• Reference
  • Title
    The Reverend John King Martyn to the Reverend William Mudge, his son-in-law from Kimbolton to Rampisham.
  • Date free text
    19 Apr 1827
  • Production date
    From: 1827 To: 1827
  • Scope and Content
    Immediately on receiving [your letter] I got Ibbs to put up one of the papers in his shop and enquired who were likely to want copies.. he is sure that at least 20 copies will be wanted here. In addition to these Mr. Hull has furnished me with the following list. Mr. Tebbs 2 copies; Rev. Mr. Freer, St. Neots 1; Rev Mr. Puckle Graffham 1; Mr. Lindsell, Brampton 1; Mr. Geo.Bell 1; Mr. Chas. Walker 1; Mr. Peacock 1; Mr Morton 1; Mr. Dorman 1; Mrs Marks 1; Mr. Bricheno 1; Mr. Joseph Bell 1; Mr. Thomas Cant 1; Mrs Islip; Melchburn 1; Mr. Geo. Islip 1; Mr. Hull 1; Rev. J.K. Martyn 2; Jane Martyn 1. ... I almost wonder you should venture to publish, for you must expect to sell but few out of your own circle of acquaintance. As to my son I don't like to say any thing to him upon the subject because I know his feelings and sentiments so well and we have much ado to go on peaceably as it is. And as to Mr. Huntley I should as soon think of presuming to wait upon his majesty as him: for I conceive I am in his sight as a toad or a viper. I am very sorry to perceive and feel that in my son the natural contempt of and enmity against vital godliness manifests itself more. All that we can do by education is to repress and make it hide itself: Oh that the Lord would give him to know by experience that regeneration is something more than Baptism ! Being about to remove the Chapel at the Hill to the other side of the way, we laid the corner stone of it on Tuesday 17 with prayer. Thomas had heard of this and I think had been stirred up by some one to send Jacob with a letter or bull round the parish to tell the folks not to countenance it by attending and stating that the church of England in the Church of Christ and cannot be prevailed against. From which I suppose I am to infer that the Moravians etc. are meant by the Gates of Hell. Jos. Bell told Jacob to give his respects to his Master and say that if there was nobody elso to lay the stone he would ! Jane is at present on a visit to the Gorhams but we expect her back on Friday - she will now be busily engaged in preparing for the trip to Zeist which, if nothing intervene to prevent it, is to take place in May. Having a young man here (Mr. Slater) to assist me, I may perhaps accompany Jane in her journey. The house on the hill will then be left to Droys [?] and Sally but the latter does not seem disposed to stay, else -- wished her to remain till Michaelmas when in all probability, if not before, it will be let. I understand that Rhoda has some intention of visiting this neighbourhood ere long, and should be welcome to take up her abode there if it be not let an if it is - the J. Bells would readily receive her. If her intention of coming soon were known, it might induce Sally to stay there, other wise there will be an empty house. We have it cold here still and while I am writing it is hailing and snowing. ... My Wife sends her love to dear Rhoda and wishes to know her, and we shall be gald to see you both here, if you can be spared for a Sunday or two...
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