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    GENTELLES 1-4-18 Battalion in billets at GENTELLES. Went up at dusk and returned 6th Northants in line to left of HANGARD. 2-4-18 Quiet night & morning. Shelled occasionally during day. carried out an attack in evening in conjunction with Royal Fusiliers. Progress made, but owing to overwhelming superiority of enemy artillery & machine gun fire battalion ordered to withdraw. Casualties: Officers: Lt.N.C.DUPLOCK killed Lt.R.L.V.DOAKE, Lt.BALLS, LT.CRAIG and CAPT.STEVENSON wounded. Other Ranks 2 killed 48 wounded 4 missing Relieved in line about 10 pm & returned to billets at GENTELLES. 3-4-18 In billets resting, and cleaning of equipment &c. Dear Colonel I am enclosing you the result of the operation yesterday evening. I cannot express to you my admiration for the determination, and gallantry displayed by your Battalion. Although the attack made by your Regiment was unable to make headway in the face of overwhelming Artillery and Machine Gun Fire, the manner in which they held their ground is beyond praise and drew the whole of the enemys strength, so that the troops co-operating on your left were able to get on to the objective. The Northamptonshire Regt. have pushed up on the right, and the whole objective is now in our possession. I mourn with you, for the loss of so many gallant Officers and men, which I fear was inevitable in so stiff an engagement. I hope you will convey to all ranks under your Command, the information that all the objective has been gained, and this is entirely due to their magnificent steadiness and behaviour in the face of overwhelming odds in artillery and machine guns. I hope you will convey the contents of this letter to all ranks in your Battalion The Northamptonshire Regiment have now direct observation on AUBERCOURT. Yours very truly sd/ L.W.SADLEIR JACKSON, Brigadier general 3.4.18 Commanding 54th Infantry Brigade 4-4-18 GENTELLES shelled during day. A and D Coys moved up in Support to 6th Northants but did not go into action. Returned to billets in evening. Casualties. Other Ranks 7 killed 10 wounded. 5-4-18 Battalion in billets. Battalion again moved up in support to 6th Northants, but not need [sic] & returned to billets in evening. Shelled in billets. Other Ranks. 2 killed 13 wounded. 18th Division No.G.563 Following message received from XIX Corps:- To: -18th Division. G.534. 5th April "please accept on your behalf and that pf all ranks of the 18th Divn my heartiest congratulations on the splendid work done by the Division since joining the Nineteenth Corps. The results achieved by the fine fighting spirit and powers of endurance displayed have been of the greatest importance and I am most grateful to all concerned: Lieutenant General Commanding XIX Corps" 6-4-18 Morning devoted to cleaning of equipment etc. In afternoon marched to billets at BOVES. Casualties. Other Ranks 1 wounded. BOVES 7-4-18 Battalion in billets and bathed during morning & afternoon. 8-4-18 Morning devoted to cleaning of equipment & refitting. Draft of 52 Other Ranks joined battalion [overwritten in original] of good physique. 9-4-18 Company training during morning. Battalion marched to BOUTILLERIE in afternoon and went into billets. 7th (S) Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. I. The Battalion will move to BOUTILLERIE today. II. Starting Point H.Q.Officers Mess. III. Time 2.30 P.M. IV. Order of March: H.Q., "B", "D", "A", "C". V. Dress Battle Order, Steel Helmets, Blankets rolled over right shoulder. VI. 1st Line Transport will be Brigaded and will pass starting point at 3.40 P.M. VII. Lewis Gun Limbers, Tool Carts, Cookers, Officers Mess cart will report at the MARIE [sic] at 1.30 P.M. All lewis Guns and drums, Tools, Cooking Utensils, Officers Mess Kit etc. will be dumped at the MARIE by this hour. The R.S.M. will be responsible for the loading of the Wagons. On arrival in the new area Coys will immediatelys send one runner to Bn.H.Q. who knows the position of his Coy.H.Q. (SGD) H.C.BROWNING, Capt. & Adjt. 9/4/18 7th (S) Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. BOUTILLERIE 10-4-18 In billets. Kit inspections &c. during day. 11-4-18 In billets. Specialist training & organisation. 