- ReferenceX550/3/WD/1504
- TitleWar Diary for April 1915 1 Apr 1915 - la Gorgue Company parades. 2 Apr 1915 Baths and Company parades. 3 Apr 1915 The Brigadier General inspected the Battalion on parade & went round billets. He was pleased to express himself very satisfied at the Smart turn out of the men and at the cleanness & neatness of the billets. Strength on parade 22 officers 643 O.R. 4 Apr 1915 Easter day. Parade service in temporary church on account of wet. Draft of 75 other ranks arrived from the Base. 5 Apr 1915 A wet day. Company parades. Conference of C.Os at Bde H.Q. to allot ground for attack practise. 6 Apr 1915 Company attack practise. Heavy rain at night. 7 Apr 1915 Attack practises. Cold & showery. Brigadier inspected draft & expressed himself pleased with their physique. 8 Apr 1915 Company parades. Ground very wet. 9 Apr 1915 as for 8th. 10 Apr 1915 Company attack practises. Fine & cold. 11 Apr 1915 Church parade in open. Fine. 12 Apr 1915 The Brigade was inspected by Field Marshal Sir John French, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G. Commander in Chief, British Expeditionary Force at 3.30 p.m. outside ESTAIRES. The following were also present G.O.C. 1st Army G.O.C. 4 Corps Brigadier General Lawford, Commanding 7 Division during temporary absence of G.O.C. 7 Div: Brigadier General H.Watts C.B., C.M.G. Cmdg 21 Inf Bde. The C in C addressed each Battalion of the Brigade in turn. "Men of Bedfordshire - I have come here today to tell you how much indebted I am to you for your recent work. I know what you have done. I know the losses you have suffered. I need not go into the detail of the part you played in the three days battle at NEUVE CHAPELLE. But I know no Battalion pushed forward with more gallantry than you did. As you are the first Battalion of this Division, I want you to repeat & let it be known throughout the Division how well you all have done, as I don't want to repeat myself. I congratulate your Divisional General, General Capper, whom I am sorry is not able to be here today, and you on the able leading of your gallant Brigadier, General Watts, the work you have done has been of the first importance. In the first place you have won ground which will be invaluable in our future operations. You will realize - being intelligent men - that we are fighting the Germans on two fronts. In these attacks it is not so much the ground we gain but the fact that we tie the enemy to the ground in front of us and prevent him sending troops against the Russians on the East and also enable the French to make successful attacks further South. In fact we all help each other. Besides being a gain in ground, it was a great moral gain. For you have shown the enemy that you can beat him whenever you chose and I know when the time comes you will do it again. I want every officer, Noncommisisoned officer and man of this Regiment to feel that I give them my personal thanks for the splendid work that they have done". Shaking hands with the C.O.; Major J.Mackenzie V.C., Sir John French added "I congratulate you". Number on parade 24 officers 779 other ranks. 13 Apr 1915 Company parades. The following complimentary order was published "The Brigadier congratulates the officers, N.C.Os. & men on their fine, soldier like & steady appearance of the Brigade on parade yesterday" (21 Inf.Bde. R.O.148.) 14 Apr 1915 - Laventie Morning. Company parades. Showery. Moved into billets in LAVENTIE. The Battalion in Brigade Reserve to that portion of the Brigade holding the trenches. Left Billets at LAGORGUE 4.30 p.m. arrived at new billets 5.45 p.m. 15 Apr 1915 Company parades. The following complimentary order received from 4th Corps. "At the inspection of the Commander in Chief on the 12th instant the Corps Commander noticed with much pleasure that the turn out of the Battalions of the 21 Brigade was very creditable. The smart handling of arms and steadiness in the ranks was particularly satisfactory and he desires this may be brought to the notice of all concerned". (21 Inf Bde R.O.150). 16 Apr 1915 Company parades. 17 Apr 1915 Major & Bt Lt Colonel E.I de S.Thorpe & 2 Lieut A.Grover 2 Bn Bedfordshire Rgt. arrived. 18 Apr 1915 - trenches near Fauquissart Church parade in open 10 p.m. [sic] Went into trenches near FAUQUISSART 8 p.m. A B C companies relieved 1/4 Cameron Highlanders D Company A & B Coys of 2 R.S.Fus. (Op.Order No.7). Captain S.D.Mills sick. Lt.Colonel Thorpe commanded B Co. Major General H.de la P.GOUGH, C.B. appointed Div: General. 19 Apr 1915 In trenches. 11 p.m. A hostile sap head was filled in by a strong patrol under 2 Lieut R.A.B. ORLEBAR. 