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    21st INFANTRY BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER No.62 June 11th 1915 Reference Maps 1/40,000 BETHUNE Combined Sheet and 1/10,000 Trench Map INFORMATION 1. On the 15th instant the IVth Corps will capture the enemy's position from the GIVENCHY - CHLLE ST ROCH Road to the northern end of RUE D'OUVERT. The Canadian Division will attack on the front H.2 H.3. (inclusive). The 7th Division will attack on the front H.3 (exclusive) to J.14. The 51st Division will attack the enemy salient opposite L.8 and join hands with the 7th Division about K.7. The 56th Regiment of the 7th Corps and the 91st Regt. of the 2nd Guard Reserve Division are opposed to us, the 56th Regiment being south of I.4 and the 91st Regiment north of that point. INTENTION. 2. The 21st Infantry Brigade will carry out the 7th Division attack. The Yorkshire Regiment will attack on the front H.3 (exclusive) - 1.4 and its first objective will be I.10, 1.9 which will be at once consolidated. Bombing parties will be pushed towards I.15 and I.20 to assist the advance of the Canadians should such assistance be required, the house at I.15 road junction occupied and bombing parties pushed towards I.12 and J.15. Bombing parties will be pushed towards J.10 and J.17. All positions captured will at once be consolidated and any points in front of the line such as J.17, J.18 or the CHLLE ST ROCH which can be seized should at once be occupied and consolidated. The assault will take place at 6 p.m. DISPOSITIONS. 3. The Brigade will be disposed as follows preparatory to the attack. the Yorkshire Regiment in the trenches known as OXFORD Street and PICCADILLY. The Wiltshire Regiment in the trenches I.5 to J.7, SCOTTISH TRENCH and NEW CUT. The Grenade Company and Highland Coy. R.E. in dugouts A.8.c.6.5. The Royal Scots Fusiliers in dugouts A.8.c.1.7. The Bedfordshire Regiment and Cameron Highlanders in the order named along the line of Breastworks from WINDY CORNER to Work 13. Troops will move to their positions according to march table which will be issued later. ARTILLERY 4. The attack will be prepared by a slow bombardment commencing on June 11th and continuing by day and night up to the moment of assault. The bombardment of the German front trench will lift at 6 p.m. and that on the German second trench at 6-5.p.m. A barrage will be placed on the communication trench between I.17 and I.20 up to 6-20.p.m. at which hour it will be moved east of I.20 The bombardment of the line I.12 - J.13 and the houses at J.15 will continue till 6-20.pm. at which hour a barrage will be formed east of the line J.17 - I.18 and continue till 6-50 p.m. when it will be lifted off J.17, J.18, J.19 and the CHLLE ST ROCH. A barrage will be maintained east of the line I.20 - CHLLE ST ROCH and on the RUE D'OUVERT South of J.12 to about L.13 till dusk. MACHINE GUNS. 5. Machine Guns are allotted as follows: - Yorkshire Regiment. 4 Guns. Wiltshire Regiment. 4 Guns. 2 Guns Cameron Highlanders will be in position in LE PLANTIN and will keep down the enemy's fire from J.15 and its vicinity. The remaining Guns will be in reserve with their respective Battalions. Six Guns 22nd Brigade will support the attack from a point in the British Trench near J.7. TRENCH MORTAR BATTERY. 6. No.3 Trench Mortar Battery will be in position in the vicinity of the ORCHARD and SUNKEN ROAD and will (a) Cover the advance of the Yorkshire Regiment. (b) When this is successful, move forward to a position towards I.9 and cover the attack on J.15. The Battery Commander will (as already arranged verbally) arrange direct with the Officer Commanding Yorkshire Regt. as to positions. GRENADE COMPANY. 7. 36 Bombers will be attached to the Yorkshire Regiment and 36 to the Wiltshire Regiment. Parties of Bombers attacking will consist of 2 Bayonet men. 4 Bombers. 