- 1Reference: Z749/36
Title: Photograph of Horace Smith [Private, 12th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment] killed 17 February 1917
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1917
Production date: From: 1917 To: 1917 - 2Reference: WW1/AC/TC4/16
Title: William CHARMAN of 8 Birds Cottages, Chalton ex Quartermaster Sergeant, 7th Battalion Middlesex Re...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1920
Production date: From: 1920 To: 1920 - 3Reference: WW1/AC/TC4/64
Title: Harold PANTLING, aged 21 of 24 Chapel Path, Leighton Buzzard ex Private, 5th Battalion Middlesex R...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 25 Feb 1920
Production date: From: 1920 To: 1920 - 4Reference: WW1/AC/TC4/88
Title: Alfred SWANWICK, aged 26 of 11 Moreton Road, Round Green, Luton ex Private, 2/9th Battalion Middle...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5 May 1920
Production date: From: 1920 To: 1920 - 5Reference: X550/8/1/1708
Title: 1-8-17 The Battalion in accordance with Brigade Orders moved to Chateau Segard Area No.4. CHATEA...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Aug 1917
Production date: From: 1917 To: 1917 - 6Reference: X550/8/1/1702
Title: Martinsart Wood 1-2-17 to 2-8-17 Battn. billeted in huts in Martinsart Wood finding working partie...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Feb 1917
Production date: From: 1917 To: 1917 - 7Reference: X550/8/1/1806
Title: 2-6-18 H, I and K Companies of 129th Infy. 33rd Division arrived & Training Commenced. 5-6-18 L...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jun 1918
Production date: From: 1918 To: 1918 - 8Reference: X550/8/1/1606
Title: Bray 1-6-16 Quiet Day & Fine. 70 men of B Company employed on Barge Fatigue; remainder and all ava...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: June 1916
Production date: From: 1916 To: 1916 - 9Reference: X550/8/1/1609
Title: LA THIEULOYE 1-9-16 Training carried out according to Brigade and Battn Programme. battn visited C...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Sep 1916
Production date: From: 1916 To: 1916 - 10Reference: X550/8/1/1610
Title: MAILLET WOOD 1-10-16 After being relieved from the Captured THIEPVAL Position the battalion rested...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Oct 1916
Production date: From: 1916 To: 1916