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    St.Pierre Divion 1-3-17 to 4-3-17 Preparation & move from Gloucester Huts to tents and Dug-outs in St.Pierre Divion (A Coy Warwick Huts). The whole of the Bn employed on fatigue, road making, between Grandcourt and Miraumont. As many officers and N.C.Os. being sent to reconnoitre front line daily 5-3-17 The Battalion continues to be employed on road making area bring worked on East Miraumont Road Petit Miraumont end. 6-3-17 Only two companies required for road making. A Coy at Warwick huts employed on tramway Third Company at Mill road camp training its specialists. 7-3-17 Battalion employed on road making area East Miraumont Road. 8-3-17 Road making continued. 9-3-17 Road making continued. 10-3-17 Battalion employed on mending East Miraumont Road. Warning received to prepare for a move into action. 11-3-17 All fatigues stopped. Battalion to make itself fit for action. A Company to remain at Warwick huts. 12-3-17 Operation orders received to the effect that the 54th Brigade will relieve the 53 Brigade in the line on the night 12/13 March. The 7th S Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment will be situated as follows on complete [sic] of relief. D Coy: Platoon in SP No 4 G 26 c 7.5. Platoon in SP No 4 G 26 c 4.2. Platoon in SP No 4 G 26 C 3.6. Platoon in SP No 4 G 25 d 6.c. [All above] now occupied by 6th Royal Berkshire Regiment MAP Sheet 57 d SE C Coy will occupy Resurrection Trench now occupied by 8th Suffolk Regiment B Coy will occupy South Miraumont Trench now occupied by 8th Suffolk Regiment A Coy will occupy Quarry L 35 d 1.6. Battalion Head Quarters will be at L 35 d 3.6. LINE facing LOUPART LINE 12-3-17 8 AM Orders received from Brigade to occupy Loupart Line and push forward beyond, making final objective the sunken road on the face of Hill 130 and to consolidate the hill. Operation orders issued to companies. D Company will push forward in four waves and occupy the Loupart Line. C Company will follow in close support and pass over D Company in the Loupart Line and occupy the sunken road on Hill 130. D Company will act as close support to C Company pushing forward as soon as C Company has passed over them. A Company will occupy Loupart Line on the right of the Bihucourt road and B Company the Loupart Line on the left of the Bihucourt road acting as Battalion reserve when C & D Companies have pushed forward. Blankets will be dumped at present positions. Battalion H.Q. will be at Quarry b26.6 St.PIERRE DIVION 12-3-17 10 AM Brigade conference at Paisley dump on attack against Loupart Line. Operation orders were issued, but are of no consequence as the attack was undertaken prematurely and vital orders received. 8.40 PM D Company left St.Pierre Divion to relieve 6th Royal Berks as for operation. 9.15 PM C Company left St.Pierre Divion at relieve 8th Suffolks. 9.30 PM B Company left St.Pierre Divion to relieve 8th Suffolks. 8 PM A Company left Warwick huts to relieve 8th Suffolks. 9.40 PM Colonel Mills Cap Colley adjutant 2nd Lts Rednall and Stewart left St.Pierre Divion for L 35 d 3.6. Trenches in front of LOUPART LINE 13-3-17 2 AM Relief reported complete. 3 AM Brigade order to send patrol along Loupart Line as message received from Australians East of Loupart Wood to the effect that the enemy were retiring. D Company were unable to send patrol by darkness but organised daylight patrol which reported Loupart Line evacuated. 11 AM D Moved to Loupart Line. C Company followed in support. The companies moved in four open waves each. ALthough under shell fire and considerably troubled with machine gun fire from ACHIET le PETIT the formations were splendid and the men were wonderfully steady. 