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    Steam Mill, Bailleul 1-8-16 Musketry training on small range. many new rifles found to be too stiff for "rapid". these are being altered by Armourer Sergt. All specialists training under specialist officers. Weather fine & hot. 2-8-16 Platoon training under Company Officers, Specialists training under specialist officers. Weather hot & fine. Demonstration at 2nd Army Bomb School (destruction of trenches by 2" mortars, consolidation of destroyed position & provision of shelters in same). 3-8-16 Company training. Weather hot & fine. C.O., 2nd in Command, Adjutant, 4 Company Commanders, Lewis Gun Officer & Sniping Officer proceeded by bus to Armentieres & made at [sic] tour of trenches to be shortly taken over by this battalion, on the Armentieres-Lille road. 4-8-16 Fine & hot. lecture by Gas Expert & examination of Anti-Gas Appliances. orders received tomove tomorrow to Erquinghem. Erquinghem 5-8-16 Proceeded at 5.30 a.m. by route march to ERQUINGHEM via BAILLEUL arriving at 9.0 a.m. Battalion billeted at ERQUINGHEM. Fine cool day. OPERATION ORDERS No22 by Lieut.Colonel.G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battn. Bedfordshire Regiment Sheet reference 1/10,000 36.N.W.4 BOIS GRENIER 1. Intention: The 7th Battn. Bedfordshire Regiment will relieve the 1st. Wellington Battalion in the Left Sub-sector of B Sector Trenches on night of 6/7th inst. 2. Frontage: The Battalion will be responsible for the frontage from SALOP AVENUE (exclusive) I.21.A.97. to PEAR TREE FARM (exclusive) I.16.B.27. 3. Method of holding the line: Three Companies will be in front and support line, and one company will be in Reserve Line. 4. Distribution of Companies: A Coy. Right Sub Sector; B Coy. Centre Sub Sector; C Coy. Left Sub Sector; D Coy. In support (in The Orchard in rear of A Company) The exact frontage and the method of holding the line was explained to O.C. Coys. concerned on their visitto the Sector. This should be made known by Company Commanders to all concerned, every man in each company being well informed of the way the line is held. 5. Advance Parties : Advance Party composed as under will proceed to the trenches to take over Trench Stores, and render lists completed to Bn.H.Q. O.C. Companies and 1 representative per platoon Coy.Sergt.Majors of each company. Signalling Officer Lewis Gun Officer Sniping Officer Bombing Officer Battn.Sergt.Major Orderly Room Clerk Specialists These representatives will be met at 2 p.m. on 6th inst. by guides of 1st Wellington Battn. at the Level Railway Crossing H.6.A.09. Map Ref. 1/40,000 Belgium & part of France 6. Route to be taken from ERQUINGHEM: Companies will proceed to the Trenches by the following route. ERQUINGHEM - over level Crossing to ARMENTIERES - then turn East, follow the road running just N. of ARMENTIERES Railway Line and Station. Pass over the next Level Crossing and down the LILLE-ARMENTIERES ROAD to a Level Crossing immediately East of the S. in la Chapelle d'Armentieres where guides will meet each company and direct them to their position in trenches. 7. Order of Relief: Right Sub-Sector (A Coy).; Centre Sub-Sector (B Coy.); Left Sub-Sector (C Coy.); Support (D Coy.); Battn.Headquarters. First platoon to arrive at Level Crossing by 9.30 p.m. An interval of 200 yards will be maintained between each platoon. 8. Reporting: Completion of each Coy. relief and specialists to be reported in writing, by Runner, to Battn. Headquarters. 9. Lewis Gunners and Specialists: Lewis Gunners and Specialists will relieve by day 10. Telephones: Telephones are only to be used in case of emergency. All communications to be carried out by runners. 11. Rations: Support Coy. (D Coy.) will find carrying parties to bring up food and supplies from the Ration Dump every night. the position of the dump will be pointed out to all concerned by the Adjutant. 12. Water: Water supplies are in each sub-sector. 13. Cooking: Cooking is done in each sub-sector, but care must be taken not to create a volume of smoke. 14. Detail of work to be carried out: Detail of work to be carried out in order of importance is issued herewith to all concerned [this section is struck out in original]. 15. Miscellaneous: All Maps, Log Books, Reserve Rations, Trench Stores, Tools etc. will be taken over and where necessary, a receipt given. These things should be carefully checked and all Trench Store Lists forwarded to the Orderly Room by 6 p.m. 6th inst. at Bn.Hq.Qrs. (signed) J.H.Bridcutt, Capt. Adjut. 