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    War Diary for October 1918 1 Oct 1918 - Ronssoy Battalion engaged in operations near VENDHUILLE [sic]. Draft of 39 O.R. from Base. 2nd Lieuts.C.J.VOWLES, C.L.TOOLEY, T.F.VAUGHAN joined Battalion. 1 O.R. Killed, 1 O.R. Wounded, 2nd Lt.G.B.PHIPPS ceased to be attached to 11th Bn.R.Fusrs. Battalion were relieved in the front line by the Scottish Horse (50th Div) and proceeded to RONSSOY. 2 Oct 1918 - Pierregot Battalion embussed and proceeded to PIERREGOT (Ref.Map.LENS II). "D" Company were detached as Burial Party. 3 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT. 2nd Lt.A.F.ALDRIDGE, Lieut.H.D.CHESTER, 2nd Lieuts W.K.HARDING, W.F.S.WILFORD, M.M. and B.H.SAINSBURY joined Battalion. 4 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT 5 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT. Lieut.A.P.METHUEN, A.J.WHITWORTH and 2nd Lieuts. J.E.STUTCHBURY and H.DYSART joined Battalion from Base. Lieut.A.P.METHUEN appointed Assistant Adjutant. Draft of 153 O.R. from Base. 6 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT - Resting. 2nd Lt.W.TYSOE, D.S.O. appointed Battalion Intelligence Officer. 7 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT - Training - Section and Platoon Drill and Lewis Gun Instruction 8 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT Training. 2nd Lieuts W.T.HALL, S.H.ABBOTT, W.H.RIDGEWELL and W.H.WALDOCK from Base. Lieut.C.N.A.SHARLAND to England Sick 26.9.18 and struck off strength. 9 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT Training 10 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT Training 11 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT Training 12 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT - Brigade Sports - Battalion won 9 out of 15 events. 2nd Lieut.W.ASHTON and S.W.GOBLE awarded the MILITARY CROSS. 13 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT. Capt.W.E.AYLWIN M.C. to England Sick 14 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT - Training. Orders received to be ready to move by Tactical Train at 24 hours notice 15 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT Training. Battalion won 18th Div. Cross Country Race - 20 starters per Battalion, first 15 to count. 16 Oct 1918 Battalion at PIERREGOT Training. No.25466 Pte.S.J.Harris awarded the Military Medal. Transport move off in afternoon for forward areas. 17 Oct 1918 - Nurlu Battalion marched to POULAINVILLE and entrained for ROISEL. On arrival at ROISEL the Battalion marched to NURLU 18 Oct 1918 - Serain Battalion embussed at Cross Roads on PERONNE - NURLU Road and proceeded to SERAIN 19 Oct 1918 - Maurois Battalion at SERAIN. In the afternoon the Battalion proceeded by march route to MAUROIS. Captain R.E.OAKLEY M.C. classified B.ii and S.O.S. 20 Oct 1918 - front line near Maurois Battalion at MAUROIS. At 7.30 p.m. Battalion proceeded to front line and relieved 18th Bn.Kings Liverpool Regt. "B" Coy relieved "A" Coy K.L.R. from K.29.d.4.5 to K.29.c.9.9 (crossing inclusive) "C" Coy relieved "D" Coy K.L.R. from K.29.c.9.9. (exclusive) to K.23.c.10.25. "D" Coy relieved "C" Coy K.L.R. in cellars about road junction in K.28.d.6.8., "A" Coy relieved "B" Coy K.L.R. Bn.H.Qrs at K.25.a.1.4 (Ref.Map Sheet 57.B). Casualties 2 O.R. Wounded. No.18589 Pte.T.PEARCE awarded BAR to M.M. No.33651 Pte.D.Draper awarded M.M. 21 Oct 1918 Battalion in Line. 2nd Lt.B.H.SAINSBURY Wounded. 1 O.R. Killed, 7 O.R. Wd. 22 Oct 1918 Battalion in Line 23 Oct 1918 - north east of le Cateau-Cambresis Battalion in Line. Operations N.E. of LE CATEAU, SEE APPENDIX 1. Casualties: - Lt.C.H.HART, Killed in Action. 2nd Lt.C.J.VOWLES Wounded. 2nd Lt.W.F.S.WILFORD, M.M. Wounded and 2nd Lt.W.ASHTON, M.C. Wounded at Duty 24 Oct 1918 Battalion in Line. Operations N.E. of LE CATEAU. Casualties. Capt.P.J.REISS, M.C., M.M. wounded. 2nd Lts H.DYSART and W.C.HALL Wounded. Casualties Other Ranks during operations 20th to 24th October, 1918: - 40 O.R. Killed. 169 Wounded. 9 Missing. 