- ReferenceX550/8/1/1609
- TitleLA THIEULOYE 1-9-16 Training carried out according to Brigade and Battn Programme. battn visited C2 Area, left billets 1 p.m. arrived back 6.30 p.m. Fine morning wet afternoon and night. 2/Lieut.A.W.Brawn appointed Adjutant's understudy. Night operations carried out. Bn left billets 8.30 p.m. arrived back about 12.30 p.m. 2-9-16 Weather fine; companies proceeded to D Training Area for Wood fighting, left billets 1.30 pm arrived back 6 p.m. Draft of 2 Lance Corporals and 28 men arrived from 9th Battn. and posted to companies as per Battn. orders. Adjutant proceeded on leave to England. 3-9-16 Church Parade Service held at 10 am in field just behind LA THIEULOYE Church. Fine Day but wet evening. No training parades. major G.P.Mills and Capt.Percival proceeded on leave to England. 4-9-16 Battn. received orders tp proceed with the Brigade to a new Training Area of reserve (5th) Army in accordance with operation Orders attached. Wet and changeable weather. OPERATION ORDERS No.28 by Lieut.Col.G.D.Price Commanding 7th(S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 4th September, 1916 Ref.Map Lens, Sheet 11. 1/100.000 1. INTENTION The 18th Division will be transferred to the Reserve Army from midnight 6/7th September, 1916. On the 6th [sic] September the 54th Infantry Brigade will march as a column to the MONCHAUX Area. On the 6th September it will continue its march to the SOUICH Area. On the 7th September it will proceed to "O" Area Reserve Army. Orders for the last move will be issued later. 2. RENDEZVOUS The Battalion will rendezvous at road junction at Southern end of MARQUAY Village at 10.30 a.m., where it will join other units of the Brigade. The following will be the order of march: - 54th Brigade Headquarters. 12th Middlesex Regiment. 6th Northants Regiment. 11th Royal Fusiliers. 7th Bedfordshire Regiment. 54th Machine Gun Company. 3. ROUTE LIGNY-ST.FLOCHEL - TERNAS. 4. ORDER OF MARCH Companies will fall in, in fours, facing South, on the LA THIEULOYE - MONCHY-BRETON Road, ready to march off at 9.00 a.m., with the head of the column at the crossing opposite "B" Coy. Headquarters. Order/s: - Hd.Qr.Coy. B Coy. C Coy. D Coy. A Coy. Destination of 7th Bedfords - TERNAS. 5. TRANSPORT 1st. Line Transport will march in rear of the Battn. 6. LEWIS GUN HANDCARTS Lewis Gun Handcarts will accompany 1st. Line transport 7. BAGGAGE Officers' valises will be handed in to Qr.Mr.Stores by 6.45 a.m. tomorrow evening. 8. DRESS Service Marching order. Steel Helmets will be worn. 9. RATIONS Hd.Qr.Coy. will ration with their respective companies from 5th to 7th inst. inclusive. 10. WATERBOTTLES Waterbottles will be filled before departure. 11. REPORTS Companies will report their arrival in billets to Battalion Headquarters immediately on arrival, stating position of their Coy. (signed) E.W.BENSON Lieut. A/Adjutant, 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment [NOTE: the Orders have "Cancelled 5 a.m. 5.9.16" written on them] 5-9-16 About 5 a.m. orders were issued cancelling the move. Battn. did not therefore proceed but carried out training on Brigade Training Area A1. Wet weather. 4 men trained in the rapid construction of tunnelled dugouts in Northern part of Wood in U.10.a. under Capt.Chase, R.E. 6-9-16 Battalion remained in billets in morning; proceeded to Wood in U.10.a for practice of intensive digging. C.O., Adjutant and Coy Commanders attended a demonstration in "Rapid construction of Shelters". Corps & Divisional Commanders and officers from other divisions also were present. 1 Lewis Gun Detachment (D Coy.) carried out an experiment of a Lewis Gun Detachment sheltering in a dugout during a bombardment and rapidly emerging the moment a hostile barrage lifts. Experiments carried out in the morning and afternoon. Fine weather. 7-9-16 Morning spent in training under Company Commanders in the vicinity of billets. Battn. proceeded to B area and practised "Rapid construction of tunnelled dugouts" and "Following up a barrage" Returned to billets at 6 p.m. Fine weather. 8-9-16 Fine weather. Morning spent in vicinity of billets under company Commanders. In afternoon Battn. proceeded to "C" Area and continued practising Intensive Digging and Following up a barrage. Returned to billets about 7 p.m. OPERATION ORDERS No.29 by Lieut.Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battn. Bedfordshire Regiment 8th September, 1916 Ref.Map Sheet 11 LENS (Edition 2) scale 1/100,000 1. INTENTION The 18th Division will be transferred to the Reserve Army from midnight 10/11th September, 1916. On the 9th September the 54th Infantry Brigade will march as a column to the MONCHEAUX Area. On the 10th september it will continue its march to the SUS ST.LEGER Area. On 11th September it will proceed to "O" Area, Reserve Army, partly by busses and partly by march route. Orders for the last move will be issued later. 2. RENDEZVOUS The Battalion will rendezvous at Cross roads in LIGNY-ST.FLOCHEL (immediately south of N in LA BELLE EPINE) at 10.19 a.m., where it will join other units of the Brigade. The following will be the order of march: - 12th Middlesex Regt. 6th Northants Regt. 11th Royal Fusiliers. 54th Brigade Headquarters. 54th Machine Gun Coy. 54th Trench Mortar Battery. 7th Bedfordshire Regt. 80th Coy. R.E. 54th Field Ambulance. 3. ROUTE ORLENCOURT - MARQUAY - TERNAS. 4. ORDER OF MARCH Companies will "Fall in", in fours, facing North on the MONCHY-BRETON - LA THIEULOYE Road, ready to march off at 8.15 a.m., with the head of the colun at "C" Coy. H.Q. Order: - Hd.Qr.Coy.: B Coy. : C Coy.: D Coy.: A Coy. Destination of 7th Bedfords - TERNAS. 5. TRANSPORT 1st. Line Transport will march in rear of the Battalion 6. LEWIS GUN CARTS Lewis Gun Carts will accompany 1st. Line Transport. 7. BAGGAGE All spare kit to be delivered to Qr.Mr.Stores tonight. Officers Valises will be handed in to Qr. Mr. Stores by 6.45 a.m. tomorrow morning. 8. DRESS Service Marching Order. Steel helmets will be worn. 9. RATIONS Hd. Qr. Coy. will ration with their respective companies from 9th til 11th inst. inclusive. 10. WATERBOTTLES Waterbottles will be filled before departure. 11. REPORTS Companies will hang out their Company flags and report their arrival in billets to Battalion Headquarters immediately on arrival, stating position of their company. 12. BILLETING PARTY 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler and one representative per company and Battn. Hd. Qrs. will proceed in advance, by lorries, leaving Brigade Headquarters tomorrow, 9th inst. at 7.00 a.m. The same party will proceed in lorries on the 10th inst. from the Church TERNAS at 7.15 a.m. (signed) E.W.Benson, Lieut., A/Adjutant, 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. Ternas 9-9-16 54th Brigade marched as a column to MONCHAUX Area in accordance with Operation orders attached. destination of 7th Bedfords: - TERNAS at which place the Bn. arrived at 11.30 am, leaving LA THIEULOYE at 8.15 am and proceeding via ORLENCOURT and MARQUAY. OPERATION ORDERS No.30 by Lieut.Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battn.Bedfordshire Regt. 9th September, 1916 Ref.Map LENS, Sheet 11 Edition 2. Scale - 1/100,000 1. INTENTION The Battalion will continue its march to the SUS-ST.LEGER Area tomorrow, 10th September, 1916. 2. RENDEZVOUS The Battalion will rendexvous at Road Junction mile S.S.E. of MONCHEUX Church at 11.19 a.m. where it will join other units of the Brigade. The following will be the order of march:- 54th Infantry Brigade. 12th Middlesex Regiment. 6th Northants Regiment. 54th Machine Gun Company. 54th Trench Mortar Battery. 11th Royal Fusiliers. 7th Bedfordshire Regiment. 80th Field Company R.E. 54th Field Ambulance 152nd Company Divisional Train. 3. ROUTE HOUVIN - HOUVIGNEUL - ESTRE WAMIN - BEAUDRICOURT 4. ORDER OF MARCH Companies will fall in, in fours, facing S.W. on the TERNAS-BUNEVILLE Road, ready to march off at 10.00 a.m. with the head of the column at road junction S.W. exit of TERNAS. Order; - Hd.Qr.Coy. C Coy. D Coy. Drums A Coy. B Coy.Destination of 7th Bedfords - IVERGNY. The Battalion will leave the Brigade column at BEAUDRICOURT and march independently to destination. 5. TRANSPORT 1st. Line Transport will march in rear of the Battalion. 6. L.G. CARTS Lewis Gun Carts will accompany 1st. Line Transport. 7. BAGGAGE Officers Valises etc. will be handed to Qr. Mr. Stores by 8.30 a.m. 8. DRESS Service Marching Order. Steel hemets will be worn. 9. WATERBOTTLES Waterbottles will be filled before departure. 10. REPORTS Companies will hang out their company flags and report their arrival in billets to Battalion Headquarters immediately on arrival, stating position of their company. 11. BILLETING PARTY 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler and one representative per company and Battalion Headquarters will proceed in advance by lorries leaving the Church TERNAS at 7.15 a.m. (signed) E.W.Benson, Lieut. A/Adjutant 7th (S) Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. IVERGNY 10-9-16 Battn. continued its march with 54th Brigade and proceeded to IVERGNY at which place i tarrived at 1.40 pm, leaving TERNAS 10 am and proceeding via HOUVIN-HOUVINGEUL - ESTRE WAMIN - BEAUDRICOURT. Operation Orders attached. Fine weather. On midnight 10/11 Sept. 18th Division is transferred to the Reserve Army. OPERATION ORDERS No.31 by Lieut. Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment. 10th September, 1916 Ref.Map LENS, Sheet 11 Edition 2. Scale 1/100,000 1. INTENTION The Battalion will continue its move into "O" Area, Reserve Army, tomorrow 11th inst. 2. ORDER OF MARCH Companies will fall in, in fours, facing S. on the IVERGNY-LUCHEUX Road, ready to march offat 8 a.m., with the head of the column at the cross roads due W. of the M in Maison Forestier. Order: - D Coy. A Coy. B Coy. C Coy. Battalion Headquarters will embus with their companies. Destination of 7th Bedfords: - RAINCHEVAL. 3. EMBUS The Battalion will embus on the road running through H in Le SOUICH. the first 33 busses are allotted to the 11th Royal Fusiliers and the remaining 34 busses to the 7th Bedfords. each bus will hold 25 men. Allotment of busses as follows: - 1 and 2 Officers 3 to 11 inclusive - D Company and Drums. 12 to 19 inclusive - A Company 20 to 27 inclusive - B Company 28 to 34 inclusive - C Company the nuber will be chalked on the side of the bus. 4. DEBUS The Battalion will debus at HALLOY, and proceed by road to destination. order of march BN.H.Qrs. D Coy. A Coy. Drums D Coy. C Coy. 5. ROUTE HALLOY - THIEVRES - MARIEUX - RAINCHEVAL 6. TRANSPORT 1st. Line Transport and baggage wagons will march Brigaded under the Brigade Transport Officer. Sipply wagons will march with 152nd Company Divisional Train. 7. L.G.CARTS Lewis Gun Carts with one full team of men per gun wil laccompany first line transport. 8. BAGGAGE Officers Valises, etc. will be handed to Q.M.Stores by 6.30 a.m. 9. DRESS Service Marching Order. Steel Helmets will be worn. 10. WATERBOTTLES Waterbottles will be filled before departure. 11. RATIONS Haversack Rations will be carried. 12. BILLETING PARTY 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler and one representative per coy. and per Bn.H.Qrs. will proceed by bus direct to destination in "O" Area, leaving IVERGNY at 5.30 a.m. at Cross Roads referred to in para.2. 13. SICK The two men per company and the 4 men detailed by the Medical Officer as unable to march (Total 12) will travel to RAINCHEVAL by special bus leaving IVERGNY at 5.30 a.m. at Cross Roads as mentioned in para. 2. 14. GROOMS & CYCLISTS All Mounted Officers' Grooms with their horses, and all cycles will parade at Battn. Hd.Qrs. at 7.30 a.m. to proceed independently to HALLOY, where they will await the arrival of the Battalion. Instructions will be given these men before they move from IVERGNY. 15. REPORTS Companies will hang out Company Flags and report their arrival in billets to Battalion Headquarters immediately on arrival, stating position of their companies. (signed) E.W.Benson, Lieut. A/Adjutant 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment. RAINCHEVAL 11-9-16 Battn. proceeded to RAINCHEVAL "O" Area Reserve Army in accordance with operation Orders No.31 attached. Left IVERGNY at 8 am by bus, and proceeded to HALLOY. Debussed at HALLOY and proceeded by march route to destination via THIEVRES & MARIEUX. Arrived RAINCHEVAL 2.15 p.m. Battn. Hq.Qrs. at cole des Garcons General maxse inspected the march discipline of the Brigade during the three days of the march, and expressed his general satisfaction. 12-9-16 Training carried out under company commanders; (early morning running parades; parades at 9 am for instruction in Bombing, Bayoney Fighting and Musketry. Commanding Officer visited Observation post in vivinity of THIEPVAL. Day Quiet and dull; Some Rain. 13-9-16 Training carried out in the following subjects: - Following up a barrage, bayonet Fighting, Physical Training, Bombing etc. Companies paraded at 3 pm and went for a short march, Outposts etc. practised. 14-9-16 Fine Day. Captain Percival returned from leave and resumed command of "A" Coy. from 13th inst. Major G.P.Mills & Capt & Adjt J.H.Bridcutt also returned from leave on 13th inst. battn. was out practising bayonet Fighting, Bombing, Barrage etc. as previously. Two men who were casualties 1st July joined from Hospital. 15-9-16 Fine Day. Companies out training in the morning under Company Commanders. Afternoon - Battn paraded at 3pm and practised outposts duties. battn. received notification tobe ready to move at 6 hours notice. captain A.E.Percival visited trenches in the vicinity of Thiepval. 16-9-16 Fine day. Training by companies in bayonet Fighting, Bombing, Physical Training, Barrage, Digging etc. carried out as usual, no orders to move being received. 17-9-16 Sunday. Fine Day. bathing all day by companies. F.G.C.M. in battn. Orderly Room in morning. C & D Companies attended Church Parade at 11 am. Major G.P.Mills visited trenches in the vicinity of Thiepval. At 4 pm G.O.C. Brigade held a conference of Bn. Commanders, Coy. Commanders etc. in Orderly Room. Stokes Mortar Demonstration by 54th T.M.Battery at 3pm on ground just North of Raincheval. 2/Lieuts H.A.Reaney, H.G.Merchant and S.C.Tremeer joined Bn. for duty from 9th Battn. 