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    1-4-16 Fine Day. Nothing to report. 2-4-16 Fine Day. Relieved 6th Northants in Sector A.2. Relief completed at 10.5p.m. SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATION ORDERS No.8 by Major G.P.Mills, Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt. 2nd April 1916 1. The 7th Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. will relieve 6th Bn.Northants Regt. in A.2. Sector Trenches today, 2nd inst. The relieving and outcoming Battalions will use CARNOY Avenue or the open ground on either side of this trench. Companies will march at 5 minutes interval; the elading company of 7th Bedfords will not pass level crossingL.15 B.5.9. before 7.15 p.m. On completion of relief 6th Northants Regt. will move to BRAY. 2. Transport will pass Level crossing L.15 B.5.9. at the following times: - A.2.....................8.00 p.m. A.1.....................8.20 p.m. BRONFAY.........8.40 p.m. R.E. Transport...9.00 p.m. and return in reverse order. (signed) E.W.BENSON, Lieut. A/Adjutant. 7th Bn.Bedf. Regt. A.2. 3-4-16 Fine Day. Enemy quiet. 11th R.Fus. relieved last night from Bronfay & now in A.1. 4-4-16 Fine Day. Enemy quiet. Nothing to report. 5-4-16 Considerable enemy activity with Artillery during morning. Several rifle grenades landed right into our trenches. 6-4-16 Situation calm. Nothing to report. 7-4-16 Concerted Straff on craters with 2" T.M., Stokes Gun, 18 pdrs & Hows. Considerable damage done. Enemy reply very feeble. OPERATION ORDERS by Major G.P.Mills, Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt. 7th April 1916 SECRET 1. Intention The 7th Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. will be relieved by the 6th Bn.Northants Regt. in Sector A.2. tomorrow,8th inst., when the Bedfords will take over the billets vacated bythe 12th Middx. Regt. in BRONFAY FARM and BILLON WOOD. 2. Order of Relief Companies willrelieve in the following order: - Centre - Right - Left - Reserve Coy, & Bn.Hd.Qrs. Coy. The first company of the 6th Northants will pass the level crossing L.15 b.5.9. at 6.30 p.m. Centre Coy. will go out by MONTAUBAN AVENUE, BOIS CAFTET, and backroad to BRONFAY FARM. Right Coy. will go out via QUEEN STREET, BERWICK AVENUE, and SHEFFIELD AVENUE to BILLON WOOD. Left Coy. will go out by LOTHIAN STREET, MONTAUBAN AVENUE, BOIS CAFTET, PERONNE AVENUE, and SHEFFIELD AVENUE to BILLON WOOD. Reserve Coy. will go out via PERONNE AVENUE and SHEFFIELD AVENUE to BILLON WOOD. Hd.Qrs. Coy. will go out by transport Road. 3. Machine Gunners & Signallers will be relieved independently. 4. Trench Stores The Battalion Bombing Officer, Bn.Sniping Officer, the Regimental Sergeant Major and the 4 Company Sergeant Majors of 6th Northants will arrive in the trenches at 2 p.m. tomorrow to take over trench stores. Signed copy of trench store lists to be sent to Adjutant by 5.30 p.m. 5. Transport The 6th Northants Transport will take back to BRONFAY & BILLON WOOD the kit etc. of 7th Bedfords from A.2. Sector. All stores, kit, etc. will be dumped in the usual dumping ground by BRICK ALLEY. The Refimental Provost Sergeant will personally supervise the loading up of Hd.Qr. Stores, and will march Hd.Qr. Party to BRONFAY FARM. 6. Billeting Party 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler, 1 Cook per company (including Hd.Qr.Coy.), 1 M.G. Noncommissioned Officer will rendezvous at Bn.Hd.Qrs. A.2. Sector for instructions at 2 p.m. 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler will take over Trench Stores at BILLON WOOD & BRONFAY FARM. 7. Guards The reserve Company will arrange to take over the following Guards in BILLON WOOD at 5.30 p.m. tomorrow night. 1 N.C.O. & 3 men SHEFFIELD AVENUE 1 N.C.O. & 3 men Water Guard 1 N.C.O. & 3 men Ammunition Guard 1 N.C.O. & 6 men Battn.Hd.Qrs. Guard. 