12.15PM C Company passed through D Company and continued in four waves wit hscouts about 200 yards in advance until held up by heavy machine gun fire about the ACHIET LINE. 1 PM D Company moved close up behind C company and A & B companies occupied the LOUPART line. 2 PM D Company sent two platons to hold the left flank while C Company consolidated Hill 130 after considerable resistance. 4 PM Finally the position held was the star roads on Hill 130 with the line falling back on the left following the 130 contour and joining up with the 1th Royal Fusiliers about b 26 B 5.9. with the 6th NORTHAMPTON regiment on the right. Hill 130 13-3-17 5 PM - 8 PM Spent in consolidating line G 22 C 9.1. G 21 D 2.5 G 26 B 5.9. 8 PM C Company ordered to occupy sunken roiad from star cross roads to Railway and connect with 62nd on left. A and B companies ordered to move up in close support. 10 PM Operations commenced. 14-3-17 1 AM Sunken road occupied by C Company under very able leadership of Lt.Steel. D Company also in the line on right of C Company A and B Companies in close support, shelling very heavy and intense machine gun fire. 7 AM - 7 PM Position held shelling and machine gun fire very heavy all day. 8 PM D Company took over whole front line. C Company in support. A & B in reserve. 15-3-17 8 AM - 12 Noon C Company ordered to attack the Bihucourt line. A Company to act as immediate support. C Company attacked the Bihucourt line, on opening of the attack a very heavy machine gun fire developed from ACHIET le PETIT and the BIHUCOURT trench heavy shelling also took place. The advance under such conditions became impossible and C company dug in about 200 yards down the hill. A company did not advance. 1 PM - 5 PM The position was held without change. 6 PM Under cover of darkness C Company was withdrawn. A Company held the original line on the sunken road. B Company were in support. D & C companies in reserve 12 mid night This order was maintained throughout the day. 16-3-17 6 PM - 12 MIDNIGHT B Company took over the front line from A Company. 17-3-17 5 AM All companies were warned to be prepared to advance at dawn. Active patrolling took place. 8 AM C Company was ordered to advance in four open waves their objectives being the BIHUCOURT line and finally ACHIET le GRAND and the high ridge beyond. D Company was ordered to support C Company. B Company was ordered to make a flank along the railway line as far as ACHIET le GRAND. A Company was to be in reserve. The operation was carried out with the greatest skill and urgency some machine gun fire was experienced at the commencement. Heavy artillery fire was experienced in entering ACHIET le GRAND from which we suffered casualties. 10 AM BIHUCOURT line was occupied. 2 PM ACHIET le GRAND was occupied. 3 PM We had occupied positions round the northern and eastern sides of ACHIET le GRAND and held a strong flank pisition along the railway on the western side. Positions were consolidated. 6 PM Rations were delivered to companies. Battalion H.Q. were established on southern edge of Achiet le Grand. 18-3-17 3 AM Brigade ordered posts to be put out 1000 yards in advance to cover the forming up of an advance guard. 5 AM Posts complete. 9 AM Advance guard of Yorkshire dragoons 6th Northamptonshire Regt and one battery of field guns passed through BIHUCOURT. 10 AM Battalion remained in Achiet le Grand. 19-3-17 1 AM Moved up to ERVILLERS. 6 PM B Company found out posts on roads round Ervillers. 