- 1Reference: AD2896
Title: Appointment of Trustees.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 4 Feb 1764
Production date: From: 1764 To: 1764 - 2Reference: ABM1772/8a
Title: Allegation. William Dobson of Sandy, aged 45 years and Elizabeth Colman [Coleman] aged 35 years to m...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13th January 1772
Production date: From: 1772 To: 1772 - 3Reference: ABM1772/8b
Title: Bond. Wiliam Dobson aged 45 years and Elizabeth Colman [Coleman] aged 35 years to marry. Wiliam Dobs...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13th January 1772
Production date: From: 1772 To: 1772 - 4Reference: ABM1817/78
Title: Allegation between James Masters of the Parish of Sandy in the County of Bedford, Batchelor and Eliz...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 15 December 1817
Production date: From: 1817 To: 1817