- 1Reference: Z1091/5/1A
Title: Descendants of William Howard, senr butcher m Anne Paradine 1705 to early 1979
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c 1979
Production date: From: 1705 To: 1979 - 2Reference: X109/2/74
Title: Second Folio.5.
Level of description: item
Production date: From: 1766 To: 1766 - 3Reference: BC438/439
Title: Counterparts
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1782/3
Production date: From: 1782 To: 1783 - 4Reference: BC451
Title: Final Concords
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1787/8
Production date: From: 1787 To: 1788 - 5Reference: X221/3,4
Title: Conveyance (lease & release): with covenant to levy fine: £91 13s 4d.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 11 March 1788
Production date: From: 1788 To: 1788