8 PM D Company sent covering party of two platoons with artillery about two miles out towards St.LGER. 20-3-17 3 AM A B and D Companies made up two complete companies under Cap D.S.H.Keep to support 6th Northants in an attack on Croisilles. 3 PM The 54 Brigade was relieved by the 7th Division. 4 PM The Battalion having been relieved by the 7th Division moved back to the LOUPART LINE. 21-3-17 10 AM The Battalion moved back to MARLBORO' Huts. 22-3-17 9 AM The Battalion moved back to Contay marched past the Corps Commander at SENLIS. 23-3-17 The Battalion moved to BERTANGLES. 24-3-17 The Battalion moved to BOVELLES. 25-3-17 The Battalion rested at BOVELLES. 26-3-17 3 AM The Battalion went to SALIEUX to entrain - waited 13 hours. 11.30PM Entraining completed. 27-3-17 5.30 AM The Battalion arrived at STEENBECQUE station and billeted at STEENBECQUE le BAS. 28-3-17 Cleaning up and refilling and arranging billets. 29-3-17 Organising companies. 30-3-17 Programme of work as follows, 9.30 AM Ceremonial Guards with band. Company Drill. 11 AM Break 11.15 AM Specialists classes 2.30 PM Football. Games 31-3-17 9.30 AM Ceremonial Guards. Company Drill. 11 AM Company Battle out posts A in the open B in defence of Village 12-1 PM March discipline and provision of march routine. Rifle inspection by Armourer 2.30 PM Football. Games 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. Officers going into action Lieut.Col.G.P.Mills C.O. Capt. & Adjt.W.J.W.Colley Adjutant 2/Lt.R.B.Rednall Signal Officer 2/Lt.H.B.Stewart Lewis Gun Officer Capt.H.C.Browning A Coy 2/Lieut.R.J.Clarke A Coy 2/Lieut.J.J.Murray A Coy 2/Lieut.Oliver-Jones A Coy 2/Lieut.S.R.Clasman B Coy 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler B Coy 2/Lieut.H.M.Woodyer B Coy Lieut.P.P.Steel C Coy 2/Lieut.G.J.Luscombe C Coy 2/Lieut.C.A.Lawrence C Coy 2/Lieut.W.F.Cannell C Coy Capt.D.S.H.Keep D Coy Lieut.T.M.Elderton D Coy 2/Lt.E.F.Piercy D Coy 2/Lt.L.G.Angas D Coy Officers with 1st Line Transport Major J.H.Bridcutt 2nd in Command Lieut.E.W.Benson Signal Officer Lieut & Q.M. F.Corner Quartermaster 2/Lt.A.W.Brawn Transport Officer 2/Lt.S.C.Tremeer A Coy 2/Lt.C.B.Kydd A Coy 2/Lt.H.Driver B Coy 2/Lt.H.F.Trewman B Coy Capt.W.S.Chirnside C Coy Capt.L.H.Keep C Coy 2/Lt.H.J.Cartwright D Coy 2/Lt.A.H.Waddy D Coy. Officers & Other Ranks recommended Lieut.P.P.Steel Lieut.& Qmaster F.Corner 2/Lt.E.F.Piercy 12702 Sergt. Mulrien, B[ernard] 14782 Sergt. Stuckey, G. 15703 Sergt. Clarke, H[arry] A[lbert] 12826 Sergt. Turville, A. 15321 L/Sgt. Blanshard, H.E. 15514 Pte. Franklin, A. 13908 Pte. Cox, C.A. Lieut.T.M.Elderton wounded 14-3-17 2/Lt.H.M.Woodyer wounded 14-3-17 2/Lt.S.R.Chapman wounded (still at duty) 14-3-17 Capt.H.C.Browning wounded 15-3-17 Lieut.P.P.Steel wounded 17-3-17 2/Lt.W.P.Cannell wounded 17-3-17 2/Lt.E.F.Piercy wounded (still at duty) 17-3-17 Other Ranks killed in Action 31171 Pte. Smith, A[rthur] T[homas] A Coy 13-3-17 40494 Pte.Darvell, A[lfred] A Coy 13-3-17 43263 Sergt.Willacy, R[obert] B Coy 13-3-17 29775 Pte.Batchelor, G[eorge] H[enry] B Coy 13-3-17 33773 Pte.Tucker, H[arold Frederick] C Coy 13-3-17 19029 L/Cpl.Cook, [Fred] J[ames] A Coy 14-3-17 27839 Pte.Miller, F[rank] B Coy 14-3-17 27890 Pte.Morgan, W[illiam] B Coy 14-3-17 29518 Pte.Higby, J[ohn] B[rackley] C Coy 14-3-17 53419 Cpl.Clark, A[quila] A Coy 15-3-17 16809 Cpl.Parsons, C[ecil] C[urtis] A Coy 15-3-17 21311 Pte.Battram, G[eorge] A Coy 15-3-17 40521 Pte.Blundell, W[illiam] A Coy 15-3-17 12702 Sgt.Mulraney [sic Mulrien], B[ernard] C Coy 15-3-17 33440 Cpl.Sewell, F[rederick] C[harles] C Coy 15-3-17 15544 Cpl.Chapman, E[dwin] C Coy 15-3-17 16318 L/Cpl.Robinson, C[ecil] C[lement] C