1748 5. Exemplification of Common Recovery i) John Lawson, demandant ii) John Blencowe, tenant iii) Thomas Whetham, vouchee -property as in LK6 Michaelmas Term 22 Geo II [1748/49] 6. Bargain and Sale i) Francis Fane, Henry Fane ii) Thomas Whetham, eldest son and heir of John Whetham, deceased. recites: LK27 testator died 3 Sep 1737, possessed of personal estate more than sufficient to pay several legacies of £2,000 and £1,000 given to son John and his 3 daughters, Thoedosia, wife of John Lawson, esq., Mary , wife of Archibald Stewart, esq., and Elizabeth, widow of the Rev. Thickness, clerk. i) entered upon real estate after proving will. Theodosia, wife of John Whetham, died 12 Apr 1741 ii) attained age of 22 on 13 Nov 1751 Decree in Chancery 30 Nov 1751 (i) John Lawson and wife Theodosia, Archibald Stewart and wife, Mary, Elizabeth Thicknesse, plaintiffs (ii) Thomas Whetham, John Scrope Francis Fane, Henry Fane, John Whetham, infant, defendants Will and codicil of John Whetham, deceased, established and decreed that real estate of said John Whetham, subject to come to aid of said testator's personal estate for paymeny of legacies, should be conveyed to said Thomas Whetham and his heirs. now: i) transfer to ii) -all manors, messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments of which John Whetham seised at time of death and which were devised to i) and John Scrope, enrolled in Chancery 1 Dec 1752 16 Jul 1752 7. Marriage Settlement i) Thomas Whetham ii) Anne Barnardiston, one of daughters of Arthur Barnardiston, esq., deceased iii) Thomas Blencowe, esq., Edward Radcliffe, esq. iv) Fraancis Fane, esq, Henry Fane, esq, Charles Pratt, esq. v) John Peareth, esq, John Lawson, esq. consideration: fortune of ii) of £20,000 -property as in LK6 -lands and hereditaments occupied by James Arnold -farm and lands occupied by William Geary -farm and lands occupied by Thomas Eyle -farm, cottage and lands occupied by John Hawkins -messuage with orchard and out buildings used as Work House for poor of Eaton Socon -cottage with barn and orchard occupied by John Clarke -cottage with barn and orchard occupied by John Houghton all which in Eaton Socon, Wyboston, Chawson, Roxton, Duloe and Betts to v) upon trusts...... declaration that term of 300 years limited to iv) arose out of will of John Whetham whereby he charged real estate with helping personal estate pay certain legacies declaration that term of 500 years limited to iv) upon trust for raising portions for daughters of said marriage 7/8 Aug 1752 8. Quitclaim i) John Lawson and wife Theodosia, Archibald Stewart and wife Mary, Elizabeth Thicknesse, Henry Fane, Charles Allanson, esq. ii) Thos. Whetham recites: LK27 Marriage Settlement, 15 Jun 1741, made on marriage of John Lawson and wife Theodosia, agreed that £2,000, part of Theososia's fortune of £3,000 should be placed at interest in names of Francis Fane and Henry Fane Marriage Settlement, 18 Jun. 1747, on marriage of Archibald Stewart and wife Mary, agreed that legacies of £2,000 and £1,000 given to Mary, should be vested in John Lawson and Charles Allanson upon trusts Marriage Settlement, 10 Feb 1747, on marriage of William Thicknesse to wife, Elizabeth, agreed that said legacies should be vested in Henry Fane and Thomas Whetham upon trusts, according to which trusts on death of William Thicknesse without issue, whole of money went to wife, Elizabeth. John Whetham, testator's youngest child, had now reached 22 LK28. LK6. £600, remainder of Theodosia's legacies retained by Henry Fane, £2,000, remainder of Mary's legacies, paid to John Lawson and Charles Allanson £2,000, remainder of Elizabeth's. legacies, paid to her £3,000 paid to John Whetham now: i) release estate of ii) from all claims upon it 18 July 1759 9. Conveyance to make a Tenant to the Precipe and Lead of the Uses of a Recovery i) Thomas Whetham, who has survived wife Anne, Arthur Whetham, eldest son and heir of Thomas Whetham ii) Leo. Hampson, gent. iii) Samuel Hillier, gent. -property as in LK14 -farm and land in Wyboston containing 280 acres, late occupied by Robert Wiles, then his widow, Martha -farm and lands in Wyboston containing 170 acres then occupied by John Howkins -farm and cottage with lands in Wyboston containing 220 acres, the occupied by George Emery -cottage and 2 pightles in Wyboston, containing 2 acres, then occupied by Richard Fisher -cottage and appurtenances in Wyboston then occupied by James Bundey -all which were formerly estate of William, late Viscount Stafford and were purchased by John Whetham of the Hon. John Stafford -farm and lands at Beggary, in Wyboston, containing 40 acres, then occupied by Thomas Eyle to ii) in order to suffer a common recovery 22/23Jan 1796 10. Exemplification of a Common Recovery i) Samuel Hillier demandant ii) Leo. Hampson tenant iii) Arthur