- ReferenceX550/3/WD/1808
- TitleWar Diary for August 1918 1 Aug 1918 - Brigade Reserve Line near Franvillers Battalion in Brigade Reserve - dispositions as on 31st July. 39 O.R's (chiefly W.O's & N.C.Os) arrived from 7th Bedfordshire Regt.Training Cadre 2 Aug 1918 - trenches from Bray-Corbie Road to River Somme Battalion relieved "A" & "B" Coys 11th Royal Fusiliers & "A" & "B" Coys 6th Northamptons in Line BRAY-CORBIE ROAD to SOMME (Ref. Map Sheet 62.d. N.E. 1/20,000) 3 Aug 1918 Battalion in dispositions as for 2nd inst. Casualties: 3 O.R. Killed, 1 O.R. wounded 4 Aug 1918 Battalion in dispositions as for 2nd inst. Casualties - 2 O.R.Wounded. Capt.S.E.D.Cline, Lieut.H.de Buriatte, 2/Lieut.T.H.Flavell, 2/Lieut.A.D.Greenwood and 2nd Lieut.J.Kerr joined Battalion from 7th Bedfordshire Regt Training Cadre. Major J.T.Payne MC (General List) proceeded to command No.2 R.T.C. Lieut (A/Capt) P.J.Reiss MC MM awarded bar to MC. Lieut.H.B.Stewart and Lieut.W.S.Oliver-Jones awarded Military Cross. No.10731 Sgt.Clarke, C. & No.17442 Pte.A.Goodliffe MM awarded D.C.M. 5 Aug 1918 - front line between Bray-Corbie Road and River Somme Battalion relieved by 10th London Regt. On being relieved Battalion took over frontage of 8th East Surrey Regt (55th Bde). Dispositions as follows: - "C" Coy. from K.20.c.4.8. to BRAY - CORBIE ROAD exclusive at K.20.a.2.9. "D" Coy. from K.25.b.6.6. to K.20.c.4.8. "A" Coy. from COOLGARDIE TRENCH from J.24.c.3.4. to BRAY - CORBIE ROAD. "B" Coy. from J.24.d.8.5. to BRAY - CORBIE ROAD K.19.a.20.99. (Ref. Map Sheet 62.D. N.E.) Casualties: - 2/Lieut.P.A.Page MC Wounded, 1 O.R. Wounded 6 Aug 1918 Bosche attacked our Line & penetrated into several positions (see report) MARKED X. Major L.H.Keep MC in command of Battalion in the Line. Casualties: - Lieut.F.S.Lapper Wounded Lieut.C. King-Smith Wounded 2/Lieut.W.G.McJannet Wounded Lieut.D.D.Warren Missing Lieut.A.F.Woodford Missing Killed in Action 6 O.R. Wounded 38 O.R. Missing 71 O.R. 7 Aug 1918 - Brigade Reserve Line Battalion relieved by 8th London Regt and became Battalion in Brigade Reserve in attack by Fusiliers & Northamptons to recover original British Front Line from K.14.a.4.0 to K.25.b.7.8. Casualties: - Lieut. K.J.Ritchie Wounded Lieut. S.G.Hague MC Wounded still at duty Killed in Action - 4 O.R. Wounded - 21 O.R. Missing - 1 O.R. 8 Aug 1918 - near Bonnay Battalion relieved by Sussex Regt (12th Division) and accommodated in Bank near BONNAY. Casualties: - 3 O.R. Wounded 9 Aug 1918 - Ballarat-Roma Line Battalion moved to BALLARAT - ROMA LINE and vicinity of same between BRAY - CORBIE ROAD and J.10.b.8.0. Battalion on Right as far north as J.17.a.2.7. (Ref. Map Sheet 62.D. N.E.) 10 Aug 1918 - Melbourne Trench west of Albert On Night 10th/11th inst Battalion relieved 20th London Regt. as Battalion in Brigade Reserve W. of ALBERT (MELBOURNE TRENCH). Captain R.E.Oakley MC & 2nd Lieut.W.Ashton joined Battalion from Training Cadre 11 Aug 1918 Battalion ins ame dispositions 12 Aug 1918 Battalion in same dispositions. 1st Battalion 129th Regt, U.S. Army attached to the Battalion 13 Aug 1918 Battalion in same dispositions A Draft of 256 arrived, about 50 were old 2nd & 7th Battalion men - remainder first time out. 14 Aug 1918 - front line near Albert Night 14/15th inst. "B" & "C" Coys. relieved the 11th Royal Fusiliers in Left sub-sector 54th Bde. Front. "A" & "D" Coys. remained in MELBOURNE TRENCH Major L.H.Keep MC proceeded to Brigade as Acting Brigade Major. 12 W.O's, - C/Q.M.S. & Sergeant despatched to Base as supernumerary to establishment. Lieut & Quartermaster F.Wombwell Mentioned in Despatches 15 Aug 1918 "B" & "C" Companies relieved by 11th Royal Fusiliers & on completion relieved 6th Northamptons in Right Sub-sector. Casualties - Lieut.H.de Buriatte Wounded - 2 O.R's wounded. 