- 1Reference: QSR1859/1/3/3
Title: Return of persons committed, bailed to appear for trial, or indicted at the Epiphany Quarter Session...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 4 January 1859
Production date: From: 1859 To: 1859 - 2Reference: QSR1859/1/6/6,7,8,9
Title: Indictment - Charles Luck, Sophia Morley, Mary Ann Luck & Mary Ann Weston
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 22 October 1858
Production date: From: 1858 To: 1859 - 3Reference: QSR1859/1/5/6b,7
Title: Depositions of William Goodyear, straw bonnet manufacturer. Sarah Allen, wife of George, straw bonne...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 12 December 1858
Production date: From: 1858 To: 1859 - 4Reference: QSR1859/1/4/6,7,8,9
Title: Recognizances - Charles Luck, Sophia Morley, Mary Ann Luck & Mary Ann Weston
Level of description: sub-file
Date Free Text: 10 December 1858
Production date: From: 1858 To: 1859 - 5Reference: QSR1859/1/4/6b,7/a
Title: William Goodyear, straw bonnet manufacturer of Luton, £20. To prosecute Charles Luck, accused of ste...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 10 December 1858
Production date: From: 1858 To: 1859 - 6Reference: QSR1859/1/4/6b,7/b
Title: George Allen, straw bonnet maker, £10, on behalf of his wife, Sarah Allen. Elizabeth Hyde, bonnet se...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 10 December 1858
Production date: From: 1858 To: 1859 - 7Reference: QSR1859/1/5/6-9
Title: Depositions in the case of Charles Luck, Sophia Morley, Mary Ann Luck and Mary Ann Weston
Level of description: sub-file
Date Free Text: 10 December 1858
Production date: From: 1858 To: 1859 - 8Reference: QSR1801/54
Title: Recognizance: Thomas Foster, cordwainer and Thomas Carter, servant, of Luton give evidence against S...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1801
Production date: From: 1801 To: 1801 - 9Reference: QSR1801/55
Title: Recognizance: William Knowles of Luton, draper and dealer in straw hats prosecutes Sophia Bent alias...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1801
Production date: From: 1801 To: 1801