18-9-16 Captain Mulligan visited trenches in the vicinity of THIEPVAL. Wet morning. Commanding Officer lectured all Officers & N.C.O's. in Battn. Orderly Room 9.30am. Brigadier General Shoubridge visited Bn.H.Qrs. and conferred with C.O. 2/Lieut.E.F.Piercy joined Battn. for duty. 19-9-16 Changeavle weather. Companies practised training as before. Capt.L.H.keep proceeded to trenches in vicinity of Thiepval. Information received of following awards for gallantry. Captain A.E.Percival - Military Cross. 18257 Pte.H.W.Fish, "C" Coy now 1st Bn.Bedford R. - D.C.M. 20-9-16 Fine Day. Battn. proceeded to training area and practised the attack. 21-9-16 Companies proceeded independently to the Training Area and practised Bombing, Bayonet Fighting etc. Information received of the award of the Medal of St.George (Third Class) to 18257 Pte.H.W.Fish, late 7th Bedfords, now 1st Beds. 2/Lieut.H.B.Stewart appointed Bn.Lewis Gun Officer. 2/Lieut.H.C.Cannell joined. 22-9-16 Fine Day. Companies training independently in the morning - oractised short route marching in afternoon. Received orders to move on 23rd inst. time uncertain. VARENNES 23-9-16 Battn. proceeded by Route March from Raincheval to to VARENNES via ARQUEVES - LALVILLERS - ACHEUX, leaving Raincheval at 9am and arriving at VARENNES at 12 noon. Fine Day. C.O. attended Brigade Conference at Bde H.Qrs, HEDAUVILLE. Major G.P.Mills inspected reserve trenches in THIEPVAL WOOD. 24-9-16 Fine Day. Church parade in the morning. OPERATION ORDERS by Lieut.Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment 24th September, 1916. Map Ref. 57.D.S.E. 1/20,000 1. INTENTION The Battalion will move to dugouts in N.BLUFF Q.36.c.60 tomorrow. 2. PARADE The Battalion will parade, in Service Marching order, at 6.45 a.m. Order of March: H.Qrs. B: C: D: A. 3. ADVANCE PARTY One N.C.O. per company and 1 for Bn.Hd.Qrs. under 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler, will parade at the Orderly Room at 6 a.m. - dress Service Marching Order, carrying 1 days rations. This party will report to the Staff Captain at the west end of BLACK HORSE ROAD W.5.a.40 at 9.30 a.m. to take over dugouts for the Battalion. Route will be explained to 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler. 4. RATIONS Rations for tomorrow, 25th inst. must be carried by each individual. waterbottles must be filled and should be preserved as there may be a scarcity of water in the area where the Battalion will be billeted. 5. SPECIALISTS All Officers and Specialists detailed to remain behind with 1st. Line Transport will join 1st. Line Transport tomorrow morning at 8.30 a.m. This party will be rationed by the Quartermaster. Each Officer should take sufficient utensils with him for his own use. 6. OFFICERS FOR DIVL. SCHOOL Instructions regarding these officers will be issued later to all concerned. 7. ROUTE FOR BATTALION BOUZINCOURT - W.7.Central - W.2.b.60 - S. end of MARTINSART WOOD - W.9.b.80 - through C in Cemetery (in W.16.b.) - W.6.a.40 - BLACK HORSE ROAD. The Battalion must not enter BOUZINCOURT before 10 a.m. and must be clear of the same village by 10.30 a.m. After BOUZINCOURT the Battalion will march by companies at 10 minutes interval. 8. REPORTS O.C. Companies will report to Battalion Headquarters immediately their companies arrive at their destination. 9. STRETCHER BEARERS All Stretcher Bearers will march with their respective companies, each party carrying its own stretchers. (sgd) J.H.Bridcutt, Captain Adjutant 7th (S) BN. Bedfordshire Regiment. N.BLUFF 25-9-16 Battalion proceeded by Route March via HEDAUVILLE - AUTHUILLE - BOUZINCOURT - MARTINSART & BLACK HORSE BRIDGE to AUTHUILLE (NORTH BLUFF) arriving 2.30 p.m. - Major Mills & four Company Commanders reconnoitered front line & forming up trenches, south of THIEPVAL Hdqrs & A & B Companies at N.BLUFF - C & D Companies in PAISLEY AVENUE in THIEPVAL WOOD. Orders issued for 54th Bgde to attack THIEPVAL & SCHWABEN REDOUBT. 7th Bedfords in Reserve. Heavy Bombardment. Enemy shelled N.BLUFF heavily. Fine Day. 26-9-16 12.30pm Fine Day. Zero hour for intense bombardment fixed for 12.30 p.m. Assaulting battalions to leave their trenches at 12.30 p.m. Received news that the 1st objective (road running E. & W. through THIEPVAL) had been taken & assault progressing well. C.O. & Adjutant summoned to 54th Bgde. H.Qrs. owing to situation requiring consideration, 2nd objective not having been taken. 11p.m. Orders received for Battalion to move forward to dugouts in the vicinity of THIEPVAL & to be in position at 1 a.m. for the purpose of clearing up & consolidating the 2nd objective (North face of THIEPVAL). THIEPVAL 27-9-16 2 a.m. The Comdg Officer (Lt.Col.G.D.Price) & Adjutant (Capt.J.H.Bridcutt) arrived at the Chateau in THIEPVAL after conferring with Lt.Col.Maxwell 12th Middx. commanding the scattered portions og the three Battalions i.e. 12th Middx, 11th Royal Fusrs, 6th Northants the C.O. (Lt.Col.Price) decided to attack the untaken portion of THIEPVAL i.e. the N.Western part of village. Dispositions for the attack were as follows C & D Coys Commanded by Capts.Keep & Mulligan respectively were detailed for the assault which was to be carried outin two Lines (Waves) with C Co. on the Right, D Co. on the Left. A & B Coys. were sheltered close at hand in German Dug-outs. ZERO was fixed for 5.30 A.M. The morning was extremely dark & the assaulting Coys had great difficulty in forming up for the attack on the correct alignment. At about 5.45 AM all was ready & a few minutes later the two Lines advanced sweeping across the untaken portion of Ground & trenches. two M.Guns & a good deal of Rifle fire opened from the enemy's lines but our troops (7th Bn Bedfords C & D Coys.) continued to advance & in a short time were in possession of the German trenches on the North-Western face of THIEPVAL. Capt.Mulligan, 2/L Potts fell badly wounded during this action 36 prisoners were taken & about 100 Germans killed by Rifle fire & Bayonets. This action tho. apparently small was of the utmost importance as without the whole of the Village of THIEPVAL & the trenches surrounding it being captured the whole Line of Attack was held up. So to the 7th Bn.Bedfords (especially C & D Coys) belongs the honour & Glory of the final destruction of one of the Germans strongest position & one which they had boasted could never be taken (i.e. THE VILLAGE OF THIEPVAL & its defences) Our casualties were 2 officers above mentioned & about 110 O.R. in the above action (see Appx.IX) The other three Battns of the 54th Bde. who made a former attack on THIEPVAL had been withdrawn to cover inour Support Area. the Bn. held the line it had gained until 1 P.M. the following day at which hour it continued the attack as stated hereafter. 28-9-16 From early morning until 12 Noon every one was going at high pressure preparing for another attack on the ground which included a very high ridge & a Redoubt called the "SCHWABEN REDOUBT" to the North of THIEPVAL. At 12 Noon the Battalion was ready for this attack and disposed as follows A & B assaulting Coys, D Coy. Dug-out Clearing, C Coy. Bn. Reserve a full description of the battle that followed is attached to this diary. 