- ReferenceX550/8/1/1606
- TitleBray 1-6-16 Quiet Day & Fine. 70 men of B Company employed on Barge Fatigue; remainder and all available N.C.O.s and men of A & D Companies employed onburying cable for 13" Corp[s] Heavy Artillery. Battn. H.Qrs. in Rue Phillippe Auguste. A Company next door B Company Rue Faidherbe, C Company Rue Phillippe August[e], D Company Rue Faidherbe. 2-6-16 Fine Day. Usual Fatigues during the morning. Similar fatigues at night commencing at about 10 pm so that men could get a holiday on Saturday & Sunday. During fatigue, heavy strafe of our guns began on German lines. (Manchesters said). We had 1 killed and wounded by M.G. fire. 3-6-16 No fatigues except B Company on Barge fatigue. Day fine. Instructions received that cable burying fatigue for Corps would cease from Sunday inclusive, and that we should be employed on cable burying fatigue for 18th Div. Sigs. OPERATION ORDERS No.14 By Major G.P.Mills Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 3rd. June, 1916 1. Intention B & D Companies are to proceed to CORBIE tomorrow and take over fatigues from 1 company of 6th Northants and 1 platoon of 12th Middx. Regiment. 2.Order of March The detachment will march by platoons at 300 yards interval to the BOIS DES TAILLES. The first platoon of B Company will march off at 7.30 a.m. and the last platoon of D Company will march off at 7.55 a.m. The column will close up there and march as a whole to CORBIE. 3. Billets. 2nd Lieut.J.H.R.Rawes R.Q.M.S. Kerrison and the two Company Quartermaster-Sergeants will proceed by horse and cycle, starting at 6 a.m. 2nd Lieut.Rawes will be responsible for taking over billets. 4. Rations. The rations for consumption on the 4th instant will be carried on the travelling kitchens. 5. Transport. Transport will move independently of the troops. A guide must be sent to meet it on arrival in CORBIE. The following vehicles and animals will remain there: -2 cookers, 1 water cart, and 2 Officers horses. 6. Pioneers. 1 N.C.O. and 3 men of the pioneers will march with the Transport. 7. Surplus kit. Surplus kit will be stored at the Qr.Mr.'s Stores pending transport becoming available. Each man should place the spare shirt and pants inside the cape waterproof. These will be done up in bundles of 20 and labelled. 8. Detachment. The Detachment Staff will be as follows: - Commanding officer: - Capt.W.H.Bull. Acting Quartermaster: R.Q.M.S.Kerrison. Sergeant Major: C.S.M.E.E.Amos. (signed) F.E.DEALLER, 2/Lieut. A/Adjut. 7th (S) Bn.Bedfordshire Regiment. Subject - Fatigues etc. 18th Div. No. 76/71 'A' 7th Bedford Regt. Owing to 30th Division taking over some of the fatigues now found by troops of 18th Division, the following moves and changes will take place on 4th and 5th instant. (1) A battalion of 90th Infantry Brigade will take over the work of burying H.A. Group cables from 7th Bedfords on 4th inst. On same day 2 companies 7th Bedfords will take over the work of burying telephone lines under orders of O.C. 18th Divisional Signals from 1 Company 6th Northants, and will remain billeted in BRAY. Headquarters, 7th Bedfords will also remain at BRAY. 2 Companies 7th Bedfords will march to CORBIE on 4th instant rationed for consumption on 5th inst., and will take over the fatigues at present found by 1 company 6th Northants and 1 platoon 12th Middlesex on the 5th instant. Billets to be obtained from O.C., XIIIth Corps. Rations to be drawn for consumption 6th et seq from 21st Division refilling point. The fatigues consist of: - Quarrying at point 102 BRAY-CORBIE Rd (Middx) - 1 Off. 50 O.R. Corps Fatigues under C.C. - 50 O.R. Guard at CORBIE Stn. Under R.T.O.- 13 O.R. Unloading barges at CORBIE - 50 O.R. Fatigue at Ammn. Railhead - 17 O.R. A party to be prepared to make up the ammn. Railhead fatigue to strength of 1 Officer 4 N.C.Os. and 90 men at very short notice. (2) 1 Company 6th Northants at BRAY will march on 4th instant rationed for 5th instant, to join the company 6th Northants at CORBIE. On 5th instant these 2 companies 6th Northants will proceed to SAISSEVAL as follows: - (a) personnel not exceeding 9 Officers 420 O.Rs. by rail from CORBIE to PICQUIGNY and thence by march route. (b) 1st. line Transport, baggage and Supply Wagons by road. (c) Excess baggage and party in charge by barge from CORBIE to PICQUIGNY whence arrangements must be made by unit to transport baggage to SAISSEVAL. Parties (a and b) will carry rations for 5th instant on the man and vehicles respectively, and rations for 6th inst. Will be drawn on 5th inst at 54th Brigade Refilling point under arrangements made by 54th Infantry Brigade direct with S.S.O. Etc. etc. (remainder of memo. of no interest to this battn). 4-6-16 Day Quiet night of 3/4th saw some heavy Artillery duels. but nothing of importance occurred. B & D Companies marched to Corbie to take over fatigues of 1 Coy. 6th Northants and 1 platoon 12th Middx. Operation Orders attached. general Maxse visited Hd.Qrs. to discuss fatigues and arranged that we should furnish 70 men for barges and the remainder on cable burying fatigue for Sigs. 18th Division. 5-6-16 Day Quiet. Unsettled weather. Nothing unusual to report. 