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. Left Sub Sector B Sector 6-8-16 Took over trenches in Left Sub Sector of B Sector astride the ARMENTIERES-LILLE road, from the 1st Batt. Wellington Regiment, 1st New Zealand Brigade. Relief started at 9.30 p.m. & was completed by midnight. B.2. Sector 7-8-16 Fine day, with very light N.W. breeze. Enemy very quiet. Work done on front line parapets & wire in front of support line. 8-8-16 Fine day, light N.W. wind. Enemy very nervous during hours of darkness as though he expected a raid. Day quiet. 9-8-16 Fine day, very slight S.E. wind. Enemy active during night with bombs. two men very slightly wounded. About 50 heavy shells fired into ARMENTIERES during day. German of 156th Regt. surrendered at 1 p.m. after he was missed by a sentry. 10-8-16 Dummy raid carried out by Artillery on next sector to the North. Enemy replied with machine guns & artillery, the latter was feeble. Two hostile working parties dispersed by Lewis gun fire. Our artillery registered. 2.30p.m. Rifle grenades on leith Walk. Fine, hot day. One casualty in wiring party. 11-8-16 Enemy very quiet all day. Wind light from S.W. Weather fine. Somewhat foggy at night. Enemy stood to in fog & appeared jumpy. 12-8-16 Machine guns fired at intervals during night, causing one casualty in our wiring parties. Quiet day on our front. 13-8-16 Quiet day. In the evening at 9.20 p.m. we fired 50 rounds from Stokes Mortars at enemy's machine gun position, silencing the gun for the night. Enemy's retaliation did no harm to us. Enemy's wiring party dispersed during night. 14-8-16 Very quiet day. Our artillery cut two gaps in enemy's front wire in preparation for a dummy raid. Lewis guns fired on gaps during night. 15-8-16 Day quiet. At 10 p.m. a dummy raid was carried out. Our artillery & mortars bombarded a section of enemy's trenches for 30minutes & then simulated a lift, at the same time we showed pole targets above our parapets & sent over smoke. Enemy manned his parapet & opened fire with machine guns & rifles. A very heavy fire was then opened by our 18 pounders & Stokes mortars & it is thought that enemy sufered severe losses. His artillery reply was feeble. Our losses were 2nd Lieut.Roeber & 3 O.R. killed & 2 O.R. wounded. OPERATION ORDERS No.23 by Lieut.Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 15th August, 1915 1.INTENTION: The 7th Bn.Bedfordshire will be relieved by the 6th Bn.Northampton Regt. in F.2. subsector on the night of the 16/17th instant. 2. TIME: The hour of commemcement of relief will be about 9.30 p.m. 3. GUIDES: The first platoon of the 6th Northants will pass Level Crossing at LA CHAPELLE d'ARMENTIERES at 9.15 p.m. One guide per platoon will report to the Adjutant at Battalion Headquarters at 8 p.m. on the evening of the 16th inst. O.C. "D" Coy. will detail an officer to take charge of this party of guides. He will report to the Adjutant at Bn.Hd.Qrs at 8 p.m. on 16th inst. each guide must be perfectly clear as to the way he is to guide the incoming platoonto the trenches. 4. ORDER OF RELIEF: "A" Coy. - Right Sub-Sector; "B" Coy. - Centre Sub-Sector; "C" Coy. - Left Sub-Sector; "D" Coy. - Reserve Coy. (ORCHARD) 5. LEWIS GUNNERS, SIGNALLERS, SNIPERS, BN.HD.QRS. will relieve by day. 6. ADVANCE PARTIES 6TH NORTHANTS: Advance parties of relieving battalion will arrive in trenches for taking over at a time to be notified later. 7.TRENCH STORES: Three Trench Store Lists per company are issued herewith. All three will be made out by companies and signed by the officer who takes over and the officer who hands over. One list will be handed to the officer who takes over, one will be retained by the officer who hands over, and the other will be submitted to the Adjutant as soon as possible after handing over is complete. Officers Commanding Companies are reminded that they must take out of trenches all coy. or Battalion property - i.e. Very pistols, wire cutters, whistles, wiring gloves, cooking utensils etc. The Dayfield Body Shields will be handed over Trench Stores. 