12-4-18 In billets. Specialist training & organisation. Promotions as per attached B.O.61. PROMOTIONS & APPOINTMENTSThe Commanding Officer has been pleased to make the following Promotions and Appointments. 15937 Cpl.L/Sgt.Chandler F.C. "A" Coy. to be Sgt vice 14827 Sgt.Rugman C. "C" Coy. Killed 22.3.18. To date 23.3.18. 19446 Cpl.L/Sgt.Chapman W.A. "C" Coy. to be Sgt. vice 33776 Sgt.Buckingham, W. "B" Coy. Killed 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 40120 Cpl.L/Sgt.Kemble H. "B" Coy. to be Sergt vice 14397 Sgt.Whiting J. "D" Coy. To England 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 20454 Cpl.L/Sgt.Cooper W.J. "A" Coy to be Sgt. vice 290208 Sgt.Colbert W. "D" Coy. Died of Wds. 26.3.18. To date 27.3.18. 16475 Cpl.L/Sgt.Phypers H. "A" Coy. to be Sgt. vice 12471 Sgt.Dring J. "D" Coy. Killed 4.4.18. To date 5.4.18. 15083 Cpl.Swannell H. "B" Coy. to be Act.Sgt. vice 33459 Sgt.Odell W. "C" coy. Missing 21.3.18. To date 22.3.18. 22361 Cpl.Boness J. "B" coy. to be Act.Sgt. vice 13772 Sgt.Morris J. "B" Coy. Wounded and Missing 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 14446 Cpl.Jaggard S.W. "C" Coy to be Act.Sgt. vice 14780 Sgt.Mears J. "A" Coy. Wounded 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 40689 Cpl.Buxton W. "C" Coy. to be Act.Sgt. vice 14554 Sgt.Blake, W. "A" Coy. Wounded 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 32631 Cpl.Trussell A. "C" Coy to be Act.Sgt. vice 17767 Sgt.Bradfield F. "D" Coy. Wounded 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 16540 Cpl.Goldhawk G. "D" Coy to be Act.Sgt. vice 16553 Sgt.Dawbon W. "B" Coy. Wounded 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 8736 Cpl.Butler W. "A" Coy. is appointed L/Sgt. vice 15196 Cpl.L/Sgt.Poole W.E.G. "A" Coy. Killed 22.3.18. To date 23.3.18. 19152 Cpl.Williams A. "D" Coy. is appointed L/Sgt. vice 15937 Cpl.L/Sgt.Chandler W [sic] "C" Coy. Promoted Sgt. 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 13459 Cpl.Baker G.R. "A" Coy. is appointed L/Sgt. vice 19446 Cpl.L/Sgt.Chapman W. "C" Coy. Promoted Sgt. 24.3.18. To date 25.3.18. 15141 Cpl.Osmond J.J. "C" Coy is appointed L/Sgt. vice 40129 Cpl.L/Sgt.Kemble H. Promoted Sgt. 24/3/18. To date 25.3.18. 13695 Cpl.King R.G. "C" Coy. is appointed L/Sgt. vice 20454 Cpl.L/Sgt.Cooper W.J. "A" Coy. Promoted Sgt. 27.3.18. To date 28.3.18. 15195 Cpl.Goodwin S.R.M. "D" Coy is appointed L/Sgt. vice 16475 Cpl.L/Sgt.Phypers H. "A" Coy. promoted Sgt. 5.4.18 To date 6.4.18. 15459 Cpl.Collins D. "B" Coy. is appointed Act.Pd.L/Sgt. vice 3/7662 Cpl.L/Sgt. Smith R. "D" Coy. Missing 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18 18419 L/C.Moss B.S. "B" Coy. to be Corpl. to complete establishment. To date 24.3.18. 15975 L/C.Turner W. "B" Coy. to be Corpl. vice 33842 Cpl.Wale L. [sic] "B" Coy, Killed 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 29884 L/C.Fleckney A.J. "B" Coy. to be Corpl. vice 15139 Cpl.Seabrook A. "B" Coy. Killed 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 3/7525 L/C.Holton A. "A" Coy. to be Corpl. vice 43327 Cpl.Mortimer W. "D" Coy. Killed 23.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 240594 L/C.Webb A.J. "D" Coy. to be Corpl. vice 15937 Cpl.L/Sgt.Chandler, F. "A" Coy. Promoted Sgt. 23.3.18 To date 24.3.18. 18267 L/C.Brett, H. "C" Coy. to be Corpl. vice 19446 Cpl.L/Sgt.Chapman W.A. "C" Coy. Promoted Sgt. 24.3.18. To date 25.3.18. 270920 L/C.Talbot F. "C" Coy. to be Corpl. vice 40129 Cpl.L/Sgt.Kemble H. "B" Coy. Promoted Sgt. 24.3.18. To date 25.3.18. 23070 U.P.L/C.Weeks R.C. "B" Coy. to be Corpl. vice 16475 Cpl.L/Sgt.Phypers H. "A" Coy. promoted Sgt. 5.4.18. To date 6.3.18. 