29-9-16 5 a.m. About this hour the 1st/5th Yorkshire Regt. who had moved up during the night relieved the Battn. in the front trenches & they (7th Bedfords) were withdrawn to THIEPVAL and placed in Reserve. The Bn. Sheltered in dug-outs during the day shell fire being particularly fierce 30-9-16 4 a.m. In the early hours of the morning the Battn. was relieved by the 7th Bn. West Kent Regt. & returned to billets in Mailly-Maillet Wood (List of Honours & Awards recommended attached) During the period mentioned in this diary the Battn. (7th Bedfords) went into action on two occasions. The Moral of the Battn. was extremely high. The men fought with determination & skill, gained all their allotted objectives, & received the highest praise from their Brigadier, Divisional Commander, Corps Commander, Army Commander & especially congratulated by the G.O.C., Sir D.Haig [C.O.'S REPORT - ACTION AT THIEPVAL AND SCHWABEN REDOUBT] September 25th, 1916 Battalion moved from Varennes by route march to act as Brigade Reserve and was posted as follows: - A & B Companies - Battalion Hd. Quarters in North Bluff, C & D Companies in Thiepval Wood. About 8 p.m. I left Battalion Headquarters to receive instructions from G.O.C. 54th Brigade. Before doing so, orders were issued for all Companies to stand by in a state of instant readiness. The route to Thiepval had been reconnoitred as well as was possible during the day. The situation was very fully discussed and it was not until midnight of 26th-27th that orders were issued to companies to make their way to Thiepval and there await orders - as the situation demanded. CD 1.25 am I left Brigade Hd.Quarters about 12.30 a.m. 27th. the companies had already started the crossing was quite a tiglish [sic] operation as the Boche had ringed Thiepval round with a very heavy Barrage of H.E. and shrapnel. The night was particularly dark, but all companies reached their objective with comparatively small casualties - A Company only suffered in this respect, B Company on the other hand had no casualty of any kind. I arrived at the Chateau sometime before the arrival of the Companies and so had time to confer with Col.Maxwell and get an idea of the general situation. It was as shewn on attached map [not attached] The plan of the attack that was adopted on Col.Maxwell's knowledge of the ground was as follows. Two companies to take over defensive line then held by men of all three Regiments of the 54th Brigade. This had to be done at night. The Companies to be drawn up in two lines, dividing the front 83-08 roughly between them. Thus as soon as day broke. 5.30 a.m. was given as a provisional zero hour. Th whole area enclosed by 83, 34, 08, 19, 40 was to be stormed with one rush and cleared at the point of the bayonet. The extremely difficult operation of getting the line into position was carried out under the guidance of Captain Johnston & Lt.Sulman, Royal Fusiliers. Too great credit cannot possibly be given to these Officers, as the night was extremely dark and the ground beyond all powers of description. The time was also strictly limited as my first company did not arrive at the Chateau until the attack being arranged for dawn. At 5.45 "C" Company was in position all ready to move. As it was getting light it started on the attack, without waiting for "D" Company on the left. "D" Company owing to greater difficulty did not get off the mark until 6.50 a.m. I attach a report of what happened sent us by Capt.Keep who was in command of the operations. It is ver full and explicit. See attached report marked A. [not attached]. While this attack was being carried out the position of "A" & "B" Companies was as follows - "A" Company occupied thei line 60-72 and had orders to occupy the trench 83 to 34 as soon as it was cleared by "C" Company and hold it at all costs in event of a counter attack by enemy. This was done and this Company remained on this line until further operations on 29th. "B" Company were in dug-outs in and around 72. After giving the fullest credit to the skill shewn by Captain Johnston and Lt.Sulman of the Royal Fusiliers in getting the Bedfords into position I think that the carryingout of this extremely delicate operation to a successful issue deserves the highest praise. When it is taken into consideration that the Companies received their orders to move from Thiepval Wood and North Bluff at about midnight 26/27, that the route to the Chateau baffles all description, that they had to go through an extremely heavy barrage, without being rattled, that they then had to get into position immediately on arrival and attack an unknown and uneven terrain which they knew to be held by a determined enemy with machine guns - is rare proof that the discipline, determination and morale of the men was of a very high order. In my opinion the ensuing operations, successful though they were, in no way compares with those of the 26/27th. Sept 27th The positions of Companies on this date was as follows: - "A" 83 to 33 with blocking posts on Martins Lane, this latter handed over sector to Essex Regt. B Dug-outs in and around Pt.72. C Holding trenches: - 33-47-36-34-23 with bombing posts and stops 50 yds North of 47 & 36. D. Holding German first line trench from 13 to 08. Preliminary orders were received that the Battn was to be in readiness to assault and taken in conjunction with the 53 Brigade on our right the final objective - Probable Zero Hour 5 o'clock. A conference of Officers was held, formation discussed and final orders issued. The 5th Battn. West Yorkshire Regt. came up during the afternoon and were in reserve, north of the Chateau. After the whole Battalion had got into position the orders for the attack were cancelled and companies got into their formed positions "B" Company relieving "C" Company as the former had been detailed as an assaulting Company. The 5th West Yorkshire Regt. hurried to its former position. Sept. 28th The attack postponed from previous day was carried out at 1 p.m. In order to conform with the barrage, bombing stops and the forward line previously held, were brought back on the line 34, 33, 43, 83. A & B Companies were the assaulting companies and formed up on the line 34 to 83, their 4th line being between points 13-60. "D" Company detailed as clearing up company formed up with the two assaulting companies. "C" Company in support were formed up on the roads 67-19, two machine guns were detailed with supporting Company. "A" Company 5 West Yorks was used as a Battalion Reserve with remaining 3 Coys in support of main attack. The forming up by mid-day was an exceedingly diffiult operation as the trenches in question were in full view of the enemy and the light was very good. It was however successfully carried out. The Artillery barrage which opened at 1 pm was very effective, very little fire was met with until lifts occurred. The waves followed the Barrage very closely and went in beautiful formation until points 29 & 49 were reached. "A" Company on the right made for the Cemetery and from thence to swing on to Market Trench but unfortunately, the right platoon got knocked right out by machine gun fire from