8 Wounded and at duty. 5 O.R. Died of Wounds Estimated Prisoners captured 100. One 4.2 and 2 77 mm guns captured. One T.M. Captured. 60 Machine Guns and 2 Anti-Tank Rifles captured. Lieut.W.J.HOLBROOK, M.C. from England, 2nd Lt.A.S.A.NIXON from Base. 25 Oct 1918 - l'Epinette Farm Battalion at L'EPINETTE FARM. 2nd Lt.W.F.S.WILFORD, M.M. Died of Wounds. 2nd Lieut.S.A.G.Hill joined Battalion. Draft 7 O.R. from Base 26 Oct 1918 - Reserve Line near Bousies Battalion at L'EPINETTE FARM. The Battalion relieved 8th BN.E.Surrey Regt in the Right Brigade Sub-Sector in Brigade Reserve. Relief completed by 12 noon 9SEE APPENDIX II). 3 O.R. Wounded 27 Oct 1918 Battalion in RESERVE near BOUSIES 28 Oct 1918 Battalion in RESERVE near BOUSIES 29 Oct 1918 - front line near Bousies Battalion in Right Sector, Front Line, near BOUSIES. "A" and "C" Coys front line, "B" and "D" Coys Support (SEE APPENDIX III). Draft of 6 O.R. from Base. 30 Oct 1918 Battalion were relieved by 2nd Bn.R.Munster Fusiliers and side stepped on relief to the left and relieved 6th Bn.Northamptonshire Regiment in front line. Dispositions: - "D" Coy Right, "B" Company Left. "A" and "C" Coys in Support. "A" Right "C" Left. 2nd Lieut.J.E.STUTCHBURY Wounded. 1 O.R. Killed and 4 O.R. Wounded. (SEE APPENDIX IV) 31 Oct 1918 Dispositions as on 30th inst. Draft 6 O.R. from Base 2nd Bn.Bedfordshire Regiment NARRATIVE OF OPERATIONS N.E. OF LE CATEAU - 23rd/24th OCTOBER 1918 Reference Sheet: - 57 B. N.E. and 57 A. N.W. 1/20,000 PRELIMINARY MOVEMENTS The 2nd Bn.Bedfordshire Regt relieved the 18th Bn.Kings Liverpool Regiment in the front line N.E. of LE CATEAU on the evening of 20th October with a view to carrying out an attack on the enemy position opposite this front. The Line taken over ran along the RAILWAY EMBANKMENT from the RICHEMONT BROOK to the Level Crossing on the LE CATEAU -RICHEMONT ROAD, and thence in a S.E. direction for 400 yards. The latter part of the Line was handed over to the 10th Bn.Essex Regiment early on the evening of 22nd October 1918. THE PLAN The Battalion was detailed to lead the attack for the 54th Inf.Bde. and the objective given was the Orchard S.E. of FOREST L.7.b. and d Squares (inclusive) and thence along the Road to L.13.b.8.3., which was our Southern boundary. We received permission from the 33rd Division who were attacking on our LEFT to use the ground up to the MONTAY-FOREST Road for the purpose of forming up and manoeuvre. It was decided to launch the main attack along the high ground N. of RICHEMONT MILL and a subsidiary attack South of the MILL, the big valley running M.E. from RICHEMONT MILL being left empty, but subjected to heavy artillery and M.G.Barrages. I accordingly detailed Companies as under: - "C" Company under Lieut.H.D.CHESTER was to lead the attack N. of the BROOK forming up 200 yards East of the Railway, the objective given to this Coy was RICHEMONT MILL and the three Gullies N. and N.E. of it and the High Ground about K.23.b.8.7. "A" Company under Lieut.C.H.HART was to form up behind "C" Company and also E. of the Railway and was to move along the high ground N. of the Gullies. Two Platoons were to go to the sunken road running N.E. from WHITE SPRING and two Platoons were to go to the practice trenches about L.13 Central. "D" Company under Capt.P.J.REISS, M.C., M.M., were to form up behind "A" Company but West of the Railway and follow "A" Company passing through them on the line of the WHITE SPRINGS and going on to the final objective. "B" Company under 2nd Lieut.H.B.LANG were to form up South of the RICHEMONT BROOK just E. of the Railway and attacking in an E.N.E. Direction were to establish themselves on the slopes of the Hill about K.24.b.Central. Two Tanks were allotted to the Battalion, one being detailed to proceed with "A" Company and one with "D" Company. THE ATTACK. ZERO HOUR was fixed for 1.20 a.m. 23.10.18 and at 11 p.m. the Battalion Started to move into position. Tapes had previously been put out by 2nd Lieut.W.TYSOE, D.S.O., the Battalion Intelligence Officer, for the Southern Attack and by "C" Coys Officers for the Northern Attack. The work of forming up was carried