2/Lieut.J.H.R.Rawes assumes command of D Company pending the return of Capt.T.E.Lloyd from leave. Leave allotment reduced from 13 places to 9 places. the following honours appeared in the King's Birthday Honours List. D.C.M. - 3/7753 L/Cpl.A.Jones. Military Medal: 3/7669 L/Cpl.A.Lancaster; 22101 Cpl.A.H.S.Joyce; 17514 Private W [sic C.].Wilsher. fatigues as usual. Furnished guard for 53rd Bde. H.Qrs. 6-6-16 Day quiet; wet weather. Draft of 7 N.C.O.s and 38 men arried from No.2 Entrenching Battn. Fatigues as usual. Captain E.Clegg returned from leave after being a spectator of the great naval battle on H.M.S. "Revenge". 7-6-16 Wet day with occasional bursts of sun. News of the tragic death of Lord Kitchener reached Bray about 4 pm and caused great consternation and general depression. Fatigues as usual. 8-6-16 Wet day; very miserable weather. Captain J.H.Bridcutt returned from leave night of 7th inst and resumed duties of Adjutant morning of 8th inst. 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler acting adjutant returns to his company at Corbie. 9-6-16 Day Quiet with showers of rain. C Company and part of A on cable fatigue, remainder of A on barge fatigues & other small guards etc. Leave allotment reduced to 4 places per Battalion. Amiens placed out of bounds to all British troops except those on very special urgent business. OPERATION ORDERS No.15. By Major G.P.Mills. Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. 9th June 1916. 1. Intention The Battalion will move into billets at PICQUIGNY as follows: - B & D Companies - by rail on 10th instant, train leaving CORBIE at 6.53 a.m. arriving PICQUIGNY at 9.12 a.m. A & C Companies and Bn.Hd.Qrs. - from BRAY on 11th inst. And proceed by road to MERICOURT and thence by train leaving MERICOURT at 7.32 a.m. and arriving at PICQUIGNY 9.12 a.m. All 1st line transport and baggage wagons by road on 11th inst. 2. Meals Haversack rations of bread and cheese will be carried; waterbottles will be filled with tea. Dinner meal will be on arrival of cookers at PICQUIGNY. Party proceeding by road will make their own arrangements about dinner. The regimental transport will move by road to PICQUIGNY moving off at 4 a.m. 2 Cooks per company will accompany the cookers and prepare dinner which will be cooked en route and served to the Battalion at PICQIGNY. 3. Baggage All baggage other than the authorised kits will be taken to PICQUIGNY by barge. This baggage must be packed and properly marked with the Coy. To which it belongs and handed in at Qr.Mr. Stores by 7 a.m. on the 10th instant. (Saturday). The Transport Officer will arrange to remove this baggage to the Barge Head at MERICOURT so as to [be] loaded on the boat by 12 noon on the 11th inst. Baggage Guard. 2nd.Lieut.O.Kingdon will command the Baggage Guard and will be responsible for the removal of all Stores, kits, etc. to go by barge. He will arrange his loading and off loading parties at each end and see that the kits and stores are delivered at PICQUIGNY to the companies etc. to which they belong, report to the Adjutant on completion of this duty. Barges must not be delayed more than necessary. Rations for tomorrow will be carried in Haversacks and ration for 11th and 12th inst. Will be drawn from the Quartermaster for the party in bulk. The following will compose the baggage guard and will be under the orders of 2/Lieut.O.Kingdon from 9/6/16 until handed over by him to their companies at PICQUIGNY after all baggage has been delivered. A Company Baggage Guard. Cpl.Kitchener, H.J. Pte.Bird, L. Pte.Brace, A. Pte.Bennett, W.F. Pte.Burton, F.C. Pte.Clarke, G. Pte.Collins, J. Pte.Cosgrove, A. Pte.Denny, G. Pte.Manning, W. Pte.O'Neil, A. Pte.Purser, N.F. Pte. Tearle, E. Pte.Trayner, J. Pte.Turvey, A.E. Pte.White, W.S. C Company's Baggage Guard Sgt.Cooper, W.F. Pte.Chapoman, W.F. Pte.Wells, W. L/Cpl.Etty, T. Pte.Cother, J. Pte.Lawrence, G. Pte.Millison, J.T. Pte.Uren, E. Pte.Arnold, S. Pte.Underwood, W. Pte.Cook, A.G. Pte.Worby, W. Pte.Plume, F. Pte.Turner, G.J. Pte.Mason, A. Pte.Tribe, W. Pte.Lewin, A. 4. Transport No lorries will be available. Transport will be utilised as follows: - 4 limbers and 8 pack animals for Ammunition. 2 limbers for tools. 2 limbers for Machine Guns & Equipment, and Transport Cooking Utensils. 1 limber for Signal Equipment and H.Q. Cooking Utensils. 2 G.S. Wagons will carry officers kits, small shops for Tailors, pioneers, shoemaker, armourer, Orderly Room sufficient for te,porary office, Transport kit as laid down in Field Service Manual and part of Qr.Mr. Stores, also Coy. and Headquarters brooms. Travelling Kitchens will carry the unconsumed rations for the 11th inst., spare camp kettles, company officers mess kit, food necessary for short periods. Headquarters Cart will carry Headquarters Officers Mess Kit and any extra Orderly Room kit required. Maltese Cart will carry Medical Equipment and M.O.'s kit. The only spare kit of men which will be sent by barge is 1 shirt and 1 pair drawers per man. These will be done up in bundles of 50 and tied at both ends. They will not be packed in sacks. The Regulation kit of men must be carried in the packs. Brushes must be tied up in Bundles, scrubbing brushes, men's shorts, gloves hedging, periscopes, Very pistols, oil lamps, company officers necessaries, Practice Tube Helmets and other essential company stores must be packed in sandbags or small boxes. A few bass and soft brooms per company will be kept for cleaning up; these can be put on the 2 G.S. wagons. Labels Every package must be labelled with Company or Headquarter letter. Wooden labels are best. O.C. Companies should by every means reduce spare kits and all unnecessary stores. Furniture. Tables, forms, chairs, braziers, bath tubs, wire beds, etc. will not be taken, but will be left in the billets in which they are at present, and will be handed over. 5. Billets All billets are to be left scrupulously clean - properly swept up, and all refuse and dirt placed outside ready for removal. Cookhouses and latrines must be cleaned, swept up and disinfected, and not a particle of refuse left. 6. Meals of Headquarter Company. On the 11th inst. Headquarter N.C.Os. and men will have dinner at PICQUIGNY with companies as under, for that day only A & B Companies - B Coy. C & D Companies - C Company. 