Schwaben Redoubt before reaching Market Trench. The whole line from here on appears to have commenced to lay to the left - partly forced there by pressure of the Queens on their right. the supports hereabouts joined the assaulting Companies, who were suffering severely from machine gun fire from R.19.c. *From this point the Boches could be seen streaming away in full flight towards St.Pierre Divion along trenches 19-63-54 and towards 69. *About 2.30 Captain K[eep] arranged with an Officer of the Queens to relieve him of trench 22-45 and his bomb stop in trench 45-19. About 3 pm 22-45 was taken over by C.S.M.Brand who had with him men of "A" Coy and West Yorks the latter on the right. Sergt.Patterson West Yorks held strong point 45 with a platoon of his men and the above mentioned bombing stop. After arranging with the Queens officer, Captain K hurried back to point 86 and found that the party at 19 had fallen back towards 86 making a bombing stop half way up that trench. There was great confusion reigning at this time and the troops available had to be retold off. Men of the West Yorkshire Regt. under 2/Lt.Brawn were told off to hold the Line 19-86 with a bombing stop and line 19-63 whilr 2/Lt.Cartwright [?] with 2 Lewis guns and a Stokes mortar gun was put in charge of a strong point 50 yds West of 86 on trench 86.4 This point was immediately counter-attacked, but as quickly driven off. About 4pm the shortage of Mills bombs and ammunition was acutely felt. Boche bombs from dugouts were of immense value. The situation at this point was somewhat precarious. It appeared as if the Queens had failed to reach point 65 and to clear the dug-outs in second line trench from that point to point 45. From 45 to 19 the situation was uncertain except that we held points 45 and 19 but the intervening trench had not been exploited. No bombs were avaliable to do this work. At 7.15 the clearing up of this trench 15-19 was taken in hand by a Platoon of D Company under Lt.D.Keep but was held up by strong resistence on the enemy's part and a lack of bombs, and it was not until 9.30 when bombs and reinforcements were sent up that Lt.Keep managed to win through and join hands with a party of the West Yorks who had been holding Pt.19 and had established bombing stops in and around Pt.39. It was at 11.30 pm that the situation in the square 22, 45, 19, 86, 95, 13 was definitely held with bombing points round 39 and West of 86. All night there were constant bombing fights north of Pt.45 the Boches coming out of their dug-outs in the 2nd Line. About midnight 28/29th the trench 45/19 was reinforced by men of "D" Company & West Yorks, as it appeared to be too lightly held. In order to ensure that the men who were veryweary were kept on the alert the square above mentioned was continually patrolled by 2 Officers in reliefs starting from 11.30 to 1 a.m. Capt.Colley & Lt.Keep 1 to 3 Lt.Brawn, C.S.M.Hall 3 to 5 Lt.Cartwright and C.S.M.Brand. Point 39 was held all night but was lost about the time the relief took place - the Boche making a strong counter attack with bombs under cover of a smoke cloud. At 6 a.m. the West Kents relieved the Bedfords and the West Yorks, Lt.Keep taking "B" Coy R.W.K. up trench 86-19 with their right on 19 and Capt.Keep taking "C" Company R.W.K. along trench 13-22-45-19. On arrival at point 19 it was found 30 had been evacuated but a bombing point had been established along trench 19-39. Point 39 was held by bimbers of the West Yorks under their Battn. Bombing Officer. Lt.Keep & 2/Lt.Brawn personally saw the relief & posting of sentries in both trenches 19-86, 45 to 19 with Officers from the R.W.K. Capt.Keep did not leave the position until 9 a.m. The attack on extreme left advanced very quickly as the bomb stops at 36 & 47 were left until just a few minutes before Zero. They had flanking bombing parties posted forward which proved to be invaluable. The L.Guns advanced on left flanks through points 36, 29, 22. Very few casualties or serious opposition until reaching points 29, 49, 72. At 29 the Boche had a machine gun implacement covered by strong bombing party of some 40 men. the flanking bombing party was held up and had to wait until the dugout clearing party came to their assistance. It was here the first three waves suffered losses - 2nd Lt.Adlam orgainsed a strong party, told the men to cheer and they charged the strong point with him as leader, in one big rush, overbore all resistance and completely wiped out the enemy. The Lewis Guns did great execution at this point. two more strong points between 29 & 91 were taken at point of bayonet after a bomb preparation. The situation hereafter became very difficult as it was impossible to recognise any trenches owing to the intensity of the Artillery preparation which had obliterated everything. The final objective was almost impossible to locate accurately. This may account for parties of men over reaching by far the final objective - some patrols pushing as far as 47 and 35. The final objective was held early on in the day and the whole of the Boche front line by parties of lancashire Fusiliers, Bedfords & Wesy Yorks. until the two latter were withdrawn at dawn, 29th. The whole of this operation was carried out with great dash, personal cases of daring bravery were very numerous. The taking of strong points with a determined rush came off every time both on 27th & 28th. The fact that there were two points numbered 45 led to great confusion and accounted for the lagging of the lineaway from what was after all the true objective viz. the Schwaben Redoubt. The fact that the right of the right attack was blotted out by machine gun fire may have led to the Queens filling in the gap and causing them to lose their real line. This loss of direction is to be regretted, but on the other hand the 54th Brigade certainly made its objective and held it until handed over to the R.W.K. As there seems to be some doubt on this point I attach statement from my Officers, who held points 19-45 and 86 [not attached]. I have described how it was won. I was fully prepared to hold line won by us till day light or even later. Considering the great difficulties and the continuous barrage communication though slow was good. The work done by all the runners of the Battalion was beyond all praise. They were run off their legs from Zero until day light next morning and yet were ready to go on. As inevitable the question of ater was one of extreme difficulty, by far the larger majority of the men fought on without fluid of any sort from Zero. The courage, resolution & endurance displayed by all ranks was quite wonderful. they were out to kill and the Battlefield is a witness that they carried out to the full their intentions. Even when the Battalion had been relieved by the R.W.K. and volunteers were called for in the event of a counter attack being successful on the ground they had so dearl ywon the preceding day, every man declared his willingness to return at once if needed. I might mention the extreme need for more stretchers. the Regimental stretcher bearers were absolutely inadequate to cope with the numberless cases of all Regiments, some means might be devised to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded and perhaps save many valuable lives. As it was the stretcher bearers of every Battalion worked right through the night and into the morning still leaving many men untended, who might have been brought in were more bearers available. During this attack Capt.Bridcutt who was observing the operations through a very excellent Boche periscope noticed that the Boches had run down the front and immediate [intermediate?] trench between 91 & 29 had lined their parados and shot into the left flank of the advancing troops. All available men consisting of servants, runners, signallers etc. were lined up in front of the Battalion Head Qrs and commenced rapid fire into the flank of the Boche doing great execution and causing them to retire hastily. 