out successfully in spite of two heavy bursts of hostile Artillery Fire at 11.15 p.m. and 12.15 a.m. and by 12.45 a.m. the Battalion was reported in position. Battalion Headquarters had moved to the Railway Embankment K.29.a.5/4. The night was moonlight with thick ground mist in the Valleys which made direction difficult to keep. A very heavy barrage opened at 1.20 a.m. and at 1.24 a.m. the Companies commenced to move forward. "C" Company had little difficulty in capturing the first two Gullies, but experienced considerable opposition from M.G. fire in crossing the high ground to attack the third Gully and suffered Casualties. Here the attack was temporarily held up but good leading by Lieut.H.D.CHESTER and 2nd Lieut.W.ASHTON, M.C. got the Company going again and the third Gully was then cleared and the Company's objective reached. Meanwhile "A" Company had been moving North of the Gullies and after suffering some opposition and Casualties about K.18.c.0.0., where Lieut.C.H.HART was killed, the Company pushed on to their objectives. A large number of the enemy were encountered in the Sunken Road running N.W. from WHITE SPRING and heavy fighting took place here, many of the enemy being killed. All four platoons eventually reached their objectives. "D" Company had become involved in the fighting about the RICHEMONT MILL gullies early in the attack but Capt.REISS managed to detach half a platoon under 2nd Lieut.W.H.WALDOCK and send them forward with a Tank. This party reached their final objective about L.7.b.5.2., under the barrage. Later on Capt. REISS was able to collect the rest of his Company and led them forward to their objective. In the meantime "B" Company, South of the RICHEMONT BROOK, had encountered considerable opposition right at the Start from Enemy M.G's who were located inside our Barrage. The Company was held up for some time and it was entirely due to the splendid leadership displayed by 2nd Lieut.H.B.LANG and other Officers and N.C.O's, who led the men forward in the face of intense Machine Gun Fire and Bayoneted the gunners, that the Company was got going again. The Barrage had been lost but by sheer determination the Company fought its way forward, crossed the brook, and arrived on its final objective soon after its scheduled time. I consider the greatest credit due to 2nd Lieut.H.B.LANG and his Company for reaching their objective in spite of such strong opposition. A subsequent examination of the ground showed the Hill both North and South of RICHEMONT MILL to have been very thickly held by a large number of Light and Heavy Machine Guns. By 5 a.m. all Companies were reported on their final objective. the Battalion Casualties up to this time were: - Lieutenant C.H.HART - Killed 2nd Lieut.C.J.VOWLES - Wounded 2nd Lieut.W.F.S.WILFORD, M.M. - Wounded, Died of Wds 25.10.18. 2nd Lt.W.ASHTON, M.C. - Wounded and at Duty. OTHER RANKS Killed in Action: - 30 Wounded: - 122 Missing: - 8 Wounded & at Duty: - 5 Great loss was inflicted on the enemy, whose dead were numerous all over the Battlefield. the captures amounted to 100 prisoners, 3 Guns, 3 trench Mortars, 2 Anti-Tank Rifles and upwards of 60 M.Guns. Battalion Headquarters moved forward to WHITE SPRING and Coys were re-organised on the Field. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 5 p.m. the Battalion received orders to move into FOREST and billet there for the night, the 54th Inf.Brigade was to take over that portion of the front immediately N.E. of BOUSIES with the 6th Bn. Northamptonshire Regt, the 11th Royal Fusiliers being in Support and the 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment in Reserve. We were warned that we might be required to continue the attack in the morning and at 10 p.m. a message was received to the effect that the attack would be continued between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. I immediately sent forward 2nd Lieut.W.TYSOE, D.S.O., with one officer per Company with instructions to reconnoitre the Ground and meet the Battalion at the EPINETTE Cross Roads on arrival. PLAN At 12.30 