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    War Diary for May 1915 1 May 1915 - Strazeele At STRAZEELE. Short route march in afternoon. 2 May 1915 At STRAZEELE. 11 AM. Divine Service. 2/Lt.Williams sick. 3 May 1915 At STRAZEELE. Brigade route march. 4 May 1915 -Facyory near Pont-Levis, Estaires At STRAZEELE. Short route march 9-11.30 AM. Marched back to old billets in factory 7.22 pm. LA GORGUE via MERRIS & road running along COURANT de la METEREN BECQUE 8 miles. Operation Order No.10. 11.30 pm. In billets. 5 May 1915 - Pont-du-Hem At ESTAIRES. Captain Shearman & Lieut.HURRELL sick. 3.15 pm. Left billets & 5.0 pm occupied billets south of PONT DU HEM on LA BASSEE Road. 6 May 1915 In billets PONT DUHEM [sic]. 7 May 1915 ditto. Conference of C.Os. & Adjutants 11 AM. at Brigade H.Q. Conference of Company Commanders at 2 p.m. at Battn.H.Q. 8 May 1915 In billets PONT DE HEM [sic]. Left PONT DE HEM [sic] at 12 m.n. for dugouts at H.31.c. 9 May 1915 - dugouts near Aubers Arrived H.31.c. 2.45 a.m. Battn. in Corps reserve. 8th Division attack on German Trenches. 3 O.R. wounded by shell fire. 10 May 1915 - Laventie 1 a.m. Bn/ left dug-outs for billets in LAVENTIE, arrived 2.30 a.m. 3.10 p.m. orders received to be ready to move at short notice. 11 p.m. Bn. marched to LE HAMEL X 20. 11 May 1915 - trenches near Festubert Arrived LE HAMEL about 3 a.m. 4.20 p.m. orders received to go to Trenches (a & b sections D lines) (Indian Village) to relieve 21st Bn. LONDON REGT. Left billets 7.30 p.m. arrived RUE DE L'EPINETTE 8.45 p.m. 'A' 'B' & 'D' Coys. to trenches, 'C' Coy. in reserve at INDIAN Village. 12 May 1915 Took over another portion of trenches from LONDON Bde. 'D' moving from left to right, 'D' coy. relieved by 1 Coy. 2 Yorkshire Regt. Bn. employed in improving trenches, and preparing for assault by rest of Division. Filling in old Guard's trench, preparing exits & patrolling during night. 13 May 1915 Continuation of work as on 12th. 14 May 1915 Trenches vacated while our artillery shelled enemy's trenches. Work as day before. 2nd Lt.C.H.BREWER, 2 Bedf.R. slightly wounded. 15 May 1915 1 a.m. information received that assault had been postponed for 24 hours. Bombardment as before. Work as on previous days. 2nd Lt.C.H.BREWER returned to duty. 16 May 1915 7th Division attack at 3 a.m. 21st Inf.Bde. in reserve. After successful assault of enemy trenches by 20th & 22nd Bdes. 'D' & 'A' Coys. after supporting assault with covering fires, with machine Guns under 2nd Lt.W.H.GEORGE on right flank, occupied old German trench consolidating it & turning it into fire trench, for our use. 'A' Coy. under Capt.HUTTON WILLIAMS, 'D' Coy. under Maj.J.MACKENZIE, V.C. these companies did very good work, and were exposed to considerable shell fire. Working parties under 2nd Lt.F.POWELL & 2nd Lt. N.DABELL from 'B' & 'C' Coys. respectively, did excellent work, while being heavily shelled, making communications from our old front line trench. No.7925 Sergt. E.EUSTACE 'B' Coy. with l/Cpl.COLEMAN, 2nd Border Regt. showed great gallantry in bringing in wounded to the cover of our trenches, while under heavy shell fire. These 2 N.C.Os. brought in over 50 wounded, and gained the praise of several officers, on the spot. Battn. was heavily shelled all day, & night. Had some casualties - 2nd Lt.R.A.B.ORLEBAR 2nd Bedfordshire Regt. & 2nd Lt.B.WHITEHOUSE, 3rd L.N.Lancashire Regt., attached 2nd Bedf. R. wounded. 17 May 1915 2.30 a.m. Orders received to withdraw Bn. to reserve trenches. Movement completed by 3.45 a.m. About 1.30 p.m. Bn. received orders to be ready to move at shortest notice. Ref.Map 1/10000. ILLIES-VIOLAINE[sic]-FESTUBERT. About 3 p.m. orders received to move Bn. into position in rear of old German Fire trench between L1-L2 in order to make an attack in conjunction with 4 Cameron Highs: on left, on points L10, L11, L8 to K5. Battn. frontage from L8-K5. 'B' Coy. on right, under Capt. H.E.HUNTRISS, 2 Bedf.R. 'C' Coy. on right, under Bt.Lt.Col.E.I.de S.THORPE, 2 Bedf.R. were detailed as the two leading coys: & formed up between L1 & L2. 'A' Coy. under Capt.W.HUTTON-WILLIAMS 3rd E.Sur.R. attached 2 Bedf.R. & 'D' Cou. under Maj.J.MACKENZIE, V.C. 2 Bedf.R. formed up in rear of old British trench, in support, moving up into new line as places were vacated by 'B' & 'C' Coys. About 7.30 p.m. 'B' and 'C' Coys. advanced to the Attack, on right of 4th Camerons, with 2 sections of Bombthrowers under 2nd Lt.W.J. STONIER, 2nd Bedf.R. working on the right down the communication trench towards K.4. & K.5. 