18 officers, including the 2 C.Os., 16 platoon Segts. 4 C.S.M. of 1/7 WEST YORKSHIRE RGT. of 1 WEST RIDING Brigade attached for 24 hours instruction in trench Warfare. Liuet.Col. W.J.LOCKER. N.Staffordshire Regt. attached for 3 days instruction. Comdg. Battn in 2 New Armys. A good deal of patrolling took place. 20 Apr 1915 2 Lt.W.RAMSAY wounded about 2 A.M. in the head. In the evening a second batch of 7 & 8 Battn West Yorkshire Rgt. Officers & N.C.O. arrived for instruction. This party included the 2 Adjutants. During the night 20/21 good patrol work was done by Lieut. HURRALL. 21 Apr 1915 - factory near Pont-Levis, Estaires. A.B.C & 1 platoon of D Co. relieved by Grenadier Guards 3 platoons of D Co by 6 Gordon Highlanders. 20th Bde. at 9.30p.m. (operation order No.8). Companies marched back to billets in Factory near Pt LEVIS. ESTAIRES Casualties for period April 18-21. 2 Lt.W.RAMSAY wounded. Other ranks Killed..3. wounded & shortly died. 1. Other ranks wounded..4. 22 Apr 1915 Company parades. Special order by Sir.T.Capper, K.C.M.G. C.B. D.S.O. on relinquishing the command of the 7th Division. "Major General Sir T.Capper, K.C.M.G. C.B. D.S.O. has unfortunately been unable to recover from an accidental wound within a certain time. He has therefore been obliged to give up command of the 7th Division. General Capper desires to express his extreme sorrow and regret at having to part with his gallant comrades of 7th Division with whom he has been and whose fortunes he has shared since the formation of the Division in August last. General Capper has the assurance of the Commander in chief that he will be again employed as soon as fit. He hardly dares to hope that he may be able to get back to the 7th Division. But if that cannot be, he hopes at least that he may be permitted to fight as near the 7th Division as circumstances will allow. General Capper knows the Division will continue to fight with that stubborn nobility that has always marked its conduct in the past. 23 Apr 1915 Company parades. 24 Apr 1915 Ditto 600 men on night working parties. 6 p.m. Working parties cancelled. Ordered to stand by to move at two hours notice. 25 Apr 1915 10 A.M. Church parade. Still standing by 26 Apr 1915 Standing by. Battn Bathed. 27 Apr 1915 Attack practice by Battalions. 1 Officer per Co. went to reconnoitre trenches E of NEUVE CHAPELLE. 9 p.m. Warned of possibility of move. A draft of 77 other ranks from 4th Battn arrived. 28 Apr 1915 - Strazeele 10.40 A.M. Message received to move at once. 12.45 p.m. Marched out of billets via ESTAIRES - NEUF BERQUIN - VIEX [sic] BERQUIN to STRAZEELE 8 miles. Very warm sunny day. 84 men fell out. B.C.D.Co. billeted in STRAZEELE A Co & M.G.Sect. 1 Miles towards FLETRE. 29 Apr 1915 At STRAZEELE. 30 Apr 1915 ditto. Short route march. Officer Commanding. 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. The Brigadier wishes experiments carried out on these lines and the men practised in the use of wire netting for this purpose. He wishes a report, with any remarks you may have to offer, as soon as possible. Wire netting for practise will be issued to Units tomorrow. Practise may be carried out on any of the entanglements in front of defended localities or trenches in the neighbourhood. Damage if any, should be repaired at once if possible or reported to Brigade Headquarters for repair by the R.E. Copies of any instructions which may be issued to the troops regarding this method of crossing wire entanglements are not to be taken into the trenches. (Sgd.) E.R.Wyatt Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. 7th April 1915. Not to be taken into the trenches USE OF RABBIT WIRE IN CROSSING WIRE ENTANGLEMENTS SYSTEM The system of crossing wire entanglements by means of rabbit wire is as follows:- Rolls of wire netting are thrown across the obstacle and form a species of bridge over which the men following can cross. Experiments go to show that it is quite easy for men to cross in this way. The wire netting forms a convenient bridge over the space between the strands, on which the men can place their feet. To obtain the best result it is advisable that the wire should not be cut at all. It does not matter whether the wire is taut or slack. SIZE OF ROLLS. The length of netting will vary according to the width of the obstacle to be crossed, and is limited by the amount one man can conveniently carry. 