• Reference
  • Title
    WAR DIARY FOR DECEMBER 1915 Trench Map Sheet 57 D NE 122 (pts of); Scale 1:10,000 square E11c, 17a, 160, 22B 1 Dec 1915 - Hannescamps Battn in the trenches. Trenches very wet and deep in mud. 2 Dec 1915 Relieved in trenches by 10th Bn N Lancs Regt. Marched back to BIENVILLERS in support. Corpl Leck wounded. 3 Dec 1915 - Bienvillers-au-Bois In support. Battn furnished working parties. 2/Lt CP Isaac joined. 4 Dec 1915 Our artillery shelled Germans in the morning Enemy retaliated and sent about 100 shells into BIENVILLERS Numerous small howitzer shells failing to explode. Ptes Walker & Oakley wounded subsequently died, Ptes Heard & Lancaster also wounded. 5 Dec 1915 Relieved by 10 N Lancs Regt Battn moved up to trenches at HANNESCAMP [sic] 6 Dec 1915 - Hannescamps Our artillery shelled the Germans, reply feeble. 7 Dec 1915 Germans sent a few small howitzer Shells into the trenches. Artillery bombardment at 3.45 to which the Germans replied. Rained all the afternoon. Sergt White wounded. 8 Dec 1915 Enemy shelled trenches 56-58 No damage done Relieved by 13 Rifle Brigade. Marched back to HUMBERCAMP [sic] 9 Dec 1915 - Humbercamps In brigade Reserve 10-11 Dec 1915 Wet days. Battn furnished working parties of 350 men for front line 1/Lt A.Jesson joined on the 11th. 12 Dec 1915 Much colder and some snow 2/Lt BV Colchester joined. 13-15 Dec 1915 Cold and frost at night. Furnished working parties for trenches on 15th. 16 Dec 1915 Battn did route march. 17-19 Dec 1915 Battn digging in the 18th Instructional parade Training of Grenadiers in Machine Gun detachments 2/Lt RFS Denning joined on the 19th. 20 Dec 1915 Relieved 13 Rifle Bde at BIENVILLERS. Pte Batchelor killed. 21-22 Dec 1915 - Bienvillers-au-Bois Furnished working parties for front line trenches. 23 Dec 1915 Our artillery bombarded Germans, reply feeble 24 Dec 1915 Very wet night 25 Dec 1915 A little shelling in the morning. Otherwise very quiet day. Rained all day. 26 Dec 1916 Wet day Relieved 10 L.N.Lancs in the trenches. 27 Dec 1915 - Hannescamps GErmans shelled working parties coming from BIENVILLERS, HANNESCAMP [sic] also shelled Lc Corp Curry Lc Corp Hall and Pte Waters wounded Trenches very wet and all communication trenches impassable. 28 Dec 1915 Fine day Germans shelled all our working parties. Coming up from BIENVILLERS. Shelled HANNESCAMP [sic] between 2 & 3 pm 6 German aeroplanes came over our lines 4 of which got through and went in direction of SOUASTRE. 2 were turned back by our aircraft. 29 Dec 1915 German artillery active Front line trenches all shelled from left to right HANNESCAMP [sic] shelled at intervals during the day, but no material damage done. Our Artillery replied with some vigour Aircraft on both sides acrive. 30 Dec 1915 Foggy morning, less artillery activity. 31 Dec 1915 2 Communication trenches made passable to left of line. 48 Division on our right heavily bombarded the German position between 12 & 2 Germans sent 11 shells into HANNESCAMP [sic] No damage done. Rain in the afternoon Short burst of rapid musketry fire opened by both sides at midnight. Much noise in German lines. Steam whistles blowing. 2 Minnewerfer shells of largest calibre sent over at 12.10 am.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Dec 1915
  • Production date
    From: 1915 To: 1915
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