- ReferenceX550/8/1/1802
- TitleKROMBEKE 1-2-18 to 8-2-18 Major A.E.Percival M.C. in Command Training. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT TRAINING PROGRAMME 1st-7th FEBRUARY, 1918 Fri 1st Feb Clothing 9.15 am-10 am "A"; 10-10.45 am "B"; 10.45-11.30 am "C"; 11.30 a.m.-12.15 pm "D"; 12.15-1 pm B.H.Q. Specialists 9.15-10 am "B"; 10-10.45 am - "A"; 10.45-11.30 am "D"; 12.15-1 pm "C" Organisation 9.15-10 am "C"; 10-10.45 am "D"; 11.30 am-12.15 pm "A"; 12.15-1 pm "B" Platoon Close 9.15-10 am "D"; 10-10.45 am "C"; 11.30 am-12.15 pm Order Drill "B"; 12.15-1 pm "A" Sat. 2nd Feb Cleaning Kits 12.15-1 pm All Coys. Marching & Saluting 9.15-10 am All Coys Squad Drill & Speed in turning out 10-10.45 am All Coys Specialists 10.45am-12.15 pm All Companies Sun 3rd Feb CHURCH PARADE and inspection of Lines by Commanding Officer. Mon 4th Feb C.O.'s inspection in organisation 9.15-10 am "D"; 10-10.45 "C"; 11.30 am-12.15 pm "B"; 12.15-1 pm "A" Guard Mtg. 10-10.45 am "D"; 10.45-11.30 am "C"; 11.30 am-12.15 pm "A"; 12.15-1 pm "B" Squad Drill by Sections 9.15-10 am "A" & "D"; 11.30 am-12.15 pm "B" & "C" Platoon Drill 10-10.45 am "A" & "B"; 12.15-1 pm "C" & "D" Tues 5th Feb C.O.'s inspection in turn out 9.15-10 am "A"; 10-10.45 am "B"; 10.45-11.30 pm "C"; 11.30 am-12.15 pm "D"; Squad Drill by Sections 9.15-10 am "C" & "D"; 10.45-11.30 am "A" & "B" Specialists 10-10.45 am "C" & "D"; 11.30 am-12.15 pm "A" & "B" Packing kits Marching and Fighting Order 12.15-1 pm. Wed 6th Feb ROUTE MARCH ALL COMPANIES Fighting Order Thurs 7th Feb Squad Drill by Sections 9.15-10 am "A" & "B"; 11.30 am-12.15 pm "C" & "D" Specialists 9.15-10 am "C"; 10-10.45 am "D"; 11.30 am-12.15 pm "A"; 12.15-1 pm "B" Speed in Turning-Out 9.15-10 am "D"; 10-10.45 am "C"; 11.30 am-12.15 pm "B"; 12.15-1 pm "A" NOTES (1) Running Parade under Platoon Commanders daily 7.45 am- 8 am (2) Specialist Training will be carried out as under BOMBERS Under Coy. arrangements, one Officer per Company RIFLE GRENADIERS being detailed to supervise this training. LEWIS GUNNERS Under Coy. arrangements and in accordance with programme drawn up by Battalion L.G. Officer, who will supervise training. RUNNERS Under Battalion Signal Officer. STRETCHER BEARERS Under Medical Officer. Specialist Classes for backward men will be arranged in each company 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. in each of above subjects and will be supervised by an Officer. Each Company will detail 4 Reserve Stretcher Bearers (including those already semi-trained) to parade under the M.O. at 2 p.m. daily. (3) The object of all training is to be development of smartness, improvement in turn-out and discipline. the men's closest attention is to be obtained so as to prepare their minds to receive advanced instruction in the field. (4) No time is to be wasted when men are on parade. Parades are to be short and pithy. (5) Officers, N.C.O's and men called out by their seniors on parade will always come at the double (SGD) H.SEYS-PHILLIPS, capt & A/Adjt. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 7TH (S) Bn. BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT Order No.196. REFERENCE: BELGIUM Sheet 10 S.E. 7/2/18 1. INTENTION The Battalion will move to NOYON to the 5th Army by Strategical train on the 9th FEBRUARY 1918 2. TIME OF DEPARTURE The Train will leave PROVEN station at 10.40 am. 3. PARADE The R.S.M. will report to the Adjutant with one Marker per Coy., H.Q. and Drums at 7.45 a.m. Coys will march on to their markers at7.50 a.m. on the "Advance" sounding. the Battn will be formed up in Mass ready to march off at 7.55 a.m. 4. DRESS Full Marching Order. Leatherjerkins will not be worn. They will be carried on top of the pack. 5. ORDER OF MARCH Hd. Qrs. "D" "A""B""C". 6. ENTRAINING & DETRAINING 2/Lieut.N.C.E.Cockburn will act as entraining and detraining Officer. he will proceed to PROVEN one hour before the Battalion to reconnoitre the Station, its apporaches and its entraining facilities. He will also arrange for hot tea to be ready on the arrival of the Battalion, when he will report to the Adjutant. On the arrival of the Battalion at the station, one N.C.O. per Company and Hd.Qrs. will report to 2/Lieut.Cockburn for instructions regarding trucks and entraining. 7. CYCLIST ORDERLIES The Signalling Officer will detail L/Cpl.Brett and one Runner with bicycles to report to Captain V.D.CORBETT, 12th Middlesex Regiment at PROVEN STATION at 7.40 a.m. L/Cpl.Brett will obtain a marching out state from the Orderly Room and hand it to Capt.Corbett on arrival. 8. RATIONS Every man will carry the unexpended portion of the day's rations, rations for the following day and iron rations. 9. DISCIPLINE (1) Hd.Qrs and "C" Coy. will each detail a picquet of one N.C.O. and 6 men to prevent troops leaving the train without permission during halts (2) All doors on the right hand side of the train must be kept closed. 10. BAGGAGE (1) All Coy. Stores and Workshops will be dumped across the road near Transport Lines by 3 p.m. on the 8th instant. (2) As much Officers Lit and Officers' Mess kit as possible will be dumped at the same place and time. (3) The remainder of the Officers' kits, Bn. O.R. stores will be dumped across the road near the Transport Lines by 5.45 a.m. on the 9th inst. (4) All Lewis Guns & L.G.Equipment, together with Trench Mortars and Vickers Guns and their equipment will be packed on the limbers by 1 p.m. 8/2/18. (5) All Blankets, rolled in bundles of 10, will be dumped at the same place and time. 11. DUMP GUARD The Quartermaster will arrange for a guard over the Battalion dump at PROVEN STATION. he will also arrange to accommodate and ration them. 12. REAR PARTY 2/Lieut.G.S.Richards and 15 N.C.Os and men to be detailed by him from the R.E.Platoon will remain behind to clean up the Camp. They will not move off from the Camp until Lieut.E.D.Alcock, M.C. Staff Captain's representative, is satisfied that the Camp is scrupulously clean. the party will then proceed by No.18 train leaving PROVEN at 1.40 p.m. 13. AREA STORES Stoves, Stove Piping, tables, forms etc., will be handed over to the Camp Warden and a receipt obtained from him. 14. TRANSPORT (1) the Transport will be conveyed on the same train as the personnel of the Battalion. Supply and Baggage Wagons will also move on the same train. (2) The Transport Officer will arrange to move off so as to arrive at PROVEN STATION at 7.40 a.m. (3) Animals will carry the unexpended portion of the day's rations for the following day. (4) Water Carts will travel Full. They can be filled at PROVEN, near the station. (5) Animals will be watered before entrainment. (6) Head ropes must be taken for tying up animals in the trucks. (7) Animals will be unharnessed and harness stacked in the middle of the trucks. two men will travel in each truck. (8) Buckets for watering Horses will be taken to water them en route. 