15722 U.P.L/C.Squire T.J. "B" Coy. to be Corpl. vice 20454 Cpl/L/Sgt.Cooper W.J. "A" Coy. Promoted Sgt. 23.3.18. To date 28.3.18. 10034 U.P.L/C.Hammond J. "B" Coy. to be Corpl. vice 19796 Cpl.Parles B. "C" Coy. Died of Wds. 6.4.18. To date 7.4.18 15610 U.P.L/C.Halsey R.C. "D" Coy. to be Act.Cpl. vice 15083 Cpl.Swannell H. "B" Coy. promoted Act.Sgt. 22.3.18 To date 22.3.18 14351 U.P.L/C. ravenscroft C. "D" coy. to be Act.Cpl. vice 22361 Cpl.Boness J. "B" Coy. promoted Act.Sgt. 24.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 10359 U.P.L/C.Slatter G. "B" Coy. to be Act.Cpl. vice 14446 Cpl.Jaggard S.W. "C" Coy. Promoted Act.Sgt. 24.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 13212 U.P.L/C.Smith H.G. "D" Coy. is appointed Pd.L/C. vice 201981 L/C.Turvey E. "A" Coy. Died of Wds. 21.3.18. To daye 22.3.18. 27598 U.P.L/C.Moulter W. "D" Coy. is appointed Pd.L/C. vice 15975 L/C.Turner W. "B" Coy. Promoted Cpl. 24.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 19260 U.P.L/C. Emery W.S. "C" Coy. is appointed Pd.L/C. vice 29824 L/C.Fleckney A.J. "B" Coy. Promoted Cpl. 24.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 16595 U.P.L/C.Batchelor F. "B" Coy. is appointed Pd.L/C. vice 3/7535 L/C.Holton W. "A" Coy. Promoted Cpl. 24.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 20296 U.P.L/C.Tearle T. "A" Coy. is appointed Pd.L/C. vice 24034 L/C.Webb A.J. "D" Coy. promoted Cpl. 24.3.18. To date 24.3.18. 19231 U.P.L/C.Wilsher J. "C" Coy. is appointed Pd.L.C. vice 18267 L/C.Brett H. "C" Coy. Promoted Cpl. 25.3.18. To date 25.3.18. 13145 U.P.L/C. Weston L. "B" Coy. is appointed Pd.L/C. vice 270930 L/C.talbot F. "C" Coy. Promoted Cpl. 25.3.18. To date 25.3.18 14797 U.P.L/C. Pope W. "C" Coy. is appointed Pd.L/C. vice 13581 L/C.Turney H. "C" Coy. To England 24.5.18. To date 25.3.18. 15730 U.P.L/C.Sturgeon H.G. "B" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 14852 L/C.Bull J. "A" Coy. Missing 23.3.18. To date 25.3.18. 15763 U.P.L/C. Tarburr E. "C" Coy to be Act.Pd.L/C.vice 22752 L/C.Meadows A. "D" Coy. Missing 23.3.18. To date 25.3.18. 10879 U.P.L/C. Neale W.J. "A" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 14625 L/C.Chapman W.J. "B" Coy. Missing 25.3.18. To date 26.3.18. 16210 U.P.L/C.Tucker H. "A" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 33455 L/C.Chapman A. "C" Coy. Wounded 23.3.18. To date 26.3.18. 33108 U.P.L/C.Wright H.E. "B" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 43301 L/C.Hurlock E. "A" Coy. Wounded 23.3.18. To date 26.3.18. 29983 U.P.L/C.Dungar W. "B" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 32287 L/C.Cox C. "B" Coy. Wounded 23.3.18. To date 3.4.18. 12785 U.P.L/C.Stokes F. "B" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 6698 L/C.Nash A. "B" Coy. Wounded 2.4.18. To date 3.4.18. 25812 U.P.L/C.Deal W.C. "B" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 28407 L/C.Appleby E. "C" Coy. Wounded 2.4.18. To date 3.4.18. 14775 U.P.L/C.Stiles H.M. "B" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 15401 L/C.Miles A. "B" Coy. Wounded 4.4.18. To date 5.4.18. 31075 U.P.L/C.Cole H.T. "D" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 15770 L/C.Welch E. "C" Coy. Wounded 8.4.18. To date 9.4.18. 40170 Pte.Clarke J.S. "A" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 14434 L/C. Clarke E. "C" Coy. Evacuated 8.4.18. To date 9.4.18. 41532 Pte.Newell W.T.W. "D" Coy. to be Unpaid L/Cpl. To date 11.4.18. 31670 Pte.Amith A. "A" Coy. to be Act.Pd.L/C. vice 33798 L/C.Clifton H. "C" Coy. Evacuated 8.4.18. To date 9.4.18 CONFIRMATION 14845 Act.Pd.L/C.Watts E.J. "B" Coy. is confirmed in his rank 23.2.18 vice 12701 L/C.Birch F. Category B. TRANSFERS 16475 Sgt.Phypers H. is transferred from "A" to "C" Company with effect from 11.4.18. EMPLOY 15083 Act.Sgt.Swanell H. "B" Coy. Employed as Gas Sergt. 14446 Act.Sgt.Jaggard S.W. "C" Coy employed as Scout Sergt. 40129 Sgt.Kemble H. "A" Coy. P.&.B.T. Instructor attached to "B" Company. 10358 Act.Cpl.Slatter G. "B" Company employed as Scout Corpl. 