- 1Reference: Fasti/1/Pott
Title: POTTON (St.Mary the Virgin) Rectors - Ralf Foliot, Archdeacon of Hereford and clerk to Henry I...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c.1181-1997
Production date: From: 1181 To: 1997 - 2Reference: Fasti/3/Bush
Title: BUSHMEAD PRIORY A priory of Black or Austin Canons founded by Hugh, son of Oliver Beauchamp in th...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1215-1534
Production date: From: 1215 To: 1534 - 3Reference: X364/48
Title: Genealogical notes, generally in folders, and arranged alphabetically, order as X364/48 then the nam...
Level of description: series - 4Reference: X364/49
Title: Folders entitled “Foolscap Pedigrees”, and arranged alphabetically, order as X364/49 then the name
Level of description: series