30' has been found by experiment to be the maximum an average man can carry and throw into position. This length would enable a depth of 8 yards to 9 yards to be bridged. Each length or roll has a wooden post or stay at each end to which the wire is fastened. The wire is then rolled tight thus placing one stay in the centre and one at the outside. The most suitable netting is the standard size of 2'6" or 3' wide, with a 1" mesh and made of No.16 or 18 wire. METHOD OF USE. On reaching the obstacle, the man carrying the roll holds it with both hands - with one hand he holds the outer stay and with the other, with a motion somewhat similar to "putting the shot" or "bowling" leaves [heaves?] the toll over the obstacle. By holding the outer stay the roll is thus caused to unwind as it flies through the air. The actual throwing requires a certain amount of practice in order to ensure its unfolding completely and reaching the other side. The wire must be thrown between the posts. Once it has fallen on to the entanglement it will not be possible in the heat of action to alter its position owing to the barbs on the entanglement. men must, therefore, be well practised in order that they can ensure throwing it accurately at the first attempt. TYPES OF ENTENGLEMENT TO BE CROSSED. This method of crossing wire has been found most successful with the apron fence double and single, and with the chevaux de frise (the most common form used by the Germans) double and single. With the aeroplane type of wire entanglement it has not proved successful owing to the projecting posts causing the wire to hang perpendicularly and their failing to provide a slope up which the troops can run. From what I saw to-day with the Canadian Division, I consider this form of crossing wire entanglement, with the exception mentioned above, a most satisfactory mrthod. Its chief use appears to me to be crossing of secondary lines of entanglements behind the first line of trenches which may be encountered by the further advance, and against which an accurate artillery fire cannot be brought to bear. It would also be most useful in crossing the first line, should the artillery fail to cut this. Officer Commanding Bedf. Regt. The C in C has postponed his inspection until 4 p.m. on Monday. Fresh orders as regards time and place will be issued shortly. (Sgd.) E.R.Wyatt. Captain. Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. 9th April 1915. Officer Commanding. Bedf.R. The Brigade will parade on the open space near the A in LA GORGUE square L.33 on Saturday the 19th instant at 2-30 p.m. for inspection by the C in C. The brigade will be formed up as follows: - --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- To MERVILLE. Bedfords. R.S.Fus. ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Yorkshire Wiltshires ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Grenade Signal Section Section DRESS. Full Marching Order. FORMATION. Battalions will form up in close column of Companies, by the centre, with 6 yards distance between Companies. Officers will take post in review order. MACHINE GUNS. No machine guns will be taken on parade. All machine gunners will parade in the ranks of their respective Battalions. ADJUTANTS AND MARKERS. Adjutants and 2 Markers per unit will meet the Brigade Major on the ground at 1-15 p.m. FRONTAGE. Units will send in to Brigade Headquarters by 10 a.m. tomorrow the approximate frontage the unit will require. Units will pass the Bridge over the LAWE [?] in LA GORGUE at the following times: - Signal Section 1-10 p.m. Grenade Section 1-15 p.m. Wiltshire Regt. 1-20 p.m. Yorkshire Regt. 1-25 p.m. R.Scots Fus. 1-35 p.m. Bedfordshire Regt. 1-40 p.m. (Sgd.) E.R. Wyatt. Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infnatry Bde. 8th March 1915. Officer Commanding. Bedf.R. My No.365/G of 8/4/1915 reference orders for parade on Saturday for inspection by C in C. The diagram showing the formation of the Brigade should be reversed and should be: - R.Scots Fus. Bedfords Wiltshires Yorkshires Signal Grenade Section Section (Sgd.) E.R.Wyatt Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade 9/4/1915. Officer Commanding. Bedf.Regt. reference orders regarding Saturday's inspection by C in C, as the time of the inspection has been advanced, the times given for each Battalion to cross the LA GORGUE bridge will be 15 minutes earlier, i.e. Signal Section 12-55 p.m. Grenade Section 1 p.m. Wiltshire Regt. 1-5 p.m. Yorkshire Regt. 1-10 p.m. R. Scots Fus. 1-20 p.m. Bedfordshire Regt. 1-25 p.m. 2. All officers will wear Web Equipment and parade dismounted. (Sgd.) E.R. Wyatt. Captain. Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. 9th April 1915. Officer Commanding Bedf.R. The Brigade will parade on the open space S. of the road in Square G.26.b., facing the road, for inspection by the C in C at 4 p.m. on Monday 12th instant. Yorks Bedfords ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Wilts R.S.F. ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Grenade Camerons Coy ---------- Signal ---------- Section ---------- ---------- ---------- FORMATION. Battalions will form up in close column of Companies, by the centre, with 6 yards distance between Companies and 20 yards between Battalions OFFICERS. Officers will take post in review order 5 paces in front of the leading Company of their Battalion, the Commanding Officer 5 paces in front of the line of Officers. They will salute when the Brigade is ordered to present arms. DRESS Full Marching Order. All Officers will parade dismounted and wear Web Equipment. MACHINE GUNS. No machine guns will be taken on parade. All machine gunners will parade in the ranks of their respective Battalions. ADJUTANTS AND MARKERS. Adjutants and 2 Markers per unit will meet the Brigade Major on the ground at 2-15 p.m. TIME. Units will move to the parade ground by the PONT de la MEUSE and through ESTAIRES and will pass the PONT de la MEUSE at the following times: - Signal Section 2 p.m. Grenade Company 2-5 p.m. Camerons will follow the Grenade Company. R.Scots Fus. 2-15 p.m. Wiltshire Regt. 2-25 p.m. Yorkshire Regt. 2-35 p.m. Bedfordshire Regt. 2-45 p.m. 10th April 1915. (Sgd.) E.R. Wyatt. Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infnatry Bde. 8th March 1915. Parade. Inspection by C in C. The Battalion will parade, as part of the Brigade, on the open space S. of the road in Square G.26.b, Sheet 36, facing the road, for inspection by the C in C at 4 p.m. tomorrow Monday 12 instant. Formation The Battalion will form up in close column of companies by the left at 6 yards distance between companies. Officers Officers will take part in review order 5 paces in front of the leading company. The C.O. will be 5 paces in front of line of officers. they will salute when the Brigade is ordered to present arms & remain at the salute till the Brigade is ordered to slope arms. Dress Full Marching Order. All officers will parade dismounted & wear Web equipment. Machine Guns. No machine guns will be taken on parade. All Machine gunners will parade in the ranks of their Companies. Stretcher Bearers Signallers Will parade in supernumerary rank of their companies. Assembly. The Battalion will march to the ground in the order A, B, C D Companies. Head of A Company will pass PONT DE LA MEUSE at 2.45 p.m. But will not debouch into the Main road until the Yorkshire Regt has passed the Cross roads. Square L.39.b. Sheet 36.A. (Sgd.) C.C. Foss. Captain. Adjutant. 2 Bedf.R. Officer Commanding R.S.Fus. With reference to orders for the parade tomorrow for the C in C's inspection. It is now expected that the C in C will arrive on the ground at 3-30 p.m. In consequence all the times for units to cross the PONT de la MEUSE will be half an hour earlier i.e. Signal Section 1-30 p.m. instead of 2 p.m. etc etc etc Bedfordshire Regt. 2-15 p.m. instead of 2-45 p.m. 11th April 1915. (Sgd.) E.R. Wyatt. captain, Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. Officer Commanding Bedf. Regt. Reference parade this afternoon 1. Officers will not wear packs; and will not carry sticks or wear gloves. 2. Men will not carry bandoliers of extra ammunition. 3. Stretchers will be taken on parade. 12th April 1915 (Sgd.) E.R.Wyatt. Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. Operation Order No.6 21st BRIGADE ORDER No.31. 13th April 1915. 1. The Brigade will relieve the 22nd Brigade in the Trenches (E and F lines) on Wednesday the 14th instant at 7.45 p.m. 2. The relief will be carried out as follows: - 4th Camerons will take over E lines to a point 100 yards E of FAUQUISSART road (marked by a small dyke) and will relieve the Royal Warwicks. Royal Scots Fusiliers thence to the point of the Salient exclusive. They will occupy the two redoubts on the line and Forts F.2 and F.3. They will relieve the South Staffords. Wiltshire Regiment. from the Salient inclusive to connect with the 8th Division and also occupy Fort F.S. (near Battalion* H.Q.) They will relieve the Royal Welch Fusiliers. Bedfordshire Regiment will be billeted about Fort D'ESQUIN. Yorkshire Regiment will be billeted about Road junction M.6.d. Grenade Company will be billeted in LAVENTIE. Orders as to time of taking over billets will be issued separately. 3. the following is the distribution of Machine [Guns] Right Section. 5 guns i.e. 2 of 4th Camerons and 3 of Bedfordshire Regiment. Centre Section. 7 guns i.e. 4 of R.S.Fus. and 3 of Yorkshire Regt. Left Section. 