8. COMPLETION OF RELIEF: On completion of relief the 7th Bn.Bedford Regiment will proceed to RUE MARLE 9. ROUTE TO BE TAKEN: A Coy. - SALOP AVENUE - SUBSIDIARY LINE - ROAD RUNNING NORTH THROUGH figure 8 to LA CHAPELLE d'ARMENTIERES; B Coy. - COWGATE AVENUE - SUBSIDIARY LINE - LA CHAPELLE d'ARMENTIERES; C Coy. - LEITH AVENUE - LA CHAPELLE d'ARMENTIERES; D Coy. - WINE AVENUE - LA CHAPELLE d'ARMENTIERES 10. KITS: All stores, officers kits, cooking utensils etc. will be dumped at RATION DUMP by 7 p.m. on 16th inst. ready for loading. Each Coy. and Battn.Hd.Qrs. will detail a loading party of 1 N.C.O. and 4 men to load the limbers when they arrive at the Ration Dump. These loading parties will travel with transport and kits. All spare kit should be sent down by Transport to the Q.M.Stores on the night of 15th inst. 11.ADVANCED PARTIES 7TH BEDFORDS: 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler and one representative per platoon and Bn.Hq.Qrs. will proceed to RUE MARLE for taking over billets etc. These guides will meet their respective platoons as they arrive and conduct them to their billets. This party will parade at Bn.Hd.Qrs. at 2 p.m. on the 16th inst. C.Q.M.Ss and 1 cook per company should be sent forward to prepare hot tea etc. for the men when they arrive in billets. The necesssary cooking utensils must also be sent forward on the 16th inst. or by transport on night of 15th. (signed) J.H.Bridcutt, Captain, Adjutant, 7th (S) Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. 16-8-16 Very quiet day. relieved at 10.45 p.m. by 6th Northants. battalion took over billets vacated by 6th Northants in RUE MARLE. RUE MARLE 17-8-16 Quiet day. Companies bathing & preparing for move to BOIS de NIEPPE La Motte 18-8-16 5.15am First platoon left RUE MARLE followed at 5 minutes intervals by remaining platoons & marched to ERQUINGHEM. The battalion then proceeded by motor lorries & buses to LA MOTTE in the BOIS DE NIEPPE 10am arriving at 10 a.m. We took over the camp vacated by the East Surreys about 1 mile S. of LA MOTTE. Officers & N.C.O.s instructed in keeping direction in a wood in the afternoon & later the companies practised the attack through the BOIS DES VACHES. Fine day, rained heavily during night. 19-8-16 9am Companies practised in the attack through BOIS DES VACHES, returning to camp at 2 p.m. Companies practised in the attack at night through BOIS DES VACHES returning at midnight. Fine day. At 8 p.m. on the night of the 19th August, 1916, the Officer Commanding 7th Bedfordshire Regt. received the following orders: - "On the night of 20/21st August, 1916, the 7th Bedfords will relieve the Battalion holding the BOIS DES VACHES wood on a line running North almost central of the wood and through the second S. in BOIS DES VACHES. Map Reference - France, 1/20,000 Completion of relief will be reported to Bde. Headquarters. At dawn on the 21st inst. 7th Bedfords will attack and endeavour to make good the north-western portion of the BOIS DES VACHES from a line running North almost central of the wood and through the second S. in BOIS DES VACHES, as far as the canal. On arrival at the canal the line should be consolidated and strong points put in to strengthen the position" OPERATION ORDERS By Lieut.Cononel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battn. Bedfordshire Regiment 19th August, 1916 1. INTENTION: The Battalion will relieve XYZ Battalion in the BOIS DES VACHES wood on a line running North-East and South-West through the second S in the BOIS DES -VACHES 2. FRONTAGE: The frontage allotted to the Battalion is 600 yards. It will be divided as follows: - C Coy. From the V in VACHES to a point 300 yards S.W. of the V in VACHES. A Coy. From thence to the junction of WOOD ROAD and ROAD running South if BOIS DES VACHES. (The above companies finding their own supports). D Coy. In Support, furnishing "Cleaning up" and carrying parties. B Coy. In Battalion Reserve. 3. POINT OF ENTRY OF WOOD: Eastern point of BOIS DES VACHES - 150 yards South of "A" in Le Pre a Vin. Companies, led by guides, will march on to points detailed above. 4. ORDER OF RELIEF: C Coy.: A Coy.: D Coy.: C Coy.: Bn. Hd. Qrs. The first company will leave bivouacs at 2 a.m. 21:8:16. the remaining companies following at intervals of ten minutes. 5. NOTES 1. The battalion being relieved is supposed to have fought its way to the present line 24 hours previous. 2.On the night of 19th inst. 7th Bedford Regt. is supposed to have bivouaced in district of CHAPELLE BOOME. 3. Absolute silence must be maintained. 4. Careful fire control must be exercised by platoon commanders. (signed) G.D.Price, Lt.Colonel. Comdg. 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. 20-8-16 9am Battalion practised the attack through BOIS DES VACHES up to central drive making strong points slong this. G.O.C. 54th Brigade was present & criticised the operations at the close. Fine day. 21-8-16 2am Battalion practised in an attack in a wood at dawn also relief of another Battalion already in position see orders attached. 5 a.m. Battalion moved in motor buses & lorries to ERQUINGHEM & from there marched to billets in RUE MARLE. 