15. HALT The train will halt for one hour at TINCQUES, where (1) Horses will be fed and watered. (2) Hot tea will be made and distributed to the men. (3) A Buffet canteen is open for Officers and men. 16. MARCHING OUT STATE Headquarters and Coys. will render an accurate marching out state by 6 p.m. 8/2/18 showing separately the number of Officers, other ranks and bicycles proceeding by train on 9/2/18. This will not include Transport men. The Transport Officer will render a Marching-out state by the same time, showing in detail the number of Officers, other ranks, animals, G.S.Wagons, Limbered G.S.Wagons and two-wheeled carts entraining on 9/2/18. (SGD) H.SEYS-PHILLIPS, Capt. & A/Adjt. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 9-2-18 to 10-2-18 Move to PROVEN by route march; to NOYON by train and to SALENCY by route march 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT TRAINING PROGRAMME 11th-16th FEBRUARY (inclusive) Mon 11th Feb Drill - Plat & Section 9.15-10.15 am "A" & "B"; 10.15-11.15 am "C"; 11.45 am-1 pm "D"; Inf.Trng.Sec.18.para.2. Guard Mounting 9.15-10.15 am "C"; 10.15-11.15 am "D"; 11.45 am-1 pm "A" & "B"; Specialist Training 9.15-10.15 am "D"; 10.15-11.15 am "A" & "B"; 11.45 am-1 pm "C"; 2-2.45 pm All Coys Tues 12th Feb DRILL - Plat & Section 9.15-10.15 am "C" & "D"; 10.15-11.15 am "A" & "B"; I.T.Sec 73 d Musketry 9.15-10.15 am "A" & "B"; 10.15-11.15 am "C" & "D"; care of arms, aiming Specialist Training 11.45 am-2.45 pm All Coys Wed 13th Feb ROUTE MARCH 9.15-11.15 am ALL COMPANIES Dress: Fighting Order less Steel Helmets Feet Inspection 11.45 am-1 pm All Coys Specialist Training 2-2.45 pm All Coys Thurs 14th Feb DRILL - Platoon 9.15-10.15 am "A" & "B"; 10.15-11.15 "C" & "D"; I.T.Sec 90-93 Musketry 9.15-10.15 am "C" & "D"; 10.15-11.15 am "A" & "B" rapid loading Specialist Training 11.45 am - 1 pm All Coys HALF HOLIDAY 2-2.45 pm Frid 15th Feb DRILL - Platoon 9.15-10.15 am "C" & "D"; 10.15-11.15 am "A" & "B"; I.T.Dec 94 Musketry 9.15-10.15 am "A" & "B"; 10.15-11.15 am "C" & "D" Rapid Aiming Rapid Loading Specialist Training 11.45 am 2.45 pm All Coys Sat. 16th Feb Platoon Str Point 9.15-10.15 am "A" & "B"; 10.15-11.15 am "A" & "B"; Attack 11.45 am - 1 pm "C" & "D" Disposal of Coy. 9.15-10.15 am "C" & "D"; 10.15-11.15 am "C" & "D"; Cmdrs. 11.45 am - 1 pm "A" & "B" HALF HOLIDAY 2-2.45 pm NOTES (1) Running Parade under Platoon Commanders every day 7.45 a.m. to 8 a.m. (2) Specialist training will be carried out as under: - Morning Lewis Gunners, Bomers and Rifle Grenadiers under Company Instructors Afternoon 4 Lewis Gun Instructorts per Company report to Cpl.CAMP at "B" Coy. H.Q. for instruction in next day's work. Classes for Backward Lewis Gunners, Bombers and Rifle Grenadiers under Company Instructors (3) N.C.O's CLASSES All N.C.O's of the Tank of Cp. and L/Cpl. not engaged in Specialist Training will parade at 2 p.m. under Coy. Sergt. Majors. (4) SIGNALLERS Signalling Officer will submit programme of training by 6 p.m. 9th instant. (5) SCOUTS AND OBSERVERS 2/Lieut.D.Davies