'B' & 'C' Coys. on vacating the trenches to the assault were met by heavy shrapnel, machine gun & rifle fire & Coy.Q.M.S. (Actg.Coy.S.M.) was killed as he climbed over the parapet. (On 22nd May, official information was received, that this N.C.O. had been granted a commission as 2nd Lt. in the 2nd Cheshire Regt). By about 9 p.m. when the whole Battn. less 2 platoons of 'A' Coy. which were kept in reserve by the C.O. (Major C.C.ONSLOW) had been launched to the attack, information was received by the C.O. that Lt.Col.THORPE had called a halt, as he was unable to collect a party sufficiently strong to assault the German position, owing to the darkness, and many serious obstacles, in the nature of ditches varying from 2 to 5 ft. in depth, and from 2 to 5 ft. in width filled with water, running diagonally as well as parallel to our advance, which had broken all cohesion in the attacking force; and also that he could not gain touch with the Cameron Highrs: Just at this time too, 2nd Lt.W.J.STONIER reported having arrived at K.4, & meeting with opposition in that neighbourhood, his party had expended all their bombs and had themselves, with a small party under 2nd Lt.C.M.BREWER, been bombed and trench mortared from the direction of K.5. & had had to retire into the communication trench, which they continued to hold. A portion of the Battn. misunderstanding Lt.Col.THORPE'S order, had in the meantime retired on to our original position. under these circumstances the C.O. reformed the whole of the Battn. in the original position, from which the attack was launched (L1 and L2), with the exception of the party in the Communication trench; and informed the Brigadier General H.WATTS how matters stood. During these operations Maj.J.MACKENZIE V.C. was killed & the following officers were wounded: - Capt.H.E.HUNTRISS, Lt.A.E.KUHN, 2nd Lts. A.GROVER, R.S.LARDNER, F.V.PARKER & R.H.BOYS. During the night information was received that a portion of the 4th Camerons had succeeded in entering the enemy trench. Several men were drowned in the ditches, referred to above 18 May 1915 About 3 a.m. telephonic instructions were received from the Brigadier, that the Battn. should advance along the communication trench towards K.4 & K.5, and take the German trench from that flank, to join up with the Cameron Highlanders, who were said to be still in possession of a portion of the trench. A supply of Bombs having been received, the bomb throwers with 'D' Coy. under 2nd Lt.C.H.BREWER*; with 'A' and 'C' coys. in that order, in support, under Capt.HUTTON WILLIAMS, & Bt.Lt.Col.E.I.de S.THORPE respectively, were ordered to make their way along the communication trench to K.5, to gain possession of that point & work along German trench towards L/8. to meet the Cameron Highlanders. 'B' Coy. under 2nd Lt.F.POWELL was kept in reserve. While this attack was developing, the C.O. received authentic information, that the party of Cameron Highs: who has gained the enemy trench, had been bombed out and retired thence during the night. This information, and also the fact that, the Bn. was very weak numerically, was telephoned by the C.O. to the Brigadier, who replied that if the C.O. who [sic] absolutely convinced that the Cameron Highs: were no longer holding any of the German trench, he should stop the further advance of the Battn. and make good the ground occupied. The Bn. therefore consolidating K.4 & the communication trench, holding it with the bombthrowers & 'D' 'A' & 'B' coys. 'C' coy. & B remaining behind L1-L2. During the advance towards K4, Capt.W.HUTTON-WILLIAMS was killed and about 6 men killed or wounded crossing the gap in the trench which was swept by Machine Gun & rifle fire. The Battn. remained in this position all day, being heavily shelled by H.E. & shrapnel the whole time. *This party was under Capt.C.C.FOSS, D.S.O. who had partially reconnoitred the route. Night of 17-18 May 1915 During the night 17th-18th May, 2nd Lt.B.H.WADDY 3rd Gloucester Regt. attached, who had been doing excellent scouting and reconnaissance work, had to be removed from the firing line by order of the M.O. & was admitted to Hospital. During this night too, the Battn. had the misfortune to lose the services of Lieut.D.G.WATSON, R.A.M.C. the M.O. who had been most assiduous in tending & removing wounded from the firing line in a conspicuously gallant manner, under heavy shell fire, being severely wounded by shrapnel on his way back to his dressing station. 7 stretcher bearers were also either killed or wounded. 