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    1-5-18 Battalion Training. Congratulatory messages received from General Brecard (French Army), G.O.C. 19th Corps & G.O.C. 54th Infantry Brigade. Reinforcements: 15 O.R. from the Base. 2-5-18 Battalion Training. Reinforcements: 66 O.R. from the Base. Honours & Awards see Appendix II. Appendix 2. Bar to Military Medal: 15084 Sgt.H.Swannell. 14782 Sgt.G.C.Stuckey. Military Medal: - 13780 C.Q.M.S. J.W.Pollard. 3/7825 Cpl.A.Holton. 15850 Pte.A.G.Smith. 15755 Pte.A.Thorby. 3/8485 Sgt.W.Renny. 433275 Pte.H.Brunt. 29695 Pte.F.Cootes. 22631 Sgt.H.Trussell. 15626 Pte.F.Fyson. 14787 Pte.W.H.Dyer. 3-5-18 Battalion Training. 4-5-18 Battalion Training. 7th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 4/5/18 Order No.1 1. The Battalion will embus tomorrow 5-5-18 for the forward area. 2. Head of Bus Column will be at Fork Roads WARLUS H.20.c.7.8. facing the tail of the column 1 mile N of CAMPS EN AMINOIS. 3. Time of embussing 9-30 a.m. 4. 2/Lt King Smith and party of 10 men from Snipers and Scouts will meet Lt.Margoliouth at head of Column at 8.15 a.m. for allotting busses with the exact strength of embussing. 5. Starting Point X Roads in Centre of ETRJUST. Time 7 a.m. Order of March. H.Q. A. B. C. and D Coys. Hd Qrs and D Coy will parade ready to move off at 6.30 a.m. DRESS. Fighting Order. Steel helmets must be worn. 6. Surplus Battle personnel proceeding to Corps Reinf Camp will now proceed by lorry. They will march as a separate unit as far as embussing point where Lt Tebb will report to Lieut Margoliouth. Kits of above personnel will be collected by lorry reporting to BDE H.Qrs. at 8.a.m. They will be stacked respectively at Bn H.Q. and A Coy H.Qrs. D and A Coy will each leave 1 man in charge. 7. 2/Lt Davies and 1 o.r. to be detailed by him will be at Bde H.Qrs at 8.a.m. to report to Staff Captain for Billeting. 8. Refilling Point 5-5-18 will be at X Roads N of MONTIGNY B.11.d.8.2. Sheet 62 d) Time 3 p.m. REVEILLE 5 a.m. BREAKFAST 5.45 a.m. ACKNOWLEDGE (SGD) A.W.G.SMITH. 2/Lieut and A/Adjt. 7th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 5-5-18 Battalion Training. WARLOY [-BAILLON] 6-5-18 9.30am Embussed at WARLUS (H.20.c.7.8) & proceeded to CONTAY, marching to WARLOY (AMIENS 17). Battalion relieved 21st London Regt. in Brigade Reserve. "A" Coy in HILL ROW. "B" Coy in DARLING SUPPORT. "C" Coy in VILLA RESERVE. "D" Coy in COPSE TRENCH. Battalion H.Q. in LAVIEVILLE (D.11.a.0.8). 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 6-5-18 ORDER NO.2 1. the Battalion will relieve the 21st London Regiment in the line tonight and will be in Brigade Reserve. "A" Coy. 7th Bedfords will relieve "A" 21st London Regt. in HILL ROW. "B" Coy. 7th Bedfords will relieve "B" 21st London Regt. in DARLING SUPPORT "C" Coy. 7th Bedfords will relieve "C" 21st London Regt. in VILLA RESERVE "D" Coy. 7th Bedfords will relieve "D" 21st London Regt. in COPSE TRENCH. Battalion Headquarters will be in LAVIVILLE at D.11.a.0.8. 2. Guides on the scale of 3 per Bn.Hd.Qrs and 1 per Coy.H.Q. and 1 per platoon will meet the Battalion at the Chateau Gates, HNENCOURT. TIME: - 8.45 p.m. 3. Starting Point. Church WARLOY [-BAILLON] Starting Time 7.45 p.m. Order of March "A" "B" "C" "D" and HdQrs. Companies will move by platoons at 100 intervals. 4. The 2 Lewis Gun Fighting Limbers will be loaded with Guns and Drums required for the line and will move off at 7.30 p.m. and proceed to the Chateau HNENCOURT where guns and drums will be picked up by Companies. 5. RATIONS. Cooking for Headquarters "C" and "D" Companies will be done at LAVIVILLE. T.O. will arrange to send up a limber with the necessary cooking utensils. Hot meals for "A" and "B" Companies will be taken up at night for this purpose the T.O. will arrange to send Two Cookers and one Watercart to a point to be reconnoitred in the valley West of LAVIVILLE. Companies will arrange for hot tea to be supplied at about 2.0 a.m. 6. WATER. Water for drinking purposes will be drawn from a well in LAVIVILLE. The Medical Officer will arrange to have this chlorinated before issue. The T.O. will arrange to send up 50 petrol tins for this purpose. These will be dumped at Bn.HdQrs. 