will submit programme of training by 6 p.m. 9th instant. (6) STRETCHER BEARERS Coy. Stretcher Bearers parade at the Medical Inspection Room at 10 a.m. daily. Coy. Reserve Stretcher Bearers parade at Medical inspection Room at 2 p.m. daily. SALENCY 11-2-18 Arrival of draft of 7 officers and 174 other ranks from 8th Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. which had been disbanded. Hostile Bombing raid. One bomb demolished a billet occupied by "C" Company. casualties: - Killed; 9 other ranks. Died of Wounds; 1 officer & 2 other ranks. Wounded; 6 other ranks 12-2-18 Training. Lieut. Colonel A.E.Percival, M.C. in Command. 7TH (S) BATTN. BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT Order No.197 12/2/18 1. INTENTION The Battalion will move tomorrow, 13/2/18 by route march to CAILLOUEL 2. TIME 1 p.m. 3. STARTING POINT Battalion Headquarters 4. DRESS Full Marching Order 5. ORDER OF MARCH Drums H.Qrs. "C" "D" "A" "B" 6. ADVANCE PARTY 2/Lieut.D.DAVIES and the interpreter will report to Capt.J.M.BEASLEY, M.C. at the Area Commandant's Office, BTHANCOURT at 10 a.m. 1 N.C.O. per Company and Hd.Qrs. will report to 2/Lieut.DAVIES at the Church, CAILLOUEL, 10.30 a.m. This party will proceed on bicycles. 7. REAR PARTY 2/Lieut.G.S.Richards and the R.E.Platoon will form the rear party. 2/Lieut.Richards will be responsible for seeing that all billets, stables etc. are left clean and then follow on the Battn. at CAILLOUEL. 8. MEALS Dinners 12 noon. Teas on arrival. 9. BAGGAGE All blankets will be dumped on the wste ground by the road close to "B" Coys H.Q. by 10 a.m. All Coy. Stores, Officers Kits, 1 Mess Box per Company and B.H.Q. will be dumped at the same place at 11 a.m. 10. TRANSPORT Transport will move with the Battn. and will march in rear. (SGD) H.SEYS-PHILLIPS, Capt. & A/Adjt. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT. 13-2-18 Training. Honours & Awards. belgian "Decoration Militaire" - 14827 Sergt.Rugman, C.G. "Croix de Guerre" - 12489 Corp.Baker, G.R. and 18416 L/Cpl.Stringer, G. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT Order No.198 1. INTENTION The Battalion will move tomorrow 14/2/18 to REMIGNY by route march. 2. STARTING POINT Battalion Headquarters 3. TIME 10 a.m. 4. ORDER OF MARCH Drums, H.Q. "B" "C" "D" "A" 5. DRESS Full Marching Order unless otherwise ordered. 6. DISTANCES Usual distances will be observed until the halt for dinners, after which distances of 300 yards will be observed between platoons. 7. ROUTE Via BTHANCOURT - COMMENCHON - VILLEQUIER - FAILLOUEL - JUSSY to REMIGNY 8. MEALS A halt will be made for dinner at about 12.30 p.m. Cookers will leave CAILLOUEL at 9 a.m. The Quartermaster and 2/Lieut.C.H.Pierce will accompany them. 2/Lieut.Pierce will find a suitable spot and then ride back to meet the Battalion and report to the Adjutant. Teas on arrival at destination. 9. ADVANCE PARTY 2/Lieut.D.DAVIES and 1 N.C.O. per Coy. and Hd.Qrs. will leave by bicycles at 9 a.m. for REMIGNY. 10. BAGGAGE All Blankets, Officers Kits, Battn.Ord.Room, Coy. and H.Q. Mess Kit, less one Box each will be dumped at Bn.Ord.Room by 9 a.m. The Officers Mess cart will collect one Mess Box per company at 9.30 a.m. and will proceed to join the Coy. Cookers for dinners en route. 11. TRANSPORT Will move with the Battalion, and will march in rear. (SGD) H.SEYS-PHILLIPS, Capt. & A/Adjt. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT. 14-2-18 Move to CAILLOUEL CAILLOUEL 15-2-18 Move to REMIGNY TRAINING While the Battn. remains at REMIGNY and is engaged on the same working parties as at present, the following training will be carried out: - (a) For men who have been out the previous night - 11.30 am - 1 pm. (b) For men who have not been out the previous night - 9.30 am - 1 pm TRAINING WILL CONSIST OF: - (1) Rifle and Clothing inspections. (2) Extended Order Drill. (3) Platoon Strong Point attacks - chief lessons to be taught being Section leading, fire and movement and the employment of all arms of a platoon. Instruction of Lewis Gunners will be carried out whenever possible. 2.Lieut.T.N.Flavell and 2/Lieut.D.Davies will arrange respectively for the training of Signallers and Scouts and Observers. If the requirements of Working parties do not prove too heavy, tactical exercises will be arranged for Officers and N.C.Os also also for Lewis Gunners. Whenever possible "Specialists" should be left off working parties to enable them to receive higher training when these classes commence. An enemy should always be arranged for when platoons and Coys. are carrying out attack practices. (SGD) H.SEYS-PHILLIPS, Capt, & A/Adjt. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 16-2-18 Training. Working parties of 430 at night. 17-2-18 Training. Working parties of 430 at night and 24 by day, Capt.H.Seys-Phillips in Command vice Lieut.Col.A.E.Percival, M.C. attending a training conference. 18-2-18 Training. Working parties as for 17th 19-2-18 Training. Working parties as for 17th. 20-2-18 Training. Working parties as for 17th. 21-2-18 Training. Working parties of 140 by day and 330 by night. Lieut.Col.A.E.Percival, M.C. assumed Command vice Capt.H.Seys-Phillips. 22-2-18 Training. Working parties as for 21st. 23-2-18 Training. Working parties as for 21st. 24-2-18 Training. Working parties of 90 by day and 300 by night. 25-2-18 Training. Working parties as for 24th. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT Order No.199 REFERENCE: - FRANCE, Sheet, 66.c. ST.QUENTIN. 1. INTENTION The Battalion will move to BTHANCOURT on February 26th 1918. 2. TIME In accordance with attached March Table. 3. ORDER OF MARCH Drums, H.Q. "A" "C" "D". "B" Company will move separately. 4. DRESS Full Marching Order, unless otherwise ordered. 5. ROUTE JUSSY - FAILLOUEL - VILLEQUIER-AUMONT - COMMENCHON - BTHANCOURT 6. MEALS Dinners at S.13.b.8.1. Teas on arrival. 7. BAGGAGE Blankets, Company Stores, Officers valises, etc. will be dumped at the Cross Roads, near the RECREATION HUT by 7.30 a.m. 8. TRANSPORT Will move in rear of the Battalion and will comply with the March Table. Cookers, Water Carts and the Mess Cart will move off at 7.45 a.m. and halt at S.13.b.8.1. for dinners. 9. TRENCH MORTAR SECTION Will move with the Battalion to BTHANCOURT and will then proceed to CREPIGNY. the seven men attached to this Section for training will also proceed with them. All the kits of the above should be kept separate when dumped. 10. REAR PARTY 2/Lieut.G.S.RICHARDS and the R.E.Platoon will form the rear Party. they will move with "B" Company. (SGD) H.SEYS-PHILLIPS, Capt. & A/Adjt. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT MARCH TABLE 1. Leave N.13.d.7.8 Time 8 a.m. Distances 300 yards between platoons and each six vehicles Arrive M.10.c.0.0. 2. Leave M.10.c.0.0. Time 10.15 a.m. Distances 100 yards between Companies Arrive S.13.b.8.1. Halt for Dinners 3. Leave S.13.b.8.1 Time 1.30 p.m. Distances 100 yards between Companies Arrive BTHANCOURT From: - Officer Commanding 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment. To: - O.C. "B" Company 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. 43rd (Light) Infantry Brigade for information 54th Infantry Brigade for information You will move on 26th instant in accordance with the following March Table: - 4.45 a.m. Leave ABRIS CORSE Distance between Platoons: 300 yards. 6 a.m. Bivouac at REMIGNY (if fine) or occupy "A" Coys. Billets. 7 a.m. Breakfast. 9 a.m. - 12 noon BATHE 12.30 p.m. leave REMIGNY. distance of 300 yards between Platons as far as JUSSY. 3 p.m. halt for Teas at S.13.b.8.1. 4 p.m. Leave S.13.b.8.1. 6.30 p.m. Arrive BTHANCOURT (SGD) H.SEYS-PHILLIPS, Capt. & A/Adjt. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 26-2-18 Move to BTHANCOURT. BTHANCOURT 27-2-18 Training. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT TRAINING PROGRAMME 27th FEBRUARY - 10th MARCH, 1918 Wed. 27th Feb. Complete Inspection of kit equipment and Clothing ALL COMPANIES indents to be rendered to Q.M. by 6 p.m. Training Ground to be reconnoitred by Company Commanders. Thurs. 28th Feb. DRILL - Section and Platoon. 9-10 a.m. All Coys. Musketry 10-11 a.m. All Coys. Section Leading Attack formations 11.15 a.m. - 12.45 p.m. All Coys. Frid. 1st Mar, DRILL - Guard Mounting 9-10 a.m. "D" Coy. 10-11 a.m. "C" Coy. 11.15 a.m. - 12,45 p.m. "A" & "A" Coys. Musketry 9-10 a.m. "A" & "B" 1.15 a.m. - 12.45 p.m. "C" & "D" Platoon in Attack 9-10 a.m. "C" Coy. 10-11 a.m. "A" "B" & "D" Sat. 2nd Mar. C.O's Inspection in Turn-out 9-10 a.m. "A" Coy. 10-11 a.m. "B" Coy. 11.15-11.45 a.m. "C" Coy 11.45 a.m. - 12.15 p.m. "D" Coy 12.15-12.45 p.m. B.H.Q. Musketry 9-10 a.m. "B" & "C" 10-11 a.m. "A" & "D" DRILL - Guard Mounting 9-10 a.m. "D" Coy. 10-11 a.m. "C" Coy. 11.15 a.m. - 12.45 p.m. "A" & "B" Sun. 3rd Mar. Inspection of Billets by Cmdg. Officer ALL COMPANIES. Time to be notified later. Mon. 4th Mar. Platoon Drill 9-10 a.m. All Coys Specialists 10-11 a.m. All Coys. Platoon in Attack 11.15 a.m. - 12.45 p.m. All Coys. Tues. 5th Mar. Musketry 9-10 a.m. All Coys. Specialists 10-11 a.m. All Coys. Platoon in Attack 11.15 a.m. - 12.45 p.m. All Coys. Wed. 6th Mar. ROUTE MARCH 9 - 11.15 a.m. Bn. Hd.Qrs. and All Coys Foot Inspection 11.15 a.m. - 12.45 p.m. All Coys. Thurs. 7th Mar. Musketry 9-10 a.m. All Coys Specialists 10-11 a.m. All Coys. Counter Attack Formations 11.15 a.m. - 12.45 p.m. All Coys. Frid. 8th Mar. Guard Mounting Rifle Gr. Firing Platoon Competition Srt. Pt. Attack Rapid Loading BATTALION ASSAULT AT ARMS Sat. 9th Mar. Platoon Drill 9-10 a.m. "A" & "B" 10-11 a.m. "C" & "D" Musketry 9-10 a.m. "C" & "D" 10-11 a.m. "A" & "B" Specialists 11.15 a.m. - 12.45 p.m. All Coys. The time 2 p.m. to 2.45 p.m. will be devoted to Instructors' Classes as per Appendix "A" remainder of Coys. at disposal of Company Commanders APPENDIX "A" INSTRUCTORS CLASSES 1. LEWIS GUNS The 4 N.C.Os detailed for the Lewis Gun Course will report to 2/Lieut.HAWARD at Bn.Hd.Qrs. daily at 9.30 a.m. Each of these N.C.Os will take a class consisting of the four Lewis Gun Section Commanders, or No.1 in his Company at 2 p.m. daily, and will instruct them in the work for the following day. These Classes commence on the 28th inst. 2. DRILL The R.S.M. will form a Class of all L/Cpls for instruction in Close Order Drill. Dutoes of N.C.Os etc. Those detailed in No.1 above will not attend this. This Class will commence on the 28th instant. 