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    LA BOVELLE 1-6-17 Getting ready for move to trenches. Two Football matches & one cricket match played while here, all of which were won. 7TH (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGT 1. INTENTION During the night of the 2nd/3rd the 54th Brigade will relieve the 55th Bde. Relieving troops will take over dispositions of the 55th Bde. All Maps, Aeroplane photographs, Intelligence Summaries, reports on work, trench stroes etc will be taken over on relief. 2. ROLE OF UNITS 7th Bedfordshire Rgt will relieve the 7th Queens Rgt in support on the Bde Front. A and B Coys will on completion of relief be situated in the Rookery "C" Coy in Concrete Trench. "D" Coy in earls Court and Shaft Trench. B.H.Q. N.35.c.2.7. "A" and "B" Coys will take over from A & C Coys. 7 Queens. Starting Point Cross Roads at N.34.a.7.7. 3. ROUTE H.Qrs, "C" and "D" Coys via Shaft Trench. "A" and "B" Coy via Sussex Avenue. 4. GUIDES From the 7th Queens on the scale of 1 per platoon and 1 for B.H.Q. will be at the Starting Point at 3 p.m. 5. INTERVALS East of Henin sur Cojeul Units will move by platoons with 5 minute intervals. West of this village 500 yards will be maintained between Coys. No movements will take place outside Communication Trench until 10.15 pm. 6. ORDER OF MARCH B.H.Q. "C" "D" "A" and "B" Coys. 7. BOX RESPIRATORS Will be worn at the ALERT throughout the relief. 8. RELIEF Coys will report relief complete by the word STORE. 9. DRESS Full Marching Order. 10. TRENCH STORES Copy of Trench Stores will be forwarded to Battn H.Q. on completion of relief. 11. MEALS Dinners 12 noon. 12. TRANSPORT "C" & "D" Coy L.G.Limbers will move up with their Coy as far as Starting Point. "A" and "B" L.G.Limber will move up to N.30.c.7.1. after dark. "C" & "D" Ration Limbers will move up as previously arranged, arriving about 10 p.m. "A" and "B" Coy Ration Limbers will move to point N.30.c.7.1 after dark. 13. COOKING Support and Reserve Bns can cook in Boilers or Kettles. Coy and Platoon cook-houses to be dug in suitable places off the main trenches. 14. WATER "A" and "B" Coys will have water brought up in Petrol Tins on limbers each evening. Empty tins to be returned next evening. H.Q. "C" and "D" Coys. 1 Water Cart will be permanently kept in the Hindenburg Line. 2 Watermen will remain with the water cart. 15. MESSCART Mess Cart (Maltese Cart as Ordered by M.O) will report at the Mess at 1.30 p.m. 16. BAGGAGE All Blankets (in Bdles of 10) Coy Stores Officers valises etc will be dumped at Q.M.Stores by 11 a.m. Trench Kits etc to be dumped Q.M.Stores by 12 noon. 17. BILLETING CERTIFICATES A Certificate will be rendered to the R.S.M. by 11 a.m. certifying that all Regtl Lines are clean, all refuse removed and Latrines disinfected. 18. ADVANCE PARTY Each company will send 1 Officer and C.S.M. to take over from the 7th Queens leaving the Camp about 11 a.m. B.H.Q. will send Lt.Chapman and R.S.M. to take over Dumps, Stores etc. 19. DUMP DUTIES "C" Coy will supply 1 N.C.O. and 1 O.R. to take over and remain in charge of Dump at T.5.c.7.7. This party will report to Staff Captain at B.H.Q. at 11 a.m. 2-6-17. Guide will be waiting to take him to his post. 20. TRAFFIC CONTROL "A" Coy will find and take over traffic control post at N.30.c.5.3. "B" Coy will find and take over traffic Control Post on high ground N.29.d. These posts Wilden lcompel troops to use Communication Trenches and will prohibit movement which previously took place in view of the enemy. They will take over the orders of the posts they relieve. These Orders must be brought to the notice of all ranks and non compliance will be dealt with severely. 21. ANTI GAS BLANKETS Anti Gas Blankets must be hung at the entrance of all dugouts. Where these are deficient indent for same will be sent at once. 22. S.O.S. SIGNAL Succession of Red Very Lights till followed by Artillery Barrage. 23. 1st LINE TRANSPORT Drummers, and 2 squads of the Untrained Draft. (SGD) W.J.W.COLLEY, CAPT AND ADJT. 7TH (S) BN BEDFORDSHIRE REGT. Trenches 2-6-17 2.30 pm Battn moved up into support trenches opposite FONTAINE relieving 7th Queens (55th Bde.) Battn H.Q.s & "D" Coy. in HINDENBERG SUPPORT (SHAFT TRENCH), "C" Coy in CONCRETE TR., "A" & "B" Coys in the ROOKERY. 2-6-17 to 9-6-17 Battn in support in above & finding working parties by night 9-6-17 Relieved 6th Northants in Front Line Trenches (Left Sector) "A" Coy (right) & "B" Coy (left) in front line, "C" & "D" Coys in support. One man wounded in "A" Coy. One German shot by "A" Coy's No.3 Post. 7th Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. Order No.16 9-6-17 1. Relief Relief of 6th Northants Rgt. 2. Time B. Coy will leave its present position 9.30 p.m. A. Coy will leave its present position 9.45 p.m. D. Coy will leave its present position 9.45 p.m. C. Coy will leave its present position 10.15 p.m. H.Q. will leave its present position 10.0 p.m. 3. Position On completion of relief "A" Coy will hold the right of front line. "B" Coy will hold left of front line. "C" & "D" Coys will be in support. 