2 Rifle Grenade men. 6 Carriers (for spare bombs). MEDICAL 8. Advanced Dressing Stations will be at A.7.d.9.8 and F.5.a.c. Divisional collecting station will be at CHATEAU CORRE. Wounded will be brought via CALEDONIAN ROAD and HARTS [sic] AVENUE. WORKING PARTIES 9. The following will be held in readiness for work when required. (a) One Section R.E. for wiring and consolidating Yorkshire Regiment line. (b) One Section R.E. for wiring and consolidating J.15. (c) Two parties of R.E. and two companies of Bedfordshire Regiment for constructing communication trenches from British to German line. The two old German Communication trenches will probably be found suitable for reconstruction. AMMUNITION AND STORES. 10. (a) Stores of Ammunition have been placed in the trenches at lower end of WARE ROAD, and A reserve store of 500 boxes has been placed around WINDY CORNER. (b) Bombs have been placed in the trenches behind SUNKEN ROAD and [blank] and a reserve store at WINDY CORNER. (c) A store of HYPOSULPHATE has been placed at WINDY CORNER. (d) VERY Pistol cartridges have been stored at WINDY CORNER. (e) 4 Water Carts have been placed at WINDY CORNER for the use of advanced battalions only. A supply of water is stored at WHEATHAMSTEAD on the HITCHIN ROAD TRAFFIC 11. Officers Commanding Units will ensure that every man knows the positions of the water and ammunition, and names of roads and how they may be used. A communication trench diagram will be issued later. GRENADIER ROAD, HITCHIN ROAD and QUEENS ROAD will be used for forward traffic only. CALEDONIAN ROAD, HARTS AVENUE for rearward traffic only. All wounded and prisoners, orderlies, etc. will come back by this route. BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS 12. Brigade Headquarters will be at WINDY CORNER. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Under no consideration whatsoever in [sic] any Officer or man give the command to "Retire". 2. No secret documents, maps, or papers which might give information to the enemy are to be carried. 3. 220 rounds will be carried on the men. 4. Each man will carry 8 sandbags. 5. Battalions will carry 200 shovels and 30 picks on the men. 6. Troops will carry packs but not great coats. 7. Every man will carry one day's rations besides the remainder of the current day's issue. 8. VERY Pistols will be carried. 9. All working parties detailed will be told off and be in possession of tools before the fight starts. 10. Orderlies from Brigade Headquarters will wear purple band on the arm with the white "21" on it. 11. Gaps in our own wire will be marked by white tape inside our own trenches. 12. A diagonal red and white flag will be issued for marking the advance. In placing it care is to be taken that it can be seen from the rear. The Canadian Division are employing a plain dark blue flag. The Highland Division are employing a plain red flag. 13. Prisoners of war will be sent to WINDY CORNER where they will be handed over to escorts who will take them to F.4.b. 14. All equipment, rifles etc. both our own and captured will be collected into heaps, whence they can be conveyed as opportunity offers. 15. Before the commencement of operations each Battalion will detail two (and other units one) intelligent orderlies to remain at Brigade Headquarters. Special Instructions 1. Under no consideration whatsoever is any officer or man to give the order to "Retire". 2. No secret documents, maps, or papers which might give information to the enemy are to be carried. 3. 220 rounds will be carried on the men. 4. Each man will carry 2 sandbags. 5. Battalions will carry 200 shovels and 30 picks on the men. 6. Troops will carry packs but not great coats. Great coats & spare kits will be made into bundles under company arrangements. Orders with regard to storing these will be issued later. 