5.30 p.m. Conference of Officers & N.C.O.s held at 5.30 p.m. on lessons learned during previous 3 days training in wood fighting. Fine Day. 22-8-16 Battalion remained in billets. Fine quiet day. N.C.O.s & new officers paraded under Adjutant. ERQUINGHEM 23-8-16 10am Battalion marched to ERQUINGHEM by platoons at 5 minutes interval. N.C.O.s & officers paraded under adjutant. Fine day, rain at night. OPERATION ORDERS No.26 by Major G.P.Mills Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 23rd. August, 1916 Ref.Maps. Lens, Sheet 11, 1/100,000 Hazebrouck 3a, 1/100,000 1. INTENTION: The Battalion will entrain at BAILLEUL (west) Station about midnight on the night of 24/25th August, 1916, and will detrain at ST.POL Station about 5 a.m. on the morning of 25th August. The new Brigade Area will be as follows: - LA THIEULOYE (Bde.Headquatrers) MARQUAY ORLENCOURT BAILLEUL-AUX-CORNAILLES 2. PARADE: The Battalion will parade in service marching order and be formed up in the ERQUINGHEM-STEENWERCK Road - North of the Canal Bridge - with the head of the leading Coy. at sufficient distance for the transport to clear the Canal Bridge, ready to march off at 6.30 p.m. Order of march: A Coy. B Coy. C Coy. D Coy. Transport, with vehicles in the proper order 3. RATIONS: Rations for consumption on 24th and 25th inst. will be drawn on 23rd inst. The latter will consist of preserved rations and will be issued to each N.C.O. and man before departure from billets. Rations for consumption on 26th inst. will be drawn on afternoon of 24th inst. 4. WATERBOTTLES: All waterbottles will be filled before departure from billets on evening of 24th inst. 5. TRANSPORT & SUPPLY WAGONS: The whole of the first line transport will accompany the battalion to the new area. It will arrive at BAILLEUL (west) Station at 10.30 p.m. and will be loaded on the train with the assistance of "B" Coy. Baggage and Supply wagons will accompany the Battalion. All animals will be watered as late as possible before entrainment. Bicycles and Lewis Gun Handcarts will travel and be loaded with the transport. 6. TRAIN MARKERS: Train markers will be detailed for each Company, and 1 or Battn. Hd.Qrs, All employed men and details will entrain with their respective Companies. 7. DETAILS FOR ENTRAINMENT: 1. No troops or transport will be allowed on the platform or sidings without orders from the R.T.O. 2. The Transport Officer will report his arrival at the Station to the R.T.O. 8. MARCHING-OUT STATEMENT: A marching-out statement showing the number of Officers, men, horses, 4 wheeled evhicles, 2 wheeled vehicles and bicycles for entraining will be forwarded to the Adjutant by Officers Commanding Coys. and the Transport Officer immediately on receipt of these orders. Transport Section to include personnel of Quartermaster Stores. For purposes of entraining all Hd.Qr. personnel will travel with their Coys. 9. ARRIVAL IN BILLETS: All Companies will report their arrival in billets in writing, to Battalion Headquarters and state the position of their Coy. Hd.Qrs. (signed) J.H.Bridcutt, Captain, Adjutant, 7th (S) Bn.Bedfordshire Regiment. 24-8-16 10am Battalion drill under C.O. battalion left ERQUINGHEM at 6.30 p.m. & marched, accompanied by transport to BAILLEUL station. After a hot meal the battalion entrained for St.POL. LA THIEULOYE 25-8-16 5.30am The battalion detrained at St.POL & after breakfast in station yard marched to LA THIEULOYE where it went into billets. Fine hot day. 26-8-16 Companies trained in advanced & rear guards. Very heavy rain interfered with training. Heavy rain, dry intervals. 27-8-16 Company training in forenoon. At 2 p.m. battalion practised forming up for an attack from trenches & carried out an attack from trenches in A2 area. Heavy showers at times. 28-8-16 Battalion marched to BOIS des HEROMBUS & was exercised in forming up for attack in a wood & attacking through a wood, clearing parties, carrying parties & runners being used. Heavy showers at times. After a midday meal the battalion returned to billets at 5 p.m. In the evening the 18th Divisional Brass Band played for 1 hours in the village. 29-8-16 Company training in billets during morning & battalion training on A1 area in afternoon. Forming up at night for attack at dawn practised. Heavy thunderstorm, men got very wet on the way home. 30-8-16 Wet day. Company training lectures etc. in billets. 31-8-16 Brigade training in an attack at dawn on two lines of German trenches. Fine day. Corps commander & Divisional commander present. On 26/8/16 a reinforcement of 23 O.R. arrived & on 30/8/16 a further reinforcement
  • Date free text
    Aug 1916
  • Production date
    From: 1916 To: 1916
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