- ReferenceZ41/LB10/4/49
- TitleVol.9 No.2 Includes the following: -Focus on the Purchasing and Supply Department [pg.4 - 9]; -Photographs: Burns Duthie [p.1]; Jeremy Rowe [pg.3]; John Bradshaw, Jimmy Darnell, Colin Billington, Alan Belcher [pg.5]; Tony Green, Chris Stairs [pg.6]; Dick Masterton, Sydney Burke, Harry Randall, Ernie Cridland, Ted VErrall, Arthur Gayler [pg.7]; Alec Melville, Ralph Groome, Dave Anthony, Stewart Punter, Fred Carter, Dave Marshall, Bill Facey, Pat Leonard, Aubrey Mason, Joan Roffe, Albert Welford, Brian Liquorish, Sam Seamarks, Ernie Rushton, Sally Heffer, Roy Brown, Boreen Babczuk, Fred Smith, Richard Bunker, Dawn Smart, George Coates, Ann Murfitt, John Butcher, Alma Huntley [pg.8]; Cliff Dickens, John Parrott, Mike Small, Fred Willis, Jack Bliss, Maurice Redford, Vic Denton, Paul Thorpe, Iris Goodey, Ken Tew, Pat Woods, Ted Tilston, Harry Brockett, Joan Budden, Barry Goldworthy, Theresa Smith, Eric Sumner, Bob Winconeck, Robin Gell, Don Merry, Stephen Morgan, Maurice Clifton, Cyril Smith, Ivor Chappell [pg.9]; Emma Shaw, Flo Brookbanks, Pat Jaggard, H Brookbanks [pg.10]; E Craft, G Coles, H Brookbanks, J Clark, Mr Moss, Norman Imeson, Tubby Woods, Thackston, Porter, Bloodworth [pg.11]; Emma Shaw, Flo Burton (now Brooksbank), William Henson, Jim Bothamley, Stratton, Howse, Dick Hill, Bob Kent [pg.12]; Derek Wagstaff [pg.13]; Tibia Jardim, Ruth Bloxham, Glynis Smith, Sue Hirons, Marina Blount, Angela Odell, Joanne Richardson, Barbara Martin, Teresa Smith, Caroline East, Patricia Todd, pg.14 - 15]; Lee Cuthbert, Bernard Allen [pg.17]; Stephen Keep, Philip Barrington [pg.18]; Maurice Campbell, Ian Mills, Ron Payne, Stewart Barr-Hall [pg.19]; Fred Hatton, Ian Williams, Ron Caton, E R Parrott [pg.23]; Geraldine Hammet, Mohammed Hamed, L A Joy, Ron Thompson [pg.24]; Fred Simons, Ken Dean, E Kowalski, Cliff Cooke, J T W Anderson, Richard Blake [pg.25]; J T W Anderson, Richard Blake, Brigid Thorburn, Jack Biggs, Cecil Caves, M O Wright, Jack Hilliam, Stan Cole [pg.26]; Stan Cole, Jock Stewart, A J Rome, Patrick Sands, Louisa Lowe, Archie Thomson, Eric Feasey, Russell Chapillion [pg.27]; M O Wright, Frank Clare [pg.28]; -Obituaries: E R Bickett, E W Bunker, J R Burnham, G T Craft, M Singh, L A Davidson, L H Foster, S V Knight, H Kulla, L C Street, G W Lowe, W Orme, H N Robertson, M Russo, A E Turner [inside back cover].
- Date free textMarch/April 1979
- Production dateFrom: 1979 To: 1979
- ExentNo. of pieces: 1
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordDuthie, Burns,
Rowe, Jeremy,
Bradshaw, John,
Darnell, Jimmy,
Billington, Colin,
Belcher, Alan,
Green, Tony,
Stairs, Chris,
Masterton, Dick,
Burke, Sidney,
Randall, Harry,
Cridland, Ernie,
Verrall, Ted,
Gayler, Arthur,
Melville, Alec,
Groome, Ralph,
Anthony, Dave,
Punter, Stewart,
Carter, Frederick,
Marshall, Dave,
Facey, Bill,
Leonard, Pat,
Mason, Aubrey,
Roffe, Joan,
Welford, Albert,
Liquorish, Brian,
Seamarks, Samuel,
Rushton, Ernie,
Heffer, Sally,
Brown, Roy,
Babczuk, Doreen,
Smith, Fred,
Bunker, Richard,
Smart, Dawn,
Coates, George,
Murfitt, Ann,
Butcher, John,
Huntley, Alma,
Dickens, Cliff,
Parrott, John,
Small, Mike,
Willis, Fred,
Bliss, Jack,
Redford, Maurice,
Denton, Vic,
Thorpe, Paul,
Goodey, Iris,
Tew, Kenneth,
Woods, Pat,
Tilston, Ted,
Brockett, Harry,
Budden, Joan,
Goldsworthy, Barry,
Smith, Teresa,
Sumner, Eric,
Winconek, Bob,
Gell, Robin,
Merry, Don,
Morgan, Stephen,
Clifton, Maurice,
Smith, Cyril,
Chappell, Ivor,
Shaw, Emma,
Brookbanks, Flo,
Jaggard, Pat,
Brookbanks, H,
Craft, E.,
Coles, G.,
Clark, J.,
Imeson, Norman,
Woods, Tubby,
Burton, Flo,
Henson, William,
Bothamley, Jim,
Hill, Dick,
Kent, Bob,
Wagstaff, Derek,
Jardim, Tibia,
Bloxham, Ruth,
Smith, Glynis,
Hirons, Sue,
Blount, Marina,
Odell, Angela,
Richardson, Joanne,
Martin, Barbara,
Smith, Teresa,
East, Caroline,
Todd, Patricia,
Cuthbert, Lee,
Allen, Bernard,
Keep, Stephen,
Barrington, Phillip,
Campbell, Maurice,
Mills, Ian,
Payne, Ron,
Barr-Hall, Stewart,
Hatton, Fred,
Williams, Ian,
Caton, Ron,
Parrott, E.R.,
Hammet, Geraldine,
Hamed, Mohammed,
Joy, L.A.,
Thompson, Ron,
Simons, Fred,
Dean, Ken,
Kowalski, E.,
Cooke, Cliff,
Anderson, J.T.W.,
Blake, Richard,
Thorburn, Brigid,
Biggs, Jack,
Caves, Cecil,
Wright, M.O.,
Hilliam, Jack,
Cole, Stan,
Stewart, Jock,
Rome, A.J.,
Sands, Patrick,
Lowe, Louisa,
Thomson, Archie,
Feasey, Eric,
Chapillion, Russell,
Clare, Frank,
Bickett, E.R.,
Bunker, E.W.,
Burnham, J R,
Craft, G.T.,
Singh, M.,
Davidson, L.A.,
Foster, L.H.,
Knight, S.V.,
Kulla, H.,
Street, L.C.,
Lowe, G.W.,
Orme, W.,
Robertson, H.N.,
Russo, M.,
Turner, A E
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