2 N.C.Os & 6 men 2 Posts in CARNOY AVENUE (signed) E.W.BENSON, Lieut. A/Adjutant 7th Bn.Bedf.Regt. 8-4-16 Relieved by 6th Northants. Went to Bronfay Farm. Relief complete 9.30 p.m. SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATION ORDERS No.9 by Major G.P.Mills, Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt. 8th April 1916 SECRET The 6th Northants Regt. Will relieve 7th Bedford Regt. In A.2 Sector today, 8th inst. The relieving and outcoming battalions will use CARNOY AVENUE or the open ground on either side of this trench. Companies will march at 5 minutes interval; the leading Company of 6th Northants Regt. Will not pass LEVEL CROSSING L.15.b.5.9. before 6.45 p.m. The last Company will be clear of this point by 7.15 p.m. 12th Middx. Regt. Will relieve 11th R.Fusiliers in A.1. Sector today, 8th inst. The relieving and outcoming Battalions will use SHEFFIELD AVENUE or the open ground on either side of this trench. (signed) E.W.Benson, Lieut. A/Adjutant 7th Bn.Bedf.R. Bronfay 9-4-16 Nothing to report. Whole Battalion on fatigues. 10-4-16 Nothing to report. A German captured by the French gave particulars of an impending attack on "A" Sector but nothing so far happened. 11-4-16 Intermittent shelling of Bronfay & district. One shell hit extreme corner of barn but no damage. 12-4-16 An uneventful day. 13-4-16 2am Severe hostile bombardment of Bronfay & district with 10cm & 15cm shells. Battn. "Stood To" and "Stood Down" again at 4am. Germans raided A2 subsector (6th Northants holding the line). Several casualties. One man of ours on morning fatigue & in front line at the time - missing. Several dead Bosches lying out between the lines at 6am. 1 Captured & sent to Brigade. 14-4-16 Sorting out & burying Germans occupied our attention & no unusual movements of us or the Germans. OPERATION ORDERS No.10 by Lieut. Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt 14th April 1916 SECRET 1. Intention The 7th Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. will relieve 6th Bn.Northants Regt. in Sector A.2. today, 14th inst. On relief, the 6th Northants will take over billets vacated by 7th Bedfords in BILLON WOOD and BRONFAY FARM. 2. Order of relief Companies will relieve in the following order, the first Coy. starting at 9 p.m., and following at intervals of 5 minutes. Centre: via SHEFFIELD AVENUE, BERWICK AVENUE Right: via SHEFFIELD AVENUE, BERWICK AVENUE, QUEEN STREET Left: via SHEFFIELD AVENUE, BERWICK AVENUE, LEEDS AVENUE and LOTHIAN STREET Reserve: via CARNOY AVENUE, PERONNE AVENUE & BOIS CAFTET Hd.Qrs.: via CARNOY AVENUE, PERONNE AVENUE & LA GUERRE WOOD 3. Machine Gunners & Signallers Machine Gunners (2 per gun) and Signallers (1 Sergt. and 2 Signallers per station) will relieve independently, starting at 10 a.m. Sergt.G.LeBrun will take over M.G. instead of Lt.G.Fleming Brown 4. Trench Stores The Battalion Bombing Officer, Bn.Sniping Officer, R.S.M. and 4 Coy.Sergt.Majors will proceed to the trenches at 9 a.m. today for the purpose of taking over Trench Stores. 6th Northants will provide the Trench Store Lists; signed copy of these lists will be submitted to the Adjutant as soon as possible after taking over is completed. The 6th Northants will send an Officer to take over Trench Stores in BILLON WOOD & BRONFAY FARM. He will arrive at BILLON WOOD about 12 noon. 5. Kits etc. for trenches All stores, kit, etc. for the trenches must be ready stacked in Coy. Dumps by 12 noon at latest, under a guard of 4 men per company. These men will personally supervise the loading of the transport and will accompany same to the trenches in the evening. 6. Kits for BRAY All blankets, kit, etc. not being taken to the trenches will be stacked in a separate dump, by companies, by 12 noon and left under guard of the Tailors and Bootmakers. The transport, after unloading the 6th Northants' baggage will load up this kit, and, accompanied by the Tailors and Bootmakers, will proceed to Qr.Mr. Stores, BRAY. 7. Water Tanks Water Tanks in BILLON WOOD and BRONFAY FARM will be left as full as possible. 8. Meals The Cooks of both regiments will leave boiling water ready for making tea for the incoming Battalion. One cook and 2 men per coy. and Hd.Qr. Coy. will proceed to the trenches at 1 p.m. carrying coy. and Hd.Qr. tea rations, to take over the usual cooking utensils. The Master Cook will sign the Bn.trench Store list for this department. 