16 Aug 1918 - Melbourne Trench and Murray Trench "B" & "C" Companies relieved in Line by 6th Northamptons. After completion of relief "B" Coy. took up position in MELBOURNE TRENCH. "C" Company In MURRAY TRENCH. (Ref. Map SENLIS 1/20,000) 17 Aug 1918 Battalion in same dispositions. Major L.H.Keep MC returned from Brigade 18 Aug 1918 - Henencourt Wood Battalion relieved and took over Bivouac in HENENCOURT WOOD. Preliminary instructions were issued in the event of the Brigade going forward. The whole of the 54th Bde. & attached Units forming the Advanced Guard to the 18th Division. 19 Aug 1918 Dispositions as for 18th. Lieut.C.N.A.Sharland (Suffolk Regt) joined Battalion 20 Aug 1918 Battalion relieved a Battalion of 47th Division as Battalion in Brigade Reserve E. of DERNANCOURT. Lieut. W.G.Samuel (Suffolk Regt) joined Battalion. 21 Aug 1918 Battalion in same dispositions as on 20th. Casualties: - 5 O.R's Wounded, 1 O.R. Accidentally wounded. 22 Aug 1918 - Tara Hill, near Albert Brigade attacked just S. of ALBERT. Captain W.E.Aylwin MC commanding Battalion in Line vice Commanding Officer who commanded Brigade vice Brigadier, wounded. Battalion in Brigade Reserve At night the Battalion relieved 11th Royal Fusiliers on left Sub-sector on left of TARA HILL Casualties: - 2/Lieut.W.Whitbourn MC Killed in Action Lieut. G.B. Reed Wounded 6 O.R's Killed in Action 48 O.R's Wounded 2 O.R's Missing 1 O.R. Accidentally wounded 23 Aug 1918 Battalion in same dispositions Lieut. W. Harrison (Hunts Cyclist Bn) joined Battalion. Captain H.Seys-Phillips in Command of Battalion. Casualties: Lieut. G.B.Reed. Died of Wounds 3 O.R's Killed (attached 54th T.M.Battery) 9 O.R's Wounded. 24 Aug 1918 Battalion in dispositions as on 23rd Line advanced during day about 1000 yards withour opposition. Casualties: - Lieut. D.P.Cross Killed in Action 7 O.R's Wounded 25 Aug 1918 - Fricourt Lt.Colonel A.E.Percival DSO MC assumes command of the Battalion. Battalion took part in the attack and capture of FRICOURT and the line was advanced about two mile [sic] Casualties: - 3 O.R's Killed in Action 6 O.R's Wounded 1 O.R. Wounded (54th T.M.Battery) 26 Aug 1918 - in front of Fricourt-Contalmaison Road 54th Brigade held Line of resistance in front of CONTALMAISON - FRICOURT ROAD. Casualties: - 2 O.R. Wounded 2nd Lieut. R.J.Vince joined battns. Embarked 21.8.18. 27 Aug 1918 54th Brigade in Div. Reserve in dispositions as on 26th inst. Casualties - 2 O.R. Wounded. 28 Aug 1918 - Trones Wood Battalion relieved by 8th Bn. Royal Berks Regt. in front line - TRONES WOOD 29 Aug 1918 At 5.15 a.m. 38th (Welsh) Division attacked from LONGUEVAL in a S.E. direction through DELVILLE WOOD under a heavy barrage. No enemy were encountered and the Battalion advanced without opposition on the right of the 38th Division, taking GUILLAMONT [sic]. Northampton Regt on the right did not start at first but eventually conformed to the movement. the 12th Division on the Northampton's Right did not move till late in the morning. LEUZE WOOD and the high ground to the N. of it were captured without much trouble owing to the speed of the advance although prisoners stated that the enemy intended to hold the line. Our advance was held by by strong machine gun fire from the enemy in position along the spur running from MORVAL Southwards towards COMBLES. We established a line during the day from T.16.c.3.0 to T.27.b.2.6. with a post forward about T.28.a.3.7. (Ref. Map Sheet 62.C.N.W & 57 C.S.W.) Casualties: - Killed in Action 4 O.R. Wounded in Action 34 O.R.s 30 Aug 1918 - trenches near Combles On the morning of 30th an unsuccessful attempt was made to capture the SUNKEN ROAD running from T.16.d.8.5 to T.22.d.8.5. but as a result othe line was advanced & run along the SUNKEN ROAD T.16.d.3.7 to T.22.b.4.1 & thence S. through the E. end of COMBLES. Enemy artillery was very active throughout the day and no counter-battery work was practised by our batteries. The whole forward area was strongly searched all day wit hall calibres. We suffered a large number of