4. Guides Coys will arrange with the Coys of Northants they are to relieve where guides are to report and all necessary detail 5. Dress A. & B. Coys. Battle Order. C. & D. Coys. Full Marching Order. H.Q. Full Marching Order. 6. Handing Over One N.C.O. will be left behind to hand over stores &c if this has not been previously done. Receipts will be forwarded to B.H.Q. 7. Taking Over Should be completed before the Coys go up. A small advance party of one N.C.O. and one representative per platoon should be sent. A list of stores will be sent to B.H.Q. as soon as possible. 8. Rations Will be dumped at N.30.a.6.3. D.Coy will supply one platoon (25) to carry A. & B. Coys rations and water to them. Two journeys will be necessary. B.H.Q., C. & D. Coys will draw their own rations. 9. Water The allowance will be about 20 Petrol Tins per Coy. 10. Cooks A. & B. Coys' Cooks will return to Q.M.Stores with their camp kettles, picking up the returning transport at the present B.H.Q. C. & D. Coys will remain with their Coys. 11. Baggage B.H.Q. will dump their baggage on the bridge over shaft trench at B.H.Q. for the transport to take up. 12. Reports Trench reports will be sent as per attached schedule. 13. Hd Qrs B.H.Q. will be at the Rookery. 14. Attached Units D.Coy will attach 2 L.Guns to A Coy. These guns will report to Companies at 3.0 p.m. 15. Advance Parties Coys will send advance parties leaving about 4.30 p.m. B Coy only will send its Lewis Guns and attached Lewis Guns up to their positions in the line before dark, starting at 6.0 p.m. and at 10 minute intervals. 16. Completion of Relief Will be reported by code word "STORES". 17. Distribution of Support Coys D.Coy will detail one platoon for carrying rations and water to A. & B. Coys. D Coy will detail one platoon to hold itself in readiness for work, covering parties &c. C.Coy will detail one platoon to take up a position at the right Coy Head Quarters in Curtain Trench, to act as an immediate reserve at night 9.0 p.m. C.Coy will detail one platoon to act as Bn.reserve in its original position. A Defence scheme for holding the line and counter attacking will be sent out later. (Sgd) W.J.W.Colley, Capt & Adjt. 7th Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. Note Shoulder Badges are forbidden. No man may wear such distinguishing mark. 10-6-17 Fairly quiet except for some shelling of the HORSESHOE POST "A" Coy had one casualty. 11-6-17 100 yds. of wire put out by "D" Coy. Patrol sent out by "B" Coy. reported German Bomb Block in CABLE TRENCH held. 12-6-17 D Coy. relieved "B" Coy in Left Sector. 100 yds of wire put out by "C" Coy. 13-6-17 Two Germans shot by "D" Coy's HORSESHOE POST at 2.20 a.m. Identification 459th Regt. Heavy shelling & Trench Mortaring on left Coy's sector during the evening & following night. Lt.F.N.Sherwell was badly wounded by a shell & died at 8.45 p.m. "D" Coy. also had 1 man killed & 5 wounded. 14-6-17 378 Gas Projectors discharged from WOOD TR. at 2.46 a.m. Reported that 200 Germans were seen being carried away on stretchers. Heavy shelling of CURTAIN TR. at 2.15 a.m. & 11 a.m. Day otherwise quiet. 15-6-17 3 a.m. Heavy Barrage on our trenches. This was followed by heavy shelling of CURTAIN TR, throughout the day & during the night there was much shelling & Trench Mortaring. 1 man in "A" Coy. killed. 16-6-17 Some shelling during the day, but on the whole rather quieter. 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt. Order No.20 `16-6-17 1. The 54th Infantry Brigade will be relieved by 150th Inf. Bde. 2. The 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt. will be relieved by the 5th Bn. Durham Light Infantry on the night 17/18 June. On completion of relief the 7th (S) Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. will proceed to the Reserve Brigade Area S.17. 3. The following will be handed over to the incoming Units: - Trench maps; Trench photographs; Chrisy Map 1/10,000; Petrol reports; Intelligence Reports etc. 4. During the relief Box Respirators will be worn in the "Alert position". 5. Completion of relief will be reported immediately to Battalion Headquarters. 6. The route for incoming and out-going Battalions will be via Sussex Avenue. 7. The necessary number of Guides per Company will be detailed by C.Os. to report to Battalion Head'qrs at 8 pm 17th inst. They will be sent on from Battalion Headquarters to meet the incoming Units at Cross Roads N.34.a.7.7. These Guides should have the dispositions of the posts written on paper which the platoon they guide in is to occupy. O.C. "B" & "C" Companies will send to Battalion Hdqrs the scheme for Guides they propose to work on, by 6 pm 16th inst, also a complete list of their posts and personnel. 