9. Unloading party Companies and Hd.Qrs. will leave 4 representatives with each Coy. and Hd.Qr. dump, who will be responsible that all their baggage is loaded on the transport, unloaded at CARNOY, and guarded until delivered to their respective companies and Hd.Qrs. in the trenches. 10. Transport The Bedfords transport will bring back to BILLON WOOD and BRONFAY FARM the kit and stores of the 6th Northants. 11. Guards "C" Company will take over the following guards in A.2. Sector at 1.30 p.m.today. 1 N.C.O. and 4 men CARNOY KEEP 1 N.C.O. and 3 men BRICK ALLEY 1 N.C.O. and 6 men PERONNE AVENUE Guards, with one sentry at night at BOIS CAFTET. Guards in BILLON WOOD and BRONFAY FARM will be taken over by 6th Northants at 1.30 p.m. today. 12. Mining Fatigue "C" Company will find the 12.30 midday mining fatigue of 9 men today. These men will proceed to the trenches fully equipped and will dump their packs in their billets in BOIS CAFTET with 2 men to remain in charge of them until the Coy. arrives. the 6.30 p.m. (night of 14/15th inst.) fatigue will be found by 6th Northants. 13. Billeting Billets will be left scrupulously clean and tidy, and will be inspected by an Officer prior to departure. (signed) E.W.BENSON, Lieut. A/Adjutant 7th Bn.Bedf. Regt. A2 15-4-16 Relieved 6th Northants in A2 yesterday. 12th Middx relieved by 11th R.Fus. Nothing to report. 16-4-16 Captured a Bosche prisoner of 6th Entrenching Bn who took part in raid with 62nd Regiment on 13/14 night. 17-4-16 Situation calm. Weather cold wet & windy. 18-4-16 Enemy very quiet. Nothing to report. Fine weather. 19-4-16 An uneventful day. OPERATION ORDERS No.11 by Lieut. Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt. 19th April 1916 SECRET 1. Intention The 6th Northants will relieve the 7th Bedfords in A.2. Sector tomorrow, 20th inst. On completion of relief the 7th Bedfords will take over the billets vacated by the 12th Middx. Regt. in BRAY. 2. Order of relief Centre : Left : Right : Reserve & Hd.Qrs. The leading company of the Northants will commence relief from BRONFAY FARM & BILLON WOOD at 4.30 p.m., the remaining companiesfollowing at intervals of 10 minutes. The 7th Bedfords will go out by CARNOY AVENUE only, and the leading company will not pass BRONFAY FARM before 7.15 p.m. 3. Machine Gunners & Signallers: will be relieved independently. 4. Trench Stores. The Bn.Bombing Officer, Bn.Sniping Officer, R.S.M. and the 4 Coy.S.Ms. of the Northants will arrive in trenches by 3 p.m. to take over Trench Stores. Signed lists must be handed to the Adjutant by 5.30 p.m. at latest. 5. Transport. the Northants' Transport will take back to BRAY the kit and stores of the 7th Bedfords from A.2. Sector. Kits etc. must be dumped at Coy. and Hd.Qrs. Dumps by 5 p.m. 6. Unloading and loading party Each company and Hd.Qr. Coy. will leave 2 representatives with each of their respective dumps, who will be responsible that all their baggage is loaded on the transport and unloaded at the various billets in BRAY. These men will accompany the transport to BRAY. 7. Billeting party. The Billeting Officer, Pioneer Sergt., and 1 Representative per platoon will rendezvous at Bn.Hd.Qrs. at 3 p.m. tomorrow to proceed to BRAY to take over billets. These representatives must meet their respective platoons at the level crossing L.15.b.5.9. when they come out of trenches and guide them straight to their billets. 8. Guards The following guards will be found by "B" Coy. tomorrow, 20th inst. 2 N.C.Os. and 6 men FROISSY Lock Guard 1 N.C.O. and 3 men Level Crossing Guard 1 N.C.O., 3 men & 1 Buglar Town Hall Guard 1 N.C.O. and 3 men Crucifix Guard 1 N.C.O., 9 men & 1 Buglar Rue Cappy Well & Pump, Bde.Hd.Qrs. and Road Guard. These N.C.Os and men must arrive in BRAY in time to take over the above guards at 1.30 p.m. 9. Meals The Cooks of each regiment will leave boiling water ready for making tea for the incoming Battalion. One cook per company and Hd.Qrs. Coy. will proceed after 5 p.m. to take over usual cooking utensils. (signed) E.W.BENSON, Lieut. A/Adjutant 7th Bn.Bedf. Regt. 20-4-16 Relieved by 6th Northants. Nothing to report. Bray 21-4-16 Nothing to report. 