240584 Cpl.Webb A.J. "D" Coy. employed on Sanitary Duties. 13-4-18 to 15-4-18 In billets training. Specialist training concentrated on. Football in afternoons. 16-4-18 In billets. Draft of 97 Other Ranks joined battalion. Lt.Col.A.E.Percival M.C. proceeded to England on duty for 7 days and CAPT.H.C.BROWNING took over command of battalion. Capt.H.Seys-Phillips took over duties of Acting Adjutant. 17-4-18 In billets. Battalion training & organisation. 18-4-18 In billets. Battalion training & organisation. 19-4-18 In billets. Specialist training & inspection of Transport. Brig.Genl.H.L.de Vere Sadleir-Jackson C.M.G. D.S.O. presented parchments to number of N.C.O's and men. 20-4-18 Battalion moved to fresh billets in BOUTILLERIE. Draft of 72 other ranks arrived. Mostly of very good physique. 21-4-18 In billets. Battalion attended Brigade demonstration of Tactical Handling of Lewis Guns. Draft of 1 Officer of [sic] 52 Other Ranks arrived. Capt.G.Jarvis Smith C.F. and 2/Lt.W.Hughes awarded M.C. 22-4-18 In billets. Specialist training carried out. 23-4-18 In billets. Specialist training carried out. Reinforcement of 19 officers joined battalion. Capt.W.W.Colley authorised to wear badges of Major. Capt.H.C.Browning appointed adjutant from 11-2-18. Lt.Col.A.E.Percival M.C. returned from England & took over command of battalion. 24-4-18 In billets. Battalion ordered to "stand to" at 4 am. Moved up to line by stages during the day & took up position just South of CACHY. Battalion ordered to do counter attack at 10 p.m. From information received the enemy had penetrated our defences to a depth of 2000 yds (approx.) on a wide frontage. Battalion was formed up in position for attack with Royal West Kents on right and Australians on left. Night was intensely dark. Battalion moved forward to the assault and encountered slight opposition for first 1000 yds. when battalion on our right was held up by heavy machine gun fire. The reserve Company was ordered forward at this stage & thus reinforced the assault was continued & final objective reached in spite of fierce enemy opposition & with two exposed flanks. The left company of battalion was ordered to withdraw in order to conform with line of battalion on left. The right flank still remained exposed. At this stage 2/Lt.Tysoe (In Action) 25-4-18 was the only Company Officer left. Lt.Tysoe reorganised the line & sent in very clear reports as to the situation as known to him. As a result of this a section of the 54th Machine Gun Coy was ordered forward to cover the exposed right flank - a weak line being formed of headquarter details. During the whole of the 25th Apl. Lt.Tysoe held this line & repulsed an enemy attack on his right flank, which was launched after a heavy bombardment. Frontage held by battalion 1100 yds. About 10 p.m. the battalion was relieved by French Colonials & marched to bivouacs in Support in rear of our original line. During this action the regiment alone took over 200 prisoners. Many enemy dead were observed on the captured ground. Five enemy machine guns were captured during this action & handed over to the French on relief. Throughout the action 2/Lt.Tysoe displayed the greatest gallantry and leadership & the success of this difficult operation was largely due to his efforts. The bearing of all rabks was most commendable, and deserving of the highest praise. Casualties: Officers: Capt.O.Kingdon, Capt.A.B.McBride, Lt.C.A.Lawrence M.C. killed Lt.H.F.Trewman, 2/Lt.S.A.Peerless, 2/Lt.W.Carter, 2/Lt.Kerr, 2/Lt.G.H.Koch D.C.M., 2/Lt.J.W.Partridge and 2/Lt.E.J.Scott wounded. Casualties: Other Ranks 13 killed 105 wounded 70 missing. CACHY 26-4-18 In bivouacs. Battalion resting & cleaning. 27-4-18 Battalion moved to AVESNES, marching to AMIENS thence by busses. 28-4-18 to 30-4-18 In billets. Cleaning of equipment, bathing, reorganising & refitting.
  • Date free text
    Apr 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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