• Reference
  • Title
    WAR DIARY FOR APRIL 1918 1 Apr 1918 - front line trenches near Rossignol Wood Battn in the line, ROSSIGNOL WOOD sector, Three Coys in front line 1 in support - Two prisoners captured. Fairly quiet. Artillery active on "D" Coy front. Transport & details moved from COUIN to BAYENCOURT. 2 Apr 1918 Battn in line. Four O.R Killed & seven wounded. 3 Apr 1918 Battn in line. Six O.R. Killed & 10 wounded. 4 Apr 1918 - support trenches and Bucquoy Battn moved into support. - 'A' Coy sent up to reinforce left Battn at BUCQUOY Capt CARTHEW. Reinft. 5 Apr 1918 - support trenches A Coy moved back after a bad time in line. Back areas heavily shelled from 5 AM to 9.AM - 1 O.R. Killed 1 mule wounded & a cooker damaged at transport lines. 1 OR Killed 4 wounded, 1 off & 27 O.R. Gassed (1 died of gas). Details & Transport moved to COUIN. 6 Apr 1918 - front line trenches A.C. & D. Coys to Front line. B Coy to Support, one prisoner captured. 13 OR Killed 3 died of wounds. 29 wounded. 1 officer & 23 OR Gassed. 7 Apr 1918 Front line - 8 OR wounded 5 O.R. Gassed. 21 O.R. reinforcements. 8 Apr 1918 Front line 2 off (2Lt AMBRIDGE & 2/Lt BINNS) & 7 O.R.KIlled - 1 O.R. died of wounds. 1 Off & 9 OR. wounded. 9 Apr 1918 - Gommecourt support trenches Battn moved to support in GOMMECOURT System. 3 O.R. wounded. 10 Apr 1918 In Support - 2 ORs reinforcements. 11 Apr 1918 In Support. 1 O.R. Gassed. 4 O.R. reinforcements. 12 Apr 1918 - front line, Rossignol Wood Battn moved to front line - ROSSIGNOL WOOD. 2 Coys in line, 2 coys in Support, very quiet indeed - 1 OR Killed 2 wounded 1 Gassed. 13 Apr 1918 Battn in line - quiet - 1 O.R. wounded. 14 Apr 1918 Battn in line - quiet. 15 Apr 1918 Battn in line 9.OR reinforcements. 16 Apr 1916 - Bois de Warnimont Battn moved to Reserve in BOIS DE WARNIMONT & took over from 8th Battn Lanc Fus Very bad accommodation in Tents. 17 Apr 1918 Battn Resting. 58 ORs reinforcements. 18 Apr 1918 Training. 19 Apr 1918 Training. 6 OR Reinforcements 20 Apr 1918 Training. 3 OR reinforcements. 11 off reinforcements. Lt.R.F.S.DENNING, 2/Lts F.W.CRAKE, A.A.WATSON, A.FOLL. C.H.FLOOD, E.HARDY, E.A.J.CHANDLER, A.L.ALLEN, H.G.KAYE, P.J.HOLT, E.F.GOWLER. 21 Apr 1918 Training. 22 Apr 1918 Training. 23 Apr 1918 Training. Lt.R.ROBINSON & 4 ORs reinforcements. 24 Apr 1918 - Foncquevillers reserve trenches Battn moved to Reserve (Bde) at FONQUEVILLERS [sic] - Transport to SOUASTRE, accommodation good in line. 25 Apr 1918 Battn in Reserve. 10 ORs reinforcements 26 Apr 1918 Battn in Reserve very quiet. Working parties 7 off 250 O Ranks. 27 Apr 1918 Battn in Reserve very quiet. Working parties 7 off 250 O Ranks 28 Apr 1918 FONQUEVILLERS [sic] shelled intermittantly. Working parties 7 off 250 O Ranks. 29 Apr 1918 Very quiet. Working parties 6 off 250 O Ranks 30 Apr 1918 Very quiet. Working parties 6 off 250 O Ranks orders received to proceed to support RETTERMOY FARM on night 1/2nd MAY.
  • Date free text
    1-30 Apr 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
  • Level of description