- 1Reference: TW503
Title: Grant i) Robert le Chaunceller of Harwoud’ ii) Robert de Esseby, clerk for service and 4 marks of...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: no date 1270/72
Production date: From: 1270 To: 1272 - 2Reference: TW504
Title: Grant for a sum of money, service, and annual rent of iron needle at Easter i) William son of Ralph...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: no date 1270/73
Production date: From: 1270 To: 1273 - 3Reference: TW540
Title: Reciting that the prioress and convent of Harewold’ hold certain lands and tenements in the parish o...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5 Kalend. 50 Henry III May 1266
Production date: From: 1266 To: 1266 - 4Reference: TW541
Title: Reciting as in TW540 that the priory hold lands of feoffment of Roger de Quinci once earl of Winches...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5 Kalend. 50 Henry III May 1266
Production date: From: 1266 To: 1266 - 5Reference: X667/1
Title: Grant - Silsoe
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: no date, circa late 13th century