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    Trenches D1 1-1-16 2.0am M.T.R. Patrols have been out all night between the gaps on our front but nothing unusual is reported. A German working party at F10C7555 appeared but being fired on at once by our machine guns dispersed immediately. A bombing party has been all night at the far end of sap in 83 trench. This sap is being deepened, already 16 yds have been accomplished. Six reels of barbed wire have been put out opposite 83 trench. Enemy quiet in our sector but at 11.30 and onards during the last hour of the old year, kept up Machine Gun and Artillery fire on Sector D2. Our guns retaliated. Enemy are being kept under very close supervision by patrols. 1-1-16 2.0pm E.T.R. Very quiet day. Our artillery fired a few registering shots. Enemy working party seen at F1De55, Artillery informed & point registered, if see again will be fired at. Wind S.S.W. 2-1-16 2.0am M.T.R. Night very quiet. Advanced standing partols, report work being carried on in enemy's lines at about F9D7880 and the German trench running from AEROPLANE trench to WHITE crater was held by about one man every 4 or 5 yards. About 5 yards of sap in 83 has been completed. 42 feet of wire has been put up in MATTERHORN gap. A continuous line of wire has now been erected opposite 83 trench but this will be still further strengthened. Wind W-W.S.W. Battalion on our left 11th Bn Royal Fus. 2-1-16 2.0pm A working party was shelled in CANTERBURY AVENUE at 11.30 A.M. Our guns retaliated and enemy ceased fire. Morning very quiet. trenches very wet again after rain. Wind W. 3-1-16 2.0am M.T.R. Enemy sent up flares on left subsector and rifle fire in this quarter more frequent. A patrol went out to investigate Sunken Rd. A specimen of wire opposite German trenches in front of 83 trench is sent for inspection. This patrol was one of numerous ones sent out and was led by an officer 2/Lt Rawes in order to give men confidence Its object was to examine enemies' wire and to instruct and train new patrol leaders. Night otherwise very quiet. Wind S.W. Work has been continued on sap in 83 trench and 30ft of wire has been put up opposite 79 trench. Our patrols again active in crater gaps. battalion on our right 1st Cheshires 3-1-16 2.0pm E.T.R. Our guns registered sap head at F10D0506 on C2. Four grenades were sent over 77 trench we replied with West Guns and T.Mortars. Enemy fired a few small shells into 83 trench at 11.45 A.M. Our howitzers replied on the Aeroplane trench. Wind W. strong 4-1-16 2.0am M.T.R. This afternoon enemy shelled RUE ALBERT with small H.E. and a T.M. fell behind 75 trench. This was in retaliationto our guns which fired on F10C96 and Mametz. At 8 P.M. we sent over 4 T.M. shells and several bombs from West guns in reply to some bombs which enemy put into 78 trench. Our T.M. is now out of action having destroyed its own firing platform. patrols have been continually sent out but report nothing up to present. Work has been carried on in sap at 83 trench. Communication with Batt on our left has been improved by digging a path parallel to existing impassible trench. 12 yds of wire completed opposite 83. 4-1-16 2.0pm E.T.R. Enemies' trench mortar emplacement located F3A7850. Enemy working party located opposite to Matterhorn and dispersed by our guns. Occasional Rifle grenades on Front trenches.Situation otherwise quiet. Wind S.W. 12 noon G.O.C. 18th Div. inspected section D/1. 5-1-16 2am M.T.R. Patrol was sent out last night to investigate German sap by white crater. Spcimen of wire and rport of patrol following. between 3 and 4pm enemy fired several whiz-bangs & rifle grenades. We replied with 10 rifle grenades and 12 T.M.Bombs on F10C6970 where wood wa seen to fly in the air. All enemy activity them ceased. Enemy machine guns regulated by red and green rockets very active on our working parties. Wind S.S.W. strong. 5-1-16 9-11am Bombardment going on somewhere left of our lines - ALBERT way. Weather Fair to dry 5-1-16 2pm E.T.R. Much aeroplane activity this morning. Our guns registered on enemy trenches in front of 77 trench. Enemy noted signalling with flash lamps in trenches in front of Quarry F10C76. Enemy snipers more active firing at periscopes. Wind W. 6-1-16 2am M.T.R. Enemy sent over 2 rifle grenades near Watling Street at 6.30pm and at midnight we replied with 4. Considerable more rifle fire than usual. Enemy busy trying to smash our periscopes. Enemy heavy howitzers search for our guns at 9.30pm. Night otherwise quiet. Wind W. 6-1-16 2.15pm E.T.R. At 8.15am enemy sent over numerous rifle grenades and trench mortars apparently aimed at L/18. Their grenades outnumbered ours so we retaliated with trench mortars. These did exceedingly good work. Timber was blown into the air from enemy lines opposite to the Fort. We must have inflicted serious damage on enemy. All active hostilities ceased on their part after our mortars had fired. Wind W. Weather Fair 7-1-16 1.45am M.T.R. At 4.30pm enemy fired 8 H.E. shells in rear of the Bn HQrs but did no damage. Rifle fire more frequent especially opposite trench 83 where enemy very persistently hitting our parapet. At 10.30pm enemy started to send over bombs and rifle grenades but upon our replying with 2 trench mortars they at once ceased. Every endeavour is being made to reclaim Matterhorn trench. Wind W. 16th R.Warwicks on our right flank C/2 Sector. 