- 1Reference: X713/17/1
Title: ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Capt. John Edmund Audley Harvey 1924. Recites (I) - resettlement 1871 [see CD ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1924
Production date: From: 1620 To: 1972 - 2Reference: GK141/2
Title: Conveyance : 1) Jn Edmund Audley Harvey same address (vendor) 2) Geo Fred Alexander Bashford of 1...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1913
Production date: From: 1913 To: 1913 - 3Reference: X713/17/2
Title: CONVEYANCE 23 March 1925 and plan between 1) John Edmund Audley Harvey, Capt (retd) in HM Army, of ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1925
Production date: From: 1620 To: 1972 - 4Reference: HF18/8/3/1
Title: Colemoreham Farm, Ickwell. Abstract of title of Charles Thomas Milton to freehold land in Northill
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1871-1936
Production date: From: 1871 To: 1936