22-4-16 Day Quiet. Nothing to report. 23-4-16 Day Quiet. Nothing to report. 24-4-16 Day Quiet. Nothing to report. 25-4-16 Day Quiet. Nothing to report. OPERATION ORDERS No.12 by Lieut. Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt. 25th April 1916 SECRET 1. Intention The 7th Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment will relieve the 6th Bn.Northants Regiment in Sector A2. trenches tomorrow, 26th inst., and will hold the line till 2nd May, 1916, inclusive. 2. Order of Relief Companies will relieve in the following order. Centre Coy....."B" Coy. Right Coy......."A" Coy. Left Coy........."D" Coy. Reserve Coy.."C" Coy. 3. Machine Gunners (2 men per gun) and Signallers (1 Sergt, and 2 Signallers per station) will relieve independently. 4. Trench Stores. The Battn.Bombing Officer, Bn.Sniping Officer, Regtl.Sergeant Major and 4 Coy.S.Ms. will proceed to the trenches at 8.30 a.m. tomorrow morning to take over Trench Stores. Signed copy of lists will be submitted to the Adjutant as soon as possible after handing over is completed. 6th Northants will provide the Trench Store Lists. 5. Kits, etc. All blankets, spare kit, etc. not being taken to the Trenches will be handed over to the Qr.Mr. before 6.30 a.m. and must be stacked in the places selected for the respective companies. All kits, stores, etc. for the trenches must be ready for loading on the limbers by 5 p.m. at latest. the Regimental Provost Sergeant will personally supervise the loading of Hd.Qrs. Stores and Kit. Each company will detail two men to remain behind to look after their company's dumps. They will load up the limbers in the evening and accompany same to the trenches; on arrival at the trenches they will unload thelimbers. C Company will detail 6 men to look after Hd.Qrs. dump, load on the wagons, and accompany the Hd.Qr. limbers to the trenches. On arrival in trenches these 6 men will unload Hd.Qr. limbers. 6 Transport. The Bedford Transport will bring back to BRAY the kit and stores of the 6th Northants. 7 Cooks. The Master Cook, two cooks per company, and 1 cook from Bn.Hq.Qrs. will proceed to the trenches at 7 p.m. tonight, 25th inst. for the purpose of taking over cookhouses, and for preparing dinners and teas for the companies on arrival in the trenches. The Company & Hd.Qr. Cooks remaining behind for the night of 25/26th inst. will bring all cooking utensils that will be required in the trenches to the Qr.Mr. Stores by 7 a.m. 26th inst. 8. Breakfast will be served at 6.15 a.m. tomorrow, 26th inst. 9. Route. The Route which companies are to take will be notified later. 10. Time of departure. The first company will march away from their billets at 7 a.m. Other companies will follow at hour intervals, with hour intervals between each platoon 11. Specialists. Specialists will move off from BRAY at 6.30 a.m. tomorrow (signed) J.H.Bridcutt, Captain Adjutant 7th Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. A2 26-4-16 Relieved 6th Northants in A2 Sector early morning. Relief complete 12.40pm. Hostile aeroplane dropped bombs just by Bray Church. A Hole in road and windows etc. broken was the only damage. No casualties. We raided German trenches night of 26/27th. No killed but 2/Lieut.H.Driver wounded & 13 others. 27-4-16 Quiet day. Nothing to report. 28-4-16 Quiet day. Nothing to report. 29-4-16 Enemy shelled Carnoy for about 2 hours. No damage nor casualties. 30-4-16 Quiet day up till evening. Enemy shelled support line & Hd.Qrs. for about 1hrs. rather heavily - Communication trenches to front line damaged. 8 casualties. SECRET Copy No.4 54th Infantry Brigade Operation order No.15 30th April 1916 Reference Map AMIENS 1/100,000. Sheet 69d.N.E. (2nd Edition) 1/20,000 TRENCH MAPS 1/10,000 1. The 21st Infantry Brigade will relieve the 54th Infantry Brigade in "A" Sector on the nights 3/4th and 4/5th May. 2. reliefs and moves will take place inaccordance with the attached March Table. 