19 May 1915 - Bellerive The Battn. was relieved by one company of the 2nd Yorkshire Regt. about 3 a.m. and returned to billets in RUE de'EPINETTE. Strength of Battn. 8 officers 417 other ranks. Lt.Baird, R.A.M.C. joined Bn. during night of 18th-19th May for duty vice WATSON. 1 p.m. orders received that Battn. would march at 3 p.m. battn. marched at 3 p.m. to billets at BELLERIVE 4m. N.W. of BETHUNE. Total casualties during operations from 8 p.m. 11.5.15 to 3 p.m. 19.5.15 were: - Officers 2 killed, 9 wounded (1 Lt.A.E.KUHN died of wounds on 20.5.15). 1 Sick. Other ranks 45 killed, 68 missing, 276 wounded, (of whom 4 died). Officers remaining with Bn. combatant. Major C.C.ONSLOW, Comdr. Capt.C.C.FOSS, D.S.O., Adjt. Bt.Lt.Col.E.I.de S.Thorpe (To Border Regt) 2nd Lt.L.F.BEAL 2nd Lt.F.POWELL (I.A.) 2nd Lt.N.DABELL 2nd Lt.C.H.BREWER 2nd Lt.W.H.GEORGE. 20 May 1915 In billets BELLERIVE. Reinforcements 120 other ranks joined. Bt.Lt.Col.E.I.de S.THORPE transferred to temporary command of 2nd Border Regt. Lt.J.M.FLEMING, R.A.M.C. joined as M.O. vice BAIRD who returned to 21st Fd.Amb. 21 May 1915 In billets as above. Coy. inspections. Brigadier Genl.H.WATTS, C.M.G., C.B., addressed the Bn. on parade as follows: - "Major Onslow and soldiers of the 2nd Bedfordshire Regt. I have come to speak to you, hearing how disappointed you are at the non success of the attack upon which you were launched on the 17th. Let me tell you, that its non-success was no fault of yours, but was one of the fortunes of war, which cannot always be successful. The attack was carried out in a most gallant and determined manner, & its non-success was caused by the usual chance of war, which did not allow of a proper artillery preparation, or a thorough reconnaissance. You casualties, which were 2 officers killed, 6 officers wounded, 45 other ranks killed, 68 missing & 200 odd killed [sic], shows you determination, and I feel sure, when you are again called upon to attack, you will show the same spirit, and your efforts will be crowned with success." 22 May 1915 Billets as before. Coys. parades & short route marches. C.Os. inspection of billets. Capt.C.C.FOSS, D.S.O. admitted to Hosp. sick. Capt.& Qr.Mr.Cressingham performs duties of Adjutant. The following 3 officers joined & posted: - Capt.R.L.THOM to command 'A' Coy. Lieut.T.G.M.HORSFORD to command 'D' Coy. Lieut.J.W.HUTCHINSON to command 'C' Coy. 23 May 1915 Billets as before. Church Parade 10.45 a.m. Coys. bathing parades. 24 May 1915 Billets as before. Coy. parades, bathing & clothes washing. Maj.Gen.H.de la P.GOUGH, Comdg. 7th Divn. came round billets, speaking to the men & praising them for their work etc. in the late attack; saying they had done splendidly & that he was proud to have the Bn. in his Division. 25 May 1915 In billets as before. Coy.parades, physical drills, route marching & bathing. Coy.S.M.FLINT & Corp.VAILES who were sent to L2 by the C.O., reported having found Capt.HUNTRISS body 50 yards from where he had been left by Corp.VAILES, having evidently crawled that distance, and receiving another wound. 26 May 1915 Bn. Route March. Bathing parades. 2nd Lt.F.POWELL, C.S.M.FLINT, & Corp VAILES went & recovered the bodies of Maj.MACKENZIE, V.C. & Capt.HUNTRISS, and buried them alongside Capt.HUTTON WILLIAMS, behind L2.Map 1/10000. On dividing line between S.26.d. & A.2.b. under U. of FESTUBERT, in the order Capt.WILLIAMS on right or North, Maj.MACKENZIE in the centre & Capt.HUNTRISS on the left, facing the crosses. 27 May 1915 Coy.parades & kit inspections. Inspection of 7th Division by General JOFFRE, commanding the Allied Forces in FRANCE & BELGIUM, 2nd Lt.C.W.Macfie, 3rd So.Staffordshire Regt. 2nd Lt.R.B.GIBSON, 3rd So.Staffordshire Regt. 2nd Lt.B.NEAD TAYLOR 3rd So.Staffordshire Regt. the first 2 posted to 'B' & the last to 'A' coy. joined this day. 28 May 1915 Coy. route marches &c. 2nd Lieut.W.H.FOX, 4th So.Staffordshire Regt. & 90 other ranks joined. Lieut. Fox posted to 'D' Coy. 29 May 1915 Last two drafts inspected in GONNEHEM by Divisional & Brigade commanders. 8 officers & 12 N.C.Os. attended lectures regarding "asphyxiating gases". Coys. route marching & handling arms. 30 May 1915 Church Parade at 9 a.m. 2nd Lt.H.S.ARMSTRONG joined Bn. & posted to 'A' Coy. 31 May 1915 Bn. Route March. Coy. parades. Lieut. J.W.HURRELL rejoined. 2nd Bedfordshire Regt: Operation Order No.9. Ref.Map HAZEBROUCK 1/100,000. 3rd May 1915 Operation. 