7. Every man will carry one day's rations besides the remainder of the current day's issue. 8. VERY Pistols will be carried. 9. All working parties detailed will be told off and be in possession of tools before the fight starts. 10. Orderlies from Brigade Headquarters will wear purple band on the arm with the white "21" on it. 11. Gaps in our own wire will be marked by white tape inside our own trenches. 12. A diagonal red and white flag will be issued for marking the advance. In placing it care is to be taken that it can be seen from the rear. The Canadian Division are employing a plain dark blue flag. The Highland Division are employing a plain red flag. 13. Prisoners of war will be sent to WINDY CORNER via CALEDONIAN Road & HARTS Avenue, when they will be handed over to escorts who will take them to F.4.b. 14. All equipment, rifles etc. both out own & captured will be collected into heaps, whence they can be conveyed as opportunity offers. 15. Orderlies O.C. C & D Coys will each detail one intelligent orderly. These will proceed before the commencement of operations to Brigade Headquarters. O.C. A, B, C & D Coys will also detail one intelligent orderly each, who will remain with Battalion H.Q. 16. Rockets will [be] issued & signals will be 2 Rockets showing Blue smoke for capture of German first line trench 2 Rockets showing white stars for capture of German second line. 2 Rockets showing green smoke for capture of J.15. 17. S.A.A. carts, tool carts, M.G. wagons & R.E. technical wagons will be parked at GORRE CHATEAU F.3.b. under Lt.Chancy 2 Bn Yorks Rgt. Other 1st Line Transport parked clear of woods X.20.d. 13th June 1915. MARCH TABLE [unit - starting point - hour - route - remarks] 2nd Bn. Yorkshire Regt. - Cross Roads X.21.a.N.E. - 3-30.p.m. - Road Junction X.27.c. Road Junction F.5.a.3.0. thence by route through woods to WINDY CORNER - route through woods is shown on attached Sketch. 2nd Bn. Wiltshire Regiment - Road Junction X.13.a.N.W. - 3-15.p.m. - LES GLATIGNIES, LE HAMEL, GORRE, F.5.a.3.0., and thence by route through woods to WINDY CORNER 2nd Bn. Royal Scots Fus. - PONT LEVIS, AVELETTE - 3-0.p.m. - LES CHOQUAUX, Road Junction X.13.a.N.W. LES GLATIGNIES, LE HAMEL, GORRE, to Road Junction F.5.a.3.0. thence by route through woods to WINDY CORNER. 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. - Road Junction W.18.b.S.E. - 3-15.p.m. - Follow the Royal Scots Fusiliers to A.7.b.5.8. 1/4 Cameron Highlanders - Road Junction X.13.d.6.8. - 3-30 p.m. - Follow the Bedfords to Road Junction F.6.c.3.9. - No one to be North of starting point till Bedfords have passed Grenade Company - Road Junction W.24.c.d. - 3-15 p.m. - Follow the Camerons from X.13.d.6.8. to WINDY CORNER Highland Coy. R.E. - Road Junction X.20.d.4.7. - 4-0.p.m. - Follow the Grenade Company to WINDY CORNER Secret Officer Commanding Bedfordshire Regt. SIGNAL ARRANGEMENTS. WIRE. One mile of wire marked with coloured ribbons will be issued to each Regiment. the following will be the colours. Red. Wiltshire Regiment. Green. Yorkshire Regiment. Pink. Bedfordshire Regiment. Yellow. Cameron Highlanders. Light Blue. Royal Scots Fusiliers. ARM BANDS. Brigade arm bands, purple with white 21, will be issued on the following scale, 2 for each Regiment, one for units forming Brigade Troops. These will be worn by Orderlies attached to Brigade Headquarters. 13th June 1915. SECRET Officer Commanding Bedfords Reference Operation Order No.62. 1. Between 3 and 5 p.m. on the 15th instant the Cameron Highlanders will occupy the following points and garrison them during the fight. One Platoon MAIRIE Redoubt. One Platoon GIVENCHY KEEP. One Platoon HARTS AVENUE locality. The occupation should be complete by 5 p.m. and all men should remain under cover. 