5 guns i.e. 4 of Wiltshire Regiment and 1 of Yorkshire Regt. Special guides are detailed to show where three guns should be placed see para 4. 21 Emplacements for M.G. have been made. Officers Commanding Sections will be responsible that these are not made use of for any other purpose. 4. Guides will meet Battalions at 7-30 p.m. as follows: - 4th Camerons. 21 guides i.e. 1 per platoon and 5 for machine guns at Cross Roads M.17. R.S.Fusiliers. 13 guides i.e. 6 for the Battalion and 7 for machine guns at cross roads M.12.c. Wiltshire Regt. 21 guides i.e. 1 per platoon and 5 for machine guns at Road junction M.6.d. 5. Wiltshire Regiment Starting Point Brigade Headquarters 6-10 p.m. Route Ple CROIX - dotted road in Sq.G.32 a & b. - LAVENTIE M.5.a. Royal Scots Fusiliers Starting Point 6.15 p.m. Route Follow Wilts to LAVENTIE & thence via Fort D'ESQUIN 4th Camerons Starting Point Battalion Headquarters 6.15 p.m. Route Pt BAIS-LE DRUMEZ LA FLINQUE. Yorkshire Regiment Starting Point 6.25 p.m. Route To follow Wilts. Bedfordshire Regiment. To move independently. 6. Officers Commanding Units and Company Commanders will go down to the trenches before taking over to make themselves acquainted with the ground and any changes that have occurred since the Brigade was last in them. 7. All stores left in the trenches by the 22nd Brigade will be taken over by Officers Commanding Sections. A guard of 1 N.C.O. and 3 men Bedfordshire Regiment will relieve a similar guard on the stores in the farm close to the cross roads M.17 at 6 p.m. 8. An Officer per Company and 1 N.C.O. per platoon will be left by the 22nd Brigade for 24 hours after the relief to show the detail of arrangements in the trenches to the 4th Camerons. 9. Brigade Headquarters will move to LAVENTIE on the morning of Thursday 15th instant. Reports up to 7 a.m. on 15th instant will be sent to 22nd Brigade Headquarters. (Sgd.) E.R. WYATT Captain Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade by Major C.C.Onslow Ref.Map 1/40000 Sheet 36. Comdg 2 Bedf.R. 14 April 1915. 1. Move. The Battalion (less 3 M.Guns) will move into billets about Fort D'ESQUIN to-day. and will be in Brigade Reserve to remainder of Brigade holding the trenches in E & F lines. 2. Route. The Battalion will march in order A.B.& C.D. Coys Stretcher Bearers 1 M.Gun via Ple CROIX through LAVENTIE to billets. S,P. Head of A Co. will pass Level Crossing S. of P in Ple CROIX at 4.45 p.m. to-day. 3. Transport Transport personnel and material will remain in present billets. Special instructions have been issued already with regard to transport for move. 4. Machine Guns. Special orders have been issued to M.G.O. 5. Guard. O.C. B.Co. will detail a guard of 1 N.C.O. & 8 men to relieve a similar guard on stores in the farm close to cross roads M 17 at 6 p.m. This is in addition to usual billets guards. 6. Billeting parties. Will meet Quarter Master at F in Fort d'ESQUIN at 4 p.m. to-day. (Sgd.) C.C.Foss. Capt Adjt. 2 Bedf.R. To.O.C.Companies. Sender's Number Bd 92. Day of Month 14 April 15. Move. 1/C.Q.M.S. and representative from Battn H.Q. will meet Quarter Master at 4 p.m. today at T roads Square M.10. b Sheet 36 to arrange allottment [sic] of billets. 2/ Wagons are available as follows 1 Blanket wagon A & B Co. 1 Blanket wagon C & D Co. 1 Wagon for officers Kits will start collecting kits at 2.30 p.m. in order D.C.B.A.Cos. 1 Cooks cart for A & B Co. groceries etc. 1 Cooks cart for C & D Co. groceries etc. M.O.Cart for Stretcher bearers blankets. Officers Mess Cart for Battn H.Q. From Adjutant Time 10.15 A.M. (Sgd.) C.C.Foss Capt Adjt. 2 Bedf.R. Orders for M.G. Section 2 Bedf.R. 1. The 21 Inf.Bde. is relieving 22 Bde in the trenches tonight. at 7.45 p.m. 2. Line The right section of the line will be held by 4 Camerons & 5 M.Guns (2 4 Camerons & 3 2 Bedf.R.) Right Section includes E Lines to a point 100x East of FAUQUISSART Road (Marked by small dyke). 3. Guides 3 guides will be at Cross Roads M 17 at 7.30 p.m. tonight for your 3 M.Guns. 4. remaining gun & team will billet with Battn near FT d'ESQUIN. A representative for guides will meet Quarter Master at 4 p.m. today a [sic] Road junction near F in Ft d'ESQUIN to take over billets. 5. You will be under orders of O.C. 4 Camerons while they are in the trenches. You will arrange with him where he wishes you to place your guns. 6. You will remain in trenches with 4 Camerons & make your own arrangements with our Quarter Master with regard to rations etc of your men. (Sgd.) C.C.Foss Captain Adjutant. 