1. The Battalion will take part in a Brigade Route March this afternoon. Route 2. Starting point. Road junction 200 yards N. of STRAZEELE. Route. ROUGE CROIX - Cross roads East of B. in CAESARE BECQUE - Five road junction mile N. of BORRE - Cross roads mile S.E. of ROUGE CROIX. Thence to Billets independently. Order of March 3. D-A-B-C. M.Guns. Head of D.Co. will pass gate of Transport field at 2.55 p.m. A.Co. & M.Guns will join column at Brigade Starting point. Transport. 4. Normal order of march. The head will pass the Brigade starting point at 3.20 p.m. C.C. FOSS, Captain, Adjutant, 2 Bedf.R. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER No.54. 3rd May 1915. Reference 1/100,000 Map HAZEBROUCK. OPERATION 1. The Brigade will Route March this afternoon. ROUTE 2. Starting point Road Junction 200 yards N. of STRAZEELE. Route ROUGE CROIX - Cross Roads East of B in CAESARE BECQUE - Five road junction mile N. of BORRE - Cross Roads mile S.E. of ROUGE CROIX - thence to Billets independently. ORDER OF MARCH. 3. Battalions will pass the Starting Point as follows: - Grenade Company 3 p.m. Bedfordshire Regiment 3.1 p.m. Royal Scots Fusiliers 3.6 p.m. Wiltshire Regiment 3.10 p.m. 1/4 Cameron Highlanders 3.14 p.m. The Yorkshire Regiment will join the Column in rear of the 1/4 Camerons at ROUGE CROIX. TRANSPORT. 4. Normal order of march. The head will pass the starting point at 3.25 p.m. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. 2nd Battn.Bedf.R. Operation Order No.10. Ref.Map 1/100000. 4th May 1915 OPERATION 1. The Battalion will march to ESTAIRES tonight. ROUTE. 2. Starting point. Road junction S.E. exit from STRAZEELE - MERRIS - Cross roads at OULTERSTEEN - thence southwards by the road running along the COURANT de la METEREN BECQUE - ESTAIRES. ORDER OF MARCH. 3. The Battalion will follow the Grenade Company in order A-B-C-D Co. M.Guns. head of Battalion will pass starting point at 7.22 p.m. TRANSPORT. 4. Transport less Train will follow the Battalion. C.C. FOSS, Captain, Adjutant, 2 Bedf.R. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER No.55 Reference Map 1/100,000. 4th May, 1915. INTENTION. 1. The Brigade will march to ESTAIRES to-night. Route Starting point Road Junction S.E. exit from STRAZEELE - MERRIS - Cross Roads at OULTERSTEEN - thence southwards by the road running along the COURANT DE LA METEREN BECQUE - ESTAIRES. ORDER OF MARCH. 2. Units will pass the starting point as follows: - Signal Section and Brigade Headquarters 7.20 p.m. Grenade Company 7.21 p.m. Bedfordshire Regiment 7.22 p.m. Yorkshire Regiment 7.30 p.m. Cameron Highlanders 7.40 p.m. Wiltshire Regiment 7.48 p.m. The Royal Scots Fusiliers and 21st field Ambulance in the order named will join the Column in rear of the Wiltshire Regiment at the Road Junction E.S.E. of STRAZEELE on the STRAZEELE - MERRIS Road. The Train will move under orders of Officer Commanding Train in rear of 21st Field Ambulance. S.A.A. Section 35th F.A.Bde. will move in rear of the train. TRANSPORT 3. Transport will move in rear of units. BILLETS 4. Separate instructions have been issued to Billeting parties. REPORTS. 5. To Signal Section. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER No.56. 5th May 1915 Reference Maps. 1/10000. FAUQUISSART - AUBERS. 1/40000. Sheet 36. INTENTION. 1. The 21st Infantry Brigade will relieve parts of the 20th and 25th Brigades in the Trenches to-night. RELIEF. 2.(a) The Royal Scots Fusiliers will relieve the 2nd Bn.Gordon Highlanders. A Battalion of 1st West Riding Brigade will relieve the Scots Guards. The Royal Scots Fusiliers will rendezvous at the level crossing LAVENTIE at 7.45 p.m. where they will be joined by a battalion of 1st West Riding Brigade. At 7.50 p.m. this column. Royal Scots Fusiliers leading will move to the Cross Roads M.22.b. where they will be met by guides from the 20th Brigade at 8.45 p.m. (b) Battalion Wiltshire Regiment will relieve Battalion 1st London Regiment. the Cameron Highlanders will relieve the Royal Irish Rifles. The Wiltshire Regiment will rendezvous at Cross Roads M.6.d. at 8 p.m. where they will be met by guides from the 1st London Regiment. The Cameron Highlanders will follow the Wiltshire Regiment from their billets and rendezvous at the Cross Roads M.12.c. where they will be met by guides from the Royal Irish Rifles. STORES. 3. All Masks, Flannel, etc. will be taken over from units relieved and the position of bicarbonate pails will be ascertained and explained to every man. Battalions will as rapidly as possible supplement the means for resisting gasses [sic]. POSTS. 