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    War Diary for January 1917 1 Jan 1917 - Geneffe Railhead Battalion [overwritten in original] concentrated at PT 250 east of Railhead. Junior Officers Class started today. 2 Jan 1917 Post routine & Junior Officers class. Heavy rain at intervals through day & night. 3 Jan 1917 Fatigues in connection with impending move. Heavy rain at intervals 4 Jan 1917 Battalion (less detachments) left Railhead at 0945. Move postponed 45 mins owing to rain. Battalion less detachments (mentioned in Appendix A) arrived SHALLUFA & bivouacked in huts for night. Rain at intervals. 5 Jan 1917 - Shallufa, Kubri Battalion, less detachments, left SHALLUFA at 0900 for KUBRI. C.) & Adj who rode ahead were met by assistant Bde Major 1 mile E of KUBRI & given verbal orders to concentrate Battalion at KUBRI which were subsequently confirmed in writing. C Coy arrived in accordance with Appendix A. B Coy was kept at KUBRI. A & D Coys were informed by Bde & arrangements made to relieve them on 6th. 6 Jan 1917 - Kubri B & C coys engaged on fatigues connected with forming Battalion dump at KUBRI WEST siding (see Appendix B) & Post duties. A & D Coys arrived by lighter & route march at about 1700 from KABRIT & SHALLUFA & OLDHAM, GENEFFE RAILHEAD & GENEFFE respectively. 7 Jan 1917 CHURCH PARADE. Move orders No.1 issued in accordance with Appendix B. 8 Jan 1917 Fatigues & work in connection with move, tents struck & baggage dump completed. 9 Jan 1917 - SUEZ CAMP Battalion moved by March Route to SUEZ Camp leaving 0845. Arrived 0950 bivouacked on strip of ground & had use of 2 tents for men, day spent in fatigues & cleaning up. 10 Jan 1917 Batt clothing inspection of drill, helmets & web equipment by C.O.O. Suez. Fatigues tent pitching & baggage carting. 11 Jan 1917 Batt training on ground N.W. of Camp. Attack practice & the use of different formations for different purposes. 12 Jan 1917 Coy training, signalling & Lewis Gun classes. 13 Jan 1917 Coy drill, C.O.'s lecture on "Communications in field" P.R.I's lecture to Coys in War Saving Certificates 14 Jan 1917 Church Parade (with rest of 162 Bde) at 0900. HOLY COMMUNION in Regtl institute 1000. 15 Jan 1917 Coy training & specialist sections at their own work. 16 Jan 1917 Batt training. Practice attack from about 4000 yds, one coy & 1 Coy LG section pushed ahead to cover main attack which came from remainder on a flank. 17 Jan 1917 Bde route march about 12 1/2 route. 18 Jan 1917 Battalion training attack from 5000 yds one coy detailed to cover advance of rest. 19 Jan 1917 Bde training: attack with imaginary bdes on either flank 20 Jan 1917 Batt drill & half holiday. 21 Jan 1917 Church Parade (with rest of 162 Bde) at 0930. HOLY COMMUNION in regtl institute 0900. 22 Jan 1917 Batt training attack practice. 23 Jan 1917 Bde field day. Attack & pursuit. Batt in reserve. 24 Jan 1917 Bde route march 5 hours. (1 man in batt fell out only). 25 Jan 1917 Coy training & interior economy. 26 Jan 1917 Batt training. 27 Jan 1917 Battalion drill half holiday 28 Jan 1917 Church Parade. HOLY COMMUNION 10.30. Orders ro prepare for move came about noon, preliminary organisation took place. 29 Jan 1917 Tent striking & forming battalion dumps, issuing rations & general preparations. 30 Jan 1917 - KANTARA Move by train to KANTARA leaving Suez 08.25 arrived 12.40 entered standing camp 3/4 hours march from Station. 31 Jan 1917 C.O.s inspection, bathing parades, preparations for move next day. Appendix A. 1/5th Bedfordshire Regiment Move Order No. 2 1-Jan-17 1. The moves and reliefs mentioned in Move Order No.1 are cancelled and instead the ultimate order of things is to be: - Headquarters, "C" Coy (with Detachments of 1 Officer and 25 O'Rs each at BALUCHISTAN and GURKHA) and Divl. Band at KUBRI, "B" Coy at KUBRI RAILHEAD, "A" Coy at SHALLUFA, "D" Coy at GENEFFE. 