7. Barge Party. The party under 2/Lieut.Kingdon (3 N.C.Os. and 30 men) will proceed via Barge to PICQUIGNY in charge of Stores, proceeding to the bargehead tomorrow with the Transport conveying stores. (Signed) J.H.Bridcutt, Captain Adjutant, 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment. 10-6-16 Orders for move received. handed over fatigues t o 10th Essex Regt. (18th Div) B & D Companies moved by train from Corbie to Picquigny. Indifferent weather. Bray/Picquigny 11-6-16 A & C Companies and Bn Hd.Qrs. moved from Bray to Picquigny to commence Brigade Training. Operation Orders attached. Arrived Picquigny 10.20 am. Brigadier General T.H.Shoubridge met the Battn at the Station and watched it march to billets. Headquarters in the main Amiens road. [Picquigny] 12-6-16 Men were given a clear day. Brigadier, C.O. and all officers visited the practice trenches in the morning and the N.C.O.s proceeded to the ame place at 12.30 pm. Weather dull and rainy. Draft of 49 arrived during night and early morning of 13th inst. 13-6-16 Wet morning. Draft paraded and sorted out. First real day of Brigade Training. All the Bn. out at practice trenches. Returned about 6 pm. 14-6-16 Fine Day. Brigade Training carried out according to programme. At 11 pm the time is advanced one hour, 11 pm becoming 12 midnight. Lieut.H.C.Browning relinquishes post of T.O. and returns to duty with B Coy. 15-6-16 Fine Day. Brigade Training carried out practice attack on trenches. Bn on duty for Brigade. Furnished Bde H.Q. Guard and Picquigny Sanitary fatigue. 16-6-16 Fine Day. Brigade carried out practise [sic] attack on trench. battn. returned to billets at 6.30 pm. 2/Lieut.R.Cathcart-Nicholls proceeded to Hd.Qrs R.F.C. on probation as an observer. 17-6-16 Good weather. Bn. proceeded to practise trenches for Brigade Training and returned to billets at 6 pm. 18-6-16 Orders received for Bn to move to Grovetown Camp and be attached to 53rd Bde. but were cancelled about noon. Bn out on the training are practising the attack. No 23738 Pte.Griffin J C.Coy shot himself - died in Field Amb. OPERATION ORDERS No.18 by Lieut.Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 18th June 1916 1. Intention The Battalionwillmove from PICQUIGNY to GROVETOWN CAMP, BRAY, on the morning of 19th instant. 2. Routine Reveille on19th inst.will be sounded at 5 a.m. Breakfast will be served at 5.30 a.m. The Battalion will be formed up on the main road outside the billets ready to march off at 7.30 a.m., and will proceed by train leaving AILLY sur SOMME at 8.38 a.m. to HEILLY where the regimental transport will meet it and accompany it to GROVETOWN CAMP. 3. Meals. Haversack rations of bread and cheese will be carried, and waterbottles will be filled with tea. Dinners will be served on arrival of cookers at GROVETOWN CAMP. two cooks per company will accompany the company cookers from HEILLY and will cook dinner en route. The party proceeding by road will make its own arrangements. Headquarters company will have dinner with their respective companies on the 19th inst. 4. Transport Transport and Officers Horses will leave PICQUIGNY about 7 p.m. today, 18th inst., and proceed by road to CORBIE, halting for the night of 18/19th at CORBIE, thence to HEILLY where it will await the arrival of the battalion at about 10 a.m. Billets in CORBIE will be obtained on application to the CAMP COMMANDANT, 13th Corps. Vehicles will be loaded as follows: - 3 limbers for ammunition. 1 limbers for tools. 1 limber for grenades. limberfor Signal equipment. 2 limbers for Machine Gun Equipment and Transport Cooking gear. 1 limber for A Coy. & Hd.Qr.Cooking gear. 2 G.S. Wagons will carry Officers kits, shops of Tailors, Pioneers, Armourers, Shoemakers, small Orderly Room, Transport kit as laid down, and Q.M. Stores. travelling Kitchens will move light and will pick up cooking utensils, officers messes, etc. at HEILLY. Mess Cart will carry Headquarters Officers Mess Kit, and any extra Orderly Room Kit required. Maltese Cart wil carry Medical Equipment and M.O.'s kit. 5. Billets All billets are to be scrupulously cleaned, properly swept up and all refuse placed outside for removal. Cookhouses and latrines must be cleaned up and disinfected, not a particle of dirt being left. All billets will be settled for by the Billeting Officer (2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler) up to and for the night of 18/19th inst. 6. Baggage by rail. All Company and Headquarter Cooking utensils, unconsumed rations for 19th inst., Company Officers Messes that should go to cookers, and officers kits will go by rail to HEILLY from AILLY sur SOMME with the Battalion and then by Regimental Transport. 