4. Battalions will take over all fortified posts and guards held by units which they relieve. A state showing forts, guards and posts taken over will be rendered to reach this office by 5 a.m. tomorrow. BILLETS. 5. Battalions will take up billets according to orders issued separately. Command. 6. the G.O.C's 21st Infantry Brigade and 1st West Riding Brigade will assume command of their section when relief is completed. the right section under G.O.C. 1st West Riding Brigade will consist of line held by 1 battalions of 1st West Riding Brigade (approximately C lines) and battalion of 1st West Riding in CAMERON LANE and 1 battalion 21st Infantry Brigade on LA BASSEE road in support. The remainder of the front and troops of 1st West Riding Brigade and 21st Infantry Brigade in support will be under command of G.O.C. 21st Infantry Brigade. HEADQUARTERS. 7. 21st Infantry Brigade Headquarters will be in LAVENTIE M.4.b. 1st West Riding Brigade Headquarters in RUE PARADIS M.3.d. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER No.57. Reference Map 1/40000, Sheet 36. 6th May 1915. INTENTION. 1. During the night 7th/8th the following reliefs and moves will take place. RELIEF. 2(a) The Royal Scots Fusiliers will be relieved by Troops of the 1st West Riding Brigade and will withdraw to the keeps on RUE BACQUEROT, M.17.d. Eight guides will be sent to meet the 1/8th West Yorkshire Regiment at Cross Roads M.22.b. at 8.30 p.m. Relief will take place at 9 p.m. (b) The Battalion Wiltshire Regiment in the Trenches will be relieved by the 1/4th Cameron Highlanders, and will move into dugouts M.12.b. Provision of Guides and handing over of Forts, etc. to be arranged direct between Commanding Officers of these Battalions. relief to take place at 9 p.m. (c) The Yorkshire Regiment will move, starting point Cross Roads M.17.d. at 1 a.m., via the RUE BACQUEROT to dugouts in H.31.c. The Bedfordshire Regiment will move, starting point Cross Roads in M.9.d. at 1 a.m., via LA FLINQUE and RUE BACQUEROT to dugouts in H.31.c. No troops of the Brigade will be allowed on the SAILLY FROMELLES Road. MEETING. 3. Adjutants will meet the Brigade Major tomorrow as follows: - Bedfordshire Regt. and Yorkshire Regt. Cross Roads H.31.c. at 10 a.m. Wiltshire Regt. Road Junction M.12.a. at 10.5 a.m. Royal Scots Fusiliers. Cross Roads M.1.7.d. at 10.10 a.m. GEORGE GROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. NOTES. OPERATIONS OF 1st ARMY. 1. Helios must be taken. Battalions must arrange to have signalling lamps brought up at night. 2. Orderlies will be found by Battalions as follows: - During active and moving operations 3 orderlies per Battalion, who know the actual position of their Battalion Headquarters. At each change of Headquarters new orderlies as soon as the new position is settled, old ones sent back at first opportunity. Someone should be left at old Headquarters to redirect messengers. When a Battalion is ordered to prepare for an attack, Signalling Officer of N.C.O. should report with 2 men (not necessarily signalling) to Brigade Headquarters to take off the wire operators, etc. 3. All guards left over great coats etc. should have three of four days rations left with them. 4. The LAHORE Division are using a yellow flag 16 inches square to mark the advance of troops. 5. The Cameron Highlanders will have ready at the eastern end of their trenches a carrying party for work under the R.E. when required. 6. The Transport Officer of the Cameron Highlanders is appointed Brigade Transport Officer for these Operations. 7. No wheeled transport will accompany the Battalions tonight: Cookers may be taken up to Battalions after 3.30 a.m. tomorrow, they will not use the SAILLY-FROMELLES Road. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major 21st infantry Bde. 7.5.15. 2 Bn. Bedf.R. Operation Order No.11. Ref.Sheet 36 1/40000. 8th May 1915 INTENTION. 1. The Battalion will move into Dugouts early tomorrow morning near Cross roads H.31.a. ROUTE. 2. Starting point Cross roads at PONT DU HEM M.15.d. at 12.30 A.M. 9 May. Route X Roads M.9.d. - LA FLINQUE RUE BACQUEROT - X Roads H.31.c. ORDER OF MARCH. 3. B, C, D, A. Companies M.Gun Sect. TRANSPORT. 4. No wheeled Transport to accompany Battalion. HOT MEAL. 5. Hot soup 10 p.m. tonight. Tea will come up in cookers after 3.30 A.M. 9 May. BILLETS. 6. To be cleaned & tidied before dark this evening. ORDERS. 7. No notes or orders to be taken into the field.. C.C.FOSS, Captain, Adjutant, 2 Bedf.R. 21st Infantry Brigade Operation Order No.58. reference 1/100000. HAZEBROUCK. and for starting point only 1/40000. 10th May 1915. INTENTION. 