- 1Reference: Z41/LB10/4/33
Title: Vol. 6 No.4 Includes the following: -Monopolies Commission report on the supply of building bricks...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jul/Aug 1976
Production date: From: 1976 To: 1976 - 2Reference: IG6/7/3/8
Title: Intercom Vol. III No 8 Includes: - Diamond Mining in South Africa by K W Liller (Johannesburg Offi...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: August 1950
Production date: From: 1950 To: 1950 - 3Reference: IG6/7/7/6
Title: Intercom Vol VII No 6 includes: - Foreword by J Russell Taylor on the model crane built for the Me...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: June 1954
Production date: From: 1954 To: 1954