7. T.M.B. The T.M.Officer will accompany the Battalion tonight. The T.M.Section will remain at "B" echelon until positions have been reconnoitred. 8. The R.E.Platoon will remain at "B" Echelon for the present. 2/Lt.C.S.Richards will report at BnHdQrs. at 2.0 p.m. tomorrow for instructions. 9. PIONEERS (1 N.C.O. and 4 men) will accompany the Battalion, remainder will remain with "B" Echelon. 10. The Medical Officer will immediately after relief have a careful inspection carried out of all Anti-Gas appliances and will render a report showing that material required by 12 noon tomorrow. 11. KITS. Officers trench kits, Mess Boxes etc., will be dumped at BnHdQrs by 8.30 p.m. T.O. will arrange to have these conveyed to Bn.HdQrs in the line LAVIVILLE. The R.S.M. and one senior N.C.O. per Company will proceed to LAVIVILLE this evening and will carefully take over and check all trench stores. Lists will be made in duplicate and signed by the Coy.Comdr. on arrival. Duplicates will be sent in to BnHdQrs as early as possible. 12. Completion of Relief will be reported by name of Company Commander. ACKNOWLEDGE. (SGD). A.W.G.SMITH. 2/LT AND A/AJT. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT In Reserve 7-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. 8-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. Capt.L.H.Keep, M.C. took over duties of 2nd in Command. 3/8112 Sergt.T.A.Smith awarded the Military Medal. 9-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. 10-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. 11-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. 12-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. 10 am Battalion H.Q. heavily shelled with 5.9's & eventually blown in. No casualties. New Batt. H.Q. at N. end of LAVIVILLE. 13-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. LAVIVILLE heavily shelled all day with 5.9s & 8 in Hows. Battalion H.Q. moved to shell-slits W. of cemetery & when shelled there moved to Brigade H.Q. in Quarry W. of Cemetery. Battalion relieved 7th Buffs in LAVIVILLE line. 7th (S) Bn.Bedford Regt. O.O.No.3 REF.MAP 52D.N. 1/20.000 13-5-18 1. The 7th Bedfords will relieve the 7th Buffs in the LAVIVILLE line tonight. 2. Companies 7th Bedfords will relieve corresponding Companies of the 7th Buffs. 3. Guides will be arranged between Company Commanders. "D" Coy 7th Buffs will move from present position at 9.30 p.m. "A", "B" & "C" Coys will move from present position at 10.P.M. 100 yards distance between platoons must be maintained when moving to new positions. 4. All Trench stores including S.A.A. bombs, S.O.S. signals etc. will be handed over on relief. Red & Green very lights, however will be brought out and not handed over. Lists of stores handed over and taken over will be forwarded to the Adjutant by 12 noon 14th inst. together with disposition map. Care must be taken, however, that the proper number of picks and shovels and all petrol tins (other than trench stores) are taken out on relief - also one bomb per man. 5. The fatigue party on the dug-outs at D.5.d.2.2. will be found by "C" Coy. 7th Buffs. 6. Lewis Guns & drums will be carried by Lewis Gun sections. 7. rations for "B", "C" & "D" Coys will be dumped at D.16.c.2.3. at 12 midnight. Dinners will also be ready at that hour. Dinners - rations & water for "A" Coy. will be at D.17.c.7.4. at 12.30 A.M. "A" Coy will arrange to have carrying party ready at that hour. 8. Arrangements for meals will be as under: - "A" & "B" Coys: - Dinner 9.P.M. Tea 2.30 A.M. (B Coy may also arrange for tea at 9 AM on misty mornings only). "C" & "D" Coys; - meals as usual. "C" Coys ration party, must however, keep to the trench all the way. 9. Stokes mortars will take up a position on relief at about D.16.c.4.7. and will cover the valley about D.16.d.9.9. 