a.m. a Conference took place at 54th Inf.Bde.Hd.Qrs at which we were given the role of passing through the right two Coys of 6th Northamptons on the first objective, viz. 200 yards N.E. of the REUNART FARM - LA FOURQUETTE Road and go on to the final objective - the line of the ENGLEFONTAINE - LANDRECIES Road. Companies were detailed as follows: - "A" (Right) and "D" (Left), were to form up behind the 6th Northamptons and passing through them on their first objective seize the high ground in F.18.c.square 300 yards N.E. of the BROOK. "B" Company (Right) and "C" Coy (Left) were to pass through the above two companies and fight their way on to the final objective. Battalion Headquarters were to start at the Cemetery (BOUSIES) and move forward in rear of the Centre of the Battalion. NARRATIVE The forming up was rendered exceedingly difficult by the enclosed nature of the Country and it was found necessary to form up in the road and move out in small columns. In spite of this and the short time at our disposal the Battalion was in position quarter of an hour before ZERO and duly moved off following the 6th Northamptons. On reaching the general line BOUSIES - WOOD FARM - F.23.Central - F.23.d.5/2 the Advance was held up by heavy Machine Gun fire from the High Ground in front and from our Right Flank. The latter especially was exceedingly uncomfortable and inflicted considerable casualties on our men. Finding a large number of men on the line of the road running S.E. from BOUSIES WOOD FARM, consisting of men of all Units I ordered an officer of the 11th R.Fusrs to collect all the men of his Battalion and take them on to his own front in the vicinity of BOUSIES WOOD FARM. A Platoon of the 6th Northamptons I sent to rejoin their own Company and then further thinned out the Line by ordering Lt.R.I.EDWARDS, M.C. who was in Command of "A" Company, to collect as many as possible of his Company and hold them in reserve in the ORCHARD about F.23.c.2.8. "B" Company were left to hold the front line wit hadvanced posts in the Valley about F.23.Central. "C" and "D" Coys were dug in protecting our right flank about F.29.a.7.5 to F.23.d.0.0. In view of the heavy Machine Gun Fire which continued from our right flank I decided that further advance during daylight would be impossible without suffering heavy casualties. I established Headquarters again at the Cemetery wit hadvance report centre at F.23.c.3.5. At about 9.15 a.m. a most regrettable incident occurred, an organised shoot by our heavy artillery falling short and causing two Companies to evacuate their positions, besides inflicting a number of casualties. This was duly reported but at 12.15 p.m. an exactly similar thing occurred again and again casualties were reported. During the afternoon a fine exploit by Lt.HEDGES, 6th Bn. Northamptonshire Regt, who personally went forward with a Lewis Gun Section and cleared the Ridge on our immediate front enabled further operations to be undertaken. I had previously arranged with Lt.THOMPSON of the Tank Corps to work round our right flank at 4.30 p.m. with objective RENAUD FARM, taking on any enemy Machine Guns he encountered on the way and I now orgainsed a joint attack on RENAUD FARM with one Platoon of the Queens and 2 Sections of the Bedfords, curiously enough, this attack coincided with that made by the Tank and the enemy was duly driven out of RENAUD FARM. The way was now open for a further advance and accordingly at 6 p.m. I instructed Lt.R.I.EDWARDS, M.C., to feel his way forward and if possible make good our original objective, viz., the line of the ENGLEFONTAINE LANDRECIES Road. I instructed 2nd Lt.I.L.WHITTINGHAM, Commanding "D" Coy, vice Capt.REISS (Wounded) to form a defensive flank by taking up a position facing S.E. between RENAUD FARM and the BROOK. I moved "C" Company up in close support and kept "B" Company in reserve I sent 2nd Lieut.W.TYSOE, D.S.O. to form a report centre at RENAUD FARM and by 9.30 p.m. telephonic communication had been opened to here by Lieut.R.B.REDNALL, the Bn.Signalling Officer. By 10 