- 1Reference: BorBB3
Title: Watch Committee
Level of description: series
Date Free Text: 1836 - 1974
Production date: From: 1836 To: 1974 - 2Reference: QAV3
Title: Explosives Acts mainly Explosives Act 1875
Level of description: series - 3Reference: BorLCA1/36
Title: 'Unexploded Bombs' including copies of legislation etc. re Explosives going back to 1875.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1939-1946
Production date: From: 1939 To: 1946 - 4Reference: CCV60
Title: Register of store licences granted and renewed under Explosives Act 1875 by the County Council
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: Feb 1891 - Oct 1968
Production date: From: 1891 To: 1968 - 5Reference: TS/EL8
Title: Explosives Act 1875
Level of description: series
Date Free Text: 1969 - 1974
Production date: From: 1969 To: 1974 - 6Reference: TS/EL8/1
Title: Register of Store Licences
Level of description: sub-series
Date Free Text: 1969 - 1974
Production date: From: 1969 To: 1974 - 7Reference: TS/EL8/1/1
Title: Register of Store Licences granted and renewed by Bedfordshire County Council, including the followi...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1969 - 1974
Production date: From: 1969 To: 1974 - 8Reference: CC/GP
Title: General Purposes Committee 1889 - 1947
Level of description: sub-fonds
Date Free Text: 1889-1947
Production date: From: 1889 To: 1947 - 9Reference: CC/GPE1/1
Title: 1889 to 1895
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1889 to 1895
Production date: From: 1889 To: 1895 - 10Reference: CC/GPE1/2
Title: 1895 to 1903
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1895 to 1903
Production date: From: 1895 To: 1903