2 Bedf.R. By orderly 10.25 a.m. 14/4/15. Operation Order No.7. by Major C.C.Onslow Comdg 2 Bedf.R. 18 April 1915. Ref Map Sheet 36 Operation 1. the Battalion will relieve their portion of the E & F line of Trenches at present held by 4 Camerons [sic] Highlanders & A & B Coys 2 R.S.Fus at 8 p.m. tonight. b. Companies will hold the line from Right to left A - B - C. D Cos. c. D Co will relieve A & B Cos 2 R.S. Fus. C, B, & A Cos will relieve 4 Cameron Highlanders. Move 2. Companies will pass the cross roads at LA FLINQUE as under. A Co. 7.20 p.m. B Co. 7.30 p.m. C Co 7.40 p.m. D Co. 7.50 p.m. Stores 3. All VERY Pistols, Periscopes, Rifle rests & other Trench Stores will be taken over & receipts given. A duplicate should be kept for reference. Machine guns. 4. Machine guns are at present in the trenches & will remain there. The Machine gun emplacements are not to be interfered with. b/ The Machine gun & team will proceed to dugouts rear Battn. H.Q. Reports 5. O.C. Coys will report to the Co. by phone or orderly when relief is completed & touch has been obtained on both flanks. (Sgd.) C.C. Foss. Captain. Adjutant. 2 Bedf.R. O.C. C.Co. There are some boxes of ammunition in a small fort near FAUQUISSART Church. You will send patrols out each night to ascertain that a/ The ammunition has not been tampered with. b/ Fort is intact & in a sanitary condition. To nights [sic] patrols should report how many boxes there are. (Sgd.) C.C. Foss. Captain. Adjutant. 2 Bedf.R. 2.50 p.m. 18/4/15. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER No.51 18th April 1915. OPERATION. 1. The Battalions in the Trenches will be relieved at 8 p.m. tonight as follows: - (a) The Bedfordshire Regiment will relieve the Cameron Highlanders and "A" and "B" Companies Royal Scots Fus. (b) The Yorkshire Regiment will relieve the Wiltshire Regt. and "C" and "D" Companies Royal Scots Fusiliers. Officers Commanding relieving Battalions will arrange for their Company Commanders to acquaint themselves with the frontage of their Companies, during daylight. The Royal Scots Fusiliers will continue to hold redoubts F.2. and F.3. The Wiltshire Regiment will hold redoubt F.5. GUIDES. 2. One Guide per platoon from the Wiltshire Regiment and "C" and "D" Companies Royal Scots Fusiliers will report to the Yorkshire Regiment Headquarters, Road junction M.6.d. at 7-30 p.m. tonight. No guide will be sent to the Bedfordshire Regiment. One N.C.O. per Company will be left for 24 hours by the Battalions relieved by the Yorkshire Regiment. STORES. 3. All VERY Pistols, Periscopes, Rifle Rests and Trench Stores will be handed over to relieving Battalions and receipts obtained. GUARDS 4. The Cameron Highlanders will furnish the following guards: - One N.C.O. and 6 men on the store just South of Cross Roads M.17. One N.C.O. and 3 men over 22nd Brigade Store M.12.c. near the Southern end of the unfinished road. Relief to take place at 6 p.m. MACHINE GUNS 5. Machine Guns will remain as at present 21 Emplacements have been made. These are not to be used for other purposes. BILLETS. 6. Billet orders are being issued separately. (Sgd.) George CRossman. Captain. Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade 7th Div. 528/G. 21st Brigade.. The 1st West Riding Brigade - consisting of the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th battalions, West Yorkshire Regiment is to be attached to the 7th Division for instruction in trench warfare. For this purpose selected parties of officers and Non-Commissioned Officers will be attached to the 21st Brigade on the 19th and 20th, each party for 24 hours. Each battalion will send a party consisting of 8 officers, 9 platoon sergeants, 4 Company sergeant majors and 1 battalion sergeant major, with possibly one or two additions. The parties from the 4th [sic] and 6th battalions will be attached to the Yorkshire Regiment and those from the 7th and 8th battalions to the Bedford Regiment. These battalions may have to hold this portion of the trenches at an early date and should be carefully instructed in all details of trench life. Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers should, if possible, be placed for instruction with individuals responsible for carrying out similar duties to themselves. Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers, during their attachment, will be instructed generally in all the principles of trench warfare such as the construction and maintenance of trenches, siting of loopholes, employment of machine guns and snipers, erections of obstacles, drainage, and sanitation. They will be further instructed particularly in the exact topography of the portion of the trenches their units will occupy. The details of the siting of the enemy's trenches opposite, so far as they are known, should be pointed to them, especially places from which snipers' or machine gun fire may be expected, places from which saps have been, or seem likely to be commenced, etc. The method of carrying out reliefs, and the routes followed, must be carefully explained to Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers, and it must be ensured by actual experiment that they can find their way in and out of the trenches in the dark. They must also be shown the best methods of bringing up rations, water, ammunition, R.E. Stores, and all other trench requirements. These parties will arrive at 21st Brigade Headquarters at 5.30 p.m. on the 19th and 20th provided with one blanket, 1 waterproof sheet and rations for 24 hours. Conducting parties and transport for their kit should meet them there, and conduct them to their respective battalions. Div.Hd.Qrs. Sd F.Gathorne Hardy Lieut.Colonel. 18th April 1915. General Staff, 7th Division. Officer Commanding Bedfords. For your information and necessary action. Which Bns. come today will be notified later. Transport will be arranged by me. (Sgd.) George Crossman. Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infantry Bde. 19th April 1915. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE. Action of Reserve Battalions of 21st Infantry Brigade in case of attack Reference LILLE Sheet 36 1/40000. In the case of an attack on the trenches occupied by the 21st Brigade, the Battalions billeted in the vicinity of M.g.d. will support the Battalion occupying the left of the line held by 21st Brigade. The Battalion billeted between FORT D'ESQUIN and LA FLINQUE will support the Battalion occupying the right of the line held by the 21st Brigade. The Battalion billeted in the main LAVENTIE - AUBERS road (S of CHURCH) will form the Brigade Reserve (in the hands of B.G.C.). The Battalions in local reserve will be prepared to turn out at the shortest notice, with waterbottles filled. ACTION. In the event of sudden emergency or communication with Brigade Headquarters failing, Officers Commanding Battalions will act at once as circumstances demand, reporting their action by cyclist orderly immediately to Brigade Headquarters. It is essential that Officers Commanding Battalions should study the ground in the vicinity of their billets, with a view to moving their Battalions by day or night, to the support of the garrison in the trenches. (Sgd.) George Crossman. captain, B.M. 21st Infantry Brigade. 19th April 1915. CONFIDENTIAL. Reference Confidential Circular memorandum No.14 of 24th March, 1915, paragraph (b), the responsibility of the 7th Division will only include defended localities and 17. Localities 18 and 19 are outside the area. Please amend accordingly. (Sgd.) Ian Stewart, Maj. for Lt.Colonel, General Staff, 7th Division. Div.H.Q. 30th March, 1915 2 Bedfordshire Regt Operation Order No.8. 21 April 1915. Operation 1. The Battalion will be relieved by part of 20th Inf.Bde. at 9 p.m. tonight. Relief 2. A. B. C. and 1 platoon of D Company will be relieved by Grenadier Guards The three left platoons of D Company will be relieved by 6th Gordon Highlanders. Guides. 3. One guide per platoon and one guide per machine gun will meet their relief at 8.30 p.m. Grenadier Guards at Cross Roads M.17.d. 6 Gordons at Cross Roads M.12.c. Stores 4. All Bombs, VERY Pistols, Periscopes, Battalion and Company stores will be brought away. Trench tools and Reserve ammunition and rockets will be handed over & receipts taken. Billets 5. The Battalion will move by Companies to billets, after relief, in factory G.26.c. Transport 6. The following transport will be at M.17 at 7.45 p.m. tonight. 1 Cooks wagon A & B Cos. 1 Cooks wagon C & D Cos. 1 Blanket wagon B & C Cos. 1 M.O. Cart. Stretcher bearers. (Sgd.) C.C. Foss. captain Adjutant. 2 Bedf.R. 21st BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER No.52. 20th April 1915. OPERATION. 1. The Brigade will be relieved by the 20th Brigade at 9.p.m. 21st instant. RELIEF. 2. The Grenadier Guards will relieve the Bedfordshire Regiment less the left 3 platoons. Half Bn. 6th Gordon Highlanders will relieve the left 3 platoons of the Bedfordshire Regiment and "C" Company Yorkshire Regiment. The Scots Guards will relieve the remainder of the Yorkshire Regiment. Forts F.2. F.3 and F.5 will be taken over by parties from the relieving Battalions. One guide per Platoon will meet their reliefs at 8-30 p.m. Grenadier Guards at Cross Roads M.17.d. 6th Bn. Gordons at Cross Roads M.12.c. Scots Guards. at M.6.d.6.5. GUARDS. 