3. All details of reliefs will be arranged direct between O.'s C. concerned. 4. All trench stores, reserve ammunition, grenades and Box Respirators will be handed over to relieving units in accordance with instructions already issued. Receipts will be obtained for all stores handed over, a complete list being forwarded to this office the day after relief. 5. All plans, sketches and photographs will be handed over to relieving units. Trench Maps scale 1/10,000 will be retained by units. 6. Guides will be provided at BRONFAY FARM by battalions who are being relieved, on the following scale: - 1 for Battalion Hd.Qrs. 1 for each Company Hd.Qrs. 1 for each Platoon. 7. Completion of all reliefs and moves will be reported to 54th and 21st Brigade Hd.Qrs. 8. The G.O.C., 21st Infantry Brigade, will take over command of "A" Sector at 12 noon on May 4th. 54th Brigade Hd.Qrs. will close at BRAY at that hour and reopen at CORBIE at 2 p.m. 9. ACKNOWLEDGE. (sgd) E.G.Miles Captain, Bde. Major, 54th Inf. Bde. SECRET Copy No.4 March Table issued with 54th Infantry Brigade Operation Order No.15 Date Unit - From - To - Route - Remarks May1st 6th Northants Regt. - Bray - La Houssoye - Morlancourt-Mericourt - March by Platoons at 5 min. intervals as far as Bois des TAILLES 18th Manchester Regt. - Corbie - Bray - Becomes 54th Brigade Reserve May 2nd 6th Northants Regt. - La Houssoye - Frechencourt & Querrieux - Takes over Railway Fatigue same morning 2nd Wilts Regt. - Corbie - Bray & Froissy - Main Road - Not to be E. of Bois des Tailles before 7 p.m. May 3rd 2nd Wilts Regt. - Bray & Froissy - A.1. Subsector - Bray-Bronfay Road - Leading platoon not to pass Level Crossing L.15.b.5.9. before 7.30 p.m. 11th R.Fusiliers - A.1. Subsector - Bois Celestine - Bray-Etinehem - to be arranged between O's C concerned X.30.T.M.Battery - Sailly Laurette - Trenches - to be arranged between O's C concerned Y.18.T.M.Battery - Trenches - Sailly Laurette - By lorry from Bray - to be arranged between O's C concerned 19th Manchester Regt. - Corbie - Grovetown Camp - Main Road - By Platoons across country E. of Bois des Tailles 18th K.Liverpool Regt. - Bonnay & Bray - Corbie-Bray Road - Not to be E. of Bois des tailles before 7 p.m. May 4th 2nd Yorkshire Regt. - Corbie - Bray - Main Road - Not to be E. of Bois des Tailles before 7 p.m. 19th Manchester Regt - Grovetown Camp - Bronfay - Bray-Bronfay Road - Leading Platoon not to pass Level Crossing L.15.b.5.9. before 8.30 p.m. 12th Middlesex Regt. - Bronfay - Etinehem Camp - Bray-Bronfay Road 18th K.Liverpool Regt. - Bray - A.2. Subsector - Bray-Bronfay Road - Leading Platoon not to pass Level Crossing L.15.b.5.9. before 7.30 p.m. & last Platoon to be clear of same point by 8.10 p.m. 7th Bedford Regt. - A.2. Subsector - Bray & Froissy - Bray-Bronfay Road 21 M.Gun Coy. - Sailly Laurette - Trenches 54th M.G. Coy - Tranches - Sailly Laurette - to be arranged between O's C concerned. Transport entering BRAY over the Hill to be at proper intervals. 21/1 T.M.Battery - Sailly Laurette - Trenches - to be arranged between O's C concerned. Transport entering BRAY over the Hill to be at proper intervals 54/ & 54/2 T.M.Battys - Bray - Sailly Laurette - By motor Lorry - to be arranged between O's C concerned. Transport entering BRAY over the Hill to be at proper intervals 21st Brigade H.Q. - Corbie - Bray - Takes over A Sector 12 Noon 54th Brigade H.Q. - Bray - Corbie Y.18.T.M.Battery - Sailly Laurette - New Area - Corbie-Daours-Amiens - moves into area of 18th Div.Artillery May 5th 54th Brigade H.Q. - Corbie - Oissy 54th M.Gun Coy. - Sailly Laurette - Corbie 54/1 & 54/2 T.M.Batterys - Sailly Laurette - Corbie May 6th 12th Middlesex Regt. (less 1 Company) - Etinehem Camp - Bray 54th M.Gun Coy. - Corbie - Oissy - Daours-Amiens 54/1 & 54/2 T.M.Battys - Corbie - Oissy - Daours-Amiens
  • Date free text
    Apr 1916
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