- ReferenceZ41/LB10/4/33
- TitleVol. 6 No.4 Includes the following: -Monopolies Commission report on the supply of building bricks [pg. 2-5]; -Report by Alan Calverley, Secretary of the Stewartby Joint Trade Committee on the work carried out by the committee.[pg. 15]; -Report on the first ever Stewartby open day [pg. 22 - 23]; -London Brick Land Development Limited [pg. 24 - 25]; -'Bee in his Bonnet' article about Stewartby Chargehand Plumber Charles Diggins who kept bees in his spare time. [pg. 30 - 31]. - Photographs: Graham Plowman, Ben Smith, Tom Ridgway, Howard Payne, Ray Wilkins, Eric Tipping [pg.8]; Don Lambourne, Harry Oldmeadow, Frank Chard, Arthur Davies, Wally Woolacott, John Collins, John Gough, Tom Herring, Jimy Price, Fred Adams, Ron Read, Howard Judd, Graham Plowman, Ken Wiltshire, Bert Lambournes, Ted Dench, Johnny Jones, George Plummer, Phil Peverill, Gilbert Heady, Dan Gutteridge, Bill Tompkins, Alf Smith, Brian Sear [pg.9]; Fred Carter, Norman Maryon, Richard Hickman, Ro Herring, Jim Law, M V Evans, Michael Drown [pg.10]; Neville Meier, H A Flavell, Michael Wright, Don Cane [pg.11]; Fred Briggs [pg.14]; Alan Calverley, Wally Causer, [pg15] John Rutland, Paul Jones [pg.16]; Paul Jones [pg.17]; Roy Post, Deanna Selby [pg.18]; Keith Fossey [pg.19]; Michael Hetherington, Horace King, David Goodman, Michael Wallwork [pg.20]; James Lunn, Jeremy Rowe [pg.21]; George Thompson [pg.25]; Hassan Jefri, Neville Meier, David Lepla, Neville Meier, Derek Lawrence, [pg.28]; Ken Hutchings [pg.29]; Charles Diggins [pg.30]; Ann Johnson, Harold Coy [pg.33]; T Herridge, C Simmons, W Semczyszyn, G T Rawlings, E J Hill, S G Elliott, F Miller, J E Poole [pg.34]; Hannah Roberts, L J Franklin [pg.35]; Terry Walters [pg.36]; Ron Thompson, Charlie Hutchinson, Cassius Hibbert [pg.37]; F S Bass, G R Hobbs, John Roberts, Jim Hanson, Ian Woolaston [pg.38]; Harry Woollard, Maurice Campbell, Ken Regan [pg.39]; Christine Ratcliffe, Gerald Major, B M Nicholls, Tessa Flynn, B Jevtic, Jack Hilliam [pg.40]; Dick Stafferton, George Dunford, W H Darlow, Bob Payne, Louisa Lowe, L R E Hunt, A L Evans [pg.41]Mavis Price, Clive Price, Helen Hutchings, David Ireson, Peggy Holmes [pg.42]; Niels Hartmann, Inge Hartmann, Sille Hartmann, George tatt, Cliff Cooke [pg.43]; - Obituaries: R A Bates, A Blake, C W Branscombe, S J Caves, M Druzbyckyj, J G Eiffert, D Freeman, C A Holt, L Lepore, L Rinvenuto, B N Sharma, W Whitbread, G D Wilson, J Wright. [pg.44].
- Date free textJul/Aug 1976
- Production dateFrom: 1976 To: 1976
- ExentNo. of pieces: 1
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordLondon Brick Land Development Limited,
Diggins, Charles,
Plowman, Graham,
Smith, Benjamin,
Ridgway, Tom,
Payne, Howard,
Wilkins, Ray,
Tipping, Eric,
Lambourne, Don,
Oldmeadow, Harry,
Chard, Frank,
Davies, Arthur,
Woolacott, Wally,
Collins, John,
Gough, John,
Herring, Tom,
Price, Jimmy,
Adams, Fred,
Read, Ron,
Judd, Howard,
Wiltshire, Kenneth,
Lambourne, Bert,
Dench, Ted,
Jones, Johnny,
Plummer, George,
Peverill, Phil,
Heady, Gilbert,
Gutteridge, Daniel,
Tompkins, Bill,
Smith, Alfred,
Sear, Brian,
Carter, Frederick,
Maryon, Norman,
Hickman, Richard,
Herring, Ron,
Law, Jim,
Evans, M V,
Drown, Michael,
Meier, Neville,
Flavell, H.A.,
Wright, Michael,
Cane, Don,
Briggs, Fred,
Calverley, Alan,
Causer, Wally,
Rutland, John,
Jones, Paul,
Post, Roy,
Selby, Deanna,
Fossey, Keith,
Hetherington, Michael,
King, Horace,
Goodman, David,
Wallwork, Michael,
Lunn, James,
Rowe, Jeremy,
Thompson, George,
Jefri, Hassan,
Lepla, David,
Lawrence, Derek,
Hutchings, Ken,
Johnson, Ann,
Coy, Harold,
Herridge, T.,
Simmons, C.,
Semczyszyn, W.,
Rawlings, G.T.,
Hill, E.J.,
Elliott, S G,
Miller, F.,
Poole, J.E.,
Roberts, Hannah,
Franklin, L.J.,
Walters, Terry,
Thompson, Ron,
Hutchinson, Charlie,
Hibbert, Cassius,
Bass, F.S.,
Hobbs, G.R.,
Roberts, John,
Hanson, Jim,
Woolaston, Ian,
Woollard, Harry,
Campbell, Maurice,
Regan, Ken,
Ratcliffe, Christine,
Major, Gerald,
Nicholls, B.M.,
Flynn, Tessa,
Jevtic, B.,
Hilliam, Jack,
Stafferton, Dick,
Dunford, George,
Darlow, W.H.,
Payne, Bob,
Lowe, Louisa,
Hunt, L.R.E.,
Evans, A.L.,
Price, Mavis,
Price, Clive,
Hutchings, Helen,
Ireson, David,
Holmes, Peggy,
Hartmann, Nils,
Hartmann, Inge,
Hartmann, Sille,
Tatt, George,
Cooke, Cliff,
Bates, R.A.,
Blake, A.,
Branscombe, C W,
Caves, S J,
Druzbyckyj, M.,
Eiffert, J.G.,
Freeman, D.,
Holt, C.A.,
Lepore, L.,
Rinvenuto, L.,
Sharma, B.N.,
Whitbread, W,
Wilson, G D,
Wright, J. - Keywords
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