2. On Thursday 4th Jan. the Battalion (less garrisons mentioned in margin) will march from GENEFFE RAILHEAD at 0900 to SHALLUFA, where it will bivouac for the night. Half "D" Coy will be dropped at GENEFFE and half "A" Coy at SHALLUFA. The present garrison at OLDHAM (less 1 platoon "D" Coy) will concentrate at GENEFFE RAILHEAD by the evening of Wednesday 3rd.Jan. when 1 platoon "D" Coy will take over the Post. The Q.M. will arrange for bivouac at SHALLUFA. Dress: - Marching Order (Packs and Rifles of Drums on Transport). Margin: GENEFFE RAILHEAD: 1 Off. 40 O'Rs "D" Coy; OLDHAM 1 Off. 40 O'Rs "D" Coy; KABRIT Comdr. Lt. L.P.New 2 Offs, 100 O'Rs. "A" Coy. 3. On Friday 5th Jan. the Battalion (less garrisons already detailed) will march at 0900 to KUBRI. "B" Coy proceed to KUBRI RAILHEAD and "C" Coy drop the Detachments for BALUCHISTAN and GURKHA. 4. On Saturday 6th Jan. the 4th Northants Regt. will take over GENEFFE RAILHEAD and OLDHAM. On Sunday 7th Jan, they will take over KABRIT. On relief the outgoing garrisons will join their Coys "A" Coy to SHALLUFA and "D" Coy to GENEFFE. 5. All tents, Regimental reserve ammunition (viz, 100 rounds per rifle and 8000 per Lewis Gun) and Unit equipment of grenades will be taken with Coys. 6. Post reserve ammunition, trench stores and reserve supplies will be left at Posts and receipts taken. 7. Base Kits will accompany Coys but no tables, chairs, beds and other improvised furniture will be moved from Posts. 8. On 3rd Jan. special trains beinging baggage of the 4th Northants Regt. to GENEFFE RAILHEAD will be used on the return journey to convey baggage of this Unit to GENEFFE and SHALLUFA. 9. Baggage for KUBRI and KUBRI RAILHEAD will be transferred at GENEFFE to lighter which will proceed to KUBRI on 4th Jan., thence special train for the baggage of "B" Coy to KUBRI RAILHEAD. Baggage of Detachments at BALUCHISTAN and GURKHA will be conveyed under Regimental arrangements. 10. Transport Officer will make necessary arrangements for bringing in baggage of OLDHAM Detachment ready for loading on 3rd.Jan either by Decauville or road. 11. KABRIT Detachment will proceed to SHALLUFA with its baggage on 7th.Jan. by returning lighter which brings Detachment 4th Northants Regt. to relieve them. 12. 25 Camels are allotted to this Unit for use on march to KUBRI. Transport Officer will send a mounted guide to meet them at SHALLUFA on 2nd. Jan. The camels will have left KUBRI at 1230. These camels will come under the care of the T.O. without any C.T.C. Officer or N.C.O. 13. The Transport Officer will make all necessary arrangements in accordance with the above and communicate with all Comdrs. time and place for stacking baggage. 14. Battalion Report Centre will close GENEFFE RAILHEAD at 0845 4th Jan. and move at Head of Battalion via GENEFFE to SHALLUFA, opening at SHALLUFA on arrival. On 5th Jan. Report Centre will close at SHALLUFA at 0845 and move at Head of Battalion via GURKHA, opening at KUBRI on arrival Appendix B. 1/5th Bedfordshire Regiment Move Order No. 1 7. Jan. 17. 1. On Tuesday, 9th. jan. this Battalion will march to SUEZ CAMP. 2. The Battalion will fall in ready to move at 0745 on the open space facing the Transport Stables, and be clear of the Bridge over the Sweet Water Canal, East of KUBRI by 0845. Dress: - Marching Order. 3. All Baggage not accompanying the Battalion on the march will be ready for loading on train at KUBRI Siding by 1800 on Monday, 8th.Jan. Times of loading trains will be communicated later. 4. 50 Camels will report to the Transport Officer, KUBRI E. by 0715 on Tiesday [sic], 9th.Jan. 5. Breakfast tomorrow, 8th.Jan., will be at 0630. All tents will be struck at 0700 and will be stacked by the side of the road on "D" Coy camping ground by 0800, and be transported to the Battalion Dump at KUBRI W. Siding before 1800. 6. The Transport Officer will make all necessary arrangements in accordance with the above and communicate with all Commanders and Orderly Room the time and place for stacking Blankets, Stotes, and Officers Kits. 7. The Battalion Report Centre will close at KUBRI E. at 0745 on 9th. Jan., and move at head of Battalion opening at SUEZ CAMP on arrival. Acknowledge.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Jan 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
  • Level of description