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    War Diary for August 1917 1 Aug 1917 - trenches near Stirling Castle At 5.45 a.m. Lt.Colonel C.H.de.St.P.Bunbury carried out a personal reconnaissance and found dispositions of Companies to be as follows: - "A" and "D" Coys in JACKDAW RESERVE nr STIRLING CASTLE. "C" Coy about 300 yards behind them in trench running N. and S. between JACKDAW AVENUE and JAM AVENUE. "B" Coy could not be found, but were discovered later in the day to be occupying a trench about 50 yards behind "C" Company. They thereupon moved up and relieved "D" Company who withdrew and came into Battalion Reserve occupying trenches near Bn.Headquarters. 2nd Lt.C.H.SHAW Died from wounds. 2nd Lt.T.J.PEMBERTON - Wounded. 4 p.m. Orders received to relieve 17th BN.K.L.R. in front line 7 p.m. Commanding Officer after conferring with O.C. 17th Bn. K.L.R. decided that it would be impossible to carry out this relief owing to the Marshy State of the Ground. Warning Order received that Battalion would have to carry out an attack in about 2 days time on same lines as that ordered on 31.7.17. 2 Aug 1917 Battalion in same disposition at 12 noon. Major R.O.Wynne D.S.O. assumed Command of Battalion owing to indisposition of Commanding Officer. At 1 p.m. Code Message received that Brigade expected to be relieved that Night at 3 p.m. Verbal confirmation of above received. At 7 p.m. Guides under 2/Lieut C.SHEKURY left for DORMY HOUSE 3 Aug 1917 - Micmac Camp At 2 a.m. 12th Bn.Middlesex Regt arrived to relieve the Battalion. relief completed by 5 a.m. On relief the Battalion withdrew to CHATEAU SEGARD Area No.2. At 6.15 p.m. Battalion left for MICMAC Camp arriving about 7 p.m. casualties for these Operations: - 2nd Lieut.C.H.SHAW Died of Wounds. 2nd Lieut.T.J.PEMBERTON Wounded/ Other Ranks: - Killed 14 Missing 3 Wounded 50 (1 Self-inflicted) Shell Shock 6 Gassed 2 TOTAL 75 4 Aug 1917 Battalion in MICMAC CAMP. Sick wastage Week ending 4th August 33 Other Ranks 5 Aug 1917 - billets near Caëstre Battalion left MICMAC CAMP at 9.30 a.m. to entrain at RENINGHELST for CAESTRE arriving at 3.30 p.m. Battalion detrained and proceeded to Billets about Q.23 reference Sheet 27 BELGIUM. Came under IX Corps, Second Army 6 Aug 1917 Billets about Q.23. 7 Aug 1917 - Merris At 7 a.m. Battalion left for MERRIS Area, arriving in Billets about X.27.d. ref Sheet 27 BELGIUM just South of METEREN at 10.30 a.m. 8 Aug 1917 Billets about X.27.d. 9 Aug 1917 Billets about X.27.d. 10 Aug 1917 - billets near Sint-Jan-Capell Billets at X.27.d. 7 p.m. Battalion left for Camp near ST JANS CAPEL S.2.a. Ref. Sheet 28 Belgium. Arriving at 9 p.m. 2nd Lieut. A.D.GREENWOOD rejoined Battalion from BASE. 11 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Sick wastage for week ending 11th: - 9 Other Ranks. Battalion at Training. 12 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Battalion at Training. In the afternoon the Regimental Team played 20th Bn. K.L.R. at Football Winning 1 - 0. 2nd Lieut.L.E.AGAR 2nd Lieut.G.W.MANNERS Joined the Battalion from England. 13 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. In the Afternoon Regimental Team Played 19th Bn.K.L.R. at Football Winning 3 - 1. 14 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Battalion at Training. 15 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. captain W.J.HOLBROOK M.C., and 2nd Lt.A.P.METHUEN proceeded on leave. 16 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Battalion at training. 9 a.m. A party consisting of Capt.L.F.BEAL, M.C., 2nd Lieut.A.F.ALDRIDGE, 2nd Lieut.E.E.BATH and 105 Other Ranks proceeded under O.C. 200 Coy. R.E. to VIERSTRAAT AREA for work on Ridge Defences. 17 Aug 1917 In camp at S.2.a. Battalion at Training. 2nd Lieut.E.L.MARSDEN to BASE, Unfit. 18 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Battalion at Training. Sick Wastage 7 Other Ranks 19 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. 20 Aug 1917 In camp at S.2.a. Brigade Sports. Lieut.W.HOBBS and Lieut.A.NEWTON-BRADY, R.A.M.C., proceeded on leave. 21 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Battalion at Training. 2nd Lieut.W.R.SHAW joined from BASE. 22 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Battalion at Training. Lieut.Col.C.H.de St.P.BUNBURY proceeded on leave. Major R.O.WYNNE D.S.O. assume command of Battalion. 54 Other Ranks joined from BASE. 23 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Battalion at Training. 2 Other Ranks from BASE. 24 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Battalion at Training 25 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Battalion at Training. Sick Wastage 4 Other Ranks 26 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. 5 Other Ranks from BASE. Captain R.E.OAKLEY M.C., took over Command of details with 200 Fd.Coy. R.E. at N.28.b.4/6 from Capt.L.F.BEAL, M.C. Battalion played R.F.C. at Football Winning 3 - 1. 27 Aug 1917 In Camp at S.2.a. Battalion at Training. 2nd Lieut.C.SHEKURY M.C. to leave. 28 Aug 1917 - in support near Ypres In camp at S.2.a. Battalion left Camp at 9 a.m. and proceeded to N.31.b.8/8 arriving at 11 p.m. where it was encamped.. Battalion in Support. Ref.Map Sheet 28 N.W. Draft of 16 Other Ranks from BASE. 29 Aug 1917 Battalion in Support at N.31.b.8/8. Casualties NIL 30 Aug 1917 Battalion in Support at N.31.b.8/8. Casualties NIL. 7 Other Ranks joined from base. 31 Aug 1917 Battalion in Support at N.31.b.8/8. Casualties NIL Sick Wastage: - 7 Other Ranks. 1 Officer & 19 Other Ranks of the Royal Navy were attached to the Battalion and are shewn round the WYTSCHAETE RIDGE by Company Commanders.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Aug 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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