1. the Brigade will move to-night to the neighbourhood of ESSARS via PONT DU HEM - road running West immediately South of DU in PONT DU HEM - Cross roads North of second I in VIEILLE CHAPELLE - LA COUTURE - LE TOURET. This road will be blocked by the Divisional Cyclists. ORDER OF MARCH. 2. Units will pass the starting point (a) Cross Roads M.9.d. as follows: - Signal Section and Brigade Headquarters 11.35 p.m. Grenade Company 11.36 p.m. Bedfordshire Regiment 11.37 p.m. Yorkshire Regiment 11.42 p.m. (b) Starting point Cross Roads M.16.b. Royal Scots Fusiliers 11.37 p.m. Cameron Highlanders 11.41 p.m. Wiltshire Regiment 11.45 p.m. The Highland Field Company R.E. will follow the Wiltshire Regiment joining the column as it passes the Cross Roads M.9.d. at 12.10 p.m. TRANSPORT. 3. Normal order of march. BILLETS. 4. parties will meet the Staff Captain at Road Junction immediately South of the T in LE TOURET. FALLING OUT. 5. Each Battalion will leave a reliable N.C.O. and the Wiltshire Regt. one officer to march in rear of the Column and bring on stragglers at the pace of the slowest. The Officer will march the whole party. Men are to be instructed to wait for this party and on no account to try to find their own way. REPORTS. 6. Reports to Signal Section. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER No.59 11th May 1915. RELIEF. 1. The Bedfordshire Regiment will take over Trenches A and B Section D(1) Lines from the 31st [sic] Batt.London Regiment tonight. Guides will meet them at the Road Junction RUE DU BOIS and RUE L'EPINETTE X.18.c. at 8-15 p.m. All trench stores will be taken over. Two Platoons of the 21st London Regiment will be left with the Bedfordshire Regiment till 2 p.m. tomorrow to explain details as to certain R.E.Stores. BILLETS. 2. the Yorkshire Regiment will take over Billets in the RUE L'EPINETTE from 24th Bn.London Regiment and will be in Brigade Reserve. The Cameron Highlanders will move to Billets in RUE L'EPINETTE. The Quartermaster of the Camerons will meet the Staff Captain at Road Junction in X.18.c. at 6.30 p.m. Remaining Battalions will remain in their present position. HEADQUARTERS 3. Brigade Headquarters will after 6 p.m. be at CSE DU RAUX. X.17.c. Completion of moves will be reported. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. GENERAL PLAN OF ATTACK OF 7th DIVISION. 1. The following is a brief summary of the proposals for the attack on the German position in the neighbourhood of LA QUINQUE RUE. 2. The front on which the attack will be launched is between N.1. and P.5. A continual bombardment will be maintained between now and the day of the assault on this front and on the flanks between M.3. and M.1. on the South, and P.5. and Q.2. on the North, while by means of rifle and maxim gun fire, the repair of any damage done during the day will be rendered impossible at night. 3. It is proposed that this assault should be launched at 3.15 a.m. procdeded by a fairly intense bombardment from 2.45 a.m. to 3.15 a.m. to culminate the continual bombardment which will by then have lasted 48 hours. 4. The assault will be made by two Brigades in the front line, the 22nd Brigade on the right, whose objective will be the enemy's front trenches between N.1. and a point roughly 400 yards North of that, and the 20th Brigade on the left who will attack between a point 100 yards South of P.2. and P.5. The further objective of these Brigades will be, for the 22nd Brigade, the line M.3. M.5. M.6. and M.9. and for the 20th Brigade the line M.9. P.18. 5. For this assault the Brigades will be formed up in the following way: - The 22nd Brigade to the West and 20th Brigade to the East of Indian Village. the 22nd Brigade will have two battalions behind the front parapet for a distance of 300 yards on either side of the road leading from the BREWERY up to Farm COUR D'AVOINE. they will have two other battalions in the old trench immediately in rear of this, while the 5th Battalion of this Brigade will be in support trenches some 500 yards further back. The 20th Brigade form up with two battalions behind the front parapet immediately opposite the point of assault. A further Battalion will be in the 2nd line trench immediately in rear of the right battalion of this assaulting column, while the supporting battalion to the left assaulting battalion will be in the trenches about DEAD COW FARM and PRINCES ROAD, and will move up to its position as the leading battalion vacates it. The fifth battalion of this Brigade will be about post No.14. The 21st Brigade shall be in Reserve just East of the RUE DE L'EPINETTE. 