7-1-16 2.30pm E.T.R. Enemy fired a few shells at our working parties in Rue Albert and one or two rifle grenades but morning otherwise very quiet. Wind W. weather Fair to rain & mist 8-1-16 Morning Tactical Report. At 7.30am in response to our rifle grenades enemy shelled Bn H.Q. and Watling Street quite heavily for about 10 minutes. They were silenced by our Guns and trench Mortars. Several of enemy's shells fell also either side of Old Kent Road and between Maple Redoubt and 71 South. More flares were sent up by enemy last night but less firing. Wind L[ight?] N.W. 8-1-16 Evening Tactical. German working party observed at F10C2062 about 10am. dispersed by our Guns. German working at F.10.C.45-61 fired at by one of our patrols and was sent [seen?] to fall. Corroborated by 2 N.C.O.'s who were observing at the time. Wind - W.N.W. Relieved by 12th Middx midday. Good weather 16th Warwicks on Right, 11th R.FUS.on Left. Maulte 9-1-16 Nothing to report. Good weather 10-1-16 Nothing to report. Weather Fair. Some Sun. 11-1-16 The Commander-in-Chief was in neighbourhood but did not pay us a visit 12-1-16 Nothing to report. Weather dull 13-1-16 8 shells fell in fields behind Hd.Qrs. near a bombing party & a football match. No damage. 14-1-16 Nothing to report. Instruction in Wire erecting by R.E. 15-1-16 Nothing to report. Instruction in Wire erecting by R.E. 16-1-16 Relief of 12th Middx in D/1. Good weather. Enemy shelled the hill after all our men were over. Wind S.S.E. 16th Warwicks on right flank, 6th Northants on left D/1 Trenches 17-1-16 2am Morning Tactical Report From 3.30pm-4.30pm enemy fired several whiz bangs on to our left subsectors. At 6.15pm our machine guns dispersed enemy working party opposite to the Fort. At 9pm enemy sent over sausages and canisters all of which hit the roof of a dug out and severely bruised six men. We retaliated with trench mortars and enemy are now quiet 17-1-16 2pm Evening Tactical Report Smoke seen issuing from dugouts opposite Matterhorn Gap. Morning quiet. Our Artillery Registering. Wind S.E.E. Some excitement prevails in well-informed circles on account of a sham attack and heavy straffing which we intend administering tonight. Reports will appear later 18-1-16 2am M.T.R. Detailed reports on mine operations were despatched to you at 9.30pm. Night quiet except for occasional trench mortar from enemy. After mine explosion enemy traversed our line with trench mortars doing a good deal of damage in places. This is being repaired. Wind S.E. 18-1-16 2pm E.T.R. Work is being carried out on sap round edge of new crater. Situation quiet. Wind S. 19-1-16 2am M.T.R. Full report of mine explosion forwarded at 6.15pm. The explosion appears to have been a double one. Enemy kept up persistent bombardment with trench mortars and rifle grenades until 11pm when they were silenced by our trench mortars and guns. Total casualty from Gas 13, 2 of whom have died. Gas casualties were greatly reduced by coolness of Cpl.Blanshard & Cpl.Ivory who entered mine shaft & removed all gassed men. Work is being carried on cleaning damaged tenches. Wind S.S.W. 19-1-16 2pm E.T.R. Morning quiet until 12 noon when our 4.5 guns commenced firing on German trench mortar positions about F10.C65.60 and enemy replied with trench mortars on 79 trench. Work is being continued on clearing front trench round Matterhorn. Wind S.S.W. slight 20-1-16 2.25am M.T.R. At 2.45pmthis afternoon Germans sent over whiz-bangs in rear of trench 84 which was followed by 10 more. No damage done. Mine felt about 9pm apparently in Tambour. Germans also fired 8 salvos from light field pieces at R.Sussex Pioneers working in Rue Albert some of which fell near Park Lane. Our 18 pounders replied and the enemy ceased fire. Enemy trench mortar fairly active between hours of 5pm and 11pm. Our trench mortars replied in every case. Saps are being pushed out in new crater and wire put out in front. Wind S.W. 20-1-16 4.5pm E.T.R. Situation abnormally quiet until 9.30am when Germans sent over some rifle grenades into right sector. During the morning mud was observed being thrown out oftrench 81 the snipers were informed and were able to stop the enemy working. In right ector a German working party was observed throwing up earth at F10C42.6 at about 8.30am. The F.O.O. turned the 18 pounders on and work ceased. At 11am several Germans were seen looking over their trench at F10C45.60. None of them wore hats and they continued to