7. Attachment. The section 54th M.Gun Company (strength 2 Officers 32 O.Rs. and 10 horses) will be attached to the battalion for all purposes from 19th inst. inclusive. On arrival of Battn. and section of 54th M.G.Coy. at GROVETOWN 7th Bedfords will come under orders of G.O.C. 53rd. Inf. Bde. and will take over 54th Battle Front from 53rd. Inf. Bde. on night of 20/21st under orders to be issued by G.O.C. 53rd. Brigade. 8. Forward Party 2/Lieut.F.E.Dealler and 1 man per company will be ready to proceed in advance of the battalion to take over dugouts at GROVETOWN CAMP. Instructions will be issued to 2/Lieut.Dealler direct. 9. Drums, Instructions as to the disposal of drums will be issued direct to the Sergeant Drummer. (signed) J.H.Bridcutt, Captain, Adjutant, 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment. 19-6-16 Fine Day. Btn. on duty for Brigade. Furnished H.Qrs Guard & Town Major's Sanitary Fatigue. 20-6-16 Fine day. Companies training under company arrangements. leave allotment reduced to 3 places every 10 days. 2/Lieut.F.E.Tilton proceeded to R.E. Dump Bray to relieve 2/Lieut.Covell sick. Brigade Open Air Concert. 21-6-16 Companies training under company arrangements. Captain E.Clegg sat as member of F.G.C.M. at Town Hall Picquigny. SECRET OPERATION ORDERS No.19 by Lieut.Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battn. Bedfordshire Regiment 21st.June, 1916 1. Intention The Battalion will move from PICQUIGNY to GROVETOWN CAMP, BRAY, on the morning of 23rd. instant. 2. Routine Reveille on23rd. inst.will be sounded at [blank] a.m. Breakfast will be served at [blank] a.m. The Battalion will be formed up on the main road outside the billets ready to march off at [blank] a.m., and will proceed by train leaving AILLY sur SOMME at [blank] a.m. to HEILLY where the regimental transport will meet it and accompany it to GROVETOWN CAMP. 3. Meals. Haversack rations of bread and cheese will be carried, and waterbottles will be filled with tea. Dinners will be served on arrival of cookers at GROVETOWN CAMP. two cooks per company will accompany the company cookers from HEILLY and will cook dinner en route. The party proceeding by road will make its own arrangements. Headquarters company will have dinner with their respective companies on the 23rd. inst. 4. Transport Transport and Officers Horses will leave PICQUIGNY about 10 a.m. tomorrow, 22nd. inst., and proceed by road to CORBIE, halting for the night of 22/23 at CORBIE, thence to HEILLY where it will await the arrival of the battalion at about [blank] a.m. Billets in CORBIE will be obtained on application to the CAMP COMMANDANT, 13th Corps. Vehicles will be loaded as follows: - 3 limbers for ammunition. 1 limbers for tools. 1 limber for grenades. limber for Signal equipment. 2 limbers for Machine Gun Equipment and Transport Cooking gear. 1 limber for Hd.Qr.Cooking gear etc. 2 G.S. Wagons will carry Officers kits, shops of Tailors, Pioneers, Armourers, Shoemakers, small Orderly Room, Transport kit as laid down, and Q.M. Stores. travelling Kitchens will move light and will pick up cooking utensils, officers messes, etc. at HEILLY. Mess Cart will carry Headquarters Officers Mess Kit, and any extra Orderly Room Kit required. Maltese Cart wil carry Medical Equipment and M.O.'s kit. 5. Billets All billers are to be scrupulously cleaned, properly swept up and all refuse placed outside for removal. Cookhouses and latrines must be cleaned up and disinfected. All billets will be settled for by the Billeting Officer (Lieut.G.Fleming-Brown) up to and for the night of 22/23rd. inst. 6. Spare Kit. All kit to be left behind in dump at PICQUIGNY which has not already been stored will be stored there tomorrow morning by 10 a.m. 7. Train Baggage All Company and Headquarter Cooking utensils, unconsumed rations for 23rd. inst., Company Officers Messes that should go to cookers, and officers kits will go by rail to HEILLY from AILLY sur SOMME with the Battalion and then by Regimental Transport. All Train Baggage (viz. Cooking utensils, Officers Mess articles, Officers kits) will be placed opposite A Coy. Headquarters ready for conveyance to AILLY sur SOMME by [blank] a.m. on morning of 23rd. inst. The Pioneers will load this up and put it in the train, and will be under the supervision of the Quartermaster. 8. Forward Party 2/Lieut.R.L.V.Doake and 1 man per company will be ready to proceed in advance of the battalion to take over dugouts at GROVETOWN CAMP. Instructions will be issued to Lieut.Doake direct. 9. Drums. Instructions as to the disposal of drums will be issued direct to the Sergeant Drummer. 10. Officers Valises. Any officers who do not need their valises for tomorrow night will send them to the Quartermaster Stores by 8 a.m. tomorrow to be loaded on the wagons (signed) J.H.Bridcutt, Captain, Adjutant, 7th (S) Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment 22-6-16 Quiet Day. Men given a rest to prepare for move tomorrow. [Picquigny/Grovetown Camp] 23-6-16 Battn moved from Picquigny to Grovetown Camp in accordance with attached Operation Orders No.19. Arrived Grovetown Camp about 3 pm. Changeable weather. Very hot and much rain. [Grovetown Camp] 24-6-16 Battn. at Grovetown till 11.30 pm. Moved to A.2. Sector Trenches and took over 54th Brigade Battle Front. [Carnoy Trenches] 25-6-16 Holding the line. Area rather crowded and casualties a few above normal. Artiller bombardment going on all day and all night. Germans made feeble reply by day but seemed to wake up at night. 