2. All first line Transport will move to the places detailed at 2-30.a.m. on June 15th. 3. Flags should be drawn from Brigade Headquarters early on 14th instant. 4. The Yorkshire and Wiltshire Regiments will draw Rockets from Brigade Headquarters on the morning of 14th instant. An Officer will attend for instructions. 5. Tools and sandbags will be drawn from the R.E.Store GORRE Bridge during the morning of June 14th. They may be sent to the dugouts of the Bedfordshire Regt., Royal Scots Fusiliers and Cameron Highlanders near WINDY CORNER and left under a guard. The Yorkshire and Wiltshire Regiments must take them to their billets. Sandbags cannot be drawn till 3 p.m. at which time you should draw and take to Windy Corner. 6. Battalions will report by midday whether they are complete and ready for action. 13th June 1915. Secret Officer Commanding Bedfordshire Regt. The following additions will be made to Operation Order No.62 dated 11th June. 1. INFORMATION. The enemy have constructed and wired a new trench running from about I.9 between J.13 and J.14 through J.10 to K.6. 2. GENERAL PLAN. In consequence of this new line of defence the attack of the 21st Infantry Brigade will extend a further 200 yards to the north, and its Northern flank will be directed on the new trench just West of J.13. 3. ARTILLERY. The bombardment of the new trench will lift at 6-12.p.m. otherwise the Artillery programme will be as before mentioned. 4. ROADS. The traffic proceeding to the Advanced Dressing Station at A.7.d. and to the area A.7 and A.8, will, by arrangement with the Canadian Division observe the following routes: - Outwards via ESSARS, LE HAMEL, GORRE, striking the Canal in F.10.a. and moving Eastwards along the North bank of the LA BASSEE Canal. Return Route. Over WESTMINSTER BRIDGE (F.18.a.) keeping along the South of the Canal to the PONT LEVIS Square F.3.c. thence crossing the Canal through GORRE, LE HAMEL, ESSARS. 5. Only 20 Officers per Battalion will be taken into action. The remainder will be held in reserve and made use of as required. 6. The Highland R.E. and 54th Coy R.E. will be employed cutting our wire between 10 and 11.p.m. tonight. The Infantry will, in consequence of this, not fire between those hours. 7. Guides from the 20th Brigade will meet the Yorkshire and Wiltshire Regiments at WINDY CORNER on their arrival there this evening 14th June 1915 Secret Officer Commanding Bedfordshire Regt. Reference Operation Order No.62 1. The Wiltshire Regiment will attack the enemy trench on the front I.12 (exclusive) to J.13 (inclusive). Immediately CHHLE ST ROCH has been captured a strong reconnaissance of one Company will be pushed out to ascertain if VIOLAINES is held and if so in what strength. If possible this Company will establish itself in VIOLAINES, but in any case very early information is required as to the feasibility of seizing VIOLAINES. The Yorkshire Regiment will also reconnoitre well to their front and advance their line if possible. Immediately CCHLE ST ROCH is in our hands Battalions will report to Brigade Headquarters in order that the Barrage East of that point may be moved to enable the reconnaissance to advance. 2. Immediately the assault is launched at 6.p.m. the Royal Scots Fusiliers will commence to move up and replace the Yorkshire Regiment in PICCADILLY and OXFORD STREET trenches as they become vacant (moving via QUEENS ROAD). The Bedfordshire Regiment will likewise fill the trenches vacated by the Wiltshire Regiment (moving via HITCHIN ROAD). 3. On occupying enemy trenches mines will be searched for and the lines cut. A special party of R.E. will follow to deal with mines when reported. 4. Every effort must be made to send back full reports as to the situation as it develops. 