3. MUSKETRY Each Company will organise a Class to commence on 4th March, for all Segreants and Corporals in their Company. The Instructors will be those Officers and N.C.Os who have attended the Brigade School APPENDIX "B" NOTES 1. Running Parade daily under Platoon Commanders 7.30 a.m. to 7.45 a.m. 2. Signalling Officer will submit by 9 a.m. 27th instant, programme of training for Signallers. 3. Stretcher Bearers will report to the M.O. daily at 10 a.m. Reserve Stretcher Bearers (4 per Company) at 2 p.m. 4. Company Commanders Conference at Hd. Qr. Officers Mess daily at 6 p.m. to discuss following day's work. 5. Training to be concentrated on (a) Development of Discipline, (b) Section Leading, (c) Musketry - Spirit of the Rifle, (d) Lewis Gun Training. 6. MUSKETRY will take the form of Rapid Aiming, rapid Loading, and Fire Discipline Practices. 7. Tactical Exercises for all available Officers will be held daily at 2 p.m. commencing 4th March. (sgd) H.SEYS-PHILLIPS, Capt. & A/Adjt. 7th (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT Order No.200 MAP REFERENCES Sheets: ST.QUENTIN FRANCE 70 D & E 1. INTENTION The Battalion will move tomorrow 28/2/18 to ROUEZ. "C" Company will be billeted at NOUREUIL. 2. TIME 2 p.m. 3. STARTING POINT Sheet 70 N. F.14.a.3.4. 4. ORDER OF MARCH Drums Hd.Qrs. "D" "A" "B" "C" Coys. 5. DISTANCES A distance of 100 yards will be maintained between Companies. 6. DRESS Battle Order. Soft Caps will be worn. Steel Helmets on the Haversack. 7. ADVANCE PARTY 2/Lieut.D.Davies and 1 N.C.O. per Company and Hd.Qrs. will proceed to ROUEZ t o allot the billets. This party will leave Battn. Hd.Qrs. at 9 a.m. on bicycles. 8. BAGGAGE All Blankets, Company Stores, 1 Mess Box per Company will be dumped at the Cross Roads opposite "A" Coys Hd.Qrs. at 8.30 a.m. Packs, Officers Kits, Battn. Ord.Room Boxes will be dumped at the same place by 10 a.m. 9. TRANSPORT Will move in rear of the Battalion. 10. REAR PARTY 2/Lieut.G.S.Richards and the R.E.Platoon will form the rear party. 2/Lieut.G.S.Richards will be responsible for seeing that all billets are left perfectly clean. (SGD) H.SEYS-PHILLIPS, Capt. & A/Adjt. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 28-2-18 Move to ROUEZ, Capt.O.Kingdon in Command vice Lieut.Col.A.E.Percival M.C. acting Brigade Commander.
- Date free textFeb 1918
- Production dateFrom: 1918 To: 1918
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
- Keywords8th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, 54th Infantry Brigade, 54th Trench Mortar Battery, 43rd Infantry Brigade, 5th Army, 12th Battalion Middlesex Regiment, Proven Station, baths, Krombeke, Faillouel, Caillouel, Rouez Camp, Jussy, Bethancourt-en-Vaux, Noyon, Proven, Tinques, Salency, Remigny, Commenchon, Villequier-Aumont, Abris Corse, Noureuil
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