casualties in the front line as a result. At Dusk the following dispositions were taken up: - "D" Coy. Railway Cutting & Trench in T.22.a.square with liaison post about T.16.c.5.3. "A" Coy. Trench in T.22.c.square with advanced Platoon in SUNKEN RD. T.22.c.8.0. - T.22.c.8.5. "B" Coy. About T.28.d.4.8. with advanced posts about T.28.b.8.3. "C" Coy. Trench line T.27.b.5.3. to T.28.c.0.0. S.O.S. Line after 8 pm will be - T.16.d.0.2. - T.22.b.4.0. - T.22.d.8.0. - T.29.a.0.7. (Ref.Map Sheet 62.c.N.W. & 57.c.S.W.) Casualties: - 2/Lieut.A.D.Greenwood Killed in Action captain P.J.Reiss MC MM Wounded remaining at duty 9 O.R. Killed in Action 32 O.R. Wounded 5 O.R. Missing 31 Aug 1918 Berfore dawn 31st inst "B" Company succeeded in establishing a line of posts T.29.a.3.5. T.22.b.8.8. - QUARRY at T.22.d.6.2. - T.22.d.0.6. in touch with "D" Company. No enemy shelling during the day as enemy guns had evidently been taken back during the night. Our guns fired throughout the day and night. (Ref. Map Sheet 62.c.N.W. & 57 c.S.W.) Casualties: - 3 Other Ranks Wounded. 3 Other Ranks Missing Draft of 40 Other Ranks joined from Base. 2/Lieut R.W.Smith 2/Lieut H. Russell 2/Lieut. J.E.Bowen Joined Battalion Embarked 21.8.18. PRISONERS During the month of August the Battalion Captured 1 Officer and 71 Other Ranks German Prisoners. Report of Attack by Germans on 6 Aug 1918 [original torn with some words missing] DISPOSITIONS. the 2nd Bedfordshire Regt. held [lacuna] front from the River at P.6.a.4.6. to junction of the r [lacuna] at K.25.b.7.7. with four Companies in line, each finding [lacuna] Supports (see appendix 1) The Bedfords were to be relieved on the night of 5/6th by the 8th London Regt. and on completion of the relief were to take over the line of the 55th Brigade from the East Surrey Regt from K.20.a.6.9. to K.25.b.7.7. Arrangements were made accordingly, and owing to the bad state of the trenches and the heavy shelling, guides for the incoming Units were ordered to start with their relieving Platoons from J.28.c.5.5. at 8.15 p.m., in order to get as far as possible before dark. This was essential in view of the double relief. At the last moment the incoming Brigade (174th) altered all arrangements and post-poned the start till 9.30 p.m. and it was actually 10 p.m. and quite dark before the guides were able to start. the men were very exhausted and distressed from the start, and progress was slow. At 3.30 a.m. the leading Company was stuck in the communication trench 600 yards short of the front line. One incoming Company had relieved my right Company overland, but the other three incoming Companies were sticky and exhausted. At this period it became obvious that the double relief could not be completed by night, and all available Officers and N.C.O.s. from my Battalion Headquarters were sent forward to expedite the completion of the first relief. At 4.0 a.m. the enemy put down a heavy barrage on the old British Front line, all communication trenches and back areas which was followed by a strong Infantry Attack at about 4.30 a.m. SITUATION 4.45 a.m. My two right Companies had been relieved and were moving to their new positions in Support in COOLGARDIE TRENCH and GOBAR TRENCH N. of the COOTAMUNDRA TRENCH (communication) in the 55th Brigade area. My two left Companies had not been completely relieved. There was no communication with Companies except by Runner, and it took more then [sic] one hour to get a message forward. OPERATIONS. The enemy captured my Outpost Line between K.25.b.7.7. and K.25.c.5.5. and penetrated deeply on the front of the Battalion on my left (East Surreys) particularly on the BRAY-CORBIE road where a quarry at J.24.b.8.8. was entered by the enemy and prisoners taken. My two left Companies holding the original British Front Line from K.25.b.2.8. to J.30.d.8.4. put up a very strong resistance which prevented any further penetration, Counter-Attacked on