18th Division Copies of Congratulatory messages received by the Division on the successful operations resulting in the Capture of Thiepval on September 26th, 1916 and of Schwaben Redoubt on September 28th, 1916 (1) Telegram from Lieutenant General C.W.Jacob C.B., Commanding IInd Army Corps To 18th Division G1881 26th Corps Commander wishes to thank you and all ranks of your Division for their admirable work today. Thiepval has withstood all attacks upon it for exactly 2 years and it is a great honour to your Division to have captured the whole of this strongly fortified village at their first attempt. Hearty congratulations to you all From IInd Corps 9.10 p.m. To. 18th Division G1998 28th The Corps Commander again thanks and congratulates all ranks of 18th Division on further gallant and successful work today. He specially commends the good organisation, training and Staff work displayed and the methodical and determined manner in which all orders and plans have been carried out and all prearranged objectives reached and consoildated. From IInd Corps 11/12 pm (2) Telegram from general Sir H.de la P.Gough K.C.B. Commanding Reserve Army To Maj.Gen.Maxse 28.9.16 18th Division Congratulate you very heartily on success of todays attack as well as of previous operations. Reflects greatest credit on you and your troops. From: General Gough (3) Telegram from General Sir Herbert C.O.Plumer G.C.M.G., K.C.B., Commanding Second Army To. 18th Division G930 28th Many congratulations to you and your Division from Commander & Staff Second Army 5.45 pm From Second Army (4) Personal congratulations of general Sir Douglas Haig G.C.B., G.C.V.O., K.C.I.E., Commander-in-Chief British Armies in France. To 53rd, 54th and 55th Infantry Brigades G.221 Sept 27th The Commander-in-Chief personally called today on General Maxse to congratulate the Division on its success at Thiepval. From 18th Division 4.30 p.m. E.V.Riddell, Lt.Colonel A.A. & Q.M.G., 18th Division 29th September 1916 OFFICERS KILLED IN ACTION 2nd Lieut. Ian Henry Munro ROSS-TAYLOR 27.9.16 2nd Lieut. Thomas Percy WILSON 28.9.16 2nd Lieut. Herbert George MERCHANT 28.9.16 2nd Lieut. Cedric S. Howard 28.9.16 2nd Lieut. Robert Donald HUNSTON 28.9.16 OFFICERS WOUNDED IN ACTION Captain Thomas Reginald Jack MULLIGAN 27.9.16 2nd Lieut. Samuel Lawrence CANNON 27.9.16 2nd Lieut. Henry POTTS 27.9.16 2nd Lieut. Camille FLOUTIER 27.9.16 Captain Arthur Ernest PERCIVAL 28.9.16 2nd Lieut. Ernest George PERNET 28.9.16 2nd Lieut. Henry Cheney MALONE 28.9.16 2nd Lieut. Tom Edwin ADLAM 28.9.16 2nd Lieut. Robert Edwin MOYSE 28.9.16 2nd Lieut. Harold Agnew REANEY 28.9.16 OTHER RANKS KILLED IN ACTION 4/6940 L/Cpl. Gladding, F[rederick] A Coy. 27.9.16 15856 Pte. Andrews, F[rederick] A Coy. 27.9.16 14671 Pte. Bennett, W[illiam] A Coy. 27.9.16 14910 Pte. Blackmore, W[illiam] A Coy. 27.9.16 17012 Pte. Bowers, R[ichard] A Coy. 27.9.16 15345 Pte. Brown, J[ohn] W[alter] A Coy. 27.9.16 22040 Pte. Cowland, E[dward] A Coy. 27.9.16 43366 Pte. Evans, W[illiam] A Coy. 27.9.16 7665 Pte. Higgs, J[ohn] F[rederick] A Coy. 27.9.16 17450 Pte. Hunt, A[lbert] V[ictor] A Coy. 27.9.16 19816 Pte. Deighton, R[euben] A Coy. 27.9.16 43292 Pte. Fudge, W[alter] G[eorge] B Coy. 27.9.16 14225 Pte. Gurney, J[ames] B Coy. 27.9.16 25979 Pte. Bayford, L[eonard] J[ohn] C Coy. 27.9.16 15040 Pte. Cracknell, F[rederick] C Coy. 27.9.16 18230 Pte. Elliott, W[illiam] C Coy. 27.9.16 23198 Pte. Edwards, F[rank] H[enry] C Coy. 27.9.16 13367 Pte. Jordan, J[ohn] C Coy. 27.9.16 43369 Pte. Knowles, J[ohn Norman] C Coy. 27.9.16 16416 Pte. Lane, P[ercy] C Coy. 27.9.16 43351 Pte. Lee, A[lbert Victor] C Coy. 27.9.16 12256 Cpl. Arnott, F H[erbert] C Coy. 27.9.16 15319 L/Cpl. Brown, J[ohn] W[alter] C Coy. 27.9.16 22810 L/Cpl. Canham, C[harles] W[illiam] C Coy. 27.9.16 27815 L/Cpl. Shelford, F[red] C Coy. 27.9.16 43346 L/Cpl. Warner, H[arry] C Coy. 27.9.16 16985 L/Cpl. Winfield, G[eorge] C Coy. 27.9.16 16777 Pte. Mitchell, R[ichard] C[harles] C Coy. 27.9.16 43326 Pte. Oldfield, F[rederick] H[inton] C Coy. 27.9.16 23790 Pte. Seward, W[illiam] H[erbert] C Coy. 27.9.16 15433 Pte. Sylvester, H[arry] C Coy. 27.9.16 15400 C.S.M. Fountain, A[rthur] D Coy. 27.9.16 14683 Sergt. Hill, L[eonard] J[ames] D Coy. 27.9.16 16133 L/Cpl. Atkins, A[rthur] E[dward] D Coy. 27.9.16 15229 Pte. Billington, W[illiam Charles] D Coy. 27.9.16 14660 Pte. Dorrell, [Frederick] T[homas] D Coy. 27.9.16 43324 Pte. Nice, P[ercy] D Coy. 27.9.16 15692 Pte. Taylor, V[ictor] C[harles] D Coy. 27.9.16 23363 Pte. Terry, F[rederick Abraham] D Coy. 27.9.16 27859 Pte. Tompkins, J[oseph] W[illiam] D Coy. 27.9.16 19171 Pte. Waterton, S[idney] D Coy. 27.9.16 27884 Pte. Williams, J[ohn] H[enry] D Coy. 27.9.16 27830 Pte. Wright, P[ercy] H[arry] D Coy. 27.9.16 3/8751 Sergt. Marshall, W[alter] A Coy. 28.9.16 22020 Cpl. Andrews, W[illiam] A Coy. 28.9.16 15465 Cpl. Turner, H[erbert] W[alter] A Coy. 28.9.16 14792 Pte. Holloway, J[oseph] J[ohn] A Coy. 28.9.16 3/7497 Cpl. Hodge, W[alter] F[red] B Coy. 28.9.16 16419 Cpl. Quartermass, R[obert Alfred] B Coy. 28.9.16 8289 L/Cpl. Miles, W[alter] B Coy. 28.9.16 27836 Pte. Payne, T[homas] B Coy. 28.9.16 16208 Sergt. Shepherd, R[eginald] W[alter] C Coy. 28.9.16 14808 L/Cpl. Field, M[artin] E[dgar] C Coy. 28.9.16 14872 Pte. Parsons, E[rnest] A[rthur] C Coy. 28.9.16 18202 Pte. Robinson, F[rank] C[harles] C Coy. 28.9.16 43320 Pte. Miller, C[harles] H[enry] D Coy. 28.9.16 15292 Pte. Kingham, A[rthur] D Coy. 28.9.16 43339 Pte. Humphrey, W[illiam] D Coy. 28.9.16 13742 Pte. James, H[erbert] W[illiam] D Coy. 28.9.16 OTHER RANKS WOUNDED IN ACTION 17431 Pte. O'Neil, A. A Coy. 26.9.16 15760 Pte. Turvey, A[rthur] [ A Coy. 26.9.16 14318 Sergt. Puddephat, P. C Coy. 26.9.16 13232 Pte. Allen, L. C Coy. 26.9.16 16261 Pte. Allen, W.S. D Coy. 26.9.16 19357 L/Sgt. Butler, A[rthur] [died of wounds 24.10.16] A Coy 27.9.16 43273 Pte. Atkinson, J.H. A Coy. 27.9.16 23417 Pte. Breed, F. A Coy. 27.9.16 14796 Pte. Burge, O[liver] S[amuel] [died of wounds 27.9.16] A Coy. 27.9.16 25626 Pte. Carter, W[alter] [died 27.9.16] A Coy. 27.9.16 16550 Pte. Cripps, C. A Coy. 27.9.16 43367 Pte. Freeman, G. A Coy. 27.9.16 7722 Pte. Furr, E[rnest] W[illiam] [died 27.9.16] A Coy. 27.9.16 20817 Pte. Hill, Edward [died of wounds 28.9.16] A Coy. 27.9.16 17409 Pte. Hobby, A. A Coy. 27.9.16 15030 Pte. Payne, W.G. A Coy. 27.9.16 15357 