6. Four guns are being placed in our front parapet to bring enfilade fire to bear on the enemy's line at close range. 21st Infantry Brigade 7th Div.G.A.710 The Details for the forthcoming operations have not yet been definitely settled, but the general plan is that the 7th Division shall break the enemy's front between N.1. and P.5. and extend an advance to an approximate line M.2. M.5. M.6. M.9. N.15. while the 2nd Division breaks the enemy's front between R.4. and V.1. and advances to the line P.18. Q.18. R.13. V.4. To carry out this plan the 22nd Brigade will break the enemy's front between N.1. and a point approximately 150 yards north of N.4. and advance and extend its line to the front M.2. M.6. M.9. while the 20th Brigade breaks the line between a point 150 yards south of P.2. and P.5. The 20th Brigade will then advance and extend to the front M.9. P.18 and assist the 2nd Division to capture farm COUR D'AVOINE. To carry out this operation a much longer and more severe bombardment than those recently employed will be carried out, and the Right flank between M.1. and M.3. and the Left flank between P.5. and Q.2. covered by a barrage of high explosive as well as shrapnel. There are many points which require consideration, Many of the attacks in the recent operations failed owing to inability to maintain a steady stream of reinforcements from the rear. On the other hand a congestion of troops in a small area may prove a source of unnecessary loss. Both these sides require consideration. The exact positions to the flanks which should be reached by the bombing parties must be previously determined and this is determined on the left to some extent by the necessity of joining hands with the 2nd Division, while on the right it is indicated by the presence of a strong hostile trench forming a flank defence and running through M.5. The importance of previously detailed bombing parties for specific tasks cannot be exaggerated. It is important that these bombers should not be mixed up in the first rush of the assault. The position of the Reserve Brigade requires careful consideration, and its lines of advance must be reconnoitred. The necessity for a thorough reconnaissance by Company Commanders or senior N.C.O's cannot be underestimated. Time is now short. B.G.C. Infantry Brigades should therefore submit not later than 4.0 p.m. tomorrow, 12th instant, a detailed scheme accompanied by a sketch, and also a statement showing exactly what work in the way of Engineers or other services is required. It would be of assistance if the latter requirement could be submitted earlier, so as to be able to detail the necessary fatigue parties before dark. Should any reconnaissance in front of our present trenches be required, a period of qui-essence from rifle and Artillery Fire will be arranged for between 8.0 p.m. and 11.0 p.m. tomorrow evening so as t oenable these patrols to move to the front. F.GATHORNE HARDY, Lt.Col. General Staff 7th Division. To: OPERATION ORDER No.15 Operation Orders by Lt.Col.C.C.Onslow Comdg. 2 Bedf.Regt. Re inspection of 7th Division by Genl.Joffre C.in C. Allied Armies in France. 1. The head of the Battn. in Order A.B.C.D.Coys. will pass the Road Junction Sq.W.7.A. passing A Company's Billets at 1 p.m. Signallers and Machine Gunners in Ranks with their Companies. 2. On arrival on Inspection Ground in Sq.V.13. The Battn. will form up in Quarter Column on a Frontage of 80 yds. leading Battn. in Brigade. Officers to take part in Review Order. 3. Dress Marching Order without packs. Officers to wear Web Equipment. 4. Watches will be Synchronised at Battn. Hd.Qrs. This Morning Passed to Coys. at 9.20 a.m. O.C.Coys. please Initial H.CRESSINGHAM, Capt. A.Adjt. 2 Bedf. Regt. SPECIAL ORDER 26th May, 1915. General Joffre, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in France, has announced that he will, tomorrow, confer on the 7th Division the honor [sic] of Inspection. The inspection will take place in the vicinity of BAS RIEUX. (a) The Royal Artillery and Northumberland Hussars (less 1 troop acting as mounted escort and to which special instructions have been given) will be drawn up in a field in V.13.D. under arrangements to be made by the Brigadier General Commanding Royal Artillery. (b) The Royal Engineers, 7th Divisional Cyclist Company, 20th, 21st and 22nd Infantry Brigades and R.A.M.C. will be drawn up in a Field in V.13.B. Troops mentioned in (b) DRESS. Drill order without packs. Officers will be dismounted. No