- 1Reference: X831/1
Title: Sketch book entitled "Ideas for Village of Sharnbrook, also for Bunyan's village at Elstow near Bedf...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c1910-1914
Production date: From: 1910 To: 1914 - 2Reference: X831/2
Title: Accompanying letter from Miss E. Sheldon-Williams explaining above document.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 23 Sep 1985
Production date: From: 1985 To: 1985 - 3Reference: X831
Title: SHELDON-WILLIAMS ARCHIVE. Miss Sheldon-Wil...
Level of description: fonds
Date Free Text: 1910-1985
Production date: From: 1910 To: 1985 - 4Reference: X592/1
Title: Minute book of the Sharnbrook Fire Engine Society
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1869 - 1903
Production date: From: 1869 To: 1903