14th June 1915 SECRET To Bedfords Sender' No. 62 Day of Month 14 Reference Operation Order 62 and addition aaa you will NOT commence to move up when the attack starts aaa Machine Guns will be kept in the flank of your Bn nearer WINDY CORNER in case required. Please acknowledge. Secret Bedfordshire Regt. Sender's No. BM104 Day of Month 14th The following alterations are made in the Artillery Bombardment: - The bombardment on the German trench between J.13. and K.6. will continue to 6-20 pm when it will lift. The bombardment on the RUE D'OUVERT between J.12 and L.13 will lift at 7-30 pm and not at dark as previously stated. At 7-30 pm a barrage will be placed EAST of the RUE D'OUVERT. To Bedfords Sender's Number BM108 Day of the Month 14 Herewith 1 copy of aeroplane photograph No690 aaa Please acknowledge receipt of same aaa To 21 Inf Bde Sender's Number Ad1 Day of Month 14 June 15 Battalion in assembly dug outs (less party drawing tools & sandbags) aaa Gordon Highlanders are also here but propose moving out 7.30 pm aaa One Company Wilts Regt are being fitted in in the trenches my right company under instructions issued by you to O Wilts Regt aaa My HQ are in dug outs on S side of road F.6.c. SE corner To Bedfords Sender's Number BM5 Day of Month 15 Please be ready to move if required at 6.30 p.m. To Bedf Regt Sender's Number BM7 Day of Month 15th 1. A mine will be exploded under the enemy's parapet at 5.59 pm tonight. All attacking troops should be warned aaa 2. When J.15 has been captured the Grenadier Guards will advance on the left of the Wiltshire Regiment. 3. Canadians will use following signals to indicate positions reached aaa Two red lights line H3 - H2 aaa Three red lights for line I.14 - H.6 aaa Four red lights for I.17 - I.20 To BEDFORDS Sender's Number BM18 Day of Month 15th Cancel orders as to your consolidating enemy's first line trenches AAA You will not go forward until you receive orders from me AAA Orders as to construction of communication trenches hold good. AAA. Acknowldge. To WiB Sender's Number BM15 Day of Month 15th The guns are going to bombard the german [sic] front line H3 to I4 and second line trench I10 to I9 until 12.30 am 16th inst at which hour the Royal Scots Fusiliers will assault the line I10 - I9 at the same time the bedfordshire [sic] regt will push on and fill up the gap between the left of the RSF and the right of the wilts [sic] AAA until the hour of the assault the wilts will hold their present position on being relieved by the RSF the remainder of the yorkshire [sic] regt will be withdrawn to WINDY CORNER and occupy the dugouts vacated by the RSF. 15th June? Guns are going to bombard the whole of the objective first and second line of the yorks [sic] till 12-30 at 12-30 RSF are going to assault those lines the wilts [sic] & Bedfords must maintain the positions they now hold Capt.Foss D.S.O. or O.C. 'B' Coy 2 Bedf.R. Gen. Gough has sent through and wants us to attack the German trenches I12, I9, I3 &c. from the left flank from about a line J11, L9 in conjunction with the RSF at 12-30 pm "B" Coy will change this position & join up with RSF 11.55 p.m. 15/6/15 Capt.Foss D.S.O. & O.C. "B" Coy. Assault is postponed to 1.30 a.m. 12.17 a.m. 16.6.15 O.C.Wiltshire O.C. "B" Coy 2 Bedf & Capt Foss D.S.O. Day of Month 16 Message received from Bde Maj 21 Inf Bde. The attack will not take place at 1.30 this morning but at 5.30 a.m. instead. The Bedfordshire Regt will take over at once from the Wiltshires who will be withdrawn after handing over all their trenches to the Bedfordshire. Further Instructions as to assault will be issued later. To the Adjutant I have gained touch with Grenadier Guards on left flank. My right flank rests on the ditch. My men are now in their proper places in the trench. P.S. The Wiltshire officer is buried. F.Powell