Coy 15-3-17 17481 Pte.Brown, C[harles] C Coy 15-3-17 30001 Pte.Petchey, E[rnest] C Coy 15-3-17 31670 Pte.Goble, F[rederick] C[harles] C Coy 15-3-17 29987 Pte.Gibbs, P[ercy] S[eaman] C Coy 15-3-17 29831 Pte.Judd, J[ohn] C Coy 15-3-17 23121 Pte.Smith, S[olomon] C Coy 15-3-17 27837 Pte.Rowell, W[illiam] C Coy 17-3-17 Other Ranks Wounded in Action 43307 Pte.Inison, F. D Coy 12-3-17 13609 Pte.Baker, R. A Coy 13-3-17 22788 Pte.Brazier, D.A. A Coy 13-3-17 33751 Pte.Bamfield, P.B. A Coy 13-3-17 (still at duty) 9872 Pte.Gay, A A Coy 13-3-17 (still at duty) 7562 L/Cpl.Merchant, J C Coy 13-3-17 25717 Cpl.Matthews, J.A. C Coy 13-3-17 18657 Cpl.Farnham, J.S. C Coy 13-3-17 18171 Pte.Aylott, J[ohn] C Coy 13-3-17 12988 Pte.Timson, C.P. C Coy 13-3-17 14445 Pte.Goldsmith, H. C Coy 13-3-17 33470 Sergt.Cronk, J[oseph] W[illiam] C Coy 13-3-17 [died 17-3-17] 16395 Pte.Presland, E. C Coy 13-3-17 27093 Pte.Murray, J[ohn] C Coy 13-3-17 [died 20-3-17] 29851 Pte.Halsey, J.W. C Coy 13-3-17 (still at duty) 10432 Pte.Anderson, J[ames Frederick] C Coy 13-3-17 (still at duty) 15340 Pte.Piercy, J.D. C Coy 13-3-17 (still at duty) 19364 Pte.Vernon, A. C Coy 13-3-17 (still at duty) 31264 Pte.Desborough, J. D Coy 13-3-17 29726 Pte.Prentice, R.J. D Coy 13-3-17 19136 Pte.Randle, H. D Coy 13-3-17 13856 Sergt.Hawkes, J.W. A Coy 14-3-17 18992 Cpl.Bellamy, A. A Coy 14-3-17 40510 Pte.Emery, W. A Coy 14-3-17 13905 Pte.Folds, R. A Coy 14-3-17 40509 Pte.Dry, E.R. A Coy 14-3-17 40517 Pte.Rawlinson, J. A Coy 14-3-17 16518 Pte.Pantling, A.E. A Coy 14-3-17 (still at duty) 30797 Pte.Woods, W. A Coy 14-3-17 15021 Pte.Woods, A.E. A Coy 14-3-17 43262 Pte.Johnson, W.J. B Coy 14-3-17 12153 Pte.Memmott, J.A. B Coy 14-3-17 27500 Pte.Hawkes, A[lbert] B Coy 14-3-17 30845 Pte.Riddle, F. B Coy 14-3-17 12704 L/Sgt.Peters, A. B Coy 14-3-17 26575 Cpl.Durrant, H. B Coy 14-3-17 33759 Pte.Henson, A.G. B Coy 14-3-17 18232 Pte.Smith, A.H. B Coy 14-3-17 40425 Pte.Samuels, J. B Coy 14-3-17 23758 Pte.Henley, J. B Coy 14-3-17 43295 Pte.Gough, H. B Coy 14-3-17 13143 Pte.Weston, L. B Coy 14-3-17 15458 Pte.Coote, W.H. B Coy 14-3-17 43294 Pte.Glover, J. B Coy 14-3-17 29970 Pte.Leggatt A. D Coy 14-3-17 29527 Pte.Woods, E.A. D Coy 14-3-17 30902 Pte.Wilkinson, C.H. A Coy 15-3-17 12761 Pte.York, W.G. A Coy 15-3-17 15316 Pte.Dent, C[harles] E[dward] A Coy 15-3-17 31185 Pte.Turner, G.A. A Coy 15-3-17 40500 Pte.Grief, J.C. A Coy 15-3-17 29804 Pte.Wood, G[ilbert] H[enry] A Coy 15-3-17 [died 15-3-17] 13523 Pte.Povey, J.W. A Coy 15-3-17 29464 Pte.West, B.J. A Coy 15-3-17 30899 Pte.West, J.H. A Coy 15-3-17 20030 L/Cpl.Ely, R. A Coy 15-3-17 (still at duty) 31375 Pte.Stebbings, A.G. A Coy 15-3-17 14351 L/Cpl.Ravenscroft, C. C Coy 15-3-17 15905 L/Cpl.Leach, B. C Coy 15-3-17 23059 Pte.Hales, W.G. C Coy 15-3-17 15610 Sgt.Halsey, R.C. C Coy 15-3-17 25880 Pte.Webb, J. C Coy 17-3-17 31378 Pte.Brunton, G. D Coy 18-3-17 13652 Pte.Mason, A. C Coy 18-3-17 17519 Pte.Young, F. C Coy 17-3-17 12038 Pte.Eggleton, W. D Coy 17-3-17 17325 Pte.Neville, F.H. D Coy 17-3-17 Missing believed KIlled 14774 L/Cpl.Norman, R.S. C Coy Missing 25417 Pte.Barcock, F[rederick] C Coy 15-3-17 [killed] 17642 Pte.Clarke, G.J. C Coy 15-3-17 29992 Pte.Jarman, H.L. C Coy 15-3-17 33772 Pte.Wheton, J. C Coy 15-3-17 17369 Pte.Harrison, W. A Coy 15-3-17 Amendments to Casualty Report 29518 Pte.Higby J.B. died of wounds 18-3-17 33470 Sergt.Cronk, J.W, died of wounds 17-3-17 20093 Pte.Murray, J. died of wounds 20-3-17 43352 L/Cpl.Clifton[?], A. A Coy wounded 13-3-17
  • Date free text
    Mar 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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