- 1Reference: L4/86
Title: Final Concord: 60 Wm. Curfie quer. Wm. Younge, and wife Eliz. deforc. Wm. Penifather and wife Joa...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Michaelmas 1681
Production date: From: 1681 To: 1681 - 2Reference: RO12/7
Title: Final Concord, Left Hand Indenture [i] William Worrall [querent] [ii] Thomas and Katherine [Huett*...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Hilary Term [1679*]
Production date: From: 1679 To: 1679 - 3Reference: RO12/8
Title: Deed to Lead the Uses of a Fine [see also L5/39] i) [William Worrall, butcher*] of Silsoe in Flit...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 30 [Apr 1679*]
Production date: From: 1679 To: 1679