Lt. O.C. B Coy To BEDFORDS Sender's Number BM 17 Day of Month 16th The 20th Bde have occupied the German trench from J10 to K6. The Highland Div have established themselves about O10 O9 AAA The Highland Div are renewing their advance starting at 1-45 AM AAA The Canadian Div and 21st Bde will assault the line H2 I4 at 5-30 AM AAA The assault will be prepared by an artillery bombardment from 3-30 AM to 5-30 AM and the assault will take place exactly at 5-30 AM AAA The position will be consolidated when captured the objective being the enemy's first trench AAA The RSF will assault the front H3 (exclusive) to I4 (inclusive) the Bedford Regt will assist the attack of the R.S.F. by attacking I4 from the North with Bombers and in any way as opportunity offers AAA The Bedfords will also consolidate the line J7 to I4 and join hands with the R.S.F. The Camerons will remain with one coy in GIVENCHY defences and 3 coys at WINDY CORNER. 2 battalions of 22nd Bde are attached the Bde as a reserve. Recd 3.55 am. To 2 UNITS Sender's Number BM18 Day of Month 16 Reference my BM17 the attack is postponed until further orders Recd 3.58 To O.C. A, B, D Coys Day of Month 16 Attack is postned until further orders "C" Coy verbally at 4 am To 21 Inf Bde Day of Month 16 I find Scots Fusiliers have not taken over sunken road AAA This was not held by Wiltshire and so not taken over by me AAA It is now unoccupied. C.C.Onslow Lt.Col. 4.29 a.m. TO ADJT No 3 trench mortar battery is in A Coys trench From CAPT THOM To OC 2 Gordon H 8.45 A.M. 2 Bedf.R. relieved 2 Wilts Regt this morning one company in new trench in touch with Grenadier Guards on its left AAA 2 Coys in Scottish trench in touch on left with 2 Gordon Highlanders; on right with 2 R.S.F. about Sunken Road. One Company & Batt H.Q. in New Cut AAA R.S.F. relieved 2 Yorks Regt last night & are I understand holding Oxford Street AAA Message just received to effect that when attack is next ordered Bedfordshire Regt to develop flank attack on I4, I3, I9 to help R.S.F. who presumably attack on line H8-I.4. 8.53 AM TO O.C. 2nd Gordons Day of Month 16th Situation report 1st Bn Gren Guards disposed as follows 1 1/2 Coys in front line J5 towards L8 in touch with 21st Bde on right but no one one left. 1 1/2 Coys in old German trench J1 in touch on right with 21st Bde. No one on left. 1 Company in old British trench with 2nd Bn Gordon Highrs, now being brought up into old German trench on left of J1 From O/C 1/Gren Guards 10/17 am O.C. 2/Bedford Regt. My Bn is in the "old British Trench" my RHQ, in centre of line, is at JUNCTION of YELLOW Road and OLD BRITISH TRENCH. The Grenadier Guards are in front of me. Their situation on front is attached. My right flank is in touch with your regiment. My left flank is not in immediate touch with the 31st Division, but rests on JUNCTION WILOW ROAD and OLD BRITISH TRENCH. There is only a small gap between my left and the 7th Black Watch. J.R.E.Stansfeld, Major Comdg 2/Gord Highrs 10.20 AM C Coy 2 Bedford Regiment Strength Returns Number in Fire Trench Offrs 4 Sgts 12 O.R. 162 Total 178 16-6-15 J.W.Hurrell Lieut Commanding C Coy TO BEDFORDS Sender's Number SC 49 Day of Month 16th When the attack is next entered develope [sic] flank attack in direction of I4 - I3 - I9 aaa This will greatly help the R.S.F. aaa The attack should be launched at the same time as that of the front line From 21st BDE SECRET June 16th 1915 1. The general plan for the 7th, Canadian and 51st Divisions is the same as for yesterday the 15th Inst. The assault will be launched at 4.45 p.m. after an intensive bombardment commencing at 4 p.m. The disposition of the 21st Bde will be as follows: - 2. The R.S.F. will carry out the assault which will be limited to the front H3 (exclu) to I4 (Inclu). The first objective will be the enemy's front