• Reference
  • Title
    Records of the London Brick Company Limited
  • Date free text
    1900 - 1990
  • Production date
    From: 1852 To: 1990
  • Admin/biog history
    Notes on the history of the site at Stewartby and Albert Richardson's design of the housing development, compiled by Trevor Daw in Februrary 2017, a former employee of the London Brick Company who had some contact with Richardson in Ampthill's history circles: When the London Brick Company was formed in the late 1920’s they established their new works at Wootton Pillinge, an area of countryside that was devoid of housing. Brick making relies on a workforce that can live nearby owing to the 24 hour process of burning bricks. Sir Percy Malcolm Stewart was Chairman of the LBC and asked Sir Albert Richardson to present his ideas for a model village to be built near the works. By the late thirties building had begun and was very much in keeping with the Georgian influence of the area. The buildings, houses, village shop, social club and village hall were built to the east of the road through the site and completed first. The Secondary Modern School opened in late 1938, was built to the west of the main thoroughfare at the same time as the detached housing for managers. The first Head Master was Lambert James, and Deputy Head Master was Ernest Musket (referred to by us pupils as Sam). In the mid-fifties the land to the west of the road was built upon to the same designs as the pre-WW2 housing. The works closed in the mid-seventies and the housing was sold off to the tenants of London Brick Co. Ltd.
  • Level of description