3. The Guards at M.17.d., RUE MASSELOT and Road Junction M.4.c. will be relieved by 20th Brigade at 6 p.m. Guards as follows will be taken over from 20th Brigade at 6 p.m.:- 1 N.C.O. and 3 men. Point 300 yards East of Cross Roads LAVENTIE by the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 1 N.C.O. and 3 men Road Junction M.4.b. LAVENTIE by Cameron Highlanders. 1 N.C.O. and 3 men in each of Forts 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 RUE BACQUEROT by the Wiltshire Regiment. STORES. 4. All Bombs, VERY Pistols, Periscopes and Battalion Stores will be brought away. Trench Tools and reserve Ammunition will be handed over. BILLETS. 5. Billeting Orders have been issued to Quartermasters. The Royal Scots Fusiliers and Wiltshire Regiment will not march off till 7 p.m. BOMBERS. 6. Grenade Sections will withdraw with the Battalions t owhich they are attached. (Sgd.) George Crossman. Captain. Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. To BEDFORDS. Sender's Number B M 43. Day of Month 28.4.15. Move at once AAA Orders follow. O.C. Coy. Please note. (Sgd.) C.C.Foss. Capt. Adjt. 2 Bedf.R. 10.40 a.m. Noted A Coy. 21st Brigade Operation Order No.53. April 28th 1915. Reference 1/40,000 Map. 1. INTENTION. The Brigade will march at once. Route via Road junction G.32.b. N. - ESTAIRE [sic] and Road junction L.22.d. 2. ORDER OF MARCH. Units (in fours) will pass the level crossing N. end of LAVENTIE as follows. Signal Section. 12 noon Grenade Company 12- p.m. Cameron Highlanders 12-1 p.m. Yorkshire Regiment. 12-5 p.m. the wilts Regiment will join the Column as it passes the road junction G.26.c. and follow the Yorkshire Regiment. The Bedfordshire Regiment and R.S.Fus. in the order named will join the column in rear of the Wiltshires as it passes the entrance to their billets G.26.c. 3. TRANSPORT. Transport including ammunition Mules will move in the above order in rear of the Bedfordshire Regiment. Lieut. CHAUNCY, Yorkshire Regiment is appointed Brigade Transport Officer. All surplus stores that cannot be carried will be left in a suitable place in billets and a guard of unfit left over them. 4. BILLETS. Billeting parties will meet the Staff Captain at VIEUX BERQUIN. 5. REPORTS. reports will be sent to the Signal Section. (Sgd.) George Crossman. Captain. Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. issued at 11-30 a.m. To O.C. Companies. Sender's Number Bd. Day of Month 28 April Companies will be ready to march in order H.Q. A - B - C - D Co. M.Gun Sect as 12.30 p.m. today AAA Head of A Co to be at Entrance gates of billets at hour named AAA Battalion follows. 2 Wilts Regt. From Adjt. 2 Bedf.R. Time 12.10 p.m. (Sgd.) C.C.Foss. Capt Adjutant]2 Bedf.R.
- Date free text1-30 Apr 1915
- Production dateFrom: 1915 To: 1915
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordWatts, Herbert Edward,
French, John Denton Pinkstone (1st Earl of Ypres),
Haig, Douglas [1st Earl],
Rawlinson, Henry Seymour [1st Baron Rawlinson of Trent],
Lawford, Sydney Turing Barlow,
Capper, Thompson,
Mackenzie, John,
Thorpe, E.I.de S.,
Gough, Hubert de la Poer,
Grover, A.,
Orlebar, Rouse Astry Bourne,
Mills, S.D.,
Locker, W.J.,
Ramsay, W,
Hurrell, J.W.,
Onslow, Cranley Charlton,
Foss, Charles Calverley,
Wyatt, Ernest Robert,
Crossman, George Lytton,
Gathorne-Hardy, John Francis,
Stewart, Ian - Keywords2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, church services, Easter, 21st Infantry Brigade, weather, 1st Army, IV Corps, 7th Division, Russians, French, Germans, land weaponry, 1st/4th Battalion Cameron Highlanders, 2nd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, 1st/7th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, 1st/5th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, 1st/6th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, 1st/8th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, 1st West Riding Brigade, North Staffordshire Regiment, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, 1st/6th Battalion Gordon Highlanders, specific bridges, baths, 4th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, animal drawn vehicles, town & local roads, 22nd Infantry Brigade, 2nd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1st Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, 1st Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion Yorkshire Regiment, maps, 2nd Battalion Wiltshire Regiment, clothing, bicycles, 1st/1st Northumberland Hussars, 7th Cyclist Company, Royal Artillery, water provision, 31st Infantry Brigade, Estaires, la Gorgue, Neuve-Chapelle, Laventie, Fauquissart, Neuf-Berquin, Vieux-Berquin, Fletre, Strazeele, Fort d'Esquin [Laventie], le Drumez, la Flinque, Laventie Rue Bacquerot, Laventie Rue Masselot
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