line trench which will be at once consolidated. The 2nd objective will be the enemy 2nd line trench from I10 to I9 which will also be captured with the least possible delay. The Cameron Highlanders will at 4.15 p.m. will [sic] commence moving up via QUEENS ROAD trench and will occupy successively PICCADILLY and OXFORD STREET as they are vacated by R.S.F. and will support the R.S.F. attack when called upon by the O.C. that Regt. 3. The South Staffordshire & Warwickshire Regts will remain in their present dugouts ready for instant move. 4. The Bedfordshire Regt will attack I4 from the North and assist the R.S.F. as opportunity offers. 5. The R.S.F. will attack in successive extended lines following one another as rapidly as possible. 6. In order to ensure the assault being simultaneous everywhere, whistles will be blown all along the line at the moment when the assault is to take place. 7. Bde H.Q. at WINDY CORNER George Crossman Capt BM 21st Bde TO Bedfords Sender's Number BM 21 Day of Month 16 There will be a pause in the Bombardment from 4.15 p.m. to 4.23 p.m. during which time you should open heavy rifle and M.G. fire on the enemy trenches. From 21st Bde 3.40 p.m. TO O.C. B Co Sender's Number Bd 17 Day of Month 16/6/15 1./ The Battalion has been ordered to attack I.4 from the North & assist the R.S.F. as opportunity offers. Your company will carry out this attack. 2./ The assault will take place at 4.45 pm today after an intensive bombardment starting at 4 pm. 3./ A section of bombers will be attached to your company. 4./ In order to ensure the assault being simultaneous, whistles will be blown all along the line at the moment the assault is to take place. C.C.Foss Captain Adjt 2 Bedf R B Coy Distribution of Coy 16-6-15 With Cooker 1 Road duty 2 Officers' Cook 1 Ration Party (Tea) 9 Convalescent (Tpt) 21 CQMS & Tel Ord 2 Coy. Orderlies Bn HQ 2 Casualties prior to attack 13 Carrying wounded (Pte Smith) 3 Total proceeding to trenches 15-6-15 175 Total taking part in Attack 138 J.W.Hutchinson Lieut 21/6/15 O.C. B Coy 2nd Bedfordshire Rgt To O.C. "D" Coy. Sender's Number Bd 18 Day of Month 16.6. As "A" Coy vacates the forward trench to assault I4, you will move up and hold this trench and employ covering fire on the opposite enemy trenches about J.11. "A" Coy. assaults by platoons commencing at 4.45 p.m. C.C.Onslow Lt.Col. Comdr 2 Bedf.R. No.9594 Goodhead J. "B" Coy Tomkins "A" Coy Panter "A" Coy Corp Wilson Sergt Mart 4.20 p.m. To O.C. 2 Bedf Regt. 5.58 p.m. C Company are in Scottish Trench and in touch with Gordons on left, and B Coy Bedfords on right, who have been bombed out of the crater. J.W.Hurrell Lt 16/6/15 TO O C BEDFORDS Sender's Number SC 68 Day of Month 16 Please arrange for quartermaster and billeting parties to report to bde transport officer at 3.30 pm at GORRE CHATEAU aaa Rations will be issued at billets From 21st Brigade TO O.C. "C" Coy. Sender's Number Bd30 Day of Month 16/5 [sic] Send one guide per platoon to be at Brigade H.Q. at 9 p.m. to guide company of S.Staffordshire which will relieve you on arrival, after relief report to BN.H.Q. You will go back via HITCHIN Road. C.C.Onslow Lt.Col. 5.30 p.m. TO O.C. "A" Coy. Sender's Number Bd29 Send one N.C.O. to act as guide to Company which will relieve you, to be at Brigade H.Q. at 7 p.m. this evening. After relief report to Bn.H.Q. for orders. You will go out by HITCHIN Road. So.Staffordshire Regt. C.C.Onslow Lt.Col. 5.37 p.m. TO OC A & D Companies Sender's Number Bd27 Day of Month 17 June 15 The Battalion will be relieved tonight AAA 1 guide per platoon will be at WINDY CORNER at 9 p.m. tonight to meet the relieving Battalion. Please initial Adjt 2 Bedf R 1.25 p.m.
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    Jun 1915
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