10. Bn H.Q. will be at D.9.b.5.6. 11. Completion of relief will be notified by lamp or runner to Bn.H.Q. D.4.c.1.1. via B'de visual station by quoting the name of the Coy.Commander. (SGD) H.SEYS PHILLIPS Capt. & Adjt. 14-5-18 Lt.Col.A.E.Percival M.C. awarded the D.S.O. Capt.H.C.Browning awarded the M.C. reinforcements: 2nd Lieut.S.A.Peerless & 52 O.R. from the Base. 15-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. 16-5-18 "A", "B" & "C" Coys withdrawn from LAVIVILLE line to BAIZIEUX. "D" Coy & Lewis Guns of "B" & "C" Coys remained in position till night & then relieved. Capts A.B.McBride and R.L.V.Doake awarded the M.C. Also Capt.T.Stevenson (R.A.M.C. attached) awarded the M.C. 14591 Sergt.A.Scott awarded the D.C.M. 7th Bn.Bedfordshire Regiment Operation Order No.5 Reference Sheet 62 D.W. 16/5/18 I. INTENTION "A", "B" & "C" Companies will be withdrawn from the LAVIVILLE line this morning. "D" Company and all Lewis Guns of "B" & "C" Companies with teams of 2 men per gun will remain in position until relieved at night by the 11th Royal Fusiliers. II. WITHDRAWAL Companies will move off as under: - "A" Company 8 a.m. "B" Company 8.30 a.m. "C" Company 9.0 a.m. Battn.H.Q. 10.0 a.m. They will move by platoon at 5 minute intervals and must take every advantage of the cover of low ground. Platoons will proceed to the windmill at D.1.a.7.0. where a guide will direct them to the Details Camp. III. COMMAND "A", "B" & "C" Companies will each leave behind one Officer to hand over the company sector and Trench Stores to the Royal Fusiliers. They will meet representatives of the R.F. at D.16.c.0.2. at 11 a.m. The Officers representing "B" & "C" Companies will remain until their Lewis Guns are relieved. IV. RATIONS Breakfasts will be consumed before moving. Extra rations and cooking utensils will be taken back on two limbers which will report at D.16.c.0.2 at 8 a.m. the Cookers & Watercart will leave at 9 a.m. & proceed to the Transport Lines. "D" Company will retain the tea ration & dixies to give the men a hot tea at night. Limbers for Lewis Guns of "B", "C" & "D" Companies and D Company's cooking utensils will report at D.16.c.0.2. at 9 p.m. The Mess Cart will report at B.H.Q. at 10 a.m. V. TOOLS Platoons leaving the line must be complete with picks & shovels. Petrol tins will be placed in the watercart at 8 am Companies must endeavour to collect as many of these as possible. VI. BATHS Companies will bathe this afternoon under arrangements to be made by the Adjutant. VII. RELIEF "D" Company will be relieved by "D" Company, 11th R.F. tonight. Guides on the scale of 1 per C.H.Q. & 1 per platoon will be at D.16.c.0.2. at 9.30 p.m. On relief the Company will proceed to D.16.c.0.2. where tea will be provided & will then march to the Details Camp. Lewis Guns of "B" & "C" Coys. will be relieved by "B" & "C" Companies 11th R.F. VIII. REPORTS "A", "B" & "C" Companies will each send one representative to report to Battalion Headquarters when they have been withdrawn. IX. HEADQUARTERS Battalion Headquarters will close at D.9.b.5.6. at 11 am and re-open at Details Camp at the same time. X. MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS The Medical Officer will leave at 9.0 a.m. but will leave sufficient medical staff to deal with casualties till after "D" Coy. is relieved. XI. ACKNOWLEDGE. H.Seys Phillips Capt. & A/Adjt. In the Line 17-5-18 Night 17/18th Battalion relieved the 10th Bn. Essex Regt. in the left sub-sector of the right sector of the Divisional front. "B" Coy in the front line, "D" Coy in support, "A" & "C" Coys counter-attack Coys. 7 O.R. in Base. 7th BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT ORDER No.5 Map Reference. 62D N.E. 17/5/18 1. INTENTION The Battalion will relieve the 10th Battn ESSEX REGT in the left sub sector of the right sector of the Divisional front tonight. 2. DISPOSITION "B" Coy will take over the front line. "D" Coy will be in Support and "A" and "C" Coys will be the counter attack Coys. 3. TIME Coys will leave Camp at the following times: - "B" Coy 9.15 p.m. "D" Coy. 9.30 p.m. "A" Coy 9.45 p.m. "C" Coy 10.0 p.m. H.Qrs 10.15 p.m. Platoons will move off at intervals of 2 minutes. 