observe for some time. The T.M.Officer was informed and two footballs were sent over which fell near the spot. Our machine gun fired 500 rounds into the German wire which had been put out round new crater in Fort gap. The wire was considerably damaged and the enemy were not able to continue their wiring. Wind S.W. 21-1-16 4.15am M.T.R. Enemy very quiet up to 10.30pm when several rifle grenades were fired into 84 trench from the Aeroplane all falling short. We replied with our Ribemont grenades from battery. At 8.40pm a sentry reported 3 Germans at about F10.C65.50. Bombs were thrown at them and they disappeared. Movements were observed on further edge of crater opposite 82. We fired 2 Mills rifle grenades which had the desired effect. Canister fired from F10C70.65 at 10.35 which landed behind Fort - a dead Wind S.W. 21-1-16 4.15pm E.T.R. Enemy very quiet except for a few rifle grenades over 79 & 82 trenches this morning. We retaliated with our Ribemont batteries & the enemy ceased. Wind S.S.W. 22-1-16 4.10am M.T.R. Between 5 & 7pm enemy fairly active with their trench mortars, one landing in a small dug out in 77 trench containing 4 persons. 1 N.C.O. & 1 Man killed. Mine blown by us at 10pm. A special report has been sent in. Enemy very quiet in left subsector subsequently evidently mending his own parapet. At 12.35am a patrol of 3 Germans was seen in lip of new German crater. Three shots were fired and one of them was hit. Wind S.S.W. 22-1-16 4.15pm E.T.R. There was some artillery activity during the morning our 18 pounders shelling Aeroplane trench & fire trench east of it. The Germans replied vigorously on Rue Albert, 83 communication trenches and Canterbury Avenue. they were also shelling a few men who were wiring in front of gun positions. Possibly they suspected a relief. Wind W. 23-1-16 4.15am M.T.R. Enemy very quiet up to 5pm yesterday afternoon the time we exploded the mine. It was entirely successful and filled in greater part of Quarry Gap the new crater extending to within 5 yards of Round Pond on right and about 5 yds of Fort crater on left being about 30yds from our front line at nearest point. This information was brought in by 2nd Lt.G.H.A.Hughes with patrol. This patrol and also a party sent out from Quarry were fired on from further side of Round Pond. Two saps are being dug to new crater one from left of Quarry and the other from right of Fort. 23-1-16 4.15pm E.T.R. Morning ver yquiet until 9.30am when enemy sent over a few rifle grenades in the Rue Albert. Our rifle grenade battery silenced enemy. One German was shot by a sentry post opposite Fort. Heavy bombardment heard this morning further south. Wind S.S.W. 24-1-16 4.15am M.T.R. Enemy very quiet up to 5.15pm at about which time the T.M. in C/2 sent over 4 or 5 footballs. This brought retaliation on our sector behind 77 trench one falling right in fire trench & blocking it. Our T.M. then joined in and after sending a few more trench mortars and rifle grenades enemy sent over two 5.9" shrapnel shells aimed at our T.M. position. This finished the strafe and except for one more T.M. at 12.45 the rest of night has been quiet. Two bearings taken on German T.M. position shows it to be about F10.C90.65. They apparently have two machines, one laid on C/2 and the other on 77 trench. Examination of new crater in Quarry Gap shows it to be very deep with steep sides. Wind slight W. breeze. 24-1-16 E.T.R. Enemy very quiet and no activity on either side 3pm Relieved by 12th Middlesex Maulte 25-1-16 Bathing carried out 26-1-16 10.30am Enemy sent over one round battery fire at men playing football North Rd end. No damage done. 3pm Enemy sent two rounds battery fire over MAULTE one round of which were duds, otherwise day quiet. Parades carried out. 27-1-16 10.30am Enemy sent over 6 shells which landed North Rd end of Village. No material damage. 8pm Notification received that 48th Division were being gassed. Stood-to with helmets ready. All clear by 8.33pm. Enemy sent another round battery fire at same place at about 10pm. Parades carried out. 28-1-16 Day quiet nothing to report. Bombardment heard on our right. Germans gain ground from French. 29-1-16 Day quiet until 2.30pm when Germans sent over 6 high explosives shrapnel which landed behind No.101 High St. injuring two Ptes in R.E. They repeated this again at 4.15pm since when all has been quiet, except for increased bombardment heard on our right 30-1-16 Day quiet. Nothing unusual to report. Weather misty 31-1-16 Day quiet until 5 pm when enemy gassed D/2 sector. Battalion move off, battle order, to sandpits on Le Carcaillot-Bray Road. After an exchange of artillery & machine gun fire during which period several enemy shells passed over Maulte, everything quietened down and Battalion returned to billets at 7.15pm
  • Date free text
    Jan 1916
  • Production date
    From: 1916 To: 1916
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