p.m. Lt.R.I.EDWARDS, M.C. reported his Company holding a position along the road running N.W. and S.E. in A.13.d.Square in touch with the E.Surreys on his right but a gap on his left. Contact had been obtained with the enemy at the road junction A.13.d.93.05. At 2 a.m. 25th October this line was handed over to the 10th Bn.Essex Regt. REMARKS Although no opposition was encountered, I consider Lt.R.I.Edward's [sic] performance in moving forward his Company a distance of over a mile on a very dark night without loss of direction and again establishing contact with the enemy is worthy of considerable praise. In conclusion, I wish to mention the excellent work done by the Tanks both on the 23rd and 24th October. They frequently appeared on the scene just when they were wanted and assisted the advance of the Infantry and they also displayed a fine spirit in returning to the fight in spite of having the majority of their crew wounded by Armour Piercing Bullets. A.E.Percival Lt.Colonel Commanding 2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 29.10.18 2nd Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. Casualties 24.10.18. Capt.P.J.Reiss, M.C., M.M. Wounded 2nd Lieut.W.T.Hall Wounded 2nd Lieut.H.Dysart Wounded Other Ranks Killed 9 Wounded 39 Missing 4 Following Congratulatory Wirereceived from General Sir Ivor MAXSE (late Commander of 18th Corps) Inspector General of Training and general MORLAND, French Comdr. [sic? Sir T.L.N.Morland?] From Gen.MORLAND To 18th Division 25.10.1918 Hearty congratulations to yourself, staff and all ranks on their great success of last two days which reflects the greatest credit on all concerned" Sd. MORLAND From Sir Ivor MAXSE Hearty congratulations to 18th Division on their splendid fighting successes this week. Sd. MAXSE Operation Order By Lt.Colonel A.E.Percival, D.S.O., M.C. Commanding WIPE Ref.Map 57 B., N.E. 1. The Battalion will relieve the 8th E.Surrey Regt in the right Brigade Sub-Sector tomorrow and act as Brigade Reserve. relief to be complete by 12 noon 2. Companies will be disposed as arranged at Conference held this evening 3. Guides will meet "A" Coy at F.29.c.2.7. and "B" and "C" Coys at L.5.c.5.4. at 0800 4. Order of March "A" and "C" Coys will move off at 0715 and "D" and "B" Coys at 0730. Hd.Qrs will follow "B" Coy. Coys will march by platoons at 200 yards interval 5. Route as explained at Conference 6. Headquarters will rendezvous at L.5.b.6.4., where Bn. Report Centre will open. 7. "D" Coy Cooker will proceed with "D" Coy. "B" Coy Cooker with utensils for "A" and "C" and Hd.Qrs will be ready to move off when a guide returns for them. A water cart will remain in EPINETTE. 2 Cooks per Coy will proceed to the line. 8. Completion of relief will be reported to E.Surreys Headquarters, ROBERSART. 9. O.C.'s "A" and "C" Coys will meet the Commanding Officer at L.5.b.6.4 at 1000 10.Breakfast at 0600 Sd. A.P.Methuen, Lieutenant A/Adjutant, WIPE 26.10.18 Operation Order No.36 By Major L.H.Keep, M.C. Commanding WIPE, 28.10.16 1. WIPE (2.Bedf.R.) will releive [sic] JURU (11th R.Fusrs) in the right sector, tomorrow, 29th inst. 2. DISPOSITIONS. "A" and "C" Coy front line "A" Coy Right. "C" Coy Left "B" and "D" Coys Support Line "B" Coy Right. "D" Coy Left as explained at Conference 3. No body of troops to exceed a platoon 4. Relief Complete will be sent by Coy Commanders 5. "A" and "C" Coys rations will be cooked on arrival and taken up on the man. A Limber will report at 4.30 p.m. at Bn.Hd.Qrs to take dixies for all Coys and Hd.Qrs. 6. "D" Coy will take their Bivouac Sheets with them 7. 6 Tins of Hot Tea will be available for each of the front line Coys at 2330. Coys will send their own carrying parties. 8. "A" Coy will hand in Bivouac Sheets to Bn.Hd.Qrs before leaving 9. Receipted trench store lists will be rendered to Bn.Hd.Qrs by 1700 10. "A" and "D" Coys will move off at 1615 "A" and "C" Coys at 1700 28.10.18 Sd. A.P.Methuen, Lieutenant, A/Adjutant, WIPE
  • Date free text
    1-31 Oct 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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