Pte. Pearce, C[harles] H[enry] [died 27.9.16] A Coy. 27.9.16 15329 Pte. Tripp, A. B Coy. 27.9.16 6436 Pte. Gibbard, A. B Coy. 27.9.16 43347 Pte. Pavitt, E. B Coy. 27.9.16 25555 Pte. Baxter, C.E. C Coy. 27.9.16 10638 Pte. Bean, W. C Coy 27.9.16 12660 Pte. Bradley, A. C Coy. 27.9.16 43283 Pte. Cooper, C. C Coy. 27.9.16 16083 Pte. Cornell, V.H. C Coy. 27.9.16 22910 Pte. Clark, W.P. C Coy. 27.9.16 19925 Pte. Farey, R. C Coy. 27.9.16 19930 Pte. Gould, F.A. C Coy. 27.9.16 22830 Pte. Mellor, J. C Coy. 27.9.16 17462 Sergt. Rubnett, F.H. C Coy. 27.9.16 18192 L/Sgt. Ettey, T. C Coy 27.9.16 43557 Pte. Alderman, G. C Coy. 27.9.16 15232 Pte. Norris, W. C Coy. 27.9.16 13822 Pte. Raynor, A.J. C Coy. 27.9.16 15680 Pte. Rands, T. C Coy. 27.9.16 15399 Sergt. Gamage, H. D Coy. 27.9.16 16029 L.Cpl. Horley, A.L. D Coy. 27.9.16 15644 Pte. Horsted, T. D Coy. 27.9.16 14934 Pte. Jones, H. D Coy. 27.9.16 20095 Pte. Jeffs, J. D Coy. 27.9.16 15118 Pte. Mardle, A[lbert] [died 28.9.16] D Coy. 27.9.16 43332 Pte. Pearson, A. D Coy. 27.9.16 22192 Pte. Putman, H[orace] [died 27.9.16] D Coy. 27.9.16 19175 Pte. Smythe, J. D Coy. 27.9.16 43340 Pte. Shanks, H. D Coy. 27.9.16 27866 Pte. White, W.C. D Coy. 27.9.16 27772 Pte. Woodcock, F. D Coy. 27.9.16 15126 Pte. Yearley, R.W. D Coy. 27.9.16 12801 Sergt. Blakeman, F.G. A Coy. 28.9.16 14499 Sergt. Wilson, A[ugustus] E[dwin] A Coy. 28.9.16 43261 Sergt. Hart, A[lfred] [died 27.9.16] A Coy 28.9.16 16810 Cpl. Clare, G.T. A Coy. 28.9.16 20452 Cpl. Dorrington, J.W. A Coy. 28.9.16 16388 L/Cpl. Allen, J[ohn] R[obert] [died of wounds 31.10.16] A Coy. 28.9.16 14836 L/Cpl. Banes, F.J. A Coy. 28.9.16 18559 L/Cpl. Batty, J.E. A Coy. 28.9.16 43864 L/Cpl. Haverson, A.E. A Coy. 28.9.16 19757 L/Cpl. Spacey, T. A Coy. 28.9.16 15244 Pte. Allen, A.W. A Coy. 28.9.16 43271 Pte. Arborn, W. A Coy. 28.9.16 15963 Pte. Bailey, F.J. A Coy. 28.9.16 20084 Pte. Berry, H[erbert] E[ric] [died of wounds 17/11/16] A Coy. 28.9.16 14894 Pte. Blower, C.R. A Coy. 28.9.16 15683 Pte. Bradbury, W.E. A Coy. 28.9.16 26710 Pte. Bradford, R. A Coy. 28.9.16 14562 Pte. Briers, F.J. A Coy. 28.9.16 23280 Pte. Clifton, C[harles] [died of wounds 5.10.16] A Coy. 28.9.16 25627 Pte. Cowlin, A. A Coy. 28.9.16 15232 Pte. Daniels, W.W. A Coy. 28.9.16 43285 Pte. Davis, A. A Coy. 28.9.16 7677 Pte. Eversden, G[eorge] [died 28.9.16] A Coy. 28.9.16 14934 Pte. Holloway, G.A. A Coy. 28.9.16 12405 Pte. Hunt, C. A Coy. 28.9.16 13281 Pte. Kempster, E. A Coy. 28.9.16 18567 Pte. Masson, R. A Coy. 28.9.16 19659 Pte. Taylor, G. A Coy. 28.9.16 18044 Pte. Thornton, T. A Coy. 28.9.16 19829 Pte. Tutton, A.P. A Coy. 28.9.16 15497 Pte. Watson, A. A Coy. 28.9.16 20980 Pte. Watson, E.C. A Coy. 28.9.16 19676 Pte. Waugh, H. A Coy. 28.9.16 13487 Pte. Whitlock, C. A Coy. 28.9.16 12761 Pte. York, W.G. A Coy. 28.9.16 17276 Pte. Petifor, G.R. B Coy. 28.9.16 27904 Pte. Rowland, R. B Coy. 28.9.16 43363 Pte. Tebbutt, W[alter] B Coy. 28.9.16 17273 Pte. Wagstaff, H. B Coy. 28.9.16 15044 Sergt. Bayford, F[rank] W[illiam] B Coy. 28.9.16 16031 Cpl. Rowlings, W.A. B Coy. 28.9.16 12672 Cpl. Tippett, A[lfred] [died of wounds 30.9.16] B Coy. 28.9.16 15198 Cpl. Chandler, A[lfred] B Coy. 28.9.16 14620 L/Cpl. Bradshaw, E. B Coy. 28.9.16 16215 L/Cpl. Sewell, H.J. B Coy. 28.9.16 10034 Pte. Hammond, J. B Coy. 28.9.16 20874 Pte. Pimm, A, B Coy. 28.9.16 12695 Pte. Brookes, T. B Coy. 28.9.16 43880 Pte. Cairns, T.F. B Coy. 28.9.16 17375 Pte. Chandler, C. B Coy. 28.9.16 16002 Pte. Meeks, J. B Coy. 28.9.16 14673 Pte. Moverley, A. B Coy. 28.9.16 15956 Pte. Murray, E.J. B Coy. 28.9.16 15138 Pte. Seabrook, A[rthur] B Coy. 28.9.16 16194 Pte. Wilson, A. B Coy. 28.9.16 43364 Pte. Chapman, T.J. B Coy. 28.9.16 43362 Pte. Pickford, G. B Coy. 28.9.16 43300 Pte. Honour, B[ruce] [died of wounds 4.10.16] B Coy. 28.9.16 4/7334 Pte. Butler, J. C Coy. 28.9.16 43443 Pte. Docwra, W. C Coy. 28.9.16 17292 Pte. Greenhill, D[ennis] C Coy. 28.9.16 19131 Pte. Lawrence, G. C Coy. 28.9.16 17206 Sergt. Ingrey, C.R. C Coy. 28.9.16 13969 Sergt. Marchant, H.W. C Coy. 28.9.16 15340 Cpl. Piercy, T[homas] V[ictor] C Coy. 28.9.16 14880 L/Cpl. Payne, A.C. C Coy. 28.9.16 18275 Pte. Andrews, J.E. C Coy. 28.9.16 14222 Pte. Arnold, S. C Coy. 28.9.16 18171 Pte. Aylott, J[ohn] C Coy. 28.9.16 26539 Pte. Peacock, G.R. C Coy. 28.9.16 14874 Pte. Tinsley, E. C Coy. 28.9.16 17016 Pte. Tribe, W. C Coy. 28.9.16 18230 Pte. Wilsher, W. C Coy. 28.9.16 19210 Sergt. Slough, J.W. D Coy. 28.9.16 43340 Sergt. Wyatt, A. D Coy. 28.9.16 43370 Pte. Adams, T[homas Isaac] [died 28.9.16] D Coy. 28.9.16 23409 Pte. Clayton, W. D Coy. 28.9.16 16261 Pte. Halsey, G. D Coy. 28.9.16 43315 Pte. Knock, H. D Coy. 28.9.16 43316 Pte. Lord, H. D Coy. 28.9.16 22666 Pte. Line, B.C. D Coy. 28.9.16 23531 Pte. Land, F[rederick] [died of wounds 9.10.16] D Coy. 28.9.16 43329 Pte. Prew, F. D Coy. 28.9.16 19141 Pte. Simpkins, A.H. D Coy. 28.9.16 26326 Pte. Wright, S.W. D Coy. 28.9.16 43267 L/Cpl. Lewis, H. B Coy. 30.9.16 8365 Pte. Head, S. B Coy. 30.9.16 16173 Pte. Land, A.L. B Coy. 30.9.16 27819 Pte. Showler, G. D Coy. 30.9.16 3/8441 Pte. Cooper, G[eorge] A[lbert] [died 28.9.16] D Coy. 28.9.16 13970 Pte. Hughes, A. D Coy. 30.9.16 OTHER RANKS MISSING 17410 Pte. Cornish, J.A. A Coy. 27.9.16 18669 L/Cpl. Mardel, C[harles] J[ames] [killed] A Coy. 28.9.16 19003 Pte. Baxter, G.W. A Coy. 28.9.16 13301 Pte. Elwood, W[alter] [killed] A Coy. 28.9.16 14405 Pte. Mimms, J[ames] [killed] A Coy. 28.9.16 10358 Pte. Slatter, G. B Coy. 27.9.16 15312 L/Cpl. Smith, T.W. B Coy 28.9.16 43284 Pte. Chapman, W. B Coy. 28.9.16 26230 Pte. Webb, J[ohn] G[eorge] [killed] B Coy. 28.9.16 43358 Pte. Battison, A. B Coy. 28.9.16 43286 Pte. Doel, S[ydney Herbert] [killed] B Coy. 28.9.16 43365 Pte. Dickens, J[ohn] W[illiam] [killed] B Coy. 28.9.16 25665 Pte. French, W.G. B Coy. 28.9.16 43291 Pte. Fisher, H[arry] [killed] B Coy. 28.9.16 16922 Pte. Giddings, J[ohn] [killed] B Coy. 28.9.16 43297 Pte. Goodwin, A[ustin] [killed] B Coy. 28.9.16 14306 Pte. Hill, W. B Coy. 28.9.16 23262 Pte. Knight, W. B Coy. 28.9.16 27840 Pte. Morgan, W[illiam] B Coy. 28.9.16 43333 Pte. Rollins, J[ohn Henry] [killed] B Coy. 28.9.16 4/7178 Pte. Pearce, W[illiam James] [killed] B Coy. 28.9.16 7002 Pte. Hedger, J[ohn] [killed] B Coy. 28.9.16 12010 Pte, Sims, C.A. B Coy. 28.9.16 12693 Pte. Walker, A. B Coy. 28.9.16 19875 Pte. Pepper, F[rank] [killed] B Coy. 29.9.16 15754 L/Cpl. Cochrane, J[ohn] [killed] C Coy. 28.9.16 MISSING BELIEVED KILLED 15743 L/Cpl. Heley, T[homas] J[ohn] [died of wounds 29.6.16] D Coy. 27.9.16 27955 L/Cpl. Whittaker, [Charles] J[esse] [killed] D Coy. 27.9.16 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment List of Recommendations sent to 54th Brigade, october 2nd 1916 OFFICERS Recommended For 2/Lieut. Tom Edwin Adlam VC Capt. Leslie Howard Keep DSO Capt. William Joseph Wellesley Colley DSO 2/Lieut. Harold Agnew Reaney DSO Lieut. Douglas Scrivener Howard Keep MC Capt. John Henry Bridcutt MC Capt. John Wright Turner MC OTHER RANKS 16176 Coy.Sergt.Maj. Richard Maurice Brand DCM 6466 Coy.Sergt.Maj.Charles Hall DCM 15080 L/Corp. Arthur William Harris DCM 16540 Pte. George Goldhawk DCM 21343 Sergt. Alfred Wyatt DCM 14626 L/Sergt. Albert Turville DCM 15318 Pte. Alfred Pratt DCM 3/8402 Battn.Sergt.Maj. Frederick Antcliffe DCM 15153 Pte. John James Winterbourne MM 17442 Pte. Albert Goodliff MM 12615 Corpl. Peter Relhorn MM 14354 Pte. Arthur Frederick Baker MM 43318 Pte. William Lewis MM 18267 Pte. Henry Brett MM 14681 Pte. Albert Gilbert Bailey MM 12735 L/Sergt. George Frederick Cowling MM 17317 Pte. Charles James Perkins MM 15436 Pte. William Wall MM 14878 Pte. Arthur James Palmer MM 14644 Pte. Harry[?] Horgan MM 16002 Pte. Jesse Meeks MM 43293 L/Cpl. Thomas Fitzgerald MM 9140 Pte. Henry Erskine MM 14805 L/Cpl. Herbert John Gammons MM 15558 L/Cpl. John Joseph Cousins MM 15684 Pte. William Sidney Mason MM 8089 Sergt. Robert Hanson MM 2/7597 Pte. William Inns MM 43263 Pte. Robert Willacy MM 15044 Pte. Frank Bayford MM