vehicles will accompany the troops. Brigade majors (or Staff captains) with Brigade Markers will meet the A.A. Q.M.G., at the Inspection Field at 2.15 p.m. Troops will arrive on the ground as follows: - (1) 20th Infantry Brigade, 55th Company R.E., and detachment 23rd Field Ambulance marching via BUSNES - L'ECLEME track leading W. through V.8.B. to the N.E. entrance of Inspection Field where the head of the column will arrive at 2.15 pm. (2) 22nd Infantry Brigade, 54th Company R.E., Detachment 55th Field Company R.E. and 7th Divisional Cyclist Company marching via LILLERS to N.W. entrance of Inspection Field where the Head of the Column will arrive at 2.35 p.m. (3) 21st Infantry Brigade, 2nd Highland Field Company R.E., and Detachment 21st Field Ambulance marching via GONNEHEM and BUSNETTES to S.E. entrance of Inspection Field where the Head of the Column will arrive at 2.55 p.m. The Infantry, after being drawn up in their allotted places, will fix bayonets and the troops will "stand at ease" and "stand easy". As the Inspecting Officer approaches the following whistle signals will be given by the Divisional Commander. 1st WHISTLE. Brigade Commanders and O.C.Cyclist Company, R.E. and R.A.M.C., will call their Commands to attention. 2nd WHISTLE. Brigade and R.E.Commanders will give the command "Slope Arms". 3rd WHISTLE. Brigade and R.E.Commanders give the command "General Salute - Present Arms". 4th WHISTLE. Brigade and R.E. Commanders give the command "Slope Arms" and the Brigadier Generals Commanding 21st and 22nd Brigades will further give the command "Order Arms" "Stand at Ease". General Joffre will then walk down the line. The massed pipers will play.. The 20th Infantry Brigade will remain at the Slope until the Inspecting Officer has passed the right flank of the 22nd Brigade when it will "order arms" and "Stand Easy". The 22n Infantry Brigade will come to the "Slope" as the Inspecting Officer approaches the left flank of the 20th Brigade, and so on till the Inspecting Officer has passed each Brigade. Troops may "Stand East[sic" but there must be no talking. After the Inspection General Joffre will return to the Saluting Base. As he arrives there the Divisional Commander will blow his whistle and the troops will stand properly "at ease". The Divisional General will then again blow his whistle which will be the signal for troops to remove their head-dresses. 3 Cheers will be given for General Joffre taking the time from the Divisional Commander. The troops will then replace their head-dresses, unfix bayonets and remain at the "stand at ease" position preparatory to the march past in fours in the following order: - Cyclists Royal Engineers 20th Brigade 22nd Brigade 21st Brigade R.A.M.C. Leading direct to billets as the Inspection field is cleared. As soon as these troops have marched past, General Joffre will inspect the Squadron Northumberland Hussars, and the 7th Division Royal Artillery. The A.P.M. will make the necessary arrangements for controlling traffic in the area adjacent to where the Inspection will be held. A.C.DALY, Lt.Colonel, A.A. & Q.M.G., 7th Division. NOTE. With reference to paragraph 3, instead of a whistle a 'G' will be sounded on a bugle. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE ORDER 27th May 1915. Reference to 7th Division Special Order issued herewith. 1. Adjutants with Brigade Markers will meet the Brigade Major at V.13.b.7.1. at 2-5 p.m. today. 2. Officers may be mounted as far as V.13.b.7.1. where horses will be left. 3. Battalions will pass the Road Junction V.18.a.4.8. as follows: - Cameron Highlanders 1.30 pm via Cross Roads V.5.b. Wiltshire Regiment 1.32 pm via GONNEHEM Royal Scots Fusiliers 1.36 pm via Tow-path, DOUCE CRME FME. Cross Roads V.5.b. Yorkshire Regiment 1.30 pm via GONNEHEM Bedfordshire Regiment 1.43 pm via GONNEHEM High.Coy.R.E. 1.46 pm via GONNEHEM 21st Field Ambulance 1.47 pm via Cross Roads V.5.b. 4. The Brigade will be drawn up in mass, Battalions being in Quarter Column on a frontage of 60 yards, in order of seniority from the front. Officers will take post in Review Order. 5. Watches will be compared with the Brigade Signal Office time. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade AFTER ORDER Owing to part of the programme being cancelled all times will be advanced 30 minutes. That is to say for 1.30 p.m. read 1 p.m. and so on.
  • Date free text
    1-31 May 1915
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    From: 1915 To: 1915
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