8. Stores and dumps will be handed over and receipts obtained and sent to Battalion Headquarters on arrival in S17 area. All cooking utensils etc should be sent down to the Q'master's Stores on the night of the 16th. 9. The Quartermaster will arrange to take over the Camp vacated by the 5th Durham Light Infantry and allot huts to the various platoons etc putting a guard on each. 10. Petrol Tins will be sent down to the Q.M. stores in the usual manner on the 15/16th & 16/17th but dumped in the rations dump on the 17/18th evening. 11. All Baggage, Officers valises, Coy Kit etc will be dumped on the ration dump by 10 p.m. NOTE (1) E. of HENIN-SUR-COJEUL units will move by platoons at 5 minutes interval, W of this village 500 yards distance will be maintained between Companies. (2) No movement outside communication trenches must be allowed before 10.15 p.m. (SGD) W.J.W.COLLEY, CAPTAIN, ADJUTANT. 7th (S) BN. BEDFORDSHIRE REGT 17-6-17 3 men wounded in "B" Coy. at 8 am; otherwise a quiet day. Battn. relieved in evening by 5th DURHAM L.I. (50th Div.) and marched back to camp at S.17 7TH (S) BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT ORDER No. 22 1. On June 18th and 19th the 54th Brigade will move to the Corps Rest Area. 2. Baggage wagons will report to Units on June 17th and will remain with them until completion of move. 3. Supply wagons will march full with the train and will dump rations for the 19th inst at Monchy au Bois in the afternoon of the 18th inst. 4. the Bn. will move to Monchy au Bois on the 18th inst. 5. Starting Point, level Crossing over railway at S22.b.36. 6. Time. 6.15 p.m. 7. Order of March. B.H.Q. A. B. Drums, C and D Coys at 50 yards interval which will be maintained. 8. Dress. Full Marching Order. Steel helmets will be worn. Respirators on the top of the pack. 9. Meals. Tea before starting, cooks will arrange to supply tea on arrival. 10. Transport. Will march in rear of Battalion. 11. Baggage. Officers valises, Orderly Room kit, Signallers kit, Company kit etc will be dumped on the parade ground near Orderly Room by 4.45 p.m. and will be loaded by the Pioneers. 12. Camp. tent flies will be rolled up and Regimental lines cleaned and in order by 5 p.m. Latrines will be filled in and all refuse put in the incinerator by 5 p.m. 13. Sick. A roll of sick will be sent to Orderly Room by 3 p.m. with notification of transport required. 14. Starting time for 19th 6 a.m. 15. Note. All will wear packs, the only exceptions being R.S.M. C.Q.M.S. Drums, Cooks, Grooms and Limber drivers. these packs will be carried on the Baggage wagon Cookers and Limbers respectively. (SIGNED) W.J.W.COLLEY. CAPT AND ADJT. 7th (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 7TH (S) BATTALION REGIMENT [sic] ORDER No.23 1. On the 19th June the Battalion will move to HENU. 2. Starting Point. Road junction East end of BIENVILLERS. 3. Time 6 a.m. 4. Order of March. Headquarters, B, C, Drums, D, A Coys at 50 yards interval. 5. Dress Full Marching Order. Steel Helmets will be worn. 6. Meals. Breakfast 4.30 a.m. Dinner 11 a.m. 7. Transport. Will march in rear of the Battalion. 8. Baggage. All Officers valises, Orderly Room stores, Signallers kits, Company Stores etc to be dumped in place to be notified later by 4.30 a.m. 9. Billets. Regimental lines will be left clean, Latrines disinfected and filled in and refuse placed in the incinerator by 5 a.m. 10. Sick. Roll of sick stating the number unable to march will be sent to Orderly Room by 4.30 a.m. Reveille 4 a.m. (SIGNED) W.J.W.COLLEY. CAPT AND ADJT. 7TH (S) BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT MONCHY -AU-BOIS 18-6-17 6.30 pm Left camp at S 17 & marched to MONCHY-AU-BOIS, where Battn. bivouacked for night 18th/19th. Lt.Col.Mills went on leave and Major A.E.Percival took over command of the Battn. during his absence. 11 pm Capt.R.O.Clark joined the Battn. & was posted to "A" Coy. HNU 19-6-17 5.30 am Battn left bivouacs & marched to billets at HNU. Draft of 198 O.R. arrived. 19-20-6-17 Bathing, clothing & refitting. 22-6-17 Training. 23-6-17 Musketry on range at COIGNEUX. 24-6-17 C.of E. Service at 10 a.m. 25-6-17 Musketry & Wiring. 26-6-17 Divisional Cross-Country Race. Battn. finished 6th. 27-6-17 Musketry. Battn. Transport Competition. 28-6-17 Wiring & Digging. Battn. Sports. 29-6-17 Training, Attack Formations etc. 30-6-17 Wiring & Attack Formation. Divisional Sports.
  • Date free text
    Jun 1917
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    From: 1917 To: 1917
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