- Date free textSep 1916
- Production dateFrom: 1916 To: 1916
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordBrawn, A.W.,
Mills, George Pilkington,
Percival, Arthur Ernest,
Price, George Dominic,
Benson, E.W.,
Dealler, F.E.,
Maxse, Ivor,
Bridcutt, John Henry,
Tremeer, Sidney Charles,
Piercy, E.F.,
Shoubridge, Thomas Herbert,
Keep, Leslie Howard,
Fish, H.W.,
Stewart, H.B.,
Cannell, H.C.,
Maxwell, Arthur,
Sulman, A.E.,
Johnston, W.H.H.,
Potts, Henry,
Adlam, Tom Edwin,
Jacob, Claud William,
Gough, Hubert de la Poer,
Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow,
Haig, Douglas [1st Earl],
Riddell, E.V.,
Ross-Taylor, Ian Henry Munro,
Wilson, Thomas Percy,
Merchant, Herbert George,
Howard, Cedric Stewart,
Hunston, Robert Donald,
Mulligan, Thomas Reginald Jack,
Cannon, Samuel Lawrence,
Floutier. Camille,
Pernet, Ernest George,
Malone, Henry Cheney,
Moyse, Robert Edwin,
Reaney, Harold Agnew,
Gladding, Frederick,
Andrews, Frederick,
Bennett, William,
Blackmore, William,
Bowers, Richard,
Brown, John Walter,
Cowland, Edward,
Evans, William,
Higgs, John Frederick,
Hunt, Albert Victor,
Deighton, Reuben,
Fudge, Walter George,
Gurney, James,
Bayford, Leonard John,
Cracknell, Frederick,
Elliott, William,
Edwards, Frank Henry,
Jordan, John,
Knowles, John Norman,
Lane, Percy,
Lee, Albert Victor,
Arnott, F. Herbert,
Brown, John Walter,
Canham, Charles William,
Shelford, Fred,
Warner, Harry,
Winfield, George,
Mitchell, Richard Charles,
Oldfield, Frederick Hinton,
Seward, William Herbert,
Sylvester, Harry,
Fountain, Arthur,
Hill, Leonard James,
Atkins, Arthur Edward,
Billington, William Charles,
Dorrell, Frederick Thomas,
Nice, Percy,
Taylor, Victor Charles,
Terry, Frederick Abraham,
Tompkins, Joseph William,
Waterton, Sidney,
Williams, John Henry,
Wright, Percy Harry,
Marshall, Walter,
Andrews, William,
Turner, Herbert Walter,
Holloway, Joseph John,
Hodge, Walter Fred,
Quartermass, Robert Alfred,
Miles, Walter,
Payne, Thomas,
Shepherd, Reginald Walter,
Field, Martin Edgar,
Parsons, Ernest Arthur,
Robinson, Frank Charles,
Miller, Charles Henry,
Kingham, Arthur,
Humphrey, William,
James, Herbert William,
O'Neil, A,
Turvey, Arthur,
Puddephat, P.,
Allen, L.,
Allen, W.S.,
Butler, Arthur,
Atkinson, J.H.,
Breed, F.,
Burge, Oliver Samuel,
Carter, Walter,
Cripps, C.,
Freeman, G.,
Furr, Ernest William,
Hill, Edward,
Hobby, A.,
Payne, W.G.,
Pearce, Charles Henry,
Tripp, A.,
Gibbard, A.,
Pavitt, E.,
Baxter, C.E.,
Bean, W.,
Bradley, A.,
Cooper, C.,
Cornell, V H,
Clark, W.P.,
Farey, R.,
Gould, F.A.,
Mellor, J,
Rubnett, F.H.,
Ettey, T.,
Alderman, G.,
Norris, W.,
Raynor, A.J.,
Rands, T.,
Gamage, H.,
Horley, A.L.,
Horsted, T.,
Jones, H.,
Jeffs, J.,
Mardle, Albert,
Pearson, A.,
Putman, Horace,
Smythe, J.,
Shanks, H.,
White, W.C.,
Woodcock, F.,
Yearley, R.W.,
Blakeman, F.G.,
Wilson, Augustus Edwin,
Hart, Alfred,
Clare, G.T.,
Dorrington, J.W.,
Allen, John Robert,
Banes, F J,
Batty, J.E.,
Haverson, A.E.,
Spacey, T.,
Allen, A.W.,
Arborn, W.,
Bailey, F.J.,
Berry, Herbert Eric,
Blower, C R,
Bradbury, W.E.,
Bradford, R.,
Briers, F.J.,
Clifton, Charles,
Cowlin, A.,
Daniels, W.W.,
Davis, A.,
Eversden, George,
Holloway, G.A.,
Hunt, C.,
Kempster, E.,
Masson, R.,
Taylor, G,
Thornton, T.,
Tutton, A.P.,
Watson, A.,
Watson, E.C.,
Waugh, H.,
Whitlock, C.,
York, W.G.,
Petifor, G.R.,
Rowland, R.,
Tebbutt, Walter,
Wagstaff, H.,
Bayford, Frank William,
Rowlings, W.A.,
Tippett, Alfred,
Chandler, Alfred,
Bradshaw, E,
Sewell, H.J.,
Hammond, J.,
Pimm, A.,
Brookes, T.,
Cairns, T.F.,
Chandler, C.,
Meeks, J.,
Moverley, A.,
Murray, E.J.,
Seabrook, Arthur,
Wilson, A.,
Chapman, T.J.,
Pickford, G.,
Honour, Bruce,
Butler, J.,
Docwra, W.,
Greenhill, Dennis,
Lawrence, G,
Ingrey, C.R.,
Marchant, H.W.,
Piercy, Thomas Victor,
Payne, A C,
Andrews, J.E.,
Arnold, S,
Aylott, J,
Peacock, G.R.,
Tinsley, E,
Tribe, W.,
Wilsher, W.,
Slough, J.W.,
Wyatt, A.,
Adams, Thomas Isaac,
Clayton, W.,
Halsey, G.,
Knock, H.,
Lord, H.,
Line, B.C.,
Land, Frederick,
Prew, F.,
Simpkins, A.H.,
Wright, S W,
Lewis, H.,
Head, S.,
Land, A.L.,
Showler, G.,
Cooper, George Albert,
Hughes, A.,
Cornish, J.A.,
Mardel, Charles James,
Baxter, G.W.,
Elwood, Walter,
Mimms, James,
Slatter, G.,
Smith, T.W.,
Chapman, W.,
Webb, John George,
Battison, A.,
Doel, Sydney Herbert,
Dickens, John William,
French, W G,
Fisher, Harry,
Giddings, John,
Goodwin, Austin,
Hill, W,
Knight, W.,
Morgan, William,
Rollins, John Henry,
Pearce, William James,
Hedger, John,
Sims, C.A.,
Walker, A.,
Pepper, Frank,
Cochrane, John,
Heley, Thomas John,
Whittaker, Charles Jesse,
Colley, William Joseph Wellesley,
Turner, John Wright,
Brand, Richard Maurice,
Keep, Douglas Scrivenor Howard,
Hall, Charles,
Harris, Arthur William,
Goldhawk, George,
Wyatt, Alfred,
Turville, Albert,
Pratt, Alfred,
Antcliffe, Frederick,
Winterbourne, John James,
Goodliff, Albert,
Relhorn, Peter,
Baker, Arthur Frederick,
Lewis, William,
Brett, Henry,
Bailey, Albert Gilbert,
Cowling, George Frederick,
Perkins, Charles James,
Wall, William,
Palmer, Arthur James,
Horgan, Harry,
Meeks, Jesse,
Fitzgerald, Thomas,
Erskine, Henry,
Gammons, Herbert John,
Cousins, John Joseph,
Mason, William Sidney,
Hanson, Robert,
Inns, William,
Willacy, Robert,
Bayford, Frank - Keywords6th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment, 11th Battalion Royal Fusiliers, 12th Battalion Middlesex Regiment, 54th Infantry Brigade, 18th (Eastern) Division, 54th Machine Gun Company, 54th Trench Mortar Battery, Royal Engineers 80th Company, 54th Field Ambulance, Divisional Train 152nd Company, Raincheval Ecole des Garcons, Prisoners of war, deaths, 1st/5th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment, 7th Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment, 146th Infantry Brigade, 7th Battalion Royal West Surrey Regiment, 9th (Reserve) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, La Thieuloye, Moncheaux, Marquay, Monchy-Breton, Ternas, Sus-Saint-Leger, Ligny-St.Flochel, Orlencourt, Houvin, Houvigneul, Estree-Wamin, Beaudricourt, Buneville, Ivergny, Raincheval, Le Souich, Halloy-les-Pernes, Thievres, Marieux, Thiepval, Varennes, Arqueves, Lealvillers, Acheux-en-Amienois, Hedeauville, Thiepval Wood, Chateau de Thiepval, North Bluff (Somme), Authuille, Black Horse Road (Somme), Martinsart Wood, Bouzincourt, Black Horse Bridge (Somme), Paisley Avenue (Somme), Schwaben Redoubt (Somme), Martin's Lane (Somme), Saint-Pierre-Divion
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