their own initiative and regained the Outpost Line K.25.c.0.4. to K.25.c.central which was handed over to the London Regt. My Supporting Companies with the East Surreys' Stragglers cleared up the situation in K.24.b. and occupied COBAR LINE intact. At 6.0 a.m. I was holding CUMMINS TRENCH from K.19.d.4.1. to my junction with the London Regt. on my right inclusive, which position was maintained until relieved by the 36th Brigade on the night of 7/8th. During the 6th my Support Company moved a Platoon into CRUMP LANE. Local fighting took place during the 6th and all positions were maintained and improved. COUNTER-ATTACK. At dawn on the 7th acting under your orders, three platoons of my Reserve Company Counter-Attacked in conjunction with the Northamptons on my left and regained the original British Front Line at K.19.d.8.8. where connection was established with the Battalion on my left. This point was exclusive to my Battalion. Local and confused fighting took place during the 7th but my positions were always maintained and touch kept with the Northamptons in CONAMULLA SUPPORT. During the fighting the spirit of the men under my Command was excellenr. The enemy presented numerous targets of which full advantage was taken by all ranks. About 3.0 a.m. on the 8th the Battalion was relieved by the Royal Sussex Regt. of the 36th Brigade, and my Outposts were withdrawn about 3.30 a.m. REMARKS. The state of the forward trenches and communication trenches cannot be realized by those who are not present. Enemy Artillery prevented movement of bodies of Troops over the top. Communications were bad on the 6th but better on the 7th. CASUALTIES. 8 Officers 163 Other ranks SICK WASTAGE. 1 Officer 80 Other Ranks (approx.) EFFECTIVES on the 7th inst. in four Companies (6.0 a.m.) 8 Officers 190 Other Ranks. Artillery support was indifferent at first but subsequently improved.
- Date free text1-31 Aug 1918
- Production dateFrom: 1918 To: 1918
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordCline, S.E.D.,
de Buriatte, H.,
Flavell, T.H.,
Greenwood, Arthur Donald,
Kerr, J.,
Payne, J T,
Reiss, P.J.,
Stewart, H.B.,
Oliver-Jones, W.S.,
Clarke, C.,
Goodliffe, A.,
Page, P.A.,
Lapper, F.S.,
King-Smith, C.,
McJannet, Walter Guy,
Warren, D D,
Woodford, Arthur Francis,
Ritchie, K.J.,
Hague, Sydney George,
Oakley, R.E.,
Ashton, W.,
Keep, Leslie Howard,
Wombwell, F.,
Sharland, C.N.A.,
Samuel, W.G.,
Aylwin, W.E.,
Whitbourn, Walter,
Reed, G.B.,
Harrison, W,
Seys-Phillips, Howard,
Cross, Dennis Patrick,
Percival, Arthur Ernest,
Vince, R.J.,
Smith, R.W.,
Russell, H,
Bowen, J.E. - Keywords2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, 7th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, deaths, land weaponry, maps, Germans, Somme (River), 11th Battalion Royal Fusiliers, 6th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment, town & local roads, 55th Infantry Brigade, 54th Infantry Brigade, 8th Battalion East Surrey Regiment, 12th (Eastern) Division, 7th Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, 1st/8th Battalion London Regiment, Americans, Germans, 129th Infantry Regiment (Aurora National Guard), 1st/20th Battalion London Regiment, 18th (Eastern) Division, Suffolk Regiment, 47th (1/2nd London) Division, Huntingdonshire Cyclist Battalion, 54th Trench Mortar Battery, 8th Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment, 38th (Welsh) Division, quarries, 36th Infantry Brigade, Franvillers, Coolgardie Trench [Somme], Bonnay, Ballarat-Roma Line [Somme], Melbourne Trench [Somme], Albert, Murray Trench [Somme], Henencourt, Henencourt Wood (Somme), Dernancourt, Tara Hill (Somme), Combles, Morval, Fricourt, Trones Wood (Somme), Longueval, Delville Wood (Somme), Guillemont, Leuze Wood [Somme], Cobar Trench [Somme], Cootamundra Trench [Somme], Cummins Trench [Somme], Crump Lane [Somme], Conamulla Support [Somme]
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