26-6-16 Artillery bombardment as yesterday. Heavy retaliation and many casualties. One shell fell in C Coy. Off. Mess. 2/Lts Baden & Hasler killed. Capt.Clegg, 2/Lts Doake & Johnson wounded. 27-6-16 Bombardment carrying on. 11th R.Fusiliers arrived at Carnoy and went into support line. Orderly Room and officers dugouts shared on account of limited space. 28-6-16 Fine Day. 12th Middlesex took over front line of 54th Brigade from 7 Bedfords. 7 Bedfords proceeded to Bray arriving at 1 am 29.6.16. 29-6-16 Fine Day. Btn. resting and cleaning up. 30-6-16 Fine Day. Battalion proceeded to trenches Carnoy. 54 Brigade concentrated in trenches of 54 Brigade Battle Front. 11th R.Fusiliers & 7 Bedfords in attacking line 6th Northants in support 12 Middx in Reserve. Operation orders in War Diary of July. SECRET OPERATION ORDERS No.20 by Lieut.Colonel G.D.Price Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 1. INTENTION The 7th Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment will formpart of the assaulting line of the 54th Inf.Brigade in an attack on the German position in which the 18th Division will take a prominent part. 2. UNITS ON OUR FLANKS The Berkshire Regiment of the 53rd. Brigade will be on our immediate right; the 11th R.Fusiliers (54th Brigade) will be on our immediate left. 3. ARTILLERY PREPARATION The attack is being preceeded by a five days bombardment which will last up to the moment of the infantry assault on the 6th day. Guns of all calibres will take part in the bombardment and will fire both day and night. 4. FRONT, AND FORMATION During the whole of the artillery bombardment the 7th Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment will hold the battle front of the 54th Infantry Brigade. The allotted frontage of the 7th Bedfordshire Regt. and the area of assault are as follows: - B & C Companies will occupy the forming up trenches 1 & 2, with two platoons in each trench, respectively. A Company will occupy No.4 Trench and will be held in battalion Reserve. D Company will occupy No.3 Trench and cover the entire Battalion Front, and will act as support to B & C Companies. 5. METHOD OF ADVANCE The Method of advance will be as practised in previous training. 6. OBJECTIVES. The 7th Bedfordshire Regiment will attack on the following objective. FIRST Objective The German front line and support trenches. EMDEN TRENCH, BUND TRENCH, POMMIERS TRENCH. SECOND Objective point A.1.b.8.1 POMMIERS LANE - Junction of POMMIERS Lane and MAPLE Trench - POMMIERS Redoubt - MAPLE Trench to its junction with Western point of POMMIERS REDOUBT. THIRD Objective. A line from point S.26.a.2.3. to point S.25.b.70.15. In capturing these objectives the following factors are of vital importance: - (a) To secure BLACK ALLEY as a defensive flank to the 18th Division, and, should occasion arise, to hold it at all costs. (b) To consolidate and hold the second objectve at all costs even if MONTAUBAN and MAMETZ should not be captured. (c) To consolidate that portion of BEETLE ALLEY between S.25.d.98.17 - A.1.b.28.60. (d) On reaching the third objective to construct a series of strong points on that line and push detachments of Infantry with lewis Guns rapidly forward to over-look CATERPILLAR Valley and prevent the enemy from removing any guns. The compass bearing for the first objective will be notified later. 7. BARRAGES. The advance of the Battalion will be covered by a barrage of Field and Heavy Artillery, and Machine Guns. the object of these barrages is to prepare every step of the infantry advance and to allow of the infantry to get within assaulting distance of the enemy's trenches before he can man his parapets. the leading waves must work forward to within 60/100 yards of each barrage so that immediately it lifts they are within charging distance. the closer the barrage is followed the greater the possibility of success. This is particularly essential in the advance from the line MAPLE Trench - POMMIERS REDOUBT to the final objective as direct observation is not possible after the line is crossed. the 18th Divisional Field Artillery will fire 5 rounds H.E. shell per gun immediately before each lift. 8. TIMES OF BARRAGES First objective - EMDEN TRENCH 0.5 BUND TRENCH 0.10 POMMIERS TRENCH 0.20 Second objective point A.1.b.8.1 - POMMIERS LANE - Junction of POMMIERS Lane & MAPLE TRENCH - POMMIERS REDOUBT - MAPLE TRENCH to its junction with BEETLE ALLEY 1.0 9. MACHINE GUNS 2 Vickers Guns have been allotted to the Battalion. the Lewis Guns will be at the disposal of Company Officers. They should not, unless urgently required, be with the first two leading waves. The 54th Machine Gun Company will cover the advance of the Battalion from a position in CAFTET WOOD with overhead fire. 10. STOKES BATTERIES. The 54th Stokes Battery and attached Stokes Battery will be distributed as follows: - (a) 12 guns in position in front line. to be employed for final barrage. As soon as strong points II, II, IV, V, VI and VII are consolidated one gun will move forward to each. the remaining 6 guns will be retained in Brigade reserve in our own trenches. (b) Two guns at the disposal of each assaulting battalion. these guns will not proceed beyond MAPLE TRENCH until the final objective is consolidated. 