Copy of will of Ann Goodwin of Caddington Woodside Herts., widow.
to grandson Robt. Goodwin, son of late son Daniel Goodwin, west
end of copyhold cottage being one tenement at Caddington
Woodside now in occ. Jn. Morris, with small piece of garden,
subject to payment of legacy of £25 to g.s. John Goodwin.
to g.s. John Goodwin, £25 within 6 mths of his attaining age 21;
to s. John Goodwin, other part or east end of copyhold cottage now
in own occ. with garden, for his life, then to his son Daniel;
to g.s. Daniel, s. of John, reversion of cottage as above;
to g.d. Elizabeth Tyler for life, interest on £40, and on her death
the money to be divided among her children;
to all granddaughters, £5 a piece when 21 with interest;
to all grandsons, except Robert, £10 a piece at 21.
She left to her executors £600 to be invested and
the interest to be paid to daus. Sarah Collcott and Mary Bingham
equally, and on their deaths, the principal to be divided among the
children of her sons Daniel and John Goodwin and her daus. except
Eliz. Tyler as shall then be living.
to 3 children, John Goodwin, Sarah Colcutt and Mary Bingham,
reversion of £333 6s. 8d. in 3% stock under will of Mrs.
Mary Chipperfield after payment £15 a piece to grandsons
Robert and John Goodwin.
executors: Joseph Hoar, Caddington Woodside, and David Lee Willis,
Leighton Buzzard, gent. who are each to have £19. 19s. 0d.
made 14th May 1816
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From: 1816 To: 1816
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