4. ROUTE. D.1.a.6.1 D.7.d.5.9. D.14.a.1.7. D.14.c.6.7. D.20.b.6.3. thence along main AMIENS ALBERT Road to D.21.b.0.8. 5. GUIDES Guides on the scale given to O.C.Companies at the conference this afternoon will meet the Battn. at D.21.b.0.8. 6. TRENCH MORTARS the Trench Mortars Section will relieve under orders from O.C. 54 T.M.B. 7. TRENCH STORES All trench Stores, Maps, aeroplane photos, S.O.S. Rockets etc will be taken over. Copies of receipts given will be sent in to Bn H Qrs by 4 a.m. 8. COMPLETION OF RELIEF Completion of relief will be reported to Bn Hd Qrs by giving the name of the Officer Commanding the Coy. 9. ACKNOWLEDGE (SGD) H.SEYS-PHILLIPS. Capt and A.Adjt. 7th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 18-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. 19-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. Honours & Awards: see Appendix VIII. Reinforcements: - Lieut.W.S.Oliver Jones & 58 O.R. from Base. Chinese attack successfully carried out. Appendix 8. The Military Cross: - Captain O.Kingdon. 2nd Lieut.W.G.Carter. The Distinguished Conduct Medal. 26539 Pte.G.Peacock. Bar to Military Medal. 14854 Cpl.J.Robertson. 14681 Pte.A.G.Bailey The Military Medal. 13293 Pte.R.J.Minns 49694 Pte.G.A.Hughes 14931 Pte.S.Winch 25384 Pte.H.J.Sear 20405 Pte.F.Millward 15371 Pte.F.G.Parker 14934 Sgt.G.A.Holloway 20-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. 15023 Sergt.S.Walby awarded the Military Medal. 21-5-18 "C" Coy relieved "B" Coy in the front line, & "A" Coy relieved "D" in Support, "B" & "C" Coys. becoming counter-attack companies. Reinforcements: 16 O.R. from Base. 22-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. 23-5-18 Battalion in same dispositions. Reinforcements: 4 O.R. from Base. 24-5-18 Battalion relieved at night by 22nd London Regt. WOOD E. of BHENCOURT 25-5-18 (AMIENS 17). Reinforcements: 14 O.R. from Base. 26-5-18 Battalion training. 27-5-18 Battalion absorbed by the 2nd Battalion. Casualties during the Month. Lieut.E.A.Hague. Wounded 21-5-18. 4 O.R. Killed. 23 O.R. wounded. 1 O.R. missing. 2 O.R. wounded & remained at Duty. 28-5-18 Battalion at Training and Reorganising. Temp.Sec.Lieut.W.Tysoe awarded the D.S.O. 2nd Lieut.E.J.Scott awarded the M.C. 22361 Sergt.J.Boness & 18570 Sergt.H.G.Robinson awarded the D.C.M. 29-5-18 Battalion training & reorganising. 30-5-18 Battalion training & reorganising. 31-5-18 Battalion moved to valley W. of HENENCOURT WOOD. Strength of Battalion on absorbing 7th Battalion: - 46 Officers & 1000 O.R. Remaining personnel & surplus transport were sent to the Base. Lieut.Col.A.E.Percival, D.S.O. M.C. commanded the Battalion from 28/5/18. Casualties since 27/5/18: - Nil. 25-5-18 The 7th Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment was transferred to the 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment. The 2nd and 7th Bns then became 2nd Bn. the Bedfordshire Regiment. At 6.30 A.M. a Party consisting as follows was formed into a Training cadre and became known as the 7th Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment. LIEUT.COL.R.O.WYNNE D.S.O. Commanding Officer MAJOR J.T.COE Adjutant CAPT. J.K.BATTEN Company Commander CAPT. F.EVERITT Company Commander CAPT. S.E.CLINE Company Commander CAPT. R.E.OAKLEY M.C. Company Commander 2/LIEUT.J.KEKK Lewis Gun Officer 2/LIEUT.W.ASHTON Scout Officer 2/LIEUT.H.FLAVELL Signalling Officer and 50 other ranks. The 7th Bn. Training cadre left at 6.30 A.M. 26th May to help Train the American Army, entraining at POULAINVILLE for CHPY-VALINES, arriving at 3.30 P.M. 27th. We then marched to Billets at ROGEANT about 6 miles S.W. of ABBEVILLE. ROGEANT 27-5-18 to 1-6-18 Owing to non arrival of American Units no training was carried out.
  • Date free text
    May 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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