11. BATTN. HD.QRS. Battalion Headquarters will move into its initial position at the junction of NEW CUT and LIVERPOOL STREET. All reports will be sent to TRIANGLE after the first objective has been gained. It will move to POMMIERS REDOUBT when the Battalion moves forward to its final objective. 12. DUMPS. The supply of all ammunition, grenades, R.E. material etc. will be worked from a series of Dumps. There will be dumps at Junction of COOPER STREET and Front Line Trench, KING STREET and Front Line Trench, Advanced Brigade Reserve Dump - PICCADILLY. Brigade Dump - CARNOY. the guiding prnciple will be that Advanced Dumps move forward by stages as objectives are gained; that the Brigade will be responsible for keeping Dumps full; and that Battalions will be responsible for drawing stores from these dumps. A dump will open at the TRIANGLE as early as possible after the first objective is gained. A special party will be detailed for carrying all ammunition and bombs for use of the asaulting battalions, irrespective of the dumps. This party will move with D Coy. 13. RATIONS AND WATER Rations and water will be carried forward after night fall. Special instructions for their carriage will be issued as occasion demands. 14. TOOLS. (a) 50% of the 3rd. platoon of the two leading companies will carry large tools. (b) 50% of the 3rd. and 4th Companies (assaulting battalions) will carry large tools. (c) 50% of all garrisons detailed for strong points will carry tools. Tools will be carried in the proportion of 2 shovels to 1 pick, and will be carried in a vertical position on the man's back. A reserve of picks and shovels will be kept at C Dump fro mwhich the Battalion may draw to meet their requirements. 15. AMMUNITION CARRIERS Each Lewis Gun am will be strengthened by 4 Lewis Reserve Gunners to carry S.A.A. 16. WATER The provision of water during and after the assault will be extremely difficult. Steps must therefore be taken to ensure that all water bottles are full at zero hour and that all ranks practice the greatest restraint in drinking water. The normal supply will be from the well in CARNOY and from the stand pipes in CARNOY ALLEY. Reserve storage tanks have been placed in the Russian saps at A & B Dumps. 250 petrol tine swill also be placed at eacg of these dumps. 17. MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS The 55th Field Ambulance will be responsible for the collection of all wounded in the Division. It will establish an advanced dressing station at the following points: - (a) In dugouts at west end of BRICK ALLEY, CARNOY for wounded of the 53rd. and 54th Inf.Bdes. Accommodation for 200 stretcher cases). (b) In dugouts at BRONFAY FARM for local and walking cases (accommodation 50). All walking cases will be directed to the Advanced Dressing Station at CARNOY and from there will proceed via CARNOY to BRONFAY FARM Dressing Station. Regimental aid posts will be established as shewn on the special map. Wounded will be conveyed from these posts to the nearest advanced Dressing Station by regimental stretcher bearers. Wounded cases occurring in the enemy's trenches will be collected into suitable dugouts by regimental medical officers. Such dugouts must be marked and their position notified to the 55th Field Ambulance who will arrange for the removal of these cases to the Advanced Dressing Station in CARNOY VALLEY by the R.A.M.C. Stretcher bearers. In addition to the 8 battalion stretchers with units 16 additional R.A.M.C. stretchers will be stored near each regimental aid post and used by both R.A.M.C. and regimental stretcher bearers for bring in cases. 18. PRISONERS. Prisoners will be sent back in batches to the Bde. Dump and thence to the Advanced Divisional Collecting Station at BILLON FARM. They will be marched across the open and not down communication trenches. Escorts to BILLON FARM will be found by the Battns. Which take the prisoners, the men rejoining their units under proper control as soon as possible. Batches of 100, with about 10 per cent escort have on previous occasions been proved suitable for despatch as one party. Slightly wounded men can be used as escorts. Prisoners must be disarmed and searched for concealed weapons and documents, immediately after capture before being marched off. Officers must be separated from the rank and file immediately. Prisoners will be searched for documents and examined under Divisional arrangements, at the Divisional Collecting Station. It is most important that immediate information should be sent back concerning the identification of regiments opposed to us. 19. CAPTURED GUNS. When hostile guns are captured the following procedure will be adopted: - (a) Report to Battn.Hd.Qrs. the number and nature of guns captured. (b) Detail parties to man handle them to the nearest position where our gun teams can be hooked in. (c) Report exact position where teams are required, and number of teams necessary.. 20. COLLECTION OF INTELLIGENCE. Two men will be attached to each assaulting Battn. (under Brigade Arrangements) for the purpose of collecting documents, etc. in the enemy's trenches. They will go forward with the dug-out clearing parties and will carry a distinguishing mark which will be a Red White and Blue bull's-eye painted on either side of the sack which each man will carry. 