Whetham vouchee -property as LK9 Hilary Term 36 Geo III 1795/6 11. Act of Parliament for Enclosing Eaton Socon 1795 12. Enclosure Award Commissioners alloted to Thomas Whetham: -6 acres 35 poles in Dean Field. :E first allotment to Richard Hesley :S Roxton :W 7th allotment to Thomas Whetham :N ancient enclosures of Thomas Whetham -9 acres 2 poles in Bellam Field. :E allotment to John Wightwick Knightely :S Beggary Rd. :all other sides ancient enclosures of Thomas Whetham -235 acres 2 roods35 poles in Bills Minks Field and Dean Field. :part S leasehold allotment to Peter Addington :further part S and part E allotment to Charles Metcalf, a minor :further part S parish of Roxton :W and remaining S 1st allotment to John Richards N and remaining E Beggary and Shakers Way Roads. -44 acres 3 roods 38 poles in Buller Field and Great and Little Tunny Meads :part E 1st allotment to Thomas Whetham :part S parish of Roxton :part W Shakers Way Road. :part N and part W inclosure of Thomas Whetham called Pradise Close :further part W farm of Tilly Walker :all other sides ancient enclosures of Thomas Whetham -3 roods 16 poles in Wyboston Green :E 1st allotment to Mary Ladd as mortgage of part of Elizabeth Rogers estate :SW ancient enclosure of Thomas Whetham :W allotment to Richard Emery :NE Wyboston Green -69 acres 1 rood 10 poles in Furlong Cow Pasture Leys and in the Mea. :E River Ouse :S 2 allotments to Mathew Rugely and allotment to Ann Hicks :W North Road. :N allotment to trustees of poor of Great Gransden and 2nd. allotment to Francis, Duke of Bedford 14 Mar 1800 13. Mortgage in Fee i) Thomas Whetham, Arthur Whetham ii) Sarah Smith, widow. consideration: £1600 -manor or manors of Wyboston alias Wybolston and Soake alais Lawrence Place with apputenances. -all messuages, farms, lands, and hereditaments belonging to said manors at Wyboston in Eaton Socon: ...farm and lands in Wyboston formerly occupied by Robert Wiles, then Martha Wiles, then George Emery:- 4 acres 19 poles pasture called the Orchard, adjoining said messuage. 2 acres 3 roods 2 poles arable called Home Close 1 acre 3 roods 27 poles pasture called Rushy Close 4 acres 3 roods 8 poles arable or pasture called Paradise Close 3 acres 2 roods 38 poles pasture 1acre 3roods 10 poles pasture ...farm and lands in Wyboston occupied by Thomas Hawkins 6acres meadow or pasture adjoining said messuage called Home Close 3 acres 3 roods 2 poles pasture adjoining above close 4 acres 28 poles pasture. called Fearn Close 3 acres 1rood 30 poles pasture lying next blacksmith's shop 4 acres 2 roods 30 poles pasture with barn called Barn Close 4 acres 21 poles called Gravel Pit Close 4 acres 2 poles pasture called Wrights Close 1 acre 2 roods 34 poles meadow or pasture called the Gt. River Close 5 acres 3 roods 3 poles meadow or pasture called the Lte. River Close [sic] Cottage adjoining messuage with orchard containing 1rood 10 poles. ...cottage with garden and appurtenants in Wyboston occupied by James Bundy ...cottage in Wyboston and orchard containing 1acre 2 roods 22 poles ...close pasture in Wyboston near aforesaid orchard, containing 3 roods 8 poles. ...close pasture containing 3 roods 15 poles. :on both sides enclosures of Mr George Maule :N Wyboston St. ...close pasture containing 2oods 18 poles next. Bullen Lane which said cottage and closes occupied by Richard Fisher ...messuage and lands containing 38 acres at Beggary in Wyboston occupied by by Thomas Eyle ...allotment in Belham Field containing 9 acres 2 poles. ...235 acres 2 roods 35 poles in Dean Field. ...51 acres 33 poles in Bullen Field., consisting of 2 plots land containig 6 acres, 35 poles and 44 acres 3 roods 38 poles. ...3 roods 16 poles at Wyboston Green ...69 acres 1 rood 10 poles at Street Furlong. which said 5 plots occupied by George Emery, Thomas Howkins and Thomas Eyle and all alloted to Thomas Whetham in Enclosure Award 28/29 Sep 1790 14. Assignment of Mortgage in Fee ( lease and release ) i) John Smith, eldest son and heir of Sarah Smith ii) John Smith executors in will of Sarah Smith, Thos. Smith iii) Thomas Smith iv) Leo. Hampson recites: LK13 Will of Sarah Smith, dated 26 Feb 1795 appoints 3 children, John, Thomas and Mary, then wife of the Rev. John Hull, residuary legatees and joint executors, but made no disposition of real estate Will proved by ii) in P.C.C. 2 Oct 1798 now: consideration : £1,600 to i) as executor by iii) i) assigns to iv): -property as in LK28, LK13 to use of iii) 6/7 Jul 1809 15. Will (P.C.C.) of Arthur Whetham to friends, Edward Boscawen Frederick Esq., of Berkeley Sq., London, & Leo. Hampson Esq., of Luton, all property in Bedfordshire to use of sister, Ann Fothergill, the wife of Thomas Greenwood Fothergill, esq., for life dated: 9 May 1813. proved: 13 Jun 1813
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