21. STRAGGLERS. Regimental police will be employed under Brigade arrangements to control traffic in the trenches and to check stragglers moving to the rear. Posts will be established as under: - 1 N.C.O. and 4 men in CARNOY ) To de betailed 1 N.C.O. and 4 men in CAFTET WOOD ) by Brigade. They will be required to take the number, names, and units of all stragglers and march them back in parties to their units. 22. UP AND DOWN COMMUNICATIONS TRENCHES. The Main Up Trench will be PIONEER AVENUE, commencing at BRONFAY FARM. The Main Down (evacuation) trench will be MAIDSTONE - CARNOY AVENUES. Steps out of these trenches have been cut on alternate sides at 50 yards interval. Under no circumstances will individuals be allowed to use either of these trenches in the wrong direction. 24. COMMUNICATION. All companies will go over the top accompanied by their respective Signallers and runners. B & C Coy. Hd.Qrs. are due to arrive in BUND TRENCH at 20 minutes after zero. C Coy. will have with the 2nd. Wave 2 Signallers who will immediately open up communication, if possible, with the PERONNE ROAD. Their station will be the top left hand corner of the TRIANGLE. All telephone lines will endeavour to reach this point, which will be marked by a triangular piece of tin, white with a black stripe on one side and black with a white stripe on the other side. By the time C Coy. advances from the TRIANGLE i.e. 30 minutes., D Coy. H.Q. will have arrived and D.Coy. Sigs will have taken over the station and so freed C Sigs., thus enabling them to move on with their company. D Coy. will run this Signal station (TRIANGLE) with 2 men detailed from A Coy. to accompany them with that object in view. When D Coy. advances from the TRIANGLE "A" Coy. Sigs. Will remain to run the station. A Coy. H.Q. are due in the TRIANGLE at 1.00 after zero hour and will continue to staff the station until arrival of Bn.Hd.Qrs. who will then take over this station. By the time Bn.H.Qrs, are ready to move on the Northants Bn.H.Qrs. will have arrived in the TRIANGLE and will take over the station from the Bedfords entirely. PICCADILLY CIRCUS will be kept open permanently. The "New Cut" Office will be closed when Bn. Reaches the REDOUBT. B & C Coy. Hd.Qrs. are due in POMMIERS Trench at 30 minutes after zero, when the Signallers will open Signal Stations. If casualties have been heavy "D" Coy. will reinforce these 2 stations. B & C Companies will remain in the POMMIERS TRENCH forty minutes. POMMIERS TRENCH is the last point for Visual Signalling to the PERONNE ROAD. B & C Companies Hd.Qrs. arrive in the REDOUBT at 1.00 after zero. As no visual Signalling is possible from the Redoubt to PERONNE ROAD all Maryate Street. Will have to go by runner to the station at S.p.VI or other station in POMMIERS Trench. B & C Coys. Remain for 1 hour in the REDOUBT. B & C Hd.Qrs. advance to BEETLE ALLEY at 2.15 after zero and remain there, taking all their Signallers with them less 8 left in the REDOUBT to carry on a RELAY Station. D.Coy sweep on right throughto the intermediate line, taking their Signallers with them. A Coy. sweep round the right flank of the redoubt and take up position on the front line ridge taking their signallers with them. By the above method, economy is affected in the use of runners, who instead of running say from REDOUBT (B Coy.) to TRIANGLE (Bn.Hd.Qrs.) would only run to the POMMIERS TRENCH STATION, hand in the message there and return at once to their companies. POMMIERS Trench Station would then endeavour to visual the M/s and if impossible, would send on by runners to the TRIANGLE. Messages would, in other words, be dealt with in "RELAYS". No runner would be long away from his Coy. and so be available for a further message. White and Black Triangles are being made at the proportion of 3 per coy. Immediately a Signaller opens a station, one of these triangles will be placed in the ground near him as a mark to guide runners from other directions. Signalling will be done by "discs" until REDOUBT is taken, when flags may possibly be used with safety, from POMMIERS TRENCH to PERONNE AVENUE. TELEPHONES. Each Coy. will have two telephones allotted to them, these being taken across after A Coy. One of these will be accompanied by a man carrying a coil of cable which he will reel out as he goes along. These lines will all converge on the TRIANGLE and be connected up. As Coys. Advance endeavours will be made to continue laying telephone lines, and to keep them in repair. Each Coy. as it goes over takes with it 2 miles of black enamel wire for use whenever practicable. 2 Signallers will be detached from Bn.Hq.Qrs. to take over Station in POMMIERS TRENCH. All messages to be as short as possible; indelible pencils should not be used for writing messages. CONTACT AEROPLANE PATROLS. Each Battalion will have a supply of red flares. One flare must be carried by each man. One special signalling lamp, one panel and one ground signal will be taken with each Battn.Hd.Qrs. The ground signal must be put out as soon as Battn.Hd.Qrs. reaches its new position, but should only be unfolded when one of our own aeroplanes is over the line. XIII Corps and XV Corps aeroplanes will be of type B.E.2.c. and have a broad black band under each lower plane. The method of working these contact aeroplanes will be that already practised. General. Officers should always, when possible, speak on the telephone themselves, or else write down their messages and sign them. Signallers are ordered not to accept messages unless signed by an officer or N.C.O. or man in command of a unit. It is essential that all messages should have time and place on them and that they should be as short and concise as possible 24. ARTILLERY DISTINGUISHING FLAGS Every platoon will carry two red and yellow artillery flags. These flags will be waved for a short period by the leading line to show our artillery how far the attack has progressed. On no account will any flags be stuck into the ground. These flags Wilden not be waved at any position in advance of the POMMIERS REDOUBT. 25. EQUIPMENT TO BE CARRIED ON THE MEN Every man will carry: - Rifle and equipment less pack. 1 Bandolier in addition to his equipment amn. (170 rounds in all). 1 days ration and 1 iron ration. 1 waterproof sheet. 2 sandbags. 1 yellow patch on haversack on his back. 2 Smoke Helmets. Grenadiers will only carry 50 rounds S.A.A. 26. MAPS, DOCUMENTS No maps showing our own trenches or important papers will be carried by officers and men taking part in the attack. 27. STRONG POINTS. Apart from the strong points constructed on the final objective, the strong points marked I.VI & VII on the special map will be commenced immediately the obectives in which they are situated are reached. 7th Bedfords will construct strong points at THE TRIANGLE and POMMIERS REDOUBT. All strong points must be prepared for all round defence, and wired. They must hold out even if the troops on either side of them are driven back. Strong points No.1 and No.7 will be garrisoned by the 3rd. Battalion. 28. BOSCH COUNTERATTACKS. Recent experience has shown that the Bosch delivers small counter attacks with platoons or companies immediately hostile troops gain their objective. These small counter attacks have had far reaching results and must be specially guarded against. To meet these counter attacks the reserves in the hands of platoon and coy. commanders will be of the greatest value. 29 RELIEFS. All troops must clearly understand that no reliefs can be expected until their final objectives have been efficiently consolidated. Units who first complete the consolidation of their objectives will be considered first for relief. 30. Dugout clearing parties The 6th Northamptonshire Regt. will furnish Dugout clearing parties as follows: - 4 sections will be in No.2 Trench. Two of these Will stop at AUSTRIAN TRENCH and two in AUSTRIAN SUPPORT TRENCH. 4 sections in No.3 Trench. Two of these will stop at EMDEN TRENCH and two at BUND TRENCH. The four sections in No.2 Trench will move out with 3rd. wave, the four secs in No.3 between 3rd. and fourth waves.
- Date free textJune 1916
- Production dateFrom: 1916 To: 1916
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordMills, George Pilkington,
Price, George Dominic,
Rawes, Joscelyn Hugh Russell,
Bull, Wilfred Herbert,
Amos, E.E.,
Dealler, F.E.,
Maxse, Ivor,
Shoubridge, Thomas Herbert,
Lloyd, T.E.,
Jones, A.,
Lancaster, A.,
Joyce, Alexander Hugh Sinclair,
Wilsher, Charles,
Clegg, E.,
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum,
Bridcutt, John Henry,
Kingdon, Oliver,
Kitchener, H.J.,
Bennett, W.F.,
Collins, J.,
Manning, W.,
Tearle, E.,
White, W.S.,
Bird, L.,
Burton, F C,
Cosgrove, Albert,
O'Neil, A,
Trayner, J.,
Brace, A.,
Denny, Guy,
Purser, N.F.,
Turvey, A E,
Cooper, W.F.,
Chapman, W.F.,
Wells, W,
Etty, T.,
Millison, J.T.,
Underwood, W.,
Plume, F.,
Tribe, W.,
Cother, J.,
Uren, E.,
Cook, Albert George,
Turner, G.J.,
Lewin, A.,
Lawrence, G,
Arnold, S,
Worby, W.,
Mason, A.,
Shoubridge, Thomas Herbert,
Browning, Herbert Compton,
Cathcart-Nicholls, R.,
Griffin, John,
Tilton, F.E.,
Covell, H.C.,
Fleming Brown, G.,
Doake, R.L.Vere,
Baden, Reginald,
Hasler, Gordon Beverley,
Johnson - KeywordsXIII Corps, Germans, deaths, 18th (Eastern) Division, 12th Battalion Middlesex Regiment, 6th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment, 30th Division, 84th Trench Mortar Battery, water provision, sewerage, food preparation, 53rd Infantry Brigade, naval actions, naval ships, 2nd Entrenching Battalion, general royalty, weather, tailoring, shoes, clothing, air warfare, general, suicide, 54th Machine Gun Company, 54th Trench Mortar Battery, 54th Infantry Brigade, concerts, 11th Battalion Royal Fusiliers, 6th Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment, Royal Army Medical Corps, 55th Field Ambulance, treatment locations, Prisoners of war, telephone, XV Corps, Bray-sur-Somme, Bray-sur-Somme Rue Philippe Auguste, Bray-sur-Somme Rue Faidherbe, Corbie, Bois des Tailles (Somme), Saisseval, Picquigny, Amiens, Mericourt-sur-Somme, Grovetown Camp (Somme), Heilly, Ailly-sur-Somme, Carnoy, Pommiers Lane (Somme), Pommiers Redoubt (Somme), Pommiers Trench (Somme), Bund Trench (Somme), Maple Redoubt (Somme), Emden Trench (Somme), Black Alley (Somme), New Cut (Somme), Liverpool Street (Somme), Montauban-en-Picardie Triangle, Cooper Street (Somme), King Street (Somme), Piccadilly Circus (Somme), Carnoy Alley (Somme), Brick Alley (Somme), Bronfay Farm [Somme], Caftet Wood (Somme), Carnoy Valley (Somme), Billon Farm (Somme), Beetle Alley (Somme), Pioneer Aveune